1. Yoon Min-sik, “Netizens Abuzz over Gates’s Handshake with President,” Korea Herald, April 23, 2013,

2. Tom Sheen, “Lionel Messi Offends Egypt with Boot Donation to Charity,” Independent–International, March 30, 2016,

3. United Nations Population Fund, “Migration,” May 23, 2016,; Jeffrey S. Passel and D’Vera Cohn, “U.S. Population Projections: 2005–2050,” Pew Research Center, February 11, 2008, accessed July 9, 2016,

4. Jie Zong and Jeanne Batalova, “Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States,” Migration Policy Institute, April 14, 2016, immigration-united-states.

5. Pew Research Center, “Chapter 5: U.S. Foreign-Born Population Trends,” Modern Immigration Wave Brings 59 Million to U.S., Driving Population Growth and Change Through 2065, born-population-trends/

6. Pew Research Center, Modern Immigration Wave Brings 59 Million to U.S., Driving Population Growth and Change Through 2065: Views of Immigration’s Impact on U.S. Society Mixed, September 28, 2015, The period of growth projected is from 2015 to 2065.

7. U.S. Census Bureau Decennial Censuses, American Community Survey, and the Department of Homeland Security 2011.

8. Richard Florida, “America’s Leading Immigrant Cities,” Atlantic, CityLab, September 22, 2015, cities/406438/.

9. Nicole Crowder, “Starting Over in Dearborn, Michigan: The Arab Capital of North America,” Washington Post, March 5, 2015, of-north-america/.

10. Wayne Drash, “In Iowa, Globalization and a Culture Clash,” CNN, n.d.,

11. Ibid.

12. Karen MacGregor, “International Students to Reach 3.8 Million by 2024,” University World News, October 11, 2013, accessed July 11, 2016,

13. PWC, The World in 2050: Will the Shift in Global Economic Power Continue? PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, 2015,

14. Jeffrey Towson and Jonathan Woetzel, The One Hour China Book: Two Peking University Professors Explain All of China Business in Six Short Stories (Jeffrey Towson, 2014).

15. Kevin N. Laland and Bennett G. Galef, eds., The Question of Animal Culture (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2009).

16. Beth Skwarecki, “Babies Learn to Recognize Words in the Womb,” Science, August 26, 2013, accessed July 9, 2016,; Jean-Pierre Lecanuet and Benoist Schaal, “Sensory Performances in the Human Foetus: A Brief Summary of Research,” Intellectica 1, no. 34 (2002): 29–56, accessed July 9, 2016,


1. Lana Berkowitz, “Bush, Prince Showed Respect by Holding Hands,” Houston Chronicle, April 27, 2005.

2. Jaime Holguin, “Abdullah-Bush Stroll Strikes Nerves,” CBS Evening News, April 27, 2005.

3. Donald E. Brown, Human Universals (New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 1991).

4. Andrew Keh, “And the Rio Crowd Goes Crazy! For Whatever!” New York Times, August 8, 2016,

5. Associated Press, “Boisterous Brazilian Fans Rewrite Rules of Olympic Etiquette,” Denver Post, August 11, 2016, olympic-etiquette/.

6. Robert N. St. Clair, “The Social and Cultural Construction of Silence,” International Association for Intercultural Communication 12, no. 3 (2003).

7. Oyinkan Medubi, “A Cross-Cultural Study of Silence in Nigeria—An Ethnolinguistic Approach,” University of Ilorin, Nigeria, October 29, 2009.

8. Harris Gardiner, “Where Streets Are Thronged with Strays Baring Fangs,” New York Times, August 6, 2012; Keno Verseck, “Dog Attacks: Romania to Put Down Thousands of Strays,” Spiegel Online International, September 13, 2013.

9. A. Mack and I. Rock, Inattentional Blindness (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1998).

10. David Hambling, “Questioning Perceptual Blindness: I See No Ships,” Fortean Times, February 2007.

11. Randall Stross, The Wizard of Menlo Park: How Thomas Alva Edison Invented the Whole World (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2007).

12. Terry Gross, “Habits: How They Form and How to Break Them” (interview with Charles Duhigg), Fresh Air, NPR, March 5, 2012.

13. Beth Azar, “Your Brain on Culture,” American Psychological Association 41, no. 10 (November 2010).

14. Michael Blanding, “A Burgeoning Science Explores the Deep Imprint of Culture,” Tufts Magazine, Winter 2010.

15. Joan Y. Chiao and Katherine D. Blizinsky, “Culture-Gene Coevolution of Individualism -Collectivism and the Serotonin Transporter Gene,” Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences, October 2009.

16. Charles Duhigg, The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business (New York: Random House, 2012).

17. Malcolm Gladwell, Outliers: The Story of Success (Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Company, 2008).

