List of Listings

Chapter 1. A first look at decentralized applications

Listing 1.1. First implementation of SimpleCoin, a basic cryptocurrency

Chapter 3. The Ethereum platform

Listing 3.1. SimpleCoin contract as you left it in chapter 1

Listing 3.2. A more robust transfer function with checks on the input

Listing 3.3. SimpleCoin with parameterized constructor, input validation, and event

Chapter 4. Deploying your first smart contract

Listing 4.1. Latest version of SimpleCoin (from chapter 3)

Chapter 5. Programming smart contracts in Solidity

Listing 5.1. High-level contract structure

Listing 5.2. Reference types with location declared implicitly or explicitly

Listing 5.3. Contract containing various struct definitions

Listing 5.4. Examples of state variables declared with various accessibility levels

Listing 5.5. Functions you can declare as view or pure

Listing 5.6. Example of a contract with function modifiers

Listing 5.7. Latest version of SimpleCoin from chapter 4

Listing 5.8. Refactored version of SimpleCoin with extended functionality

Chapter 6. Writing more complex smart contracts

Listing 6.1. Core functionality a crowdsale contract provides

Listing 6.2. ReleasableSimpleCoin, with locked transfer() and transferFrom()

Listing 6.3. ReleasableSimpleCoin inherited from SimpleCoin

Listing 6.4. Ownable contract extracted from SimpleCrowdsale and SimpleCoin

Listing 6.5. Initial implementation of a crowdsale contract

Listing 6.6. calculateNumberOfTokens() based on tranche-based pricing

Listing 6.7. TranchePricingCrowdsale derived from SimpleCrowdsale

Listing 6.8. Adding pausable functionality to ReleasableSimpleCoin

Listing 6.9. Pausable contract extracted from ReleasableSimpleCoin

Listing 6.10. A Destructible contract

Chapter 7. Generalizing functionality with abstract contracts and interfaces

Listing 7.1. First implementation of CappedCrowdsale

Listing 7.2. Refactored CappedCrowdsale

Listing 7.3. Capped funding and tranche-based pricing

Listing 7.4. Crowdsale contracts combining different pricing and funding limit options

Listing 7.5. SimpleCrowdsale referencing ReleasableToken

Listing 7.6. SafeMath library for performing checked math operations

Listing 7.7. How to call library functions

Listing 7.8. How to call library functions from a contract

Listing 7.9. ERC20 abstract contract, defining the Ethereum standard token

Listing 7.10. SimpleCoin refactored to an ERC20 token

Chapter 8. Managing smart contracts with Web3.js

Listing 8.1. SimpleCoin.sol, containing an early version of SimpleCoin

Listing 8.2. The geth interactive JavaScript instructions to deploy a contract

Listing 8.3. SimpleCoin Node.js deployment script

Listing 8.4. transferTokens.js script, which transfers coins between two accounts

Listing 8.5. Deploying SimpleCoinOnGanache.js

Listing 8.6. simplecoin.js

Listing 8.7. simplecoin.html

Chapter 9. The Ethereum ecosystem

Listing 9.1. IPFS object associated with a file containing a single block

Listing 9.2. IPFS object of a file larger than 256 KB, split into various blocks

Listing 9.3. Contract providing ETHXBT rate from the Kraken exchange through Oraclize

Chapter 10. Unit testing contracts with Mocha

Listing 10.1. package.json

Listing 10.2. dummyTests.js

Listing 10.3. SimpleCoin.sol, latest code from chapter 5

Listing 10.4. SimpleCoinTests.js

Chapter 11. Improving the development cycle with Truffle

Listing 11.1. contracts/Migrations.sol

Listing 11.2. 2_deploy_contracts.js: SimpleCoin's migration script

Listing 11.3. 1_initial_migration.js: Migrations’ migration script

Listing 11.4. truffle.js (or truffle-config.js): Truffle pointing to Test Develop

Listing 11.5. TestSimpleCoin.sol test contract

Listing 11.6. Original Mocha test on the constructor, verifying contract ownership

Listing 11.7. Truffle constructor test verifying contract ownership

Chapter 12. Putting it all together: Building a complete voting Dapp

Listing 12.1. 2_deploy_contracts.js: migration configuration for SimpleVoting

Listing 12.2. testSimpleVoting.js: testing ending the proposal registration session

Chapter 14. Security considerations

Listing 14.1. Example of execution in the context of an external contract

Listing 14.2. Example of delegatecall execution in the context of a calling contract

Listing 14.3. Incorrect implementation of an Auction contract

Listing 14.4. A malicious contract calling the Auction contract

Listing 14.5. Correct implementation of an Auction contract

Listing 14.6. Incorrect implementation of a function making several payments

Listing 14.7. Improved refundAllInvestors() implementation

Listing 14.8. Correct withdrawRefund implementation

Appendix A. SimpleCoin inherited from Ownable

Listing A.1. Refactored SimpleCoin contract, inherited from Ownable

Appendix B. Full SimpleCrowdsale application

Listing B.1. Full SimpleCrowdsale application, including crowdsale and coin contracts

Appendix C. SimpleCoin Mocha unit testing suite

Listing C.1. SimpleCoinTests.js

Appendix D. impleVoting contract

Listing D.1. SimpleVoting.sol: full voting contract

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