
Abdication, 102

Ability, 90

Accountability, 14, 19–25, 81–94

    ability of employee, 90

    choice of consequences, 101

    and facilitative leadership, 101–103

    and feedback, 77–78, 88–89

    impact on business, 91

    impact on employee, 90–91

    intrinsic/extrinsic motivations, 85–87

    and responsibility, 82–85, 87–88

    strategic nonintervention, 89–94

    tools to help employees, 88

Aerial work platforms (cherry pickers), 31

Allen, Robert, 55

American business culture, facilitative leadership in, 103–108

Attitude, 52

Authority, and responsibility, 72

Autocratic behaviorism, 1–5, 18, 23, 78, 105


“Back-stabbing” behavior, 96

Behavioral expectations, 42

Behaviors, 29


Card Game, 10–13

Career path, limited, 98

Caterpillar, 51

Cheerleading, 57

Choice of consequences, 101

Code of conduct, 41, 42

Cohen, Alfie, 86

Collaboration, 66–67

“Collegial” response, 67

“Come to Jesus” meeting, 95, 96–97

“Compassionate” boss, 60

Compliance, 73


    avoiding, 28–29

    challenge of dealing with, 15

Confrontation, 96

Consequences, 77, 101

Constructive criticism, 23, 61, 64, 71

Constructive feedback, 58–60, 71, 74, 77

Corporate pressures, 106–108

Covey, Stephen, 95

Credibility, 61

Criticism, 71, 73


Decision making, 4–5, 44, 85

Demotivation, 2, 65

Dependency, 73

Dependent behavior, 1, 6

Developmental objectives, 50–51

Direct consequences, 89, 90, 102

Discouragement, 64–66


Eddie Bauer, 85

Emphasis, 74, 75


    as myth, 103–104

    true, 104–105

Enabling, psychological definition of, 92

Encouragement, 60, 63–66, 78, 88–89

Enforcement, 14

Engaged manager, 4–5, 62

Escalation, 67–77

Ever-rising expectations, 107

Expectations, 25–53

    Bryce and Genie Industries, 31–34

    characteristics of, 53

    ever-rising, 107

    Expectations Letters

        executive in computer networking, 36–37

        first-line production supervisor, 32–34

        regional manager performance expectations, 39–41

        sales representative expectations, 34–36

        use of, 38–41

    and facilitative leadership, 53


        developmental objectives, 50–53

        and objectives, 49

        operational objectives, 49–50

        and standards, 30–31, 48

    managing within the span of control, 12, 13–14, 22

    rules vs. guidelines, 44–47

    SMART criteria, 51–53


        effectiveness of, 47–48

        as expectations of conduct, 41–43

        formal, 43

        vs. goals, 30–31, 48

        informal, 43–44

    understanding, 28–30

    unrealistic, 107

Extrinsic motivation, 85–87

Extroverted managers, 62


Fabrications, 96

Facilitative leadership, 21, 22–23, 95–108

    and accountability, 83, 101–103

    in American business culture, 103–108

    consequences as punishments, 98–101

    corporate pressures, 106–108

    “empowerment” myth, 103–104

    and expectations, 53

    and feedback, 78–79

    framing conversation, 97–98

    management focus continuum, 105

    manager’s own belief system, 105–106

    thoughtful plan, 96–97

    tools to help employees, 88

    true empowerment, 104–105

“Fall in line”, 71, 78, 101

Feedback, 55–79

    and accountability, 77–78

    cheerleading, 57

    collaboration, 66–67

    as developmental discussion, 77–78

    escalation, 67–77

        constructive feedback, 71, 74, 77

        emphasizing, 74, 75

        end on the positive, 70–71

        framing discussion, 69

        get specific, 69–70

        get to the point, 71–72

        praise in public, correct in private, 71

        problem solving, 74, 75

        send a clear message, 72–73

        setting the tone, 74–75