18. Blanding, “A Burgeoning Science Explores the Deep Imprint of Culture.”

19. Geert H. Hofstede, Culture’s Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions, and Organizations Across Nations, 2nd ed. (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2001).


1. Geisler Young, “2002 All-Star Game,” 2000, accessed July 9, 2016,

2. Jim Caple, “Ties,” July 29, 2009, accessed July 9, 2016,

3. As a result of this game, baseball rules were officially changed—and now the league winner of the game gets home field advantage during the World Series.

4. Except in play-off games, where a winner must be determined.

5. Robert Whiting, The Meaning of Ichiro: The New Wave from Japan and the Transformation of Our National Pastime (United States: Hachette Book Group, 2004) (author interview November 7, 2002).

6. Kashmira Gander, “World Cup 2014: Japanese Fans Clean Stadium After Losing 2-1 to Ivory Coast,” Independent–International, June 16, 2014,

7. Dina Gerdeman, “How to Demotivate Your Best Employees,” Forbes, April 8, 2013, your-best-employees/#10f198f65469.

8. Timothy Gubler, Ian Larkin, and Lamar Pierce, “The Dirty Laundry of Employee Award Programs: Evidence from the Field,” March 4, 2013, accessed July 9, 2016, evidence-from-the-field.

9. There are plenty of ME cultures that also discourage bragging, which may be driven more by the desire to uphold a sense of equality as opposed to maintaining group harmony.

10. Nicholas Kristof, “The Japanese Could Teach Us a Thing or Two,” New York Times, March 19, 2011,

11. H. Zhang, “Culture and Apology: The Hainan Island Incident,” World Englishes 20 (2001): 383–391, doi: 10.1111/1467-971X.00222. Note: In fact, the United States was in Chinese airspace, and clearly should not have been.

12. Lina Yoon, South Korea’s Suicide Problem. (Associated Press/Ahn Young-joon), July 21, 2010,;, “Health Status– Suicide Rates–OECD Data,” 2015, accessed July 9, 2016,; Korea’s Increase in Suicides and Psychiatric Bed Numbers Is Worrying, n.p,, 2013,

13. Cornell University, “Asian American Student Suicide Rate at MIT Is Quadruple the National Average,” May 2015, accessed July 9, 2016,

14. Harumi Ozawa, “Author of Japanese Suicide Manual Has No Regrets,” July 13, 2006, accessed July 9, 2016, suicide-manual-has-no-regrets.

15. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 2016. s.v “The complete manual of suicide,” accessed July 9, 2016, of_Suicide.

16. Nekane Basabe, and Maria Ros, “Cultural Dimensions and Social Behavior Correlates: Individualism-Collectivism and Power Distance,” Revue Internationale de Psychologie Sociale no. 1 (2005).

17. Harry C. Triandis, Individualism and Collectivism (Boulder: Westview Press, 1995); Harry C. Triandis, “The Self and Social Behavior in Differing Cultural Contexts,” Psychological Review 96, no. 3 (1989): 506–20, doi:10.1037/0033-295x.96.3.506.

18. J. Y. Chiao and K. D. Blizinsky, “Culture–Gene Coevolution of Individualism– Collectivism and the Serotonin Transporter Gene,” Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277, no. 1681 (2009): 529–537, doi:10.1098/rspb.2009.1650.

19. C. L. Fincher, R. Thornhill, D. R. Murray, M. Schaller, “Pathogen prevalence predicts human cross-cultural variability in individualism/collectivism,” Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 275, (2008): 1279–1285, doi:10.1098/rspb.2008.0094.

20. Betha Azar, “Your Brain on Culture.” American Psychological Association. November 2014, Vol. 41, No. 10.

21. “The We/Me Culture: Marketing in Korea,” 2013, accessed July 9, 2016,; Yonsei University marketing professor Dae Ryun Chung cautions that when marketing to Koreans, companies should be aware that “Koreans tend to buy housing, cars, entertainment and liquor in order to confirm their identity as Koreans. Alternately, Koreans tend to buy goods like beer, coffee and hair coloring in order to express their individual identities. If foreign marketers can create a message that balances Koreans’ impulses towards “we” and “me” they may just reap huge rewards.”


1. George Raine, and Chronicle Staff Writer, “Lost in the Translation / Milk Board Does Without Its Famous Slogan When It Woos a Latino Audience,” August 25, 2001, accessed July 8, 2016, translation-Milk-board-does-without-2884230.php.

2. Ibid.

3. Edward T. Hall, The Anthropology of Everyday Life (United States: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, 1993).

