
Achenbach, J., 96

Adjusting information, 126

Amos, J., 98

Anthony, K.E., 61, 124

Apologia, 80

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), 40, 147, 148

Argument clarity

consistency, 6162

corporate accountability, 59

definition, 60


development, 6465

interpretation, 6667

norms, 6566

effective strategic communication, 59

leadership responsiveness

message convergence, 6970

organizational leadership, 68

perception, 7071

practices, 6869

public commitment, 6061

structure, 6263

Argument thoughtlessness

argument ignorance

choice, 9293

core corporate values, 92

deductive blame, 91

Deepwater Horizon actions, 91

Deetz’s argument, 91

inductive blame, 91

Macondo well seal leakage, 91

stasis theory, 90

leaders missed opportunity

accountability, 100101

argument escalation, 99

responsive action, 100

responsive change, 101102

thoughtless communication

argumentation balances, 9598

how and why of action, 98

morally problematic practices, 9394

policy and argument, 9495

Arnett, R.C., 109, 110, 118, 129, 130, 180

Authentic guilt, 7

Authentic leadership theory, 118119

Avolio, B.J., 118

Backing, 65

Bell, L.M., 180

Benoit, W.L., 79, 179

Berger, P.L., 112113

Bok, S., 144, 149

Bowen, S.A., 116

Bradshaw, J., 82

Brand, J.D., 62

British Petroleum oil spill crisis

argument ignorance

choice, 9293

core corporate values, 92

deductive blame, 91

Deepwater Horizon actions, 91

Deetz’s argument, 91

inductive blame, 91

Macondo well seal leakage, 91

stasis theory, 90

conflict ignorance

government, 142143

interpersonal conflict, 139141

intra-industry, 141

issue ignorance

corporate practices, 4243

narrative and mission, 3839

narrative decline, 4142

organization’s historical background, 3941

leaders missed opportunity

accountability, 100101

argument escalation, 99

cultural assumptions and values, 50

international conflict, 153154

local conflict, 150152

misconnection, 50

misdirection of resources, 5455

national conflict, 152153

organizational culture, misunderstandings, 5154

responsive action, 100

responsive change, 101102

thoughtless communication

argumentation balances, 9598

assessment, 145147

attention and response, 4849

corporate responsibility, 45

high-reliability, 4548

how and why of action, 98

morally problematic practices, 9394

normal accident, 46

policy and argument, 9495

reluctance to simplify, 47

retaliation, 147149

whistleblowing, 145

Buber, M., 67, 131

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, 181

Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE), 177

Burtis, J.O., 17

Centralizers, 97

Chandler, R.C., 164

Chase, W.H., 15

Claims, 65

Coercion, 93

Collective corporation, 74

Communicative gestalt, 115

Concordia Leadership Center, 118

Conflict clarity

context, 108109


communicative gestalt, 115

interspaces, 113114

social construction, 112114

leadership conflict practices

authenticity, 118119

emotional intelligence, 117118

risk and crisis communication practices, 116

transformation, 119120

sensitivity, 110

unity, 109110

Conflict thoughtlessness

conflict ignorance

government, 142143

interpersonal conflict, 139141

intra-industry, 141

leaders missed opportunity

international conflict, 153154

local conflict, 150152

national conflict, 152153

thoughtless communication

assessment, 145147

retaliation, 147149

whistleblowing, 145

Consistency, 6162

Constructive conflict, 137

Constructive negotiation, 109

Contentious communication, 125

Contingency theory, 166

Coombs, W.T., 5, 16, 45, 84, 125, 160, 161, 162, 164, 166, 169

Cornelissen, J., 110, 171

Corporate advocacy, 59

Corporate apologia, 80, 179

Corporate communication, 5, 125

Corporate responsibility, 38, 45

Crable, R.E., 31

Data, 65

Deductive blame, 91

2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster. See also British Petroleum oil spill crisis

