
Thanks are due to folks at Manning for helping make this book a reality. Michael Stephens helped conceive the first edition of this book, and my development editors for this second edition, Susan Conant, Jeff Bleiel, and Maureen Spencer, pushed the book to completion while being helpful along the way. My thanks go to them.

Book writing is a time-consuming enterprise. I feel I wouldn’t have found the time to finish this book had it not been for the generosity of Eliot Horowitz and Dwight Merriman. Eliot and Dwight, through their initiative and ingenuity, created MongoDB, and they trusted me to document the project. My thanks to them.

Many of the ideas in this book owe their origins to conversations I had with colleagues at 10gen. In this regard, special thanks are due to Mike Dirolf, Scott Hernandez, Alvin Richards, and Mathias Stearn. I’m especially indebted to Kristina Chowdorow, Richard Kreuter, and Aaron Staple for providing expert reviews of entire chapters for the first edition.

The following reviewers read the manuscript of the first edition at various stages during its development: Kevin Jackson, Hardy Ferentschik, David Sinclair, Chris Chandler, John Nunemaker, Robert Hanson, Alberto Lerner, Rick Wagner, Ryan Cox, Andy Brudtkuhl, Daniel Bretoi, Greg Donald, Sean Reilly, Curtis Miller, Sanchet Dighe, Philip Hallstrom, and Andy Dingley. And I am also indebted to all the reviewers who read the second edition, including Agustin Treceno, Basheeruddin Ahmed, Gavin Whyte, George Girton, Gregor Zurowski, Hardy Ferentschik, Hernan Garcia, Jeet Marwah, Johan Mattisson, Jonathan Thoms, Julia Varigina, Jürgen Hoffmann, Mike Frey, Phlippie Smith, Scott Lyons, and Steve Johnson. Special thanks go to Wouter Thielen for his work on chapter 10, technical editor Mihalis Tsoukalos, who devoted many hours to whipping the second edition into shape, and to Doug Warren for his thorough technical review of the second edition shortly before it went to press.

My amazing wife, Dominika, offered her patience and support, through the writing of both editions of this book, and to my wonderful son, Oliver, just for being awesome.


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