Abdullah, Crown Prince, 12–13

acceptable behaviors. See disrespectful behaviors (perceived)

Adult Third Culture Kids (ATCKs), 151

advertising. See marketing/advertising

African cultures, touch/touching, 103

aggressive communication styles, 71–77

alcoholic drinks etiquette, 144–145

Ambady, Nalini, 33

American culture. See United States culture

animals, treatment of, 27–28

anthropology, cultural, 34

anxiety, 61

apologies, 46

Arab cultures, 21–22, 52, 95, 103, 104, 117

arrival time. See time perception

assertive communication styles, 71–77

assumptions, 43, 55–56, 75

ATCKs (Adult Third Culture Kids), 151

attitude, 34–36

axioms, 164–165. See also proverbs and sayings

baggage, cultural, 18–19

baseball games, reactions to, 40–41

beckoning (come here) gesture, 94–95, 107


adjusting your, 136–137

assessment of, 16–17

beliefs and values affecting our, 18–19

as clues, 58

core values as dictators of, 153

of direct and indirect communicators, 70–71

disrespectful/acceptable (See disrespectful behaviors (perceived))

formal/informal, 130–131

frames of reference for understanding, 29

frustration with other cultures’, 153–154

genetic factors in, 61

as indicators of core values, 170

influence of Me-We ideologies on, 43

during interviews, 43

invisible elements of, 15–16

mirroring, 149

misinterpreting, 55–56

modifying, 112

organizational, 35–36

others’ views of American’s, 154–156

patterns of, 162–163

perceptions of, 72–73

understanding reasons for, 14–15

See also gestures

beliefs, 18–19, 24, 28–29, 57–58

Bharucha, Jamshed, 32

biases, 43, 77, 105

Blizinsky, Katherine, 60–61

body language. See nonverbal communication

bowing when greeting others, 104–105

brain, cultural shaping of, 31–33

Brannen, Chris, 78

Brannen Group, 78

Brazilian culture, 22–23, 92–93, 100–101, 123

Brown, Tim, 164

Buddhism, 83

bus boarding, 13–15

Bush, George W., 12–13

business cards, 142, 143–144, 149

business transactions, 172

California, cultural differences in, 65

Canadian culture, 60, 101–103

ceremonies, 143, 145–147

Chiao, Joan, 32, 60–61

China/Chinese culture, 20–21, 26, 46, 51–52, 51–53, 95, 115

Christianity, 83

clothing/dress codes, 129, 133, 134, 149

codes/coding, 34, 159–160

coffee etiquette, 145–147

cognitive functions, 31–32

collectivist instincts, 32

college towns, proportion of foreign born students in, 3

Colombian culture, 93, 101, 111–112, 138–139

Colombo, Sri Lanka, 13–15

communication crashes, 69–70, 76–77

communication styles

American, 154–155

comfort with silence, 81–85

context and, 68–70

by country, 77–80

dealing with silence, 84–85

eye contact during, 104

generalizations, 36–37

groups’ development of, 80

importance of effective, 172–173

misinterpreting, 2

perceiving and reacting to different, 71–77

personal preferences in styles of, 67–71

preferences, 78

touching others during conversations, 103

verbal, 66–67, 67–71, 71–77

written expression, 65, 137

See also nonverbal communication

conditioning, cultural, 4

conflict avoidance, 140

confrontations, 45–46

Confucian philosophies, 59–60

connecting to others

acknowledging beliefs and values of others, 57

barriers to, 24

as core value, 162

versus crashing, 17

differing methods for, 52

in Me and We cultures, 50–51

networks/networking, 50–53

through social media, 52

universal behaviors for, 17

conscious biases, 77

constitutional rights/freedoms, U.S., 20

context/frames of reference, 29, 68–70, 74, 95

core values

behaviors dictated by, 153–154

complaints about American, 154

cultural, 152–153

effects on behavior of, 18–19

Facebook’s, 166–167

generational, 24

marketing to, 157–161

in Me and We cultures, 57–58

meshing with subcultures’, 163, 166, 167, 169

organizational, 163–169

proverbs as reflection of, 24

tips for navigating, 170

uncovering/using your, 161–163

understanding cultural, 148

of U.S. organizations, 168–169

U.S. versus other countries’, 156

counting/numbers gestures, 90–91, 97–98

crashes, culture. See culture crashes

credibility, 134

Cuban culture, 134

cultural anthropology, 34

cultural associations, 171

cultural baggage, 4, 18, 19, 33

cultural values. See core values

culture (in general), 4, 6–7, 17, 35–36

culture crashes, 1–6, 3, 11, 72, 111–112

Dahl, Øyvind, 109–110

Darwin, Charles, 98

deadlines, 114, 127, 163, 168

decision making influences, 48

Denver Post, 23

depression, 32, 61

design thinking methodology, 164

dimensions of behavior, Hofstede’s, 35–36

direct/indirect communication spectrum, 77, 80, 86–87

direct verbal communication, 67–71, 77, 80, 86–87. See also indirect verbal communication

disagreements, 86

disrespectful behaviors (perceived)

