AA1000 Assurance Standard (AA1000AS), 89

accounting profession

attestation engagements, 87

IFAC Sustainability Framework, 31–32

sustainability accounting and, 13–15

sustainability reporting and, 13–15

Achieving Mission Zero, 20

air pollution, effects of, 15

American Electric Power (AEP), 66

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), 88, 104

Anderson, Ray, 17

anticompetitive behavior, 66–67

antitrust legislation, corporate sustainability and, 8–9

Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE), 104–105

assurances for sustainability reports

standards for, 88–91

Attest Engagements AT Section 101 (AT 101) standard, 90, 91

Ball Corporation, 43, 44, 65, 69

Baxter International Inc., 10

benefits analysis of sustainability, 100–102

biodiversification, sustainability and, 3, 40, 47

boundaries, GRI sustainability reporting guidelines, 37


of Nike, 14, 29

of Wal-Mart, 11

brand value, sustainability reporting and, 26

Brundtland Commission, 2

Brundtland, Gro Harlem, 2

business strategy, sustainability management and, 32

Carnegie, Andrew, 8

carpet manufacturing

environmental reforms in, 17

sustainability practices in, 20

Carson, Rachel, 16

certification standards

number of certifications by country, 98

for sustainability assurance, 88–91

certified public accountants (CPA), 87, 91

child labor practices

GRI sustainability reporting guidelines, 62

at Nike Corporation, 29

Clayton Act, 9

Clean Water Act, Wal-Mart violations of, 13

climate change, scientific research on, 2–4

closed-loop systems, financial rewards of sustainability reporting, 24

collective bargaining agreements, 56, 61–62

communities, corporate sustainability and role of, 7–13

compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL), Wal-Mart installation of, 11

company governance systems, corporate sustainability and, 39

competitive advantage

sustainability practices and, 30

waste management and, 23

compliance-only strategies, costs of, 24

conflicts of interest, sustainability practices against, 26

content management, GRI sustainability reporting guidelines, 33–35, 93–94

coral reefs, environmental damage to, 4

Corporate Register Sustainability Awards, 102

corporate sustainability

definitions of, 4–5

reporting companies, survey of, 82–83

stakeholders in, 6–13

corporate sustainability reports

defined, 13–15

See also sustainability reporting


anticorruption policies, 65–66

globalization and increase in, 16

governance and protection against, 26

political causes, 66

risk assessments, 65

cost analysis, sustainability reporting and, 102–103

customer privacy, 71


as stakeholders, 6–7, 26–27

customer satisfaction, 70

Cuyahoga River fire, 16

data management practices

customer privacy issues, 71

Dow Jones Sustainability Indices, 83–85

environmental management systems, 94–98

FTSE4Good index series, 86

GRI guidelines for, 33

Department of Justice (DOJ), U.S., 9

developed countries, environmental damage in, 3–4

disclosure standards, sustainability reporting

ethics and integrity, 39–40

governance, 39

identified material aspects and boundaries, 37

management approach and indicators, 40–71

organizational profile, 36–37

report profile, 38–39

stakeholder engagement, 37–38

strategy and analysis, 36

diversity and equal opportunity, 58–59

Domini 400, 81

Donora and Webster, Pennsylvania, pollution disaster, 15

Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI), 83–84

Industry Group leaders table, 84–85

dynamic random access memory (DRAM) manufacturing, price fixing and, 9

Ecology of Commerce, The (Hawkins), 17

economic aspects, in standard disclosure, GRI sustainability reporting guidelines

economic performance, 41

indirect impacts, 42–43

market presence, 41–42

procurement practices, 43

economic dimension of sustainability, 7–9, 15

in Dow Jones Sustainability Index, 83–84

performance indicators of, 41–43

employee health care benefits, corporate sustainability and, 10–11

energy service companies (ESCOs), sustainability reporting and, 21–22

energy usage, sustainability reporting and, 21–23

environmental aspects, in standard disclosure, GRI sustainability reporting guidelines

biodiversity, 47

effluents and waste, 49–51

emissions, 47–49

energy, 44–45

environmental grievance mechanisms, 54

materials, 43–44

products and services, 51–52

supplier environmental assessment, 54

transport and compliance, 52–53

water, 45–47

environmental damage

costs and risks of, 27–29

history of, 15–17

litigation threats and, 28

scientific research on, 2–4

environmental dimension of sustainability, 11–13

sustainability accounting and, 13–14

environmental management systems (EMS)