4. Edward T. Hall, Beyond Culture (New York: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 1997).

5. Ibid.


1. Chris Irvine, “Bill Gates “Disrespects” South Korean President with Casual Handshake,” Telegraph, April 23, 2013,; Yoon Min-sik, “Netizens Abuzz over Gates’ Handshake with President,” Korea Herald, April 23, 2013, accessed July 8, 2016, www.koreaherald. com/view.php?ud=20130423000714.

2. Corrinne Burns, “What Does the Way You Count on Your Fingers Say about Your Brain?” Guardian, February 10, 2016,

3. When it comes to smiles, expression researcher Jeffrey Cohn of the University of Pittsburgh notes that all humans have facial muscles used for smiling. “There’s good evidence that the motor routine involved in smiling is inborn,” says Cohn.

4. John Bohannon, “Facial Expression Study Has Scientists Rethinking Darwin’s ‘Six Emotions,’” Huffington Post, April 18, 2012,; Devon Maloney, “Facial Expressions Aren’t as Universal as Scientists Have Thought,” Popular Science, April 11, 2014, accessed July 8, 2016. universal-we-thought.

5. R. E. Jack, O. G. B. Garrod, H. Yu, R. Caldara, and P. G. Schyns, “Facial Expressions of Emotion Are Not Culturally Universal,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109, no. 19 (April 16, 2012): 7241–44, doi:10.1073/pnas.1200155109.


1. Øyvind Dahl, Meanings in Madagascar: Cases of Intercultural Communication. United States: Greenwood Press, 1999.

2. Øyvind Dahl, “When the Future Comes from Behind: Malagasy and Other Time Concepts and Some Consequences for Communication,” International Journal of Intercultural Relations 19, no. 2 (March 1995): 197–209, doi:10.1016/0147- 1767(95)00004-u.

3. Ibid.

4. Ibid.

5. Ibid.

6. Timothy Ferriss, The 4-Hour Workweek (New York: Crown Publishers, 2007). Currently sold in thirty-six markets, the book has sold 1,800,000 copies through more than eighty-five printings in North America; it is a Triple Crown #1 Business Bestseller (New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and BusinessWeek); has been on the New York Times Business Hardcover Bestsellers list for an unbroken four years and four months, where it has appeared for more than seven years; and is a best seller in Germany.

7. Robert N. Levine, A Geography of Time: On Tempo, Culture, and the Pace of Life (New York: Basic Books, 2008).

8. Edward T. Hall, The Silent Language (New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, 1973).

9. Ibid.

10. Ibid.

11. Levine, A Geography of Time.

12. Lawrence T. White, “Do Cultures Segment Time Differently?” Psychology Today, January 27, 2012, accessed July 8, 2016,

13. “Train Running Late? Get a Train Delay Certificate (chien Shoumei)!” November 19, 2013,; “Sorry for the One Minute Delay: Why Tokyo’s Trains Rule,” September 25, 2013, accessed July 11, 2016, rule-2udv1.

14. Thomas Lafarge, Lise Martin, and Laure Gnagbé Blédou, “Voyage Entre les Lignes,” August 2005, accessed July 11, 2016,,3050,page1.html.

15. Jason Karaian, “The Swiss Are Scandalized by Trains That Run Three Minutes Behind Schedule,” Quartz, January 13, 2014, scandalized-by-trains-that-run-three-minutes-behind-schedule/.

16. Nicholas Kulish, “Germany’s Sense of Order vs. America’s Bold Plans for the Economy,” Week in Review, New York Times, November 16, 2014,

17. Levine, A Geography of Time.

18. D’Vera Cohn and Andrea Caumont, “10 Demographic Trends That Are Shaping the U.S. and the World,” Pew Research Center, March 31, 2016, and-the-world/.

19. Hope Yen, “Census: White Majority in U.S. Gone by 2043,” NBC News, June 13, 2013, accessed July 9, 2016, census-white-majority-in-us-gone-by-2043.

20. “Autoists Do Banking from Their Car,” Popular Mechanics, July 1930, p. 13.

21. “ History: The Birth of Convenience Retailing,” 7-Eleven Corporate, accessed July 9, 2016,


1. Geert H. Hofstede, Culture’s Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions, and Organizations Across Nations, 2nd ed. (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2001).