        treating employee differently due to performance issue, 73–74

    and facilitative leader, 78–79

    feedback rule 1: be honest and constructive, 58–60

    feedback rule 2: get to the point, 60–61

    feedback rule 3: it’s supposed to be dialogue, not monologue, 61–62

    managing within the span of control, 12, 14–16, 22

    reinforcement, 62–66

        and discouragement, 64–66

        praise and encouragement, 63–64

    revisited, 88–89

    six-legged sales call, 55–57

“Feedback sandwich”, 60–61

Ford Motor Company, 83

Formal standards, 43

Framing, conversation, 69, 97–98


Genie industries, 31–34


    developmental objectives, 50–53

    and objectives, 49

    operational objectives, 49–50

    and standards, 30–31, 48

Guidelines vs. rules, 44–47


“Hands-off” manager approach, 2, 27

“Hands-on” manager approach, 2

Hierarchy of Needs, Maslow’s, 18, 85

Honest feedback, 58–60

Human Resources, 73

“Hyper-vigilante”, 83


Individual operational objectives, 50

Informal standards, 43–44

Intrinsic motivation, 85–87

Introverted managers, 62


Just-do-it management culture, 6–7, 20–21, 73, 87, 104


Kettering, Charles, 25

Kissinger, Henry, 93


Laissez-faire approach, 27

Learning process, facilitating, 5, 14, 16, 20, 22, 63

Lopez, Paul, 83


Management-dependent behavior, 73, 84, 86

Management focus continuum, 105


    corporate pressures on, 106–108

    own belief system, 105–106

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, 18, 85

Micro-managing, 2, 11

Microsoft, 51

Morale, 108

Motivation, 48

    managing within the span of control, 12, 17–19


Negative consequences, 92, 102

Nonperformance, 19, 93



    developmental, 50–53

    operational, 49–50

Operational goals, 49–50

Oracle, 86



    appraisal, feedback as, 23

    management, methods of, 2–4

    rating, 7

Performance Improvement Plan (PIP), 17

Performance problem, 9–25

    Card Game, 10–13

    factors, managing within the span of control, 12

        accountability, 14, 19–25

        expectations, 13–14, 22

        feedback, 14–16, 22

        motivation, 17–19

        resources, 16

        selection, 16–17

    solving, 61

Poor decision, 90–91

Positive accountability, intrinsic/extrinsic motivations, 85–87

Praise, 63–66, 71, 73

Pre-call discussion, 55–56

Preplanning, 97

President Nixon, 93

Problem solving, 74, 75

Process-based feedback, 22

Public shaming, 71

Punished By Rewards (book), 86

Punishments, 82, 98–101, 103


“Rat holing”, 66

R.E.I., 85

Reinforcement, 62–66

    discouragement, 64–66

    praise and encouragement, 63–64

Resources, managing within the span of control, 12, 16

Response time, 38

Responsibility, 103, 104

    and accountability, 19–20, 82–85

    continuum, 87–88

Results-based feedback, 22

Results, managing, 6

Rewards, 82, 103

Rules vs. guidelines, 44–47


Selection, managing within the span of control, 12, 16–17

Self-management, 2, 4, 79, 83

Self-motivation, 2

Seminars, 70–71

Senge, Peter, vii

Shifts, 4–5

Skills, leadership, 52–53

SMART developmental objectives, 51–53


    effectiveness of, 47–48

    as expectations of conduct, 41–43

    formal, 43

    vs. goals, 30–31, 48

    informal, 43–44

Strategic nonintervention, 89–94, 101, 102

    ability of employee, 90

    impact on business, 91

    impact on employee, 90–91


Threats, 77–78

360 feedback reviews, 55

Tone, setting the, 74–75

Trial and error, 27

True empowerment, 104–105

Trust, 68


Unaterra, Albert Emerson, 9

Unrealistic expectations, 107


Validate–redirect skill, 67

Violation, of standards, 48

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