
A Color, use of, 50
Acquainters, 72—74 Communication, requirements for,
Analogies, 83–84 106
Anecdotes, for openings, 32 Communication techniques, 111–22
Anger, words conveying, 40 Components of presentation, 24
Answering questions, 130–32. See Conclusion of presentation, 145
also Questions Conference sessions, 19
Anxiety. See Relaxation techniques Conference style room, 97, 99–100
Attire, planning, 155 Content of presentation, research,
Audience analysis, 5–8, 15–18 9–11
Audience body language, Contingency plans, 169–80
observation of, 117
Audience chairs, incorrect D
placement of, 160 Dance, use of, 41
Audience knowledge, 160–61 Deep breathing, 155
Audience member perspective, 31 Demonstrations, 88–89
Audience size, 25 Developing presentation, 23–44
Audiovisual equipment, 173–74 anger, words conveying, 40
Audiovisual setup, 103–4 audience size, 25
body content, 35–38
B closings, 41–42
Bar graphs, 84 components of presentation, 24
Body language, 115–17, 119 greeting audience, 24–30
Body of presentation, content, opening, 30–34, 37
35–38 anecdotes, 32
Body-supporting material, 145 audience member perspective,
Brainstorming, 87–88 31
how to use, 88 brief exercise, 32
Brainteasers, 86–87 humorous stories, 32
Breaks, 104–5 icebreaker, 32
Brief exercise, for openings, 32 jokes, 31
Briefings, 19 purpose of presentation, 30–31
Butterflies. See Relaxation question, 32
techniques stories, 32
outline, 35–38
C qualities of effective
Challenge, as quality of effective presentations, 38–41
presentation, 40 sarcasm, words conveying, 40
Chevron configuration, 97, 99 synonyms, conveying
Clarity, as quality of effective implications, 40
presentation, 38 transitions, 34–35, 38
Classroom, 97–98 Disagreement with point of view,
Closed-ended questions, 127–28 176
Closings, 41–42 Disruptive audience members, 175
Coaching, 89 boldface, 82
Drama, use of, 41 color, 82
Dress rehearsal, 150 larger type, 82
DVDs, 63–64 number of lines per slide, 82
advantages of, 64 number of words per line, 82
when not to use, 64 tables, 84
typefaces, 82
E white space, use of, 82
Eager beaver questioner, 175 Graphs, 80–84
Easel, 174 bar graphs, 84
Elements of good story, 75–76 line graphs, 84
Elevator speech, preparing, 19–22 pie charts, 84
Emergencies while presenting, Greeting audience, 24–30, 156
Emotion, use of, 41 H
Energizers, 85–87 Handheld microphones, 106,
External noise, 173 119–20
Eye contact, 118, 147 Handouts, 64–65
Hands shaking, 160
F Humor, use of, 32, 41, 78–80
Facial expressions, 117–18 Hypothetical questions, 128
Facilitation techniques, 123–40
effective facilitator I
characteristics, 124–25 Icebreakers, 32, 71–74
Fillers, 114–15 categories of, 72
Fixed microphones, 105-6 humor in, 80
Flipcharts, 51–55 Introduction of self, elevator
advantages of, 53–54 speech, 21–22
holder, incorrect, 174
when not to use, 54–55 J
Food, 104–5 Jitters. See Relaxation techniques
Foreboding. See Relaxation Jokes, 31
Fretting. See Relaxation techniques L
Friendly audience, 150 Lack of questions, 175–76
Large room, few participants, 173
G Late arrivals, 176-77
Games, 85–87 Lavaliere microphones, 105, 120
how to use, 86–87 Lecterns, 102
Gestures, 115–17 Length, as quality of effective
Graphic visuals, 83–84 presentation, 39
elaborate, 82 Lighting, use of, 41, 103–4
graphs, 84 Line graphs, 84
bar graphs, 84 Location of presentation, questions
line graphs, 84 to determine, 12–13
pie charts, 84 Logic, as quality of effective
guidelines for, 81 presentation, 39
lack of clutter, 82 Losing place, 156
quotations, 83
serif, selection of, 82 M
slides, displaying text, 82 Memorableness, as quality of
effective presentation, 39
Metaphors, 83 creating, 58–59
Microphones, 105-6, 118–21 when not to use, 57–58
fixed, 105-6
handheld, 106, 119–20 P
lavaliere, 106, 120 Pace of speaking, 112–14
podium, 120 Participation, encouraging, 123–40
types of, 105-6 Pauses, 114–15
wireless, 106 Perspiring, 160
Modeling procedure. See Physical environment, 95–108
Demonstrations determining, 11–13
Music, use of, 41 planning for, 11–13
staging, 95–108
N Pie charts, 84
Need to cough, sneeze, clear Pitch in speaking, 112–14
throat, 160 Planning presentation, 5–22
Nervousness. See Relaxation audience analysis, 5–8, 15–17
techniques questions to determine, 7–8
Noise level outside room, 104 briefings, 19
Nonverbal communication, 115–18 conference sessions, 20-21
listening for, 132 content research, 9–11
Nose runs, 160 elevator speech, preparing, 21–22
Notecard placement, 146–47 location of presentation,
Notes questions to determine,
dropping, 174-75 12–13
paper for, 147 physical environment, 11–13
speaking from, 146–47 presentation opportunity,
occurrence of, 14
O purpose of presentation,
Open-ended questions, 126–27 identifying, 6–18
