List of Listings

Chapter 2. Taking an OpenStack test-drive

Listing 2.1. Updating packages

Listing 2.2. Upgrading packages

Listing 2.3. Installing git

Listing 2.4. Retrieving DevStack scripts

Listing 2.5. Preparing DevStack directory

Listing 2.6. Switching to stack user

Listing 2.7. Creating local.conf

Listing 2.8. Your local.conf

Listing 2.9. Stacking

Listing 2.10. Stack summary log

Listing 2.11. Running DevStack exercises

Listing 2.12. Running single OpenStack Tempest test

Listing 2.13. Running the full OpenStack Tempest suite

Listing 2.14. Unstacking and stacking

Chapter 3. Learning basic OpenStack operations

Listing 3.1. Set environmental variables

Listing 3.2. Setting variables and executing a first CLI command

Listing 3.3. Launching an instance from the CLI

Listing 3.4. Executing a first API command

Listing 3.5. Prepare your shell session as admin

Listing 3.6. Creating a new tenant

Listing 3.7. Creating a new user

Listing 3.8. Listing OpenStack roles

Listing 3.9. Adding a role

Listing 3.10. Accessing the Neutron console

Listing 3.11. Creating an internal network

Listing 3.12. Creating an internal subnet for a network

Listing 3.13. Creating a router

Listing 3.14. Adding a router to the internal subnet

Listing 3.15. Listing external networks

Listing 3.16. Add existing external network as router gateway

Listing 3.17. Creating an external network

Listing 3.18. Creating an external subnet

Listing 3.19. Clearing a router gateway

Listing 3.20. Adding a new external network as the router gateway

Listing 3.21. Showing the Compute quota for a tenant

Listing 3.22. Updating the Compute quota for tenant

Listing 3.23. Showing the Compute quota for a tenant user

Listing 3.24. Updating the Compute quota for a tenant user

Listing 3.25. Showing Storage tenant quota

Listing 3.26. Showing Networking tenant quota

Chapter 5. Walking through a Controller deployment

Listing 5.1. Listing the interfaces

Listing 5.2. Modifying interface configuration in /etc/network/interfaces

Listing 5.3. Refreshing networking settings

Listing 5.4. Checking the network for updates

Listing 5.5. Updating and upgrading packages

Listing 5.6. Rebooting the server

Listing 5.7. Installing RabbitMQ

Listing 5.8. Configuring the RabbitMQ guest password

Listing 5.9. Verifying the RabbitMQ status

Listing 5.10. Installing MySQL binaries

Listing 5.11. Modifying /etc/mysql/my.cnf

Listing 5.12. Restart and verify that MySQL is running and accessible

Listing 5.13. Logging in to the MySQL server as root

Listing 5.14. Installing the Keystone package

Listing 5.15. Creating a database and granting access

Listing 5.16. Verifying the database and user

Listing 5.17. Modifying /etc/keystone/keystone.conf

Listing 5.18. Restarting Keystone

Listing 5.19. Initializing the data store

Listing 5.20. Creating keystone.auth

Listing 5.21. Setting and confirming keystone.auth variables

Listing 5.22. Checking Keystone operation

Listing 5.23. Creating the Keystone service

Listing 5.24. Creating the Keystone endpoint

Listing 5.25. Creating the admin tenant

Listing 5.26. Creating the service tenant

Listing 5.27. Creating the admin user

Listing 5.28. Creating the admin role

Listing 5.29. Creating the Member role

Listing 5.30. Assigning the admin role

Listing 5.31. Verify admin roles in admin tenant

Listing 5.32. Creating the database and granting access

Listing 5.33. Creating a glance user

Listing 5.34. Assigning admin role to glance user in service tenant

Listing 5.35. Creating the Glance service

Listing 5.36. Creating the Glance endpoint

Listing 5.37. Installing Glance binaries

Listing 5.38. Modifying /etc/glance/glance-api.conf

Listing 5.39. Modifying /etc/glance/glance-registry.conf

Listing 5.40. Restarting glance-api and glance-registry

Listing 5.41. Initializing the data store

Listing 5.42. Downloading a prebuilt image

Listing 5.43. Creating a Glance image

Listing 5.44. Create the Cinder database and grant access

Listing 5.45. Creating a cinder user

Listing 5.46. Assigning admin role to cinder user in service tenant

Listing 5.47. Creating a Cinder service

Listing 5.48. Creating a Cinder endpoint

Listing 5.49. Installing Cinder

Listing 5.50. Modifying /etc/cinder/cinder.conf

Listing 5.51. Restarting Cinder

Listing 5.52. Initializing the data store

Listing 5.53. Creating a database and granting access

Listing 5.54. Creating a neutron user

Listing 5.55. Assigning the admin role to the neutron user in the service tenant

Listing 5.56. Creating the Neutron service

Listing 5.57. Creating the Neutron endpoint

Listing 5.58. Install Neutron

Listing 5.59. Modifying /etc/neutron/neutron.conf

Listing 5.60. Modifying /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini

Listing 5.61. Restarting Neutron

Listing 5.62. Create database and grant access

Listing 5.63. Creating the nova user

Listing 5.64. Assigning admin role to nova user in service tenant

Listing 5.65. Checking role assignment

Listing 5.66. Creating the Nova service

Listing 5.67. Creating the Nova endpoint

Listing 5.68. Install Nova controller

Listing 5.69. /etc/nova/nova.conf

Listing 5.70. Executing nova-manage

Listing 5.71. Restarting services

Listing 5.72. Listing Nova services

Listing 5.73. Installing Horizon

Listing 5.74. Enabling debugging in Horizon

Chapter 6. Walking through a Networking deployment

Listing 6.1. List interfaces

Listing 6.2. Modify interface config /etc/network/interfaces

Listing 6.3. Refreshing Networking settings

Listing 6.4. Check network for updates

Listing 6.5. Update and upgrade packages

Listing 6.6. Reboot server

Listing 6.7. Install vlan and bridge-utils

Listing 6.8. Modify /etc/sysctl.conf

Listing 6.9. Execute the sysctl command

Listing 6.10. Install OVS

Listing 6.11. Verify OVS kernel modules

Listing 6.12. Configure internal OVS bridge

Listing 6.13. Configure external OVS bridge

Listing 6.14. Verify OVS configuration

Listing 6.15. Verify OVS OS integration

Listing 6.16. Add interface p2p1 (VM) to bridge br-ex

Listing 6.17. Verify OVS configuration

Listing 6.18. Install Neutron components

Listing 6.19. Modify /etc/neutron/neutron.conf

Listing 6.20. Modify /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini

Listing 6.21. Modify /etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini

Listing 6.22. Modify /etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini

Listing 6.23. Modify /etc/neutron/metadata_agent.ini

Listing 6.24. Restart Neutron agents

Listing 6.25. Access Neutron console

Listing 6.26. Create internal network

Listing 6.27. Creating an internal subnet for the network

Listing 6.28. Create router

Listing 6.29. Adding router to internal subnet

Listing 6.30. Create external network

Listing 6.31. Create external subnet

Listing 6.32. Add new external network as router gateway

Chapter 7. Walking through a Block Storage deployment

Listing 7.1. List interfaces

Listing 7.2. Modify interface file config /etc/network/interfaces

Listing 7.3. Refreshing Networking settings

Listing 7.4. Check network for updates

Listing 7.5. Update and upgrade packages

Listing 7.6. Reboot server

Listing 7.7. Install LVM

Listing 7.8. List disk devices

Listing 7.9. Using pvcreate to create a physical volume

Listing 7.10. Using pvscan to verify physical volumes

Listing 7.11. Using pvdisplay to display physical volume attributes

Listing 7.12. Using vgcreate to create a volume group

Listing 7.13. Using vgdisplay to verify volume groups

Listing 7.14. Install Cinder component

Listing 7.15. Modify /etc/cinder/cinder.conf

Listing 7.16. Restart Cinder

Listing 7.17. Install Cinder command-line tools

Listing 7.18. List Cinder volumes

Listing 7.19. Create Cinder volume

Listing 7.20. Display logical volumes

Listing 7.21. Installing image-management tools

Chapter 8. Walking through a Compute deployment

Listing 8.1. List interfaces

Listing 8.2. Modify interface config /etc/network/interfaces

Listing 8.3. Refreshing networking settings

Listing 8.4. Check network for updates

Listing 8.5. Update and upgrade packages

Listing 8.6. Reboot server

Listing 8.7. Modify /etc/sysctl.conf

Listing 8.8. Execute sysctl command

