

absolute value of coefficient 133

Actual by Predicted leverage plot 276–278, 456

Actual by Predicted Plot table 456

Add Columns command (Cols menu) 89

Add Multiple Columns command

Cols menu 53, 55, 175

Add Rows command (Rows menu) 53, 56

Add Rows dialog box 56

aggression study

in factorial ANOVA 257–268

in MANOVA with between-subjects factor 298–300

in one-way ANOVA 227–231

R2 statistic in 230–231

alternative hypotheses

described 23

directional 24–25

nondirectional 23–25

test of association and 24–25

test of group differences and 23–24

analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) 22, 415

analysis of variance

See ANOVA (analysis of variance)

Analysis of Variance report 311–312

Analysis of Variance table

factorial ANOVA with between-subjects factor 279, 293

multiple regression analysis 456

one-way ANOVA with between-subjects factor 240–242, 248–249

Analyze menu 35, 213, 220

analyzing data

See data analysis

ANCOVA (analysis of covariance) 22, 415

annotate tool (Tools menu) 247

ANOVA (analysis of variance)

described 128–129

factorial with between-subjects factor 255–296

MANOVA similarities to 298–299

multiple regression and 412

naturally occurring variables and 415

one-way with between-subjects factor 225–254

ANOVA Summary table

factorial ANOVA with between-subjects factor 281–282, 284

mixed-design ANOVA 390

one-way ANOVA with between-subjects factor 242–243

one-way ANOVA with repeated-measures factor 336–337

approximately normal distribution 102

association, measures of

alternative hypothesis and 24–25

described 21–22, 123–124

null hypothesis and 24–25


bar charts

labeling 218–219, 247, 330–331

producing 204

Best data format 58

Beta weights 461–462

between-subjects designs

assumptions for 406–408

factorial ANOVA 255–296, 357–408

group effect in 389–390

MANOVA 297–320

mixed-design ANOVA and 359

one-way ANOVA 225–254

repeated-measures designs versus 228, 323, 338–342

Beveled option (Analysis of Variance table) 240

bivariate association

assumptions underlying 161–162

chi-square test of independence 148–158

choosing correct statistic 124–129

described 123–124

Fisher’s exact test 159–160

Multivariate platform 139–148, 451

Pearson correlations 130–146

Spearman correlations 146–148

table of appropriate statistics 126

bivariate correlations 451

bivariate normal distribution 161, 512

Bivariate platform

See Fit Y by X platform


carryover effects 341–342, 371

categorical variables

See classification variables

cause-and-effect relationships

multiple regression and 416–417

nonexperimental research and 15–16

cells in tables 149, 162

central tendency measures 86–87

character data types 57–58

Chart command (Graph menu) 204, 218, 247, 330

chi-square test of homogeneity 149

chi-square test of independence

assumptions underlying 162

computing 150–152

computing from raw data 152, 158

computing from tabular data 152–158

described 127

two-way classification tables 148–150

when to use 148

Choose Response menu

Contrast option 385–386

described 384–385

Identity option 308, 385

Repeated Measures option 345–346, 386–387, 397

Sum option 385–386

CI of Correlations option (Multivariate platform) 145

classification variables

ANOVA versus multiple regression 414

described 9

mixed-design ANOVA 359

nominal scales and 11, 124

quantitative variables versus 9

value and 8

clipboard 61

coefficient alpha

See Cronbach’s alpha

coefficient of determination 428

collinearity 440, 469

Cols menu

Add Columns command 89

Add Multiple Columns command 53, 55, 175

Column Info command 53, 56–57, 89

Delete Columns command 56, 78

described 49, 50–51

Formula option 175

New Column command 53, 55, 90, 507

Reorder Columns command 51

column formulas 59, 65–70

Column Info command (Cols menu) 53, 56–57, 89

Column Info dialog box

accessing Formula Editor 66–67

changing modeling types 125

Column Name option 69–70

Column Properties menu 59–60, 96–98, 235–236, 273, 305, 378

Data Type menu 89

described 57

Format option 69–70

Column Name option (Column Info dialog box) 69–70

Column Properties menu

described 59

Formula property 59

List Check property 60, 96–98, 235–236, 273, 305, 378

Notes property 60

Range Check property 60

Value Labels property 60

columns in tables

See also variables

assigning properties to 58–60

column names 56

concatenating tables end to end 77–79

considerations joining tables 81–82

creating and deleting 55–56

described 9–10, 51–52, 57

duplicating 56

formulas for 59, 65–70

selecting/highlighting 53–55

splitting and stacking 71–74

Columns panel (data table) 49–50, 125

comma-delimited files 62

commitment study

See investment model study

Compare Means option (Oneway Analysis title bar) 334–335, 337

component (factor) scores 504–506

Concatenate command (Tables menu) 77–79

Concatenate dialog box 77–78

concatenating tables 77–79

conclusions, drawing 7

Construct Model Effects list (Fit Model dialog box) 403

Contingency Analysis menu 159

Contingency Table (Fit Y by X platform) 155–157

contingency tables

See two-way classification tables

Continuous Fit command (Histogram title bar) 107–108

continuous modeling type 14, 57, 124–126

continuous numeric measurement 512

continuous variables

ANOVA versus multiple regression 414

distribution results for 92–93

Pearson correlation assumptions 161

contrast reports 351–353

Contrast response design 385–386

control, locus of 28

control groups

advantages of 362–364

described 18

experimental groups versus 18

interactions and 266–294, 366–367, 370–401

random assignment to 364–365

testing for simple effects 396–400

copy and paste operations 61

Copy command (Edit menu) 61

correlated predictor variables 432–441

correlated-samples t-test

See paired-samples t-test

correlation coefficient

Pearson 123–124, 128, 130–146

Spearman 127–128

testing significance of 21–22

correlation matrix

multiple regression analysis 430, 432–433

principal component analysis 474–475, 488

correlational research

See nonexperimental research

Correlations Multivariate option (Multivariate platform) 144

counterbalancing technique 341

covariance, homogeneity of

See homogeneity of covariance

Covariance Matrix option (Multivariate platform) 145

covariates 415

criterion variables

See response variables

Cronbach’s alpha

computing 169–178

described 164, 168–169

item-total correlation and 174–177

