Appendix X1
Third Edition Changes

X1.1 About this Appendix

Substantial changes have been made to the PMCD Framework – Third Edition, to the point that the document is not readily comparable to previous versions. The intent of this appendix is to lay out the changes to the document along with the objectives of update such that both the history and applicability of this document are clear.

The fundamental change between the second and third editions of the PMCD Framework is the expansion horizontally across more roles within the project management profession, to include program and portfolio managers. In parallel to this expansion, the update committee added substantial depth and breadth to the competencies articulated in the second edition.

The structure of the document itself has been modified to facilitate a better understanding of the concepts of competency assessment and development, while consolidating the actual competencies into more usable, stand-alone tables contained in the appendixes of the document.

X1.2 Objectives

Specifically, the update committee's objectives included the following:

Expand the PMCD Framework to include portfolio and program managers. To meet this objective, the committee drew heavily on the portfolio and program standards, patterning the competences to match the structure of those standards. Throughout the process of adding these new sections, the committee followed the Second Edition of PMCD Framework with the intent of creating a competency framework for portfolio and program managers that was analogous to the existing framework for project managers. The committee believed this would serve two primary purposes: (1) the framework would be more usable because the format was the same, allowing the reader to assess and develop competency in a similar manner, whether for a portfolio, program, or project manager; and (2) the overall framework, covering all three roles, would be more streamlined because the committee replicated competences, where appropriate, allowing for comparability and reuse across multiple roles.

Maintain alignment between all PMI standards. As with the Second Edition, the committee worked closely with the existing standards to ensure consistency between the PMCD Framework and the relevant standards. This effort included reviewing the current editions of the standard as well as working with other committees where a revision was underway (i.e., PMBOK® Guide – Sixth Edition).

Provide a usable tool set for practitioners. The PMCD Framework is intended to be a tool set for the profession to assess and develop the competency of project management practitioners. The committee rearranged the PMCD Framework from the Second Edition so that practitioners could assess and then enhance competences in the various manager roles covered by the PMCD Framework.

X1.3 Approach

The Second Edition of the PMCD Framework was a significant departure from the First Edition. The document was restructured along the lines of the Project Management Professional (PMP)® Examination Content Outline, based on project charter direction from PMI. The team also took the opportunity to expand the document to cover three levels of project managers. A first draft of the document consisted of a framework to assess and develop project coordinators, project managers, and senior project managers. While this expanded the scope of the charter, there was belief within the team that the document would have a greater value to the profession.

PMI redirected the team to focus solely on the project manager, leaving the other levels of competency development to future projects. The charter for the PMCD Framework was strengthened and a core team was reconstructed to drive adherence to the charter. While the final draft of the PMCD Framework – Second Edition met the charter of the project to address a project manager that has developed the knowledge and experience to pass the PMP®, the team felt strongly that there was a need to expand the framework to include the level below the PMP® certified project manager and the level above and to add a competency framework for portfolio and program managers. The committee believed this additional coverage would be beneficial to organizations as a development path for project staff.

To address the issues raised by the Second Edition project committee (specifically, addressing multiple roles), the Third Edition committee was formed to update and expand the PMCD Framework. The Core Team of eight members enlisted approximately 20 additional volunteers to serve as subteam members. Each Core Team member was assigned one or two sections using a revised document outline. The sections were set up to extend and expand the concept of a development framework covering portfolio and program managers, along with project managers, while providing competency definitions at a much greater level of detail than the previous two editions.

A subject matter expert and MAG review highlighted areas of additional expansion of the document leading to a substantial incremental effort to finalize a polished version of the PMCD Framework.

In the end, the Third Edition addresses broad swathes of the project management community with a framework for the development of competences for portfolio, program, and project managers.

X1.4 Changes

While the core of the Second Edition was maintained, several chapters were added to accommodate the expanded scope (portfolio and program managers) and to delineate the expanded competency structure.

Section 1. Virtually unchanged, with additions to accommodate the new scope.

Section 2. The Third Edition deepened the definition of competency. As a result, the structure of the competences themselves was expanded. These changes are contained in this section. This section also introduces the relationship between portfolio, program, and project management. While some of the competencies are the same or analogous, they may be applied differently based on the differing requirements of the portfolio, program, and project manager roles.

Section 3. This section is dedicated to describing the project manager role in the context of the PMCD Framework. The competences are located in Appendixes X3 and X4.

Section 4. A wholly new section, dedicated to describing the program manager role. The structure of this section and the competences themselves mirror Section 3 and the project manager role.

Section 5. A wholly new section, dedicated to describing the portfolio manager role, a mirror to Sections 3 and 4.

Section 6. This section covers the gap noted in the Second Edition and provides a development framework for the career of the project manager. With the addition of the portfolio and program manager roles, this section was added to the Third Edition to aid the practitioner in competence development.

Section 7. In an effort to expand the usability and applicability of the PMCD Framework in the organization, this section was added to provide guidance on how to apply the framework, including tying into an organization's existing training and monitoring network.

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