arriving late, 25

asking a question, 25–26

being late/early, 111, 116

eye contact, 11–12

greetings, 12

guests helping with cleanup, 26–27

handshakes, 12–13, 90

informality, 132

kicking a dog, 27–28

perceptions of silence, 26

punctuality, 117

taking credit from someone else, 41

See also misinterpretations

distance from others, 100–101

distribution of power, 131

Dominican Republic, 134

dress codes/clothing, 129, 133, 134, 149

drinking etiquette, 144–148, 149

Dutch culture, 72–73, 74

Eastern cultures, 98

eating etiquette, 144–148, 149

Ecuadoran culture, formality, 136

Edison, Thomas, 29–30

email etiquette, 149

emotions/emotional responses, 61, 71–77, 98, 99

equality, 155–156, 166

ethnic cultures, 7

etiquette, 130, 132, 144–145, 149. See also formality

expression. See communication styles; gestures

The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (Darwin), 98

eye contact, 11–12, 103–104, 107

Facebook, 166–167

face culture

communication styles and, 68

hiding negative emotions, 99

losing face, 47–48, 51

saving face, 44–45, 45–48, 57, 67–68, 71–77

facial expressions/gestures, 93–94, 96, 98–100

failing forward, 48

failure, 48, 49

family networks, 52

Fast Company, 164

feedback, tips for giving, 86

feedback crashes, 72–73

filter gestures, 93

foreigners, 171–172


avoiding errors of, 137

ceremonial expressions of, 143–144

of clothing, 129, 133

definitions of, 130, 132

eating and drinking etiquette, 144–148

expressions of, 130–131

figuring out your formality zone, 133–137

informality, 132, 149, 155, 166

interpretations of, 132–133

respect for place, 138–140

tips for cultural crossings of, 149

use of titles and names, 140–143, 149

frames of reference/context, 29, 68–70, 74, 95

Fresh & Easy, 157–159, 161

gaining face, 45, 47

Gates, Bill, 1, 90

gender issues, 76–77, 101, 103

generalizations, 36–37

genetic markers for We or Me orientations, 60–61

genetic predispositions, 32, 60

German culture, 23, 97, 160


beckoning (come here), 94–95

mouth/lip gestures, 94, 96, 98–100, 104–105

nuances of, 12–13

pranamasana gesture (India), 104

reading/interpreting, 92–94

yes/no, 96

See also hand gestures

Gladwell, Malcolm, 34

global culture, 17

God willing (Insha Allah), 21–22

Greek culture, finger gestures in, 97

greeting others, 12–13, 17, 90, 104–106, 105, 107

group cultures, 51, 60, 80, 169. See also Me or We

orientations; workplace cultures

Guardian, 158

guest behavior, 138–139

habits, 32–33, 96, 129–130

Hall, Edward, 34, 77–78, 116–117

hand gestures

context of, 95

cultural meanings of, 89–90

double meanings of, 102

finger gestures, 107

finger pointing, 95–96

in Greek culture, 97

middle finger gesture, 92

moutza, 97

signaling numbers/counting, 90–91, 97–98

handshakes, 12–13, 90, 105–106

head nodding/shaking, 89, 96, 107

hearing, perceptual issues of, 29–30

hierarchies, 33, 131, 141–142

high-context communication, 68

Hofstede, Geert, 34–36, 131

hospitality, 50

housing differences, 52–53

hugging others, 104–105

IBM study, 34–36

iceberg model of cultural programming, 15–16, 171

identity, 7, 18, 152