multiple-item scale and 172–174, 177–178

Multivariate platform for 164, 171–178

crosstabs report 313

csv file format 62

cumulative percent of variance accounted for 498–499

Currency numeric format 58

Customize Summary Statistics command (Summary Statistics title bar) 108


dat file format 62


See also tables

copying and pasting 61

creating subsets of 74–77

described 7

gathering 7, 447–448

managing in tables 70–83

subsets of 74–77

total variance in 479–480

data analysis

basic approaches to research 14–18

common language for 2–3

descriptive versus inferential analysis 18–20

hypothesis testing in 20–29

JMP modeling types 14

observational units in 9–10

ordering values in 272–273

scales of measurement in 10–14

steps to follow 3–7

values in 8

variables in 8–9

data files

See files

data formats for column data 58–59

data grid (JMP table) 49, 51–52

data manipulation

computing column values with formulas 65–70

copying and pasting data 61

reading data into JMP from other files 61–65

data screening concept 86

data table panels 49–51

data tables

See tables

Data Type menu 89

data types 57–58, 318

Data with Preview radio button (Open File dialog box) 63–64

Date numeric format 58

Delete Columns command (Cols menu) 56, 78

Delete Rows command (Rows menu) 56


columns 55–56

rows 56

delimited data in files 62–64

Density Ellipse option (Fit Y by X platform) 139, 143, 145

dependent variables

See also response variables

described 17

experimental research and 18

investment model study 186–187

statistics for pairs of variables 126

descriptive analysis

See also Distribution platform

described 19, 86–87

helpfulness social survey example 87–90

of population 19

descriptive statistics 331–333


See nonsignificant differences

See significant differences

directional alternative hypothesis 24–25

Display Options command (Histogram title bar) 105, 108

distribution analysis

computing summary statistics 90–118

described 85–87

helpfulness social survey 87–90

outlier box plots 110–112

stem-and-leaf plots 112–117

step-by-step example 118

testing for normality 104–110

Distribution platform

changing preferences for 374–375

computing summary statistics 90–118

described 85, 91

descriptive analysis and 86–87

distribution analysis example 118

generating histograms 38–39

helpfulness social survey 87–90

mixed-design ANOVA 373–382

overlay plots 377–378, 380–382

profile plots 378

testing for normality 104–110

divide operator 68

drawing conclusions 7


E matrix 386

Edit menu

Copy command 61

Journal command 45

Layout command 45

Paste command 61

Effect Leverage emphasis option 275

effect size 196–197, 216–217

Effect Tests table

factorial ANOVA with between-subjects factor 275–276, 281, 288–289

multiple regression analysis 462–463

eigenvalue-one criterion 493–495

Eigenvalue table 497–498


described 478, 491

scree test 495–497

Ellipsoid 3D Plot option (Multivariate platform) 145–146

emphasis types (Fit Model platform) 275, 311, 403

EMS (Expected Mean Squares) method 405–406

errors of prediction 425, 468

Exclude/Unexclude command (Rows menu) 50

Exit JMP command (Windows) 34

expected frequencies 153, 162

Expected Mean Squares (EMS) method 405–406

experimental conditions

described 18

MANOVA with between-subjects factor 305–318

one-way ANOVA with between-subjects factor 231–251

experimental groups

control groups versus 18, 362–364

described 18

interactions and 266–294, 366–367, 370–401

random assignment to 364–365

testing for simple effects 396–400

experimental research

ANOVA and 412

choosing correct statistical procedure 516–523

dependent variables and 18

described 16–18

fixed-effects models and 27–28

independent variables and 18

predictor variables and 17

response variables and 17


F ratio

factorial ANOVA with between-subjects factor 289–290, 293

multiple regression analysis 462–463

one-way ANOVA with repeated-measures factor 351–352

F statistic

factorial ANOVA with between-subjects factor 281, 293

MANOVA with between-subjects factor 301, 303–304, 309–310

one-way ANOVA with between-subjects factor 240–242, 248, 251–253

one-way ANOVA with repeated-measures factor 347–348, 350–351

p-values for 240–242, 248–249, 251, 309–311

understanding the meaning of 251–253

Wilks’ lambda and 301, 303–304, 309

Factor Analysis option (Principal Components title bar) 500

factor analysis versus principal component analysis 480–482

factor-based scale 506

factor-based scores 504, 506–510

Factor Profiling command (Whole Model title bar) 290

Factor Rotation report 501

factor (component) scores 504–506

factorial ANOVA with between-subjects factor

See also mixed-design ANOVA

aggression study 257–268

assumptions underlying 295–296, 406–408

described 256–257

Fit Model platform 273–275, 287–288

interpreting results 275–276, 279–286, 289–294

investment model study 268–294

possible results from 260–268

significant interaction 266–268, 287–294

summarizing analysis results 286–287, 294

with nonsignificant interaction 268–287

with nonsignificant main effects 265

with significant main effects 261–265, 281

factorial ANOVA with repeated-measures factor 406–408

factorial design studies 256–260

Fahrenheit degree scale 12

File menu

described 33

Exit JMP command 34

New command 52

Open command 32, 35, 62–64

Preferences command 375

Quit command 34

Save As command 52


delimited data in 62–64

importing 62

opening 63–64

reading data into JMP from other 61–65

firefighter success example 437–439

Fisher’s exact test 159–160

Fit Model dialog box

Construct Model Effects list 403

emphasis types 275, 311, 403

Model Effects area 344–345

personality types 275, 303, 306, 311, 344, 383

Run button 345, 454–455

Select Columns list 403

Fit Model platform

described 273–275

factorial ANOVA with between-subjects factor 273–275, 287–288

MANOVA with between-subjects factor 303–304, 306, 311, 316

mixed-design ANOVA 383–384, 394–395, 397

multiple regression analysis 447, 454–462, 464

overlay plots 377

profile plots 378

repeated-measures analysis 344–350, 403–405

significant main effects with 383–384

testing slices 291–294, 396–400

Fit Y by X platform

bivariate association 136, 139, 154

computing chi-square 154

computing Pearson correlations 139

computing single correlation coefficient 139–141

Contingency Table 155–157

Density Ellipse option 139, 143, 145

described 139