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Standard 14001 for, 94–98

environmental policy, ISO 14001 standard for, 96

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S., 16

environmental vision statements

corporate sustainability reporting on, 36

ethics and integrity disclosures, 39–40

European Union (EU), emission controls, 29

external assurances, sustainability reporting

AA1000AS (2008), 89

accounting firms, 87, 92

AICPA Auditing Standards Board, 91

Attest Engagements AT Section 101, 90–91

environmental management systems, 94–98

financial statement audit, 87–88

GRI sustainability reporting, 93–94

ISAE 3000 standard, 89

nonaccounting assurance firms, 92

return on investment, 91–92

services cost, 93

external benefits of sustainability reporting, 25–27

ExxonMobil Corporation, lawsuit against, 28

Exxon Valdez disaster, 28

financial performance

sustainability management and, 24–25

financial statement audits, 87–88

fire and police protection, corporate sustainability and role of, 7

Garbage Patch, 99–100

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles/Standards (GAAP/GAAS), sustainability assurances and, 88

Global 250 (G250) companies

corporate sustainability reporting by, 82

globalization of business, corporate sustainability and, 5–6

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

assurances for sustainability reports, 93–94

companies reporting under, 71

content guidelines in, 34

disclosure standards, 36–71

future predictions, 103–105

sustainability reporting guidelines, 33–34

governance disclosures, 39

governance structure

GRI sustainability reporting guidelines, 33

integrated report, 74

organizational social capital and, 39

sustainability practices and role of, 7, 26

governmental agencies, sustainability reporting in, 19

government assistance, 41

governments, corporate sustainability and role of, 7–13

G4 reporting framework, sustainability reporting guidelines, 33

Hawkins, Paul, 17

hazardous waste disposal

reduction of, 23

Hazelwood, Joseph, 28

Hillel (rabbi), 27

human capital, sustainability management and, 72

Humanix 200 Global Index, 83

human rights practices, 63

human rights protections

sustainability practices and, 29

See also diversity and equal opportunity; indigenous rights

implementation of environmental management system, ISO 14001 standard for, 96–97

indigenous rights

sustainability practices and protection of, 63

indirect economic impact, 42–43

Integrated Reporting (IR) Framework

content elements, 74–75

financial capital, 72

guiding principles, 73–74

human capital, 72

manufactured capital, 72

natural capital, 72–73

objectives, 72

social and relationship capital, 72

integrative sustainability organization, 24–25

Interface Inc, 14, 17

Achieving Mission Zero of, 20

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 2–3

internal management

IFAC sustainability framework and, 32

sustainability reporting and unification of, 20–21

International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), sustainability framework of, 31–33

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Standard 14001

benefits of, 95

certifications, 98

checking, 97–98

implementation and operation, 96–97

management review, 98

planning, 96

policy, 96

International Standards on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000, 89

investment services community, sustainability reporting and, 83–86

investment, sustainable development as criterion for, 67, 27

job creation, corporate sustainability and, 8

KLD Domini 400 Index, 83

KPMG International Survey of Corporate Responsibility Reporting, 6

reporting companies included in, 82

labeling responsibilities, in Ball Corporation sustainability report, 69

labor practices

company sustainability management and, 6, 11

See also employee health care benefits, corporate sustainability and; stakeholders in corporate sustainability

litigation, sustainability and risk of, 28

management structure

environmental management system review, ISO 14001 standard for, 98

GRI sustainability reporting guidelines, 40

manufactured capital, sustainability management and, 72

marketing communications, 70–71

market presence, 41–42

materials usage

sustainability reporting and, 23

media reports, sustainability reporting and, 84

Medicaid, Wal-Mart employees on, 10

Mid-Course Correction (Anderson), 17

monitoring and checking of environmental management system, ISO 14001 standard for, 97–98

monopolistic practices, corporate sustainability and, 8–9

Morgan, J. P., 8

Morningstar Japan Social Responsible Investment Index, 83

National Association of Energy Service Companies (NAESCO), 22

natural capital, sustainability management and, 72–73

Nike Corporation, 29–30

noncompliance with laws and regulations, 69

nondiscrimination policy, 61

nonprofit organizations, sustainability reporting in, 19

occupational health and safety, 56

sustainability and, 10–11, 27

oceans, environmental damage in, 3–4

operational benefits of sustainability reporting, 21–25

operation of environmental management system, ISO 14001 standard for, 96–97

organizational profile, in standard disclosure, GRI sustainability reporting guidelines, 36–37

organizational structure

sustainability reporting impact on, 24–25

See also governance structure

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, GRI reporting guidelines and, 54

