Table of Contents


Brief Table of Contents

Table of Contents




About this Book

About the Cover Illustration

1. The basics

Chapter 1. What is a single-page application?

1.1. SPA in a nutshell

1.1.1. No browser refreshes

1.1.2. Presentation logic in the client

1.1.3. Server transactions

1.2. A closer look

1.2.1. An SPA starts with a shell

1.2.2. From traditional pages to views

1.2.3. The birth of a view

1.2.4. View swapping for zero reload navigation

1.2.5. Fluidity through dynamic updates

1.3. Benefits of SPAs over traditional web applications

1.4. Rethinking what you already know

1.5. Ingredients of a well-designed SPA

1.5.1. Organizing your project

1.5.2. Creating a maintainable, loosely coupled UI

1.5.3. Using JavaScript modules

1.5.4. Performing SPA navigation

1.5.5. Creating view composition and layout

1.5.6. Enabling module communication

1.5.7. Communicating with the server

1.5.8. Performing unit testing

1.5.9. Using client-side automation

1.6. Summary

Chapter 2. The role of MV* frameworks

2.1. What is MV*?

2.1.1. Traditional UI design patterns

2.1.2. MV* and the browser environment

2.2. Common MV* concepts

2.2.1. Meet the frameworks

2.2.2. Meet our MV* project

2.2.3. Models

2.2.4. Bindings

2.2.5. Templates


2.3. Why use an MV* framework?

2.3.1. Separation of concerns

2.3.2. Routine tasks simplified

2.3.3. Productivity gains

2.3.4. Standardization

2.3.5. Scalability

2.4. Choosing a framework

2.5. Chapter challenge

2.6. Summary

Chapter 3. Modular JavaScript

3.1. What is a module?

3.1.1. Module pattern concepts

3.1.2. The module’s structure

3.1.3. The revealing module pattern

3.2. Why modular programming?

3.2.1. Avoiding name collisions

3.2.2. Protecting your code’s integrity

3.2.3. Hiding complexity

3.2.4. Reducing the impact of code changes

3.2.5. Organizing your code

3.2.6. Understanding disadvantages of the module pattern

3.3. The module pattern dissected

3.3.1. Achieving privacy

3.3.2. Creating the public API

3.3.3. Allowing for global imports

3.3.4. Creating the module’s namespace

3.4. Module loading and dependency management

3.4.1. Script loaders

3.4.2. Asynchronous Module Definition

3.4.3. Using AMD modules with RequireJS

3.5. Chapter challenge

3.6. Summary

2. Core concepts

Chapter 4. Navigating the single page

4.1. What is a client-side router?

4.1.1. Traditional navigation

4.1.2. SPA navigation

4.2. Routes and their configuration

4.2.1. Route syntax

4.2.2. Route entries

4.2.3. Route parameters

4.2.4. Default routes

4.3. How do client-side routers work?

4.3.1. The fragment identifier method

4.3.2. The HTML5 History API method

4.3.3. Changes for the HTML5 History API method

4.4. Putting it all together: implementing routing in SPAs

4.4.1. The faculty list (default route)

4.4.2. The main contact route

4.4.3. Faculty office hours (parameterized route)

4.5. Chapter challenge

4.6. Summary

Chapter 5. View composition and layout

5.1. Introducing our project

5.2. Reviewing layout design concepts


5.2.2. Regions

5.2.3. View composition

5.2.4. Nested views

5.2.5. Routes

5.3. Considering alternatives for advanced composition and layout

5.3.1. Pros

5.3.2. Cons

5.4. Designing the application

5.4.1. Designing the base layout

5.4.2. Designing the default content

5.4.3. Using a view manager for complex designs

5.4.4. Creating nested views with their own states

5.5. Chapter challenge

5.6. Summary

Chapter 6. Inter-module interaction

6.1. Review of module concepts

6.1.1. Modules encapsulate code

6.1.2. APIs provide controlled access to internal functionality

6.1.3. SRP means designing with a single purpose

6.1.4. Code reuse helps your project scale