2. BBC, “Guayabera Shirt Now Official Cuban Formal Dress Code,” BBC, October 7, 2010,

3. Sean Upton-McLaughlin, “Chinese Dining Etiquette,” China Culture Corner, August 1, 2013, accessed July 9, 2016,

4. John Leland, “Cultural Differences,” At War (blog), New York Times, December 5, 2009,

5. John Spacey, “How to Pour a Drink in Japan,” Japan Talk, 2002, accessed July 9, 2016,

6. Michael Landers, “Culture Crossing,” 2014,

7. Lee Marshall, “Ordering Coffee in Italy: The 10 Commandments,” Telegraph, April 26, 2016,

8. Barbara Kiviat, “The Big Gulp at Starbucks,” Time, December 10, 2006, accessed July 9, 2016,,9171,1568488,00.html.

9. Entrepreneur Media, “Howard Schultz,” Entrepreneur, October 10, 2008, accessed July 9, 2016,

10. Eric Schlosser, “Americans Are Obsessed with Fast Food: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal,” CBS News, accessed April 14, 2014,

11. Placed, “White Paper: Dining out in America Part 1: The Quick Service Restaurant Landscape,” Placed Insights, n.d., accessed July 9, 2016,

12. Randy James, “A Brief History of McDonald’s Abroad,” Time, October 28, 2009, accessed July 9, 2016,,8599,1932839,00.html.

13. Lucy Fancourt, Bredesen Lewis, and Nicholas Madjka, “Born in the USA, Made in France: How McDonald’s Succeeds in the Land of Michelin Stars,” Knowledge@ Wharton, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, January 3, 2012, accessed July 9, 2016,; Eleanor Beardsley, “Why McDonald’s in France Doesn’t Feel Like Fast Food,” NPR, January 24, 2012, accessed July 9, 2016,

14. Sun Kim, “In France, McDonald’s Refreshes Its Brand with Architecture and Design,” ZDNet, November 21, 2011, accessed July 9, 2016,


1. David C. Pollock and Ruth E. Van Reken, Third Culture Kids: The Experience of Growing Up Among Worlds (Yarmouth, ME, and London: Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2001); Andrea M. Moore and Gina G. Barker, “Confused or Multicultural: Third Culture Individuals’ Cultural Identity,” International Journal of Intercultural Relations 36, no. 4 (July 2012): 553–62, doi:10.1016/j.ijintrel.2011.11.002.

2. Ivan Simonovic, “Statement by Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights, Ivan Simonovic at the Side-Event on the Margins of the 69th Session of the UN General Assembly on Launch of OHCHR’s Recommended Principles and Guidelines on Human Rights at International Borders,” October 23, 2014, accessed July 10, 2016, aspx?NewsID=15252&LangID=E.

3. L. Robert Kohls, Values Americans Live By (Washington, DC: The Washington International Center, 1984).

4. Ibid.

5. Ibid.

6. Sean Poulter and Mark Duell, “Tesco Announces ‘Horror Show’ £6.38bn Loss -Biggest in 97-Year History,” Daily Mail, April 24, 2015,

7. Brad Tuttle, “Tale of Two Supermarkets: Why Fresh & Easy Flopped and Fairway Flies High,” Time, April 18, 2013, accessed July 10, 2016, high/.

8. Ibid.

9. “Five Years In, Fresh & Easy Markets Are a Flop,” Los Angeles Times, March 21, 2013, accessed July 10, 2016.

10. Tuttle, “Tale of Two Supermarkets.”

11. Ibid.

12. Lynne Bateson, “Why Tesco’s Fresh & Easy Turned Americans Off,” Guardian, December 5, 2012, turned-americans-off.

13. Poulter and Duell, “Tesco Announces ‘Horror Show.’”

14. Clotaire Rapaille, The Culture Code: An Ingenious Way to Understand Why People Around the World Buy and Live as They Do (New York: Broadway Books, 2006).

15. Ibid.

16. Ibid.

17. Ibid.

18. Linda Tischler, “Ideo’s David Kelley on ‘Design Thinking,’” Co.Design, April 12, 2016,

19. Tim Brown, “The 7 Values That Drive IDEO,” Design Thinking: Thoughts by Tim Brown, January 21, 2014, accessed July 10, 2016,

20. Ibid.

21. Although cofounder Eduardo Saverin was born in Brazil, he emigrated to the United States when he was just eleven years old.

22. David Kirkpatrick, The Facebook Effect: The Inside Story of the Company That Is Connecting the World (New York: Simon & Schuster Adult Publishing Group, 2010).

23. Alice Kirkland, “10 Countries Where Facebook Has Been Banned,” Index, February 4, 2014, accessed July 10, 2016,


1. Greg Toppo and Paul Overberg, “Second Immigration Wave Lifts Diversity to Record High: Collision of Cultures, Languages and Politics Poses Perils and Promises.” “The Changing Face of America: 100 Years of Diversity. Gathering Places. ‘Library Is the Living Room’ of a New Jersey Town,” USA Today, n.d., www. 100-years/16211133/.

2. Ashley Kirk, “Mapped: Which Country Has the Most Immigrants?” Telegraph, January 21, 2016,

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