investment model study 135–138

Means/Anova/Pooled t option 192, 194, 202

one-way ANOVA with between-subjects factor 236–239, 248–249

one-way ANOVA with repeated-measures factor 329–337

performing t-tests in 191–198

producing scatterplots with 43, 135–138

Tests report 157–158

Fitted Normal title bar 107, 109

fixed-effects factor 27

See also independent variables

fixed-effects models

described 27

experimental research and 27–28

nonexperimental research and 28

random-effects models versus 28–29

Format option (Column Info dialog box) 69–70

formats for column data 58–59

Formula Editor 66–70, 175, 507–508

Formula option (Cols menu) 175

Formula property (Column Properties menu) 59

formulas, column 59, 65–70


expected 153

observed 153

Full Factorial option (Macros menu) 274

full multiple regression equation 454–462

Function Browser 66


gathering data 7, 447–448

gender (classification variable) 9, 11

Go to Row subcommand (Row Selection dialog box) 54–55

goal-setting theory 5

Goodness-of-Fit test 107–110

Graph menu

Chart command 204, 218, 247, 330

described 35

Overlay Plot option 381

Scatterplot 3D option 487

Group button (Summary dialog box) 331, 379

group differences tests

alternative hypothesis and 23–24

described 21

example of 26

null hypothesis and 22–23

group effect in between-subjects designs 389–390


See control groups

See experimental groups


H matrix 386

helpfulness social survey

computing summary statistics 90–118

described 87–90

Hide/Unhide command (Rows menu) 50


histogram bars 39–42

rows and columns 53–55

histogram bars

creating subsets 76–77

highlighting 39–42

ordering 96–98

sample distributions 102–103

Histogram title bar

Continuous Fit command 107–108

Display Options command 105, 108

outlier box plots 110


creating subsets 76–77

generating 38–39

highlighting bars 39–42

Hoeffding’s D option (Multivariate platform) 145

holding constant 441

homogeneity, chi-square test of 149

homogeneity of covariance

described 342–343, 402

factorial ANOVA assumptions 407

MANOVA assumptions 319–320

Mauchey’s criterion 346–347

homogeneity of variance

factorial ANOVA assumptions 296

multiple regression assumptions 468

one-way ANOVA assumptions 254

t-test assumptions 222–223


alternative 23–25

described 5

developing 5–6

drawing conclusions regarding 7

null 22–23

types of 22–25

hypothesis testing

described 7, 20–21

fixed effects versus random effects 27–29

p-value 25–27

types of hypotheses 22–25

types of inferential tests 21–22


Identity response design 308, 385

importing data into JMP 62

independence, chi-square test of

See chi-square test of independence

independent observations

factorial ANOVA assumptions 295, 406

MANOVA assumptions 318–319

multiple regression assumptions 468

one-way ANOVA assumptions 253, 354–355

t-test assumptions 221–222

independent-samples t-test

assumptions underlying 221

described 26, 182–183

entering data into data table 189–190

interpreting results 194–198

investment model study 184–204

one-way ANOVA with between-subjects factor versus 228

performing 191–194

summarizing analysis results 198–201

with nonsignificant differences 201–204

independent variables

See also predictor variables

described 17

experimental research and 18

fixed- and random-effects models 27–29

fixed-effects factor and 27

in interactions 266, 366

investment model study 187–189

levels of 18, 27–29

main effects for 261–265

simple effects for 291–294, 396–400

inferential statistical analysis 19–22

instrument, defining 7

insurance studies 14–15

Interaction title bar 292

interactions 266, 366

See also nonsignificant interactions

See also significant interactions

intercept constant 424

internal consistency 164, 168–178

interquartile range, outlier box plots 111

interval scales

described 12–13, 124–125

modeling type and 14, 124–125

quantitative variables and 12–13

Inverse Correlations option (Multivariate platform) 145

Invert Row Selection subcommand (Row Selection dialog box) 54–55

investment model study

alternative test of 213–219

bivariate associations 135–138

dependent variable in 186–187

entering data into data table 189–190

factorial ANOVA with between-subjects factor 268–294

independent-samples t-test 184–204

independent variable in 187–189

investment size construct 325–354, 360–362

MANOVA with between-subjects factor 301–318

mixed-design ANOVA 360–401

multiple regression analysis 445–467

one-way ANOVA with between-subjects factor 231–253

one-way ANOVA with repeated-measures factor 323–325

paired-samples t-test 206–221

item-total correlations 174–177


JMP data

See data

JMP modeling types

See modeling types

JMP software

experimenting with 44–45

file types supported 62

JMP approach to statistics 35–36

starting JMP application 32–34

step-by-step JMP example 36–45

JMP Starter Window 33–34

JMP tables

See tables

Join command (Tables menu) 79–83

Join dialog box

Matching Specifications radio button 80–82

Select Columns For Joined Table check box 403

joining JMP tables 79–83

Journal command (Edit menu) 45

JSL scripting language 35–36


Kaiser-Guttman criterion 493–495

Kendall’s Tau option (Multivariate platform) 145

Kolmogorov-Smirnov-Lillefor’s (KSL) statistic 108

Kruskal-Wallis test 129

KSL (Kolmogorov-Smirnov-Lillefor’s) statistic 108


described 103

negative 103, 106

positive 103, 106


label points, generating 43–44

Label/Unlabel command (Rows menu) 37, 44, 50

labeling bars 247

Layout command (Edit menu) 45

Least Significant Difference (LSD) 243–244, 337

Least Squares means plot 284–286

least squares principle

multiple regression analysis 425–427

principal component analysis 478

leptokurtic distribution 103, 106

letter report 313

levels of measurement

described 9

factorial ANOVA assumptions 406

interval scales 12–13

MANOVA assumptions 318

modeling types and 14, 124–125

multiple regression assumptions 467

nominal scales 11

one-way ANOVA assumptions 354

ordinal scales 11–12

principal component analysis assumptions 512

quasi-interval 13

ratio scales 13–14

t-test assumptions 221–222

leverage plots 276–279, 458–459

Likert scale 165

linear combination of predictor variables 427

linear relationships between variables 133–134


multiple regression assumptions 468

Pearson correlation assumptions 161

principal component analysis assumptions 512

List Check property (Column Properties menu)