IDEO, 163–166

ideologies, 156, 165. See also core values

Ilorin, University of, 26

immediate gratification, 125, 155, 166

immigrants/immigration, 2, 3, 124, 172

impressions, inaccurate, 56–57

Indian culture, pranamasana gesture, 104

indirect/direct communication spectrum, 77, 80

indirect verbal

communication, 67–71, 77, 80, 86–87

individualism/individuality, 19, 20, 57, 155, 161, 166

individual orientations. See Me or We orientations

influences of culture, 10–11

informality, 130–131, 132, 149, 155, 166. See also formality

Inglorious Basterds, 90–91

Insha Allah (God willing), 21–22

instincts, collectivist, 32

intention(s), 74, 76, 100

interpretations of behavior, 14, 25–26, 75–76, 82

interruptions, 25, 26, 74–75

interviews, 42, 43, 63, 99

Iraqi culture, 139

Islamic-based cultures, 60

Jack, Rachael, 98

Jamaican culture, 115

Japan/Japanese culture

beckoning gesture in, 95

certificates of delay, 120

communication styles, 74–75

eating and drinking etiquette, 145

eye contact/where to look, 103

finger gestures in, 97

hand gestures in, 93

interpretation of silence in, 82

personal space in, 100–101

proverbs in, 20

reaction to tie games in, 40

slurping soup, 30

smiles/smiling, 99

student-teacher ratios in, 44

suicide in, 47–48

We ideology in, 44–45, 121

jeito (social capital), 52

job interviews. See interviews

Jordanian culture, 145–146

kindness, 50

Kirkpatrick, David, 167

kissing in greetings, 104–105

Kohls, L. Robert, 153–154, 156, 162. See also core values

Korean Air pilots, 33

Korean culture, communication styles in, 67–68

language/vocabulary issues, 9, 65–66, 171–172

lateness. See time perception

Later cultures. See Now-Later orientation

Lego, 159–161

Levine, Robert, 116, 117, 121 looking at others, 11–12, 103–104

Los Angeles Times, 158

losing face, 47–48, 51

low-context communication, 68

Madagascar (Malagasy culture), 109–110

manners, good/bad, 30

marketing/advertising, 62, 65, 157, 158–159

McDonald’s, 62, 147–148, 167

meals etiquette, 144–148

Me cultures

acts of kindness in, 50

assumptions about others in, 56

face concept in, 45

origins of, 59

pronouns used in, 57–58

real estate/housing differences, 52–53

saving face in, 47

taking credit from someone else, 41

typical values and beliefs in, 57

See also Me-Weentries

meetings, 25, 63, 86–87, 122–124, 127–128, 137

Me or We orientations, 39–41, 49, 58, 60–61, 63–64

messaging formality/informality, 149

Messi, Lionel, 1

Me-We continuum, 59, 121

Me-We marketing, 62

Me-We self test, 53–55

Me-We spectrum, 55–61

Mexican culture, 69–70, 95, 104, 115, 122

middle finger gesture, 92

mirroring technique, 106, 107, 149


about formality, 129–130

avoiding, 96

body stances and gestures, 92–94

of communication styles, 2

different cultures, 55–56

double meanings of hand gestures, 102

due to misperceptions and assumptions, 75

eye contact, 104

finger gestures, 95–96, 97–98

head movements, 96

preventing, 66–67

sarcasm, 87

smiles/smiling, 99

touch/touching, 101–103

unconscious bias and, 42–43

work behaviors, 123

See also disrespectful behaviors (perceived)