crisis communication, 160

crisis discernment

crisis history, 168

external stakeholders, 171172

forgotten publics, 172174

internal stakeholders, 169170

postcrisis communication practices

renewal, 176178

reputation repair, 178180


argument, 163165

conflict, 165167

Coombs crisis communication, 161

prevention and preparation, 161163

proactive crisis preparedness, 160161

responsiveness and attentiveness, 160

Deepwater Horizon Joint Information Center, 98

Deetz, S., 83, 91

Destructive guilt, 7

Digital engagement systems (DES), 125

Discourse of renewal, 179 Douglas, W., 89

Ehling, W.P., 54

Emergency disconnect system (EDS), 47

Emotional intelligence, 117118

Erickson, S.L., 135

Ethical communication, 176177

Exploitation, 94

External stakeholders, 171172

Fairhurst, G.T., 15, 32, 60, 61, 68, 69, 83, 134

Fisher, W., 164

Frandsen, F., 169, 170

Freedom of Information Act, 100

Freeman, R.E., 22, 76, 77 Friedman, M.S., 131

Fritz, J.M.H., 92, 180

Gardner, W.L., 118

Giri, V.N., 130

Goffman, E., 26

Goleman, D., 117

Goodpaster, K.E., 70

Grunig, J.E., 22, 54, 133

Grunig, L.A., 54

Guilt, 67

Hearit, K.M., 80

Heath, R.L., 3, 4, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 19, 25, 33, 37, 39, 44, 59, 60, 65, 68, 73, 78, 80, 82, 89, 90, 107, 108, 116, 123, 132, 133, 137, 138, 150, 160, 162

Herovic, E., 61, 69

High-Reliability Organizations (HROs)

attentiveness, 45

collective mindfulness, 46

commitment to resilience, 47

deference to expertise, 47

mindful organizing, 48

normal accident, 46

preoccupation with failure, 4647

reluctance to simplify, 47

sensitivity to operations, 47

Holladay, S.J., 5, 16, 45, 126, 161, 162, 164

House Energy Commerce Committee, 141

Humphrey, R.H., 119

Idealized influence, 119

Image Repair Theory (IRT), 79, 179

Individualized consideration, 120

Inductive blame, 91

Inspirational motivation, 119

Instructing information, 126

Intellectual stimulation, 119

Internalizing information, 126

Internal stakeholders, 169170

International conflict, 153154

Interpersonal conflict, 139141

Issue framing

discernment, 813

framing attentiveness, 67

judgment, 6

leadership responsibility

corporate responsibility, 14

global marketplace, 17

issues management, 1416

scanning and monitoring, 16

responsibility, 5

story-informed practices, 4

Issues Management approach, 28

Issue thoughtlessness

attention and response, 4849

corporate responsibility, 45

high-reliability, 4548


corporate practices, 4243

narrative and mission, 3839

narrative decline, 4142

organization’s historical background, 3941

leaders missed opportunity

cultural assumptions and values, 50

misconnection, 50

misdirection of resources, 5455

organizational culture, misunderstandings, 5154

normal accident, 46

reluctance to simplify, 47

Johansen, W., 169

Johnson, D., 4, 92

Johnson, J., 4

Jones, L., 15

Lane, D.R., 18

Lang, P.A., 34

Lee, J., 68, 82, 132, 133, 160

Littlefield, R.S., 18, 85

Liu, M., 135

Local conflict, 150152

Longhurst, M., 28

Luckmann, T., 112113

Luoma-aho, V.L., 6, 15, 25

Luthans, F., 118

Manipulation, 94

May, D.R., 118

McCombs, M.E., 26, 32

McKendree, A., 109, 110, 118, 129, 130, 180

McManus, L.M.B., 109, 110, 118, 129, 130, 180

Message Convergence Framework, 69, 70

Millner, A.G., 124

Mindful organizational environment, 48

Minerals Management Service (MMS), 9597

Mortification, 79

Narrative fidelity, 164

Narrative rationality, 164

National conflict, 152153

Nelson, R., 162

Neurotic guilt, 7

Norms, 6566

Obstfeld, D., 46

Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA), 163

Offensiveness reduction, 79

Olbrechts-Tyteca, L., 62, 76, 124

OptiCem modeling software, 97

Osborne-Brown, S., 28

Palenchar, M.J., 33, 78, 144

Paracrisis/issue communication

internet technologies, 161

organizational constraints gauging, 162

preventative maintenance precautions, 163

problematic events, 161162 refusing, 162163

refuting and reforming, 162

reputational threat, 162

stakeholder power and legitimacy, 162

thoughtlessness, 162

Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca’s model of argument interaction, 62, 63