Listing 8.9. Install OVS

Listing 8.10. Verify OVS kernel modules

Listing 8.11. Configure internal OVS bridge

Listing 8.12. Show OVS configuration

Listing 8.13. Verify OVS OS integration

Listing 8.14. Verify processor virtualization extensions

Listing 8.15. Install KVM software

Listing 8.16. Verify KVM acceleration

Listing 8.17. Unload and reload KVM kernel extensions

Listing 8.18. Verify libvirt/qemu/kvm availability

Listing 8.19. Remove KVM default virtual bridge

Listing 8.20. Install Neutron Software

Listing 8.21. Modify /etc/neutron/neutron.conf

Listing 8.22. Modify /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini

Listing 8.23. Install Nova Compute software

Listing 8.24. Modify /etc/nova/nova.conf

Listing 8.25. List Nova instances

Listing 8.26. List Nova flavors

Listing 8.27. List Nova images

Listing 8.28. List Nova networks

Listing 8.29. Create VM instance

Listing 8.30. List Nova instances

Chapter 10. Deploying Ceph

Listing 10.1. Create Ceph user

Listing 10.2. Create the sudoers file

Listing 10.3. Create private/public key pair on admin node

Listing 10.4. Distribute public key from admin node

Listing 10.5. Install ceph-deploy

Listing 10.6. Generate initial cluster configuration

Listing 10.7. Deploying Ceph software to resource nodes

Listing 10.8. Add monitor nodes and gather keys

Listing 10.9. Deploy the ceph client configuration

Listing 10.10. Checking Ceph health

Listing 10.11. List OSD node devices

Listing 10.12. Clear disks on OSD nodes

Listing 10.13. OSD disk prepare

Listing 10.14. OSD disk activate

Listing 10.15. Ceph health and stats

Listing 10.16. Create Ceph pool

Listing 10.17. Ceph pool benchmark tool

Listing 10.18. Ceph write benchmark

Listing 10.19. Ceph read benchmark

Listing 10.20. Checking write latency

Listing 10.21. Checking read latency

Chapter 11. Automated HA OpenStack deployment with Fuel

Listing 11.1. Out-of-band and administration switch configuration

Listing 11.2. Scripting OOB management console actions over SSH

Chapter 12. Cloud orchestration using OpenStack

Listing 12.1. AWS CloudFormation template format

Listing 12.2. Example Heat OpenStack Template (HOT)

Listing 12.3. Enable Heat in your DevStack local.conf

Listing 12.4. Set environmental variables

Listing 12.5. List Heat stacks

Listing 12.6. List Glance images

Listing 12.7. Generate Heat SSH key pair

Listing 12.8. Launch Heat stack

Listing 12.9. Listing Heat stack status

Listing 12.10. List mystack events

Listing 12.11. Show mystack details

Listing 12.12. Delete mystack

Listing 12.13. Running the script

Listing 12.14. Register an image for Juju

Listing 12.15. Install Juju binaries

Listing 12.16. Generate a Juju configuration file

Listing 12.17. Modify your Juju configuration

Listing 12.18. Generate image metadata

Listing 12.19. Generate tool metadata

Listing 12.20. Bootstrapping an OpenStack tenant

Listing 12.21. Check Juju status

Listing 12.22. Deploy WordPress using Juju

Listing 12.23. Check WordPress deployment

Listing 12.24. Nova list instances

Listing 12.25. Deploy remaining dependencies

Listing 12.26. Expose the WordPress service

Listing 12.27. SSH to Juju instance

Listing 12.28. Check Juju environment status

Listing 12.29. Deploying and exposing the Juju GUI

Listing 12.30. Check Juju environment status

Listing 12.31. Retrieve admin secret

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