Moroccan culture, 118

motivating factors, 162

mouth/lip gestures, 94, 96, 98–100, 104–105

musical chairs example, 44

names and titles, 140, 149

national cultures, 7, 35, 58, 61, 68, 166

Native American culture, proverbs, 115

networks/networking, 50–53

neuroscience, cultural, 31–34, 33, 60

New York Times, 139

New Zealand cultures, kissing during greetings, 104

Nigerian culture, 26

nonverbal communication, 68

cultural differences in, 9–10, 92

habits of, 91

head nodding/shaking, 89

job interview example, 42

mirroring technique, 106

reading gestures, 92–94

tips for, 107

See also facial expressions/gestures; gestures; greeting others; hand gestures; personal space

Northwestern University study, 60–61

Now-Later orientation, 113, 114–116, 118, 120–121, 123– 124, 127–128

no/yes gestures, 96

numbers/counting, gestures for, 90–91, 97–98

observable behaviors, 15–16

office culture, 165–166

“okay” gesture, 93

open hand gesture, 96

organizational behavior, 35–36

organizational culture and values, 61, 68, 80, 168–169

Outliers (Gladwell), 34

palanca (social capital), 52

passive communication styles, 71–77

patterns of behavior, 162–163


of assertive communication styles, 75–76

of communication styles, 71–77

of formality, 133

influence of Me-We ideologies on, 43

of interruptions, 25, 26

old/young woman drawing example, 28

opening your mind to other, 33

programming of our, 28–31

of silence, 26

slurping soup, 30

of time (See time perception)

See also disrespectful behaviors (perceived)