described 60

in Distribution platform 96–98, 378

in Fit Model platform 273, 305

in Fit Y by X platform 235–236

little jiffy factor analysis 500–501

locus of control 28

LSD (Least Significant Difference) 243–244, 337


M matrix 384–386

Macintosh environment

JMP Starter Window 33

TextEdit editor 62

Macros menu 274

magnitude of the treatment effect 230–231

main effects 261

See also nonsignificant main effects

See also significant main effects

main menu bar 33

manipulated variables 17, 414–415

Manova Fit panel 383–384

Manova personality

MANOVA with between-subjects factor 303, 306

mixed-design ANOVA 383

one-way ANOVA with repeated-measures factor 344

MANOVA Summary table 400–401

MANOVA with between-subjects factor

aggression study 298–300

assumptions underlying 318–320

described 298–300

Fit Model platform 303–304

interpreting results 309–313

investment model study 301–318

summarizing analysis results 314–318

Wilks’ lambda 301, 303–304, 309–311

with significant differences 305–316

MANOVA with repeated-measures factor 387–393

marginal totals 149

Marker Size command (scatterplots) 193

Markers command (Rows menu) 193

marriage encounter program

mixed-design ANOVA 361–401

one-way ANOVA with repeated-measures factor 326–329

Matched Pairs option (Analyze menu) 213, 220

Matched Pairs report 215

Matched Pairs title bar 214

matched-samples t-test

See paired-samples t-test

Matching Columns option (Oneway Analysis title bar) 333–334

Matching Fit report 335–336

matching procedure 207–209

Matching Specifications radio button (Join dialog box) 80–82

Mauchey’s criterion 346–347

mean (average) 19

mean square between groups 251–252

mean square within groups 252

Means/Anova option (Oneway Analysis title bar) 238

Means/Anova/Pooled t option (Fit Y by X platform) 192, 194, 202

Means Comparison report 243–245, 337

means diamond

in outlier box plots 111

t-tests and 154

Means for Oneway Anova table 249

measurement, scales of

See levels of measurement

measurement error 166, 468

measures of association

See association, measures of

Method of Moments 405

Minimal Report emphasis option 311, 403

minus operator 67

missing data

ANOVA Summary table with 282

summary statistics and 98

mixed-design ANOVA

alternative approach to 402–406

assumptions underlying 406–408

described 359–365

Fit Model platform 383–384, 394–395

interpreting results 387–392, 395–401

investment model study 360–401

marriage encounter study 361–401

possible results from 365–371

problems with 371–372

summarizing analysis results 392–393

with nonsignificant interaction 370–393

with nonsignificant main effects 370–371

with significant interaction 366–367, 393–401

with significant main effects 367–370, 383–384

mixed-effects models 28

mixed-model designs 357–408

modeling types

changing 125

described 9, 57–58

factorial ANOVA assumptions 295

JMP tables and 57–58

levels of measurement and 14, 124–125

MANOVA assumptions 318

one-way ANOVA assumptions 253

statistics for pairs of variables 126

Move Rows command (Rows menu) 51

multiple comparison procedures

described 230

factorial ANOVA with between-subjects factor 284–286

MANOVA with between-subjects factor 313

one-way ANOVA with between-subjects factor 229–230, 236–239, 243

multiple correlation coefficient (R) 427–428, 457

multiple-item scale

computing item-total correlation 174–177

Cronbach’s alpha for 172–174, 177–178

multiple operator 69

multiple regression analysis

assumptions underlying 467–469

described 411–417

estimating full multiple regression equation 454–462

Fit Model platform 447, 454–462

interpreting results 427–445, 452–454

investment model study 445–467

Multivariate platform 463–464

predicting response from multiple predictors 417–427

simple statistics and correlations 449–454

summarizing analysis results 463–467

univariate statistics for 450

multiple regression coefficient 423–425, 441–445

multiple regression equation 454–462

multivariate ANOVA for repeated-measures analysis 342–354

multivariate normality

factorial ANOVA assumptions 407

MANOVA assumptions 319

one-way ANOVA assumptions 355

Multivariate platform

bivariate association 139–148, 451

CI of Correlations option 145

computing Cronbach’s alpha 164, 171–178

computing multiple correlations for set of variables 141–144

computing Spearman correlations 147–148

Correlations Multivariate option 144

Covariance Matrix option 145

described 139

Ellipsoid 3D Plot option 145–146

Hoeffding’s D option 145

Inverse Correlations option 145

item-total correlation 174–177

Kendall’s Tau option 145

multiple regression analysis 463–464

Nonparametric Correlations option 145

other options used 143–145

Pairwise Correlations option 143, 145, 451

Partial Correlations option 145

principal component analysis 487

Spearman’s Rho option 145

multivariate test assumptions 406–407


N Missing statistic 98

naturally occurring variables 14, 414–415

negative correlation between variables 131

negative kurtosis 103, 106

