
Ability, 105

Accountability, 38-41, 45, 163

Action, 33, 98, 158

Active learning, 171

Active listening, 72

Aimlessness, 34-35, 96, 176

Alcoholics Anonymous, 44, 94

Ambitions, 91

American dream, 24

Analytics, 139, 141

Analytics, predictive, 132-133

Angelou, Maya, 64

Apple, 37

Art of change, the, 47-61

Artificial intelligence, 31, 124

Attention, 42, 57, 148

Attention, drawing healthy, 56-58

Attention, healthy, 87-89, 158-159

Awareness, 100, 103

Awareness, change, 158

Bain & Company, 108

Balance, 118

Banaji, Mahzarin, 124

Barton, Dominic, 109

Bechek, Bob, 108

Behavior, 23, 47

Belief, 35

Beliefs, old, 47

Bersin, Josh, 12

Bias, 138, 154

Big data, 124, 140

Body language, 82-83

Brand, 65, 103, 107, 130-131, 135, 138

Branson, Richard, 106

Building support systems, 59-61

Campbell, Mary, 111-119

Career development, 71, 177-178

Carnegie, Dale, 84

Carter-Scott, Dr. Cherie, 66-67

Carver, George Washington, 64

Celebration, 162-163

CEOS, engagement and, 18-19

Chambers, Ray, 110

Change agents, 44

Change awareness, 158

Change, 15, 17, 23, 31-45, 104, 125, 162

Change, fuel for, 63-78

Change, personal, 17, 42, 47-61, 63, 87, 96, 137

Cher, 48

Civilization, evolution of, 20

Clarity, 63

Collaboration, 91, 93

Commitment, 12, 51, 103

Communications, policy, 157

Community building, 84-89, 159-160

Compassion, 89

Compensation, 139

Competition, 121

Connectedness, 163

Connecting, 81-82

Contempt, 33-34, 96, 176

Cornerstone OnDemand, 111-119

Courage, 43, 45, 48, 89, 98-99, 167

Creative thinking, 48

Creativity, 163

Critical thinking, 72, 93

Culture, 65, 110, 121-141, 167

Culture, engagement, 106-107

Cultures, mentor-based, 94-95

Cultures, mentor-driven, 44-45, 160

Cultures, value-driven, 41-44

Curiosity, 163

Customer relationships, 11

Customer retention, 71, 162

Customer satisfaction, 12

Cynicism, 33, 72, 96, 176

Decision Toolbox, 39

Declaring vision, 51-55

Demeanor, 123

Development of courage, 98-99

Dialogue, 74, 75

Differences, generational, 139

Discipline, 175

Discomfort, 98

Disengagement, 11-30, 112, 163, 175

Disengagement, filters of, 32-37

Disloyalty, 27

Disney, 39, 55, 134, 140, 191

Distrust, 33

Drawing healthy attention, 56-58

Dreams, 91, 128

Drucker, Tom, 74-78

Eckert, J. Presper, 22

Effective questions, 70

Eisenhower, Dwight, 22

Emotional intelligence, 76

Emotional makeup, 72

Empathy, 163

Employee engagement, 11-30, 64-65

Employee surveys, 13, 162

Engagement CEO, 103-119, 122-123

Engagement culture, 106-107

Engagements, CEOs and, 18-19

Enthusiasm for growth, 15-16, 29

Enthusiasm, 123, 163

Evolution of civilization, 20

Expectations, 40

Experience, 114-115

Facebook, 109

Fear of visibility, 56

Fear, 43, 47-49, 98, 164, 178-179

Feedback, 13, 75, 89, 162

Ferguson, Marilyn, 74

Filters of disengagement, 32-37

Financial feedback, 162

Fit, 121-141, 161

Flowers, Tommy, 22

Frenzy, 36, 96, 146, 176

Fuel for change, 63-78

Fulfillment, 99

Fuller, Buckminster, 21

Future shock, 15, 17

Future, 155

Gardner, Angela, 133-141

Generational differences, 139

Gen-Xs, 116, 143, 146

Godin, Seth, 52

Golden Rule, 77, 78

Gratitude, 79, 100-101

Growth, 42, 89, 162

Growth, enthusiasm for, 15-16, 29

Happiness, 180

Happiness, irrevocable, 69-70, 170

Health, 179-180

Healthy attention, 87-89, 158-159

Heart, 43-44

Hiring costs, 123, 138

Hitler, Adolf, 22

Hope, 35

Human values, 163

Humility, 167

Image, 179

Implementation, 156-157

Inaction, 47

Individual transformation, 14

Industrial Revolution, 15-16, 19-22, 35, 50, 56, 66, 164

Inequity, 27

Influence, 54

Ingraham, Christopher, 36

Innovation, 123

Innovation, 21-22, 31, 71

Inspiration, 148

Inspired Work Program, 13, 25-26, 49, 87, 88, 92, 94, 126, 127, 174, 179

Intention, 33

Interest, 163

Internal motivation, 89

Involvement, personal, 14

Irons, Deaira, 112, 119

Irrevocable happiness, 69-70, 170

Isolation, 57

Jensen, Michael, 23

Jobs, Steve, 37

Johnson, Spencer, 145

Kardashian, Kim, 86

Kay, John, 19

Kearns, David, 78

Kelly, Gary, 43

Kindness, 151, 175

Layoffs, 143

Leadership brand, 103

Leadership development, 71, 147, 174-175

Leadership, evolving, 147-150

Learning, 42, 137, 171

Leisure, 180-181

Levinson, Barry, 57

LinkedIn, 109

Listening, active, 72

Loyalty, 129

Lynch, Jackson, 133-141

Malaise, 35

Manners, 123

Mastery, 165-166

Mauchly, John, 22

Mayer, Melissa, 107

McKinsey & Company, 109

Meaning, 64

Meckling, William, 23

Meetings, 173-174

Mentor development program, 101-102

Mentor-based culture, 94-95

Mentor-driven cultures, 44-45, 160

Mentoring, 44-45, 76, 80, 81, 88-89, 94-102, 160, 162, 163-165, 172-173

Mid-management, 143-152

Millennials, 76-77, 86, 115, 116, 146

Miller, Adam, 111-119, 154

Mindset, 31-32

Mission, 37-38, 63-78, 91, 141

Mollick, Ethan, 150

Morale, 95

Morgan, John, 26

Motivation, 33, 140

Motivation, internal, 89

Nourishment, 151

Onboarding, 109, 121, 124, 125, 131-132, 135, 138

Online presentation skills, 83

Optimism, 35

Ownership, 89

Participation, 45

Persistence, 123

Personal change, 17, 42, 47-61, 63, 87, 96, 137

Personal involvement, 14

Personal satisfaction, 11

Pessimism, 33

Policy communications, 157

Posture, 82-83

Potential, 114-115

Praise, 42, 99-101, 103, 162-163

Pre-boarding, 131-132, 135

Predictability, 16, 20-21, 23, 35, 37

Predictive analytics, 132-133

Predictive data, 139

Presentation skills training, 82-84, 158

Productivity, 71, 95

Profits, 12, 162

Progress, 33

Purpose, 37-38, 63-78, 91

Questions, effective, 70

Recruitment costs, 138

Recruitment, 139

Reinvention, 16, 47, 126

Relationship with work, 13-14, 67-68

Resignation, 35-36, 176

Resilience, 82, 123

Resourcefulness, 167

Respect, 75-76, 104, 112-113, 136-137, 151

Responsiveness, 163

Reverse mentoring, 45

Risk, 178

Robotics, 31

Rohn, Jim, 85

Sales training, 81-82

Sandbery, Sheryl, 109

Schabner