perceptual blindness, 29

personal culture, 166

personal space, 100–101, 107

Philippines culture, beckoning gesture in, 95

philosophies. See proverbs and sayings

pointing the finger, 95–96, 107

Pollock, David C., 151

power distance phenomenon, 131

pranamasana gesture, 104


around silence, 83

bowing when greeting others, 104–105

changing your cultural, 9–10

as cultural baggage, 18

formality, 139

habits around formality, 129–130

iceberg model of cultural, 15–16

identifying your, 25–28

influence on interpreting/misinterpreting actions of, 55–56

Me-We, 55

mindfulness of our, 173

of perceptions, 28–31

personal space comfort/discomfort, 100–101

in Western cultures, 41–42

proverbs and sayings

about time perception, 114, 115

Avoid men who do not speak and dogs that do not bark. (Brazil), 22–23

Confucian, 59–60

The duck that quacks the loudest gets shot. (China), 20–21

God helps those who help themselves. (United States), 21

IDEO’s axioms, 164–165

Insha Allah or God willing. (Arab nations), 21–22

The nail that sticks up gets hammered down. (Japan), 20

as reflection of aspirations, 24

A rolling stone gathers no moss. (United States and Japan), 23–24

Silence is golden. (Germany), 23

The squeaky wheel gets the grease. (United States), 19–20

underlying meanings of, 21–22

understanding our cultural, 19

from various cultures, 24

punctuality, 25, 111, 115–122, 116–118

quanxi (China), 51–53

questions, response time after, 82–83

Rapaille, Clotaire, 159–160

reactions, 16–17, 25–28, 32–33, 71–77

real estate examples, 22, 46, 124

reciprocation, 51

recognition, perceptual blindness and, 29

reflexes, cultural, 32–33

regional groupings (cultures), 35, 68

relationships, 48–50, 50–53, 52, 78, 80, 144, 151

religious cultures, 83

reputation, 48–50

respect, 131, 139–140

risk taking, 48–50

rituals, eating and drinking, 145–147

rubbing noses as greeting, 104

Russian culture, 99

sacrifice, personal, 49

sales tactics, 22, 46, 124–126, 148

S-alleles, 60, 61

sarcasm, 87

Saudi Arabian culture, 49–50

saving face, 44–45, 45–48, 57, 67–68, 71–77

saying no, 69–70, 87

sayings. See proverbs and sayings

schedules, 115

Schlosser, Eric, 147

school differences, class sizes, 44–45

seating formalities, 137

segmentation of time, 116

self-assessment tests, 53–55, 118–120, 135, 162–163

self-awareness, 94, 163

self-expression, 40

self-perception, 48

self-sacrifice, 49

Serbian culture, finger gestures in, 97

shame, loss of face and, 47

shared cultural traits, 37

silence, 26, 81–85

silent treatment, 81

Singapore, 25

social capital, 51–53

social gatherings, 111–112

social hierarchies, 131

social media, 166–167

social order, 142

South Korean culture, 90, 95

sports, reactions to, 39–41

Sri Lanka, 13–15

stances/body positions, 93

status quo, 49

strangers, relationships with, 49–50

Stross, Randall, 30

student cultures, 3, 47

subcultures, 163, 166, 167, 169

suicide, losing face and, 47–48

Swiss culture, 99, 120–121, 140

Switzerland, perception of silence in, 26

table manners, 144

TCKs (Third Culture Kids), 151–153

teacher exchange (Chinese/American), 51–52

Tesco, 157–159

texting formality/informality, 149

Thailand/Thai culture, 95

Third Culture Kids (TCKs), 151–153

thumbs up/down gestures, 92–93

tie games, reactions to, 40–41

time crashes, 116

time perception

cross-cultural navigation of, 127–128

deadlines, 114, 127, 163, 168

European, 110–111

finding/making up time, 113–115

Later cultures, 113, 114–115, 118

Malagasy, 109–111

Now cultures, 113, 115–116, 118, 120–121

punctuality, 25, 111, 115–122, 116–118

time as commodity, 113–115

urgency, 22, 124–126, 128, 163

value of time, 122

your inner time zone, 115–122

time warp scale, 118–120

titles and names, 140, 149

touch/touching, 101–103, 107

Trader Joe’s, 158–159

traits, shared cultural, 37

Turkish culture, proverbs, 115

unconscious bias, 42–43

unconscious incompetence, 11, 42–43

United States (in general), 2–3, 20, 51–52, 153–156, 157–158

United States culture

beckoning gesture, 94–95

communication styles, 72–73

culture code, 160–161

feedback crashes, 72–74

finger pointing, 95–96

formality in the work-place, 136

hand gestures in, 93

immediate gratification, 125, 155, 166

Me orientation in, 59

others’ views of, 154–156

perception of silence in, 26

proverbs, 19–20, 21

punctuality, 117

reaction to tie games in, 40

silence versus talking in, 81–85

smiling in, 99

time perception, 116, 123

touch/touching, 101–103

University of Ilorin, 26

urgency, 22, 124–125, 128, 163

USA Today, 172

Useem, Ruth Hill, 151

values. See core values

verbal communication styles, 66–67, 67–71, 71–77. See also written expression

visual perception, 30–31

wasta concept, 52

We cultures, 40

assumptions about others in, 56

group orientation in, 57

Japanese ideology in, 44–45

job interviews in, 42

Me-We self-test, 53–55

origins of, 59–61

pronouns used in, 57–58

real estate/housing differences, 52–53

risk-taking in, 48–49

smiling in, 99

taking credit from someone else, 41

typical values and beliefs in, 57

See also Me cultures; Me or We orientations

Western cultures, 98

workplace cultures

asking a question, 25–26

Facebook’s, 166–167

formality (See formality)

Fresh & Easy’s, 157–159, 161

IDEO’s, 163–166

Japanese, 20–21

job interviews, 42

job titles, 141–142

Lego’s, 159–161

meetings (See meetings)

meshing with core values, 165–166

Now-Later orientation in, 123–124

response to silence, 83

study of attitudes in work-place, 34–36

written expression, 65, 137. See also verbal communication styles

yes and no gestures, 96

Zimbabwe culture, proverbs, 115

Zuckerberg, Mark, 166–167

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