Openers, 71–74 speeches, 19
how to use, 72–73 timing of presentation
Openings, 30–34, 37 determining, 13–14
anecdotes, 32 effect on presentation
audience member perspective, 31 planning, 13–14
brief exercise, 32 topic research, 9–11
humorous stories, 32 training sessions, 20
icebreaker, 32 type of presentation,
jokes, 31 determination of, 19-21
purpose of presentation, 30–31 Podium microphones, 120
question, 32 Positioning of text on visual aids,
relevant stories, 32 49
stories, 32 Positive thinking, 156–58
Opportunity for presentation, PowerPoint, 59–62
occurrence of, 14 Practicing, 141–52
Organizational superiors, presenting aloud, 149
to, 161 use of mirror, 149
Orientation of visual aids, 49 Presentation opportunity,
Outline of presentation, 35–38 occurrence of, 14
Overhead transparencies, 55–59 Presentation qualities assessment,
advantages of, 57 148
Presentation software, 59–62 Silence, 126, 175–76
advantages of, 59–60 to create tension, 133
when not to use, 61 Slides, 62–63
Presenter qualities assessment, 148 advantages of, 62
Professional speech consultant/ displaying text, 82
trainer, 149–50 boldface, 82
Projection, 112–14 color, 82
Pronunciation, 112–14 larger type, 82
Props, 66 number of lines per slide, 82
Purpose of presentation, 30–31 number of words per line, 82
identifying, 6–18 when not to use, 62–63
Smiling, 118
Q Speech consultant, use of, 149–50
Q&A sessions, 129–30, 161–64. See Speeches, 19-20
also Questions elevator, preparing, 21–22
Qualities of effective presentations, memorizing, 146–47
38–41 practicing, 147–50
Questioning techniques, 126–32, rehearsing, 143–46
139 Stage fright. See Relaxation
advantages, disadvantages of, techniques
133–39 Stance, 116–17
Questions, 32, 125. See also Q&A Storytelling
sessions delivering stories, 76–78
answering, 130–32 developing stories, 76
Quotations, use of, 83 elements of good story, 75–76
power of, 74–78
R spur-of-the-moment, 78
Realism, as quality of effective use of, 41
presentation, 39–40 Strong questions, 126–30
Redundant information, avoiding, Structuring presentation, 23–44
48 Surprise, use of, 41
Rehearsing, 141–52 Symbolism, use of, 66
aloud, 149 Synonyms, conveying implications,
use of mirror, 147, 149 40
Reinforcement techniques, 138
Relaxation techniques, 155–68 T
Relevance of stories for openings, Tables, 80–84, 102
32 Tailoring, as quality of effective
Rhetorical questions, 128–29 presentation, 38–39
Role playing, 89 Talking to audience, 49
Room setup, 96–101 Tape recorder, 149
matrix, 97 Temperature of room, 102–3
Rounds, 96–98 Theater style room, 97, 100-1
Timing of presentation
S determining, 13–14
Sarcasm, words conveying, 40 effect on presentation planning,
Screens for visual presentations, 13–14
101 Topic research, 9–11
Serif, selection of, 82 Touch, turn, talk method, 51–52
Training sessions, 20 Trainer, speech, use of, 149–50
Transitions, 34–35, 38, 145 serif, selection of, 82
Type of presentation, determination slides, displaying text, 82
of, 19-21 tables, 84
Typefaces, 82 typefaces, 82
white space, use of, 82
U guidelines for, 48–49
U-shape configuration, 97–99 handouts, 64–65
Unanticipated events, 169–80 number of visuals, 48
Unconscious body language, 117 one point per visual, 48
Understandability, as quality of orientation of, 49
effective presentation, 39 overhead transparencies, 55–59
advantages of, 57
V creating, 58–59
Value, as quality of effective when not to use, 57–58
presentation, 38 PowerPoint, 59–62
Various opinions, accepting, 125 presentation software, 59–62
Venue, 95–110. See also Physical advantages of, 59–60
environment when not to use, 61
Verbal communication skills, props, 66
111–15 redundant information, avoiding,
Video camera, 149 48
Videotapes, 63–64 repetition of information, 49
advantages of, 64 selection of, 46–47
when not to use, 64 slides, 62–63
Vision, use of, 41 advantages of, 62
Visual aids, 45–70 when not to use, 62–63
assessment of, 67–68 steps for adding, 49–50
benefits of, 46 symbolism, use of, 66
color, use of, 50 talking to audience, 49
design of, consistency, 48–49 text, 82–84
DVDs, 63–64 positioning of, 49
advantages of, 64 use of, 80–84
when not to use, 64 touch, turn, talk method, 51–52
early preparation of, 49 videotapes, 63–64
flipcharts, 51–55 advantages of, 64
advantages of, 53–54 when not to use, 64
when not to use, 54–55 Visualization techniques, 154
graphic visuals
analogies, 83–84 W
elaborate, 82 Warm-up exercises, 72, 155–56
graphs, 84 White space, use of, 82
guidelines for, 81 Wireless microphones, 105
lack of clutter, 82 Wobbly knees, 160
metaphors, 83 Wrong flipchart holder/easel, 174
quotations, 83 Wrong room setup, 172–73
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