negative skewness

described 104, 106

in outlier box plots 112

in stem-and-leaf plots 115–117

New Column command (Cols menu) 53, 55, 90, 507

New Column dialog box 55–56, 507–508

New command (File menu) 52

New Property menu 66–67

nominal modeling type

chi-square test assumptions 162

described 14, 57, 124

JMP tables and 57

statistics for pairs of variables 126

nominal scales

classification variables and 11

described 11, 124

modeling type and 14, 124

nondirectional alternative hypothesis 23–25

nonexperimental research

choosing correct statistical procedure 516–523

described 14–16

fixed-effects models and 28

predictor variables and 15

response variables and 15

nonlinear relationships between variables 133–134

nonmanipulative research

See nonexperimental research

Nonparametric Correlations option (Multivariate platform) 145

nonsignificant differences

independent-samples t-test 201–204

MANOVA with between-subjects factor 316–318

one-way ANOVA with between-subjects factor 248–251

nonsignificant interactions

factorial ANOVA with between-subjects factor 268–287

mixed-design ANOVA 370–393

nonsignificant main effects

factorial ANOVA with between-subjects factor 265

mixed-design ANOVA 370–371

nonstandardized multiple regression coefficients 442–444

normal distributions

bivariate 161, 512

departures from 100–104

factorial ANOVA assumptions 296

histogram sample 102

multiple regression assumptions 467

one-way ANOVA assumptions 254

Pearson correlation assumptions 161

principal component analysis assumptions 512

t-test assumptions 222–223

testing for 98–100, 104–110

Notepad editor 62

Notes property (Column Properties menu) 60

null hypotheses

described 22–23

p-value and 26–27, 108, 195

test of association and 24–25

test of group differences and 22–23

numeric data formats 58

numeric data types 57–58


observational research

See nonexperimental research

observational units 9–10

observed frequencies 153

observed variables

number of components extracted and 476, 493

optimally weighted 478

underlying constructs versus 166

Omnibus model 293

one-sided statistical tests 25

one-tailed tests

See one-sided statistical tests

one-way ANOVA with between-subjects factor

aggression study 227–231

assumptions underlying 253–254

described 227–231

Fit Y by X platform 236–239, 248–249

independent-samples t-test versus 228

interpreting results 239–245

investment model study 231–253

nonsignificant differences between experimental conditions 248–251

significant differences between experimental conditions 231–248

one-way ANOVA with repeated-measures factor

assumptions underlying 354–355

described 322–325

Fit Y by X platform 329–337

investment model study 323–354

sequence effects 341–342

single-group designs and 359–362

summarizing analysis results 338, 353–354

univariate versus multivariate analysis 342–354

weaknesses of 339–340

with significant differences 325–338

Oneway Analysis title bar

Compare Means option 334–335, 337

Matching Columns option 333–334

Means/Anova option 238

Open command (File menu) 32, 35, 62–64

Open File dialog box

Data with Preview radio button 63–64

described 48

opening JMP tables 35, 37–38

optimal weights 478–479

optimally weighted combination of predictor variables 427

order effects 340–341, 371

ordinal modeling type

chi-square test assumptions 162

described 14, 57, 124

JMP tables and 57

Spearman correlation assumptions 161

statistics for pairs of variables 126

ordinal scales

described 11–12, 124

modeling type and 14, 124

quantitative variables and 11–12

outlier box plots 110–112, 374


described 102–103

distribution examples with 108–110

histogram sample 102

Overlay Plot command (Tables menu) 378

Overlay Plot option (Graph menu) 381

Overlay Plot platform 381–382

overlay plots 377–378, 380–382



described 25–26, 195

for F statistic 240–242, 248–249, 251, 309–311

null hypothesis and 26–27, 108, 195

W statistic and 108, 110, 116

paired-samples t-test

assumptions underlying 222–223

described 183, 204–205

interpreting results of 215–217

investment model study 206–221

pretest-posttest studies 209, 211–212, 219–220

problems with 210–211

research design examples 205–209

summarizing analysis results 217–219

when to use 211–212

Paired t Test report 217

Pairwise Correlations option (Multivariate platform) 143, 145, 451

Parameter Estimates table

Distribution platform 107

factorial ANOVA with between-subjects factor 275

multiple regression analysis 460–462

parameters, population 19

Partial Correlations option (Multivariate platform) 145

paste (copy and paste operations) 61

Paste command (Edit menu) 61

Pearson correlation coefficient

assumptions underlying 161

characteristics of 131–133

computing 139–144

described 123–124, 128

interpreting 131–133

linear versus nonlinear relationships 133–134

other options used 144–146

producing scatterplots 135–138

when to use 130–131

person (observational unit) 9

personality types (Fit Model platform)

