
Accountability for project, 90–96

Active listening, 85

Adaptability, 42

Ambiguity, artful handling of, 85–87

Associated sponsor engagement points, 64


Blaming culture, 39

Business decisions, 52

Business orientation, 39–40

Buy-in, lack of, 50


Change control process, 74–76

    costs, 75

    sponsor engagement in, 77

Characteristics of executive sponsor

    ability to manage self, 87–88

    accountability for project, 90–96

    assessing, 106–107

    behaviors and temperaments, 83–89, 107

    communication and listening skills, 84–87

    responsive, collaborative, and approachable, 89

    roles and responsibilities, 89–105

    support for project manager, 96–100

    supporting project, 100–105

Collaboration, 40–41

Commitment, stakeholder, 103–104


    effective, 85

    skills, 84–87

Communication package, 64, 68

    components, 67

    content, 66

    description, 65

    primary goal of, 66

    prior versions of, 65

    specific design for, 67

    template, 66

Consistency, 62

Continuous improvement, 140, 141

Cultural influences on executive sponsorship, 35

    cultural pitfalls. See Cultural pitfalls of sponsorship

    cultural readiness, 56–58

    deployment pitfalls. See Deployment pitfalls of sponsorship

    project management, 35–38

    project sponsorship, 44–49

Cultural pitfalls of sponsorship

    barriers, 39

    blaming, 39

    business orientation, 39–40

    collaboration, 40–41

    effectiveness, 39–41

    embrace of process, 40

    executive transparency, 43–44

    flexibility and adaptability, 42

    with project management worksheet, 38

    response to risk, 41–42

    theory X/Y, 42–43

Cultural readiness, 11

    assessing, 56–58

    goal of, 57–58

    sponsorship program, 57

Current state assessment, 135–136

Customized training, 120


Decisions in timely manner, 105

Deficient competency/skills, 52–53

Delivery methods for sponsorship training, 121, 122

Deployment pitfalls of sponsorship

    deficient competency or skills, 52–53

    insufficient bandwidth, 54

    lack of buy-in, 50

    poor performance, 53

    refusal to be trained, 51–52

    unsustained interest/focus, 55


Effective communication, 85

Effective governance, 94

Effectiveness, 39–41

Effective sponsors, 25

    attributes of, 6

    criteria and temperament necessary for, 111–112

    defined criteria for, 47

    evaluate and cultivate, 111

    personal characteristics and behaviors of individuals, 7

Emerging projects, sponsorship assignment to, 21–24

Engage senior management, 134–135

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, 56

Executive development, opportunity for, 24–26

Executive project sponsorship

    defining, 1

    effectiveness of, 1

    program, 2

    role, effectiveness of, 2

Executive readiness, importance of assessing, 111

Executive sponsor

    active, 4–5

    assessment process, 10–11, 23

    assignment to emerging projects, 21–24

    characteristics of. See Characteristics of executive sponsor

    evolution of preparedness to, 131

    expectations for sponsors, 8–9

    foundation for, 46–47

    impact of, 28–29

    improvement plan. See Improvement plan, executive sponsorship

    investment in project management, 28–31

    leadership development. See Leadership development

    modern conceptualization of, 4–8

    nomination form, 24

    organization, 10–12

    origins of, 4

    prioritizing projects for, 20–21

    program, attributes, 129

    projects with and without, 4

    project visibility, 19–20

    refining, monitoring of, 140

    roles and responsibilities, 8

    training and support, 12

Executive transparency, 43–44


Flexibility, 42

Framework goals, measures of progress toward, 140, 141

Functional executives, 25


Global Alliance for Project Performance Standards (GAPPS) Framework, 89–90, 93, 98

