
Activiti framework, 181, 183–185

Activity, 28

Ambulatory Elective Care Service, 64

Activiti framework, 181, 183

categorized and prioritized waiting lists, 177, 178

centralized information system, 177

decomposition, 172–175

demand analysis process, 172

first-in first-out approach, 172

graphical interfaces, 184–187

interconsultations, 169, 170, 174

leverage factors, 180

medical check-ups, 169

MWT expiration, 179–180

new patient scheduling decomposition, 174, 176

opportunity of attention, 172

outpatient waiting lists problem, 171

Principle of Data Persistence, 188–189

priority factor, 180–181

priority score, 179

prototype, 189–190

Spring framework, 188

waiting function, 181, 182

Western Canada Waiting List Project, 171


analytics 1.0, 15

analytics 2.0, 15–16

analytics 3.0, 16

assignment optimization models, 25–26

data-based analytics, 18–24

forecasting/extrapolation, 14

new Value Stream, 17–18

optimization models, 14

predictive models, 14, 17

prescriptive models, 17

statistical analysis, 14

Assignment optimization models, 25–26

Association, 29

Basic positioning strategies, 10

Bed Management Service, 65

Best product, 1, 10

Binary Decision Trees, 19–20

BPMN 2.0 Activiti, 184, 185

Business design

business intelligence, 14–26

business model, 11–13

process modeling, 26–32

strategy, 9–11

Business intelligence (BI)

advanced analytics, 14


analytics 1.0, 15

analytics 2.0, 15–16

analytics 3.0, 16

assignment optimization models, 25–26

data-based analytics, 18–24

forecasting/extrapolation, 14

new Value Stream, 17–18

optimization models, 14

predictive models, 14, 17

prescriptive models, 17

statistical analysis, 14

Business model

Apple, 12

eBay, 11–12

economic evaluation, 11

Google, 12

Grupo Multiasistencia, 12

key resources and processes, 13

logical history, 11

profit formula, 13

value proposal, 13

Business patterns

analytics, 45

analytics-based models, 47

capability, 45

client’s knowledge-based selling, 45–46

creation of new streams of service, 50

demand, 45

internal learning for process improvement, 47–49

optimum resource usage, 49–52

performance evaluation, 50

product innovation, 50

Value Stream, 46

Business Process Management Notation (BPMN)

activity, 27

boxes, 29–30

connecting objects, 28

events, 27

gateway, 27–28

hierarchical decomposition, 30–31

hierarchical modeling approach, 32

intelligent solutions, 31

lane, 29

pools, 29, 30

Business Process Management SuitsService Oriented Architecture (BPMS-SOA) technology, 201

Business service configuration and capacity design, 71–72

Capacity analysis, 66

Client’s knowledge-based selling, 45–46

Clustering algorithm, 18–19

Competitive advantage, 10

Data envelopment analysis (DEA), 21–22

advantages, 108

ambulatory patients’ prioritization, 116

AP model, 109, 112

bed management, 116

candidate variables, 116

diagnosis-related group, 110

explicative variables, 112, 113

operating room management, 116

potential for efficiency improvement, 114, 115

predictive models for chronic patients, 116

technical efficiency frontier, 107–108

variables definition, 111

variables statistics, 111

Data-based analytics

Binary Decision Trees, 19–20

data envelopment analysis, 21–22

k-Means algorithm, 19

machine learning, 21

neural network, 22–23

process intelligence, 20

process mining, 20

segmentation algorithm, 18–19

support vector regression, 23–24

Define correcting actions, 66

Delta model, 1–2

Demand analysis, 66

Demand Forecast and Analysis, 66

Diagnose Tests Service, 65

Diagnosis-related group (DRG), 110

Disruptive innovation, 34–36

Economics theory, 198

Emergency Medical Service, 64

Events, 28

First-in first-out (FIFO) approach, 172, 199

Gateway, 28–29

General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS), 109

Google Web Toolkit (GWT), 184–185

Health care services

architecture patterns, 52–70

business patterns, 45–52

capabilities, 38

complex layered systems, 36–37

design levels, 70–73

design methodology, 73–78

disruptive innovation, 34–36

efficiency, 37

fairness, 37

intelligence structures, 39–44

interdisciplinary approach, 36

Porter’s proposal, 32–34

quality, 37, 38

value, 38

Health operating management process design

ambulatory patients, waiting list management (see Ambulatory Elective Care Service)

diabetes management in private hospital, 190–193

operating room scheduling (see Operating room scheduling)

patients at home, 193–196

Health service resource management process design. See Resource management process design