Our Common Future (Brundtland), 1

overfishing, statistics on, 3–4

ozone-depleting substances (ODS), 48–49

packaging technology, sustainability and, 12

performance indicators

GRI sustainability reporting guidelines, 41

pesticides, environmental effects of, 16

planning for sustainability, ISO 14001 standard for, 96

price fixing, economic impact of, 8–9

privately held companies, sustainability reporting in, 19

product responsibility and safety, 26

quality standards, GRI sustainability reporting guidelines, 34–35

Recycled Energy Development (RED) Corporation, 22

renewable fuels and materials, use of, 44

reporting principles and guidance, GRI sustainability reporting guidelines, 33–34

reputation building, sustainability reporting and, 26

risks of ignoring sustainability, 27–30

cost analysis of, 102–103

RobecoSAM, 86

Rockefeller, John D., 8

Samsung Electronics, 9

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulations, 28–29

Sherman Antitrust Act, 8, 9

Silent Spring (Carson), 16

social capital, sustainability management and, 72

social dimensions of sustainability

corporate sustainability reporting on, 9–11

GRI sustainability reporting guidelines, 54–71

socially responsible investing (SRI)

sustainability as criteria for, 81

spill incidents, 14, 28, 50

stakeholders in corporate sustainability, 6–13, 26

reporting by, 84

standard disclosures

GRI sustainability reporting guidelines, 35–71

standardization of sustainability reporting, 103

Standard Oil Trust, 8

standards for sustainability assurance, 8891

stock price performance, sustainable development and, 103

strategy and profile, in standard disclosure, GRI sustainability reporting guidelines, 36

supplier stakeholders, corporate sustainability and, 7

sustainability accounting

defined, 13–15

IFAC framework, 31–32

Sustainability Accounting Standards Board, 75–79

sustainability balance scorecard (SBSC), 20–21

sustainability reporting

benefits analysis, 100–102

benefits of, 20–27

content guidelines, 34

cost analysis, 102–103

current status of, 104

defined, 13–15

disclosure standards, 35–71

economic dimension, 15

external assurances, 87–94

external benefits of, 25–27

financial rewards of, 24

future predictions concerning, 103–105

GRI guidelines, 33–71

guidelines for, 31–80

history of, 15–17

IFAC sustainability framework, 31–32

internal benefits of, 20–21

IR framework, 72–75

operational benefits of, 21–25

organizational rewards of, 24–25

quality guidelines, 34–35

responses to, 81–86

social dimension, 14

standardization, 103

sustainability accounting and, 13–15

Sustainability Accounting Standards Board, 75–79

See also corporate sustainability

sustainability, risks of ignoring, 27–30

sustainable, definitions of, 1–2

thermal energy, as power source, 22

training and education programs, 58

Turbosteam (Recycled Energy Development subsidiary), 22

uninsured citizens, Wal-Mart employees as, 1011

United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), 2

United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development Conditions, 1–2

United Parcel Service (UPS), 36–37, 41, 55–59

Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 8

Vietnam War, social responsible investing as response to, 15

volatile organic compounds (VOCs), carpet manufacturing and, 14


Clean Water Act violations of, 13

corporate sustainability practices of, 8, 10–13

employee health care benefits at, 10–11

growth and sales figures for, 8

labor boycotts of, 11

workers’ rights violations by, 10

waste reduction, materials usage, 23

water consumption and usage, water pollution, effects of, 45–46

water quality discharge, 49

water usage, sustainability and, 23–24

workers’ rights violations, corporate sustainability and, 10

working conditions

sustainability reporting and, 25

See also labor practices; occupational health and safety

World Meteorological Organization (WMO), 2

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