    assessing individual sponsor, 90

    decisions in timely manner, 105

    primary roles, 89–90

    project manager, 96, 98, 99

    readiness for project reviews, 103–104

    stakeholder commitment, 103–104


Improvement plan, executive sponsorship, 133–134

    assess current state, 135–136

    assessment tools, 136

    for continuous improvement, 140, 141

    effective prioritization, 140

    engage senior management, 134–135

    explicit support for, 134–135

    first-priority gaps/weaknesses to address, 137–138

    general support for, 134

    holistic approach for, 139–140

    identify and prioritize areas for, 136–138

    identify gaps and opportunities for, 135

    plans to address priorities, 138–140

    sample action plan, 139

Individual sponsor, assessing, 90

Infrastructure requirements, 136

Insufficient bandwidth, 54

Inter-relationships, 136

Inventory of recent strategic projects, 113, 115


Language, 61–62

    for standard processes and tools, 61–62

Leader/negotiator role, 51

Leadership development

    instrument for future, 26–27

    mechanism for project manager development, 27–28

    opportunity for executive development, 24–26

Leadership role, 51

Listening skills, 84–87


Meeting Minute Package, 68–71

    advantages, 70–71

    template, 69–70

Mentoring, 25, 52


Negotiation/decision making, 53

Nomination form, executive sponsorship, 24


One-on-one training, 120

Organizational culture, 44

Organizational preparedness, 127–128

    baseline assessment, 130–131

    monitoring and continuous improvement, 131

    rating criteria for executive sponsorship program attributes, 129

    senior management’s perception of, 128

    tools and process, 14, 128–130

Organizational sponsors

    effectiveness of, 113


Performance, 53

Priorities, plans to address, 138–140

Prioritization process for executive sponsorship, 20–21, 23

Project kick-off meeting, roles, responsibilities, and behavior, 120

Project life-cycle process, 64

    sponsor touch points in, 65

Project management, 35–38

    benefits of, 36

    culture, 36

    effective, 36

    executive sponsorship impact on, 29

    influencers of executive perception of, 30

    investment in, 28–31

    life cycle phase, 9

    literature, 6

    maturity, 37

    sustainability of, 28

    waxing and waning commitment to, 28–29

    worksheet, 38

Project Management Institute (PMI), 3

Project Management Office (PMO), 15, 23, 59, 80, 108, 125, 131

    cultural barriers, 59

    executive sponsors, 108

    leadership, 129

    operational preparedness, 131

    project management standards, 80

    sponsor readiness, 125

    sponsorship program improvement plans, 142

Project management standards, 12, 112

    assess and identify gaps, 78–79

    change control process, 74–76

    communication package, 64–68

    comprehensive set of, 63

    essential process/tool considerations, 63–64

    language, 61–62

    Meeting Minute Package, 68–71

    practices, 62

    processes/tools and sponsor engagement, 76–77

    project life-cycle processes, 64

    risk management process, 71–74

Project manager, 15, 32, 59–60, 80–81, 96, 98, 99, 108, 125, 132

    cultural barriers, 59–60

    development, mechanism for, 27–28

    effectiveness and working relationships with, 1–2

    gap identification and improvement teams, 142

    operational preparedness assessment, 132

    project management standards, 80–81

    senior management, 32

    and sponsor, 25, 27–28

    support for, 96–100

    training planning, 125

Project messaging, 68

Project outcomes, 112–116

    assessing, 116

    inventory of, 113, 115

    and sponsor contribution worksheet, 124

Project reviews, readiness for, 103–104

Project scope, definition, 75

Project sponsorship

    cultural indicator, 45–46

    effectiveness, 7

    enhancing, 48

    organizational culture, 44

    organizational readiness, 47

    preparation for planning, 44

    project management, 46

    role, 45

    role, defined, 2, 5–6

    senior management, 44–45

Project, supporting, 99–105


Radar diagram in spreadsheet, 130

Readiness for project reviews, 103–104

Realization, orchestrate plans for, 95

Refusal to be trained, 51–52

Response to risk, 41–42

Risk management process, 71–74

    sponsor engagement in, 72, 73

Risk register, 71–72

Risk-response plans, 84

Risk statement

    example of, 74

    format for writing, 72


Schedule performance over time, 114

Self-management, 87–88

Senior executives, 26

Senior management, 20, 21, 44, 130

Situational leadership skills, 6

Situational Sponsorship Model, 7


    communication and listening, 84–87

    deficient, 52–53

    leadership, 6

    situational leadership, 6

Sponsor, 6

    additional benefits, 145–146

    behavior, reinforcing, 48–49

    communication, 66

    expectations for, 8–9

    five-step assessment process, 10–11

    framework, initial assessment of, 133

    historic, 5

    information, external sources of, 118

    involvement worksheet, assessment tool-standardized processes for, 79

    performance, standard for, 111

    professional development opportunities from, 26

    projects and effectiveness of, 112–113

    role, effectiveness of, 2

    roles, responsibilities, and behavior, 120

Sponsor contribution, 112–116

    process, assessing, 116

    subjective assessment of, 115–116

Sponsor engagement

    in change control process, 77

    processes/tools and, 76–77

Sponsor readiness, 111–112

    assessing, 121–124

    focus areas for, 112

    project outcomes and sponsor contribution, 112–116

    right people for sponsor role, 116–117

    schedule performance over time, 114

    sponsorship training, 119–121

    sustainable sponsorship standards, 117–119

Sponsorship program

    cultural readiness focus, 57

    framework for assessing, 3, 78, 106, 123

Sponsorship training, 119–121

    delivery methods for, 121, 122

    development and implementation of, 46

    gap identification and remediation, 119, 123

    implementing/refining, 119

    process for, 119

    programs, 121

Stakeholder commitment, 103–104

Strategic projects, inventory of recent, 113, 115

Sustainable sponsorship standards, 117–119



    customized, 120

    delivery methods for sponsorship, 121, 122

    one-on-one, 120

    planning, 125

    sponsorship. See Sponsorship training

    and support, 12


Unsustained interest/focus, 55

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