Perelman, C., 62, 76, 124

Perrow, C., 46

Persuit, J., 66, 67

Prospective communication, 177

Public commitment, 6061

Putnam, L.L., 32, 60, 61, 109, 134

Qualifiers, 65

Quenette, A.M., 85

Rationalism, 109

Renewal function, 8081

Repper, F.C., 22

Reputation repair, 178180

Restoration, 7880

Retaliation, 147149

Rude, R.E., 23

Sarr, R.A., 68, 69

Schein’s model of organizational culture

artifacts and symbols, 52

basic assumptions, 53

espoused values, 5253

Schoemaker, H., 6

Seeger, M.W., 81, 102, 127, 160, 176, 178

Self-reflective organizations, 173

Sellnow, T.L., 4, 17, 18, 20, 34, 38, 41, 45, 50, 59, 6163, 73, 81, 90, 92, 102, 120, 124, 135, 138, 155, 160, 176, 178, 181

Shaw, D.L., 26, 32

Shin, J.-H., 68, 132, 133

Simmel, G., 109

Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT), 165166, 179

Snider, M., 17

Social Construction of Reality, 112114

Stakeholder engagement approach, 171172

Stakeholder influence and argument

action orientation, 74


audience, 76

context, 7475

negotiation, 7677

collective corporation, 74


apology, 80

renewal, 8081

restoration, 7880

field-dependent arguments, 75

field-invariant arguments, 75

leader responsiveness

media, 8485

particularity, 8384

risk communication, 82

strategic communication, 84

two-way communication, 83

public deliberation, 73

transparency, 78

Stakeholder influence and conflict


content, 126

media, 125

responsibility, 127

defining, 124


common center, 130131

corporate communication practices, 128

culture, 130

sources, 129

theory-based systematic way, 128

internal and external stakeholders, 124

leaders responsiveness

communicative action, 134

contingency, 133134

management, 133

multiplicity of constituencies, 124

Stakeholder influence and issue

communicative transaction of information, 22

internal and external stakeholders, 21

issue discernment

agenda setting, 2728

issue arenas, 2527

negotiation, 2829

strategic approaches, 25

issue responsiveness

framing implementation, 3132

leadership in action, 33

meaning-centered approach, 30

opportunity, 3031

monitoring, 2324

organizational communication, 19

organizational health, 20

stakeholder identity, 20

uncovering issues, 2223

Strategic communication, 84

Streifel, R.A., 120

Stupak, B., 96

Sutcliffe, K.M., 46

Taylor, C., 129

Toulmin, 65, 75

Toulmin’s conceptualization of argumentation, 65

Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS), 146

Transcendence, 173

Transformational leaders, 119120

Transocean, 39

Turman, P.D., 17

Ulmer, R.R., 17, 20, 38, 73, 81, 90, 102, 127, 138, 155, 160, 176, 178

United States Code of Ethics, 145

U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation, 41

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Conservation Division, 96

Valdez oil spill, 147

Veil, S.R., 41, 45, 50, 120, 135

Venette, S.J., 34

Vessels of Opportunity (VOO), 152

Vibbert, S.L., 31

Vos, M., 6, 15

“Wackenhut scandal,” 148

Walumbwa, F.O., 118

Warrants, 65

Wartick, S.L., 23

Watson, T., 28

Waxman, H., 96

Waymer, D., 123

Weick, K.E., 46

West Central Minnesota Leadership Program, 118

Whistleblowing, 145

Wickline, M.C., 41, 45, 50

Woeste, J.H., 160

Wood, A.W., 93

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