6.2. Inter-module interaction methods

6.2.1. Inter-module interaction through dependencies

6.2.2. Dependency method pros and cons

6.2.3. Inter-module interaction through publish/subscribe

6.2.4. Pub/sub pros and cons

6.3. Project details

6.3.1. Searching

6.3.2. Displaying product information

6.4. Chapter challenge

6.5. Summary

Chapter 7. Communicating with the server

7.1. Understanding the project requirements

7.2. Exploring the communication process

7.2.1. Choosing a data type

7.2.2. Using a supported HTTP request method

7.2.3. Converting the data

7.3. Using MV* frameworks

7.3.1. Generating requests

7.3.2. Processing results with callbacks

7.3.3. Processing results with promises

7.3.4. Promise error handling

7.4. Consuming RESTful web services

7.4.1. What is REST?

7.4.2. REST principles

7.4.3. How MV* frameworks help us be RESTful

7.5. Project details

7.5.1. Configuring REST calls

7.5.2. Adding product items to the cart

7.5.3. Viewing the cart

7.5.4. Updating the cart

7.5.5. Removing products from the cart

7.6. Chapter challenge

7.7. Summary

Chapter 8. Unit testing

8.1. Understanding the project

8.2. What is a unit test?

8.2.1. Benefits of unit testing

8.2.2. Creating better unit tests

8.3. Traditional unit testing

8.3.1. Getting started with QUnit

8.3.2. Creating your first unit tests

8.3.3. Testing code built with MV* objects

8.3.4. Testing changes to the DOM

8.3.5. Adding other testing frameworks to the mix

8.4. Chapter challenge

8.5. Summary

Chapter 9. Client-side task automation

9.1. Common uses for task runners

9.1.1. Live browser reloads

9.1.2. Automatic JavaScript and CSS preprocessing

9.1.3. Automatic code analysis from linters

9.1.4. Continuous unit testing

9.1.5. File concatenation

9.1.6. Code minification

9.1.7. Continuous integration

9.2. Choosing a task runner

9.3. Our project

9.3.1. Introducing Gulp.js

9.3.2. Creating your first task

9.3.3. Creating a code analysis task

9.3.4. Creating a browser-reload task

9.3.5. Automating unit testing

9.3.6. Creating a build process

9.4. Chapter challenge

9.5. Summary

Appendix A. Employee directory example walk-through

A.1. CSS

A.2. Backbone.js example

A.2.1. Downloading your dependencies

A.2.2. Directory structure

A.2.3. The shell

A.2.4. main.js

A.2.5. app.js

A.2.6. directoryContent.html

A.2.7. directory.js view

A.2.8. entrylist.js view

A.2.9. entries.js collection

A.2.10. employee.js view

A.2.11. employeeRecord.js model

A.2.12. entrytemplate.html

A.3. Knockout example

A.3.1. Downloading your dependencies

A.3.2. Directory structure

A.3.3. The shell

A.3.4. main.js

A.3.5. app.js

A.3.6. directoryContent.html

A.3.7. directory.js

A.3.8. entrytemplate.html

A.4. AngularJS example

A.4.1. Downloading your dependencies

A.4.2. Directory structure

A.4.3. The shell

A.4.4. app.js

A.4.5. directoryContent.html

A.4.6. entrytemplate.html

A.5. Summary

Appendix B. Review of the XMLHttpRequest API

B.1. Using the XMLHttpRequest object

B.2. Making requests

B.2.1. Using URL parameters

B.2.2. Using the request body

Appendix C. Chapter 7 server-side setup and summary

C.1. Server-side objects

C.2. Summary of server-side calls

C.2.1. Viewing the cart

C.2.2. Adding an item to the cart

C.2.3. Updating the cart

C.2.4. Deleting an item

C.2.5. Searching for a product

C.2.6. Displaying a product

C.3. The project

C.3.1. Prerequisites

C.3.2. Spring MVC configuration

C.3.3. Annotations used in our project

Appendix D. Installing Node.js and Gulp.js

D.1. Installing Node.js

D.2. Installing Gulp.js


List of Figures

List of Tables

List of Listings

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