Health services business design

emergency service improvement, 92

positioning strategy, 90

requirements, 91

medical school service improvement, 95–97

patients at home, 93–95

private hospital

capabilities, 79–80

new service design, 80, 82

new Value Stream design, 82

service performance and use analysis, 80

strategy and business model, 79

public health business design

resource assignment, 82–87

strategic positioning, 88

subnetwork management, 87–89

value chain activity and performance analysis, 88

value chain improvement, 88, 90

Health services configuration and capacity design

operating room capacity and assignment, 120

average assignment and occupation, 131, 132

average patient care opportunity, 134, 135

block assignment, 119

capacity analysis design, 123–124

case scheduling, 119

demand analysis design, 118–119, 122

forecasting models, 127–129

ILP model, 121

maximum waiting time, 117, 130–131

percentage capacity assignment, 131, 132

simulation model, 132–134

waiting lists study, 125–126

weighted patient care opportunity, 135–137

private hospital

change management practices, 103

new capabilities development, 99–103

strategic planning, 99

resource assignment in public sector

allocative and scale efficiency, 107

data envelopment analysis analysis, 107–117

efficiency frontier, 108–109

innovation planning and budgeting, 104–105

multilevel architecture, 104, 105

projects organization and monitoring, 104

regular planning and budgeting, 104

suppliers processes, 106

technical efficiency, 107

Hibernate framework, 189

Hierarchical design approach, 197–198

Hierarchical top down approach, 72

Hospitalization Service, 64

Ibatis, 188–189

Information architecture, 3

Integer linear programming (ILP) model, 161

Integral solution to clients, 10

Intelligence structures, 39–44

Internal learning for process improvement, 47–49

Lane, 29

Machine learning, 21

Macroprocesses, 52–53

Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), 143

Mean Square Error (MSE), 143

Medical Appointments Service, 65

Medical school service improvement, 95–97

Medical Supplies Service, 65

Message flow, 29

Neural network, 22–23

Operating management processes design, 72

Operating room scheduling, 66–67, 165

available capacity analysis, 163–164

heuristic model, 162, 166, 167

integer linear programming (ILP) model, 161, 166

optimization techniques, 164

patients’ waiting list priority

BPMN diagram, 159

complexity, 159

maximum waiting times, 159, 161

quality index, 163

results and comparison, 168

system lane activity, 168

Operating Room Service, 65

Organization architecture, 3

Pattern recognition, 36

Principle of Data Persistence, 188–189

Problem-solving approach, 36

Procedures and Treatments Service, 65

Process architecture patterns, 3

enterprise architectures, 56

macroprocesses, 52–55

shared services (see Shared services process architecture pattern)

types, 54

Value Chains, 56

Process compliance, 20

Process flow analysis, 20

Process modeling, 27–32

Profit formula, 13

ProModel, 134

Resource management process design, 72

actual vs. adjusted demand, 141

attention time distributions, 147

average LOW, 152–153

base case and fast-track configurations, 152

capacity configuration management

BPMN, 154, 155

length of wait, 147–148, 151

simulation model, 150

confidence intervals, 152–154

demand analysis and management, 151

emergency service configurations

forecasted demand, 147

simulation model, 146–147

forecasting, 143, 144

historical data, 139, 141

illness severity distribution, 143, 145

medical demand, 142

patients’ arrival distribution, 146, 148

services lines for patients, 139, 140

simulation model, 146–147

surgical demand, 142

Resources scheduling, 67

Segmentation algorithm, 18–19

Sequence flow, 29

Service business design, 70–71

Service design methodology

business patterns implementation, 77–78

capabilities, 74, 75

detail design, 74

intelligence structure, 75–76

process architecture designs, 74

structures and patterns, 75

Value Stream, 74

Service Science, Management, and Engineering (SSME), 1

Services lines and internal services planning, 66

Shared services process architecture pattern

health network architectures, 67–70

hospital architecture, 58

demand analysis and management, 62, 65–66

internal shared services, 61, 64–65

new capabilities development, 59

operating room service, 63, 66–67

product innovation, 56

services lines for patients, 59, 60, 64

Value Chains, 59

Spring framework, 188

State Updating Service, 65

Statistical analysis, 14

Support Vector Regression (SVR), 23–24

Surgery scheduling, 67

Systemic lock-in, 1–2, 10

Systems architecture, 3

Technical architecture, 3

Value chain, 10

Value proposal, 13

Western Canada Waiting List Project, 171

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