factorial ANOVA with between-subjects factor 275

MANOVA with between-subjects factor 303, 311

mixed-design ANOVA 383

Platforms tab (Preferences panel) 375

platykurtic distribution 103, 106


See specific types of plots

POI instrument

See Prosocial Orientation Inventory instrument


described 18

descriptive statistical analysis of 19

parameter of 19

sample of 19, 75

positive correlation between variables 131

positive kurtosis 103, 106

positive skewness

described 104–105

in outlier box plots 112

in stem-and-leaf plots 115–117

predicted variables

See response variables

prediction errors 425, 468

predictive equation

regression coefficients and intercepts 423–425

simple 418–422

with weighted predictors 422–423

predictor variables

ANOVA versus multiple regression 414

choosing correct statistical procedure 516–523

correlated 432–441

described 15

experimental research and 17

fixed- and random-effects models 27–29

in interactions 266, 366

investment model study 190

linear combination of 427

main effects for 261–265

mixed-design ANOVA 359

naturally occurring 414–415

nonexperimental research and 15

optimally weighted combination of 427

predicting response from multiple predictors 417–427

statistics for pairs of variables 126

uniqueness indices for 440–441, 461–462

variance accounted for by 428–441

Preferences command (File menu) 375

Preferences panel 375

pretest-posttest studies 209, 211–212, 219–220

principal component analysis

assumptions underlying 512

conducting 489–511

described 472–482

factor analysis versus 480–482

Multivariate platform 487

Principal Components platform 478, 487, 490

Prosocial Orientation Inventory instrument 482–511

recoding reversed items for 509–510

Scatterplot 3D platform 487

summarizing analysis results 510–511

principal components

characteristics of 478–479

computing 476–478

described 476

extracting 490–493

optimal weights for 478

retaining based on variance accounted for 497–499

total variance in data 479–480

Principal Components platform 478, 487, 490

Principal Components report 492

Principal Components title bar

Factor Analysis option 500

Save Rotated Components option 504

Scree Plot option 496–497

principle of least squares

multiple regression analysis 425–427

principal component analysis 478

Probability numeric format 58

profile plots 378

properties, assigning to columns 58–60

prosocial behavior 412–413

Prosocial Orientation Inventory instrument

conducting principal component analysis 487–511

described 482–484

minimally adequate sample size 485

number of items per component 485

preparing 484–485


q statistic 243–244

qualitative variables

See classification variables

Quantiles table 374

quantitative variables

classification variables versus 9

described 9

distribution results for 92

interval scales and 12–13

ordinal scales and 11–12

ratio scales and 13–14

value and 8

quasi-interval scales 13

Quit command (Macintosh) 34


R (multiple correlation coefficient) 427–428, 457

R2 statistic 230–231, 283, 300

race (classification variable) 9, 11, 124

random-effects factor 27–28, 359

See also independent variables

random-effects models 27–29

random sampling

chi-square test assumptions 162

factorial ANOVA assumptions 295, 406

MANOVA assumptions 319

multiple regression assumptions 467

one-way ANOVA assumptions 253, 355

Pearson correlation assumptions 161

principal component analysis assumptions 512

t-test assumptions 221–222

random subsets of data 75

randomization in mixed-design studies 364–365

Range Check property (Column Properties menu) 60

ranking variables 124

ratio scales

described 13–14, 125

modeling type and 14, 125

quantitative variables and 13–14

statistics for pairs of variables 126

raw data

computing chi-square values 158

described 152

nonstandardized 442

tabular versus 152

reading data into JMP from other files 61–65

recoding reversed items for principal component analysis 509–510

Reference Frame option (Matched Pairs title bar) 214

reliability coefficient 167, 173

reliability of scale

See scale reliability

REML (Restricted Maximum Likelihood) method 405–406

Reorder Columns command (Cols menu) 51

repeated-measures designs

assumptions for 406–408

between-subjects designs versus 228, 323, 338–342

described 322–325

factorial ANOVA 357–408

Fit Model platform 344–350, 403–405

MANOVA 387–393

mixed-design ANOVA and 359

one-way ANOVA 321–356

paired-samples t-test 206

sequence effects in 371–372

time effect in 390

two-group 362–364

Repeated Measures option (Choose Response menu) 345–346, 386–387, 397

Replace Table option (Sort dialog box) 71


basic approaches to 14–18

common language for 2–3

descriptive versus inferential analysis 18–20

hypothesis testing in 20–29

JMP modeling types 14

observational units in 9–10

refining research questions 4–5

scales of measurement in 10–14

steps to follow 3–7

values in 8

variables in 8–9

Response Specification panel

Choose Response menu 308, 384, 386–387, 397

described 306–308, 384–387

E matrix 386

H matrix 386

M matrix 384–386

Test Each Column Separately Also check box 345, 385, 387, 391

Univariate Tests Also check box 345

response variables

See also dependent variables

choosing correct statistical procedure 516–523

described 15

experimental research and 17

in interactions 266, 366

investment model study 190

mixed-design ANOVA 359

multiple regression assumptions 467

naturally occurring 414–415

nonexperimental research and 15

predicting from multiple predictors 417–427

statistics for pairs of variables 126

Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) method 405–406

reversed items, recoding for principal component analysis 509–510

RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) 197, 203, 278

romantic commitment study

See investment model study

Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) 197, 203, 278

Rotated Factor Loading table 501–503

Rotated Factor Pattern table 505

rotation in principal component analysis 500–503

Row Selection command (Rows menu) 54–55

Row Selection dialog box

Go to Row subcommand 54–55

Invert Row Selection subcommand 54–55

Select All Rows subcommand 54–55

Select Randomly subcommand 54–55

rows in tables

considerations joining tables 80–82

creating and deleting 56

described 9–10, 51–52, 149

selecting/highlighting 53–55

Rows menu

Add Rows command 53, 56

Delete Rows command 56

described 49–51

Exclude/Unexclude command 50

Hide/Unhide command 50

Label/Unlabel command 37, 44, 50

Markers command 193

Move Rows command 51

Row Selection command 54–55

Rows panel (data table) 49–51

Run button (Fit Model dialog box) 345, 454–455


sample size

for multiple regression 416

for principal component analysis 486


described 19

random 75

statistic of 19

Save As command (File menu) 52

Save Rotated Components option (Principal Components title bar) 504

scale reliability

Cronbach’s alpha 164, 168–178

described 164

internal consistency 168

measurement error and 166

observed variables and 166

reliability coefficient 167

summated rating scales 165

test-retest reliability 167–168

true scores and 166

underlying constructs and 166

scales of measurement

See levels of measurement

Scatterplot 3D platform 487

Scatterplot Matrix 488–489


generating 43–44

Marker Size command 193

producing with Fit Y by X platform 135–138

Scree Plot option (Principal Components title bar) 496–497

scree test 495–497

Select All Rows subcommand (Row Selection dialog box) 54–55

Select Columns For Joined Table check box (Join dialog box) 81–82

Select Columns list (Fit Model dialog box) 403

Select Randomly subcommand (Row Selection dialog box) 54–55

selection bias 364–365

sequence effects

carryover effects 341–342, 371

described 340, 371–372

order effects 340–341, 371

Shapiro-Wilk (W) statistic 108, 110, 116

shortest half, outlier box plots 112


See statistical significance

significant differences

MANOVA with between-subjects factor 305–316

one-way ANOVA with between-subjects factor 231–248

one-way ANOVA with repeated-measures factor 325–338

significant interactions

factorial ANOVA with between-subjects factor 266–268, 287–289

mixed-design ANOVA 366–367, 393–401

significant main effects

factorial ANOVA with between-subjects factor 261–265, 281

mixed-design ANOVA 367–370, 383–384

simple effects (testing slices) 291–294, 396–400

single-group design

extension of 359–362

problems with 327–329, 361–362


described 104–106

in outlier box plots 112

in stem-and-leaf plots 114–117

Sort command (Tables menu) 71

Sort dialog box

described 71

Replace Table option 71

sorting tables 71

space-delimited files 62

Spearman correlation coefficient

assumptions underlying 161

computing 147–148

described 127–128

when to use 146–147

Spearman’s Rho option (Multivariate platform) 145

specification errors 468–469

Specification of Repeated Measures dialog box 345–346, 386–387

sphericity (homogeneity of covariance)

described 342–343, 402

factorial ANOVA assumptions 407

MANOVA assumptions 319–320

Mauchey’s criterion 346–347

split columns 71–74

Split Columns dialog box 74

Split command (Tables menu) 72, 74

Stack Columns dialog box 73

Stack command (Tables menu) 72, 217, 402

stacked columns 71–73, 217, 402

standard error of the mean 211

Standard Least Squares personality 303, 311

standard regression coefficients 461–462

standardized multiple regression coefficients 443


choosing correct 124–129

described 19–20

statistical significance

described 123

interactions in factorial ANOVA 289–290

magnitude of the treatment effect versus 230–231

main effects in factorial ANOVA 281

variance accounted for versus 457


See also summary statistics

descriptive 331–333

for pairs of variables 126

JMP approach to 35–36

Statistics Column Name Format menu 379

Statistics menu (Summary dialog box) 330–331, 379

stem-and-leaf plots 112–117

stx file format 62

Subset command (Tables menu) 74–77

Subset dialog box 75

subsets of data

creating using histograms 76–77

creating using Subset command 74–76

Sum response design 385–386

summarizing analysis results

factorial ANOVA with between-subjects factor 286–287, 294

independent-samples t-test 198–201

MANOVA with between-subjects factor 314–318

mixed-design ANOVA 392–393

one-way ANOVA with between-subjects factor 245–247, 250–251

one-way ANOVA with repeated-measures factor 338, 353–354

paired-samples t-test 217–219

principal component analysis 510–511

Summary command (Tables menu) 331, 378–379

Summary dialog box

Group button 331, 379

Statistics Column Name Format menu 379

Statistics menu 330–331, 379

Summary of Fit table

factorial ANOVA with between-subjects factor 275–276, 278

multiple regression analysis 457

summary statistics

creating table of 331–332

departures from normality 100–104

described 90–91

distribution analysis example 118

Distribution platform 91–95, 104–110

missing data 98

ordering histogram bars 96–98

outlier box plots 110–112

stem-and-leaf plots 112–117

testing for normality 98–100, 104–110

Summary Statistics table 374–377

Summary Statistics title bar 108

summated rating scales 165

supressor variables

correlated predictor variables and 432–440

described 436–437

symmetry condition 407–408


t statistic 26, 194–195, 215–216


assumptions underlying 221–223

described 182

independent-samples 26, 182–204

interpreting results 194–198

means comparisons and 243–244

paired-samples 183

performing in JMP 191–198

with nonsignificant differences 201–204

tab-delimited files 62

Table panel (data table)

described 49–50

Tables command 50


See also columns in tables

See also rows in tables

assigning properties to columns 58–60

cells in 149, 162

Columns panel 49–50, 124

concatenating end to end 77–79

contingency 148–150

creating 52–56

creating subsets of data 74–77

data grid in 49, 51–52

data table panels in 49–51

data types and 57

described 52

examining 37–38

factorial data in 271–272

investment model study 189–190

joining side by side 79–83

managing data in 70–83

modeling types and 57–58

opening 35, 37–38

reading data into 61–65

reviewing for multivariate analyses 343–344

Rows panel 49–51

sorting 71

stack or split columns 71–74, 217, 402

structure of 48–52

Table panel 49–50

two-way classification 148–150, 155–157, 159–160

Tables command (Table panel) 50

Tables menu

Concatenate command 77–79

described 49

Join command 79–83

Overlay Plot command 378

Sort command 71

Split command 72, 74

Stack command 72, 217, 402

Subset command 74–77

Summary command 331, 378–379

Transpose command 378, 380–381

tabular data

computer chi-square values 152–158

described 152

raw versus 152

Test Each Column Separately Also check box (Response Specification panel) 345, 385, 387, 391

test-retest reliability 167–168

Test Slices command (Interaction title bar) 292

Test Slices report 292–293

testing for normal distribution 98–100, 104–110

testing slices (simple effects) 291–294, 396–400

tests of association

See association, measures of

Tests report (Fit Y by X platform) 157–158

Text Edit editor 62

Text Import Preview dialog box 64–65

time effect in repeated-measures designs 390

Time numeric format 58

Time report 347

times (trials) 359

Tip of the Day tips 32

Tools menu 247

total variance 479–480

Transpose command (Tables menu) 378, 380–381

treatment conditions 18, 340–342

trials (times) 359

true scores 166

true zero point 12–14

Tukey’s HSD test

factorial ANOVA with between-subjects factor 284–286

MANOVA with between-subjects factor 311–313

one-way ANOVA with between-subjects factor 236–239, 244–245

two-group repeated-measures design 362–364

two-sided statistical tests, nondirectional alternative hypotheses and 25

two-tailed tests

See two-sided statistical tests

two-way ANOVA

See factorial ANOVA with between-subjects factor

See two-way mixed-design ANOVA

two-way classification tables 148–150, 155–157, 159–160

two-way mixed-design ANOVA

alternative approach to 402–406

assumptions underlying 406–408

described 359–365

Fit Model platform 383–384, 394–395

interpreting results 387–392, 395–401

investment model study 360–401

marriage encounter study 361–401

possible results from 365–371

problems with 371–372

summarizing analysis results 392–393

with nonsignificant interaction 370–393

with nonsignificant main effects 370–371

with significant interaction 366–367, 393–401

with significant main effects 367–370, 383–384

txt file format 62

Type I errors 343


underlying constructs 166

uniqueness indices 440–441, 462–463

univariate ANOVA for repeated-measures analysis 342–354

univariate repeated-measures analysis 402–408

univariate statistics for multiple regression analysis 450

univariate test assumptions 407–408

Univariate Tests Also check box (Response Specification panel) 345


validating data for Range Check property 60

validity, testing for hypothesis 7

Value Labels property (Column Properties menu) 60


classification variables and 8

computing for columns with formulas 59, 65–70

described 8

in scales of measurement 11–14

quantitative variables and 8

statistic and 19

variable reduction procedure

See principal component analysis

variable redundancy 473–475


See also specific types of variables

choosing correct statistical procedure 516–523

correlation between 131–133

data formats for 58–59

described 8, 57

relationships between 133–134

scales of measurement and 9–14

statistics for pairs of 126

variance, homogeneity of

See homogeneity of variance

variance accounted for

by correlated predictor variables 432–441

by predictor variables 428–432

cumulative percent of 498–499

retaining principal components based on 497–499

statistical significance versus 457

varimax rotation 500, 505

Venn diagrams

correlated predictor variables 434–435, 440–441

predictor variables 429, 431


W (Shapiro-Wilk) statistic 108, 110, 116

weighted predictors 422–424

weighted principal components 478

whiskers, outlier box plots 112

whole model reports 276–279

Whole Model table 309–311

Whole Model title bar 290

Wilks’ lambda

described 300–301

F statistic and 301, 303–304

MANOVA with between-subjects factor 301, 303–304, 309–311

Windows environment

JMP Starter Window 33–34

Notepad editor 62



See predictor variables

xls file format 62

xpt file format 62



See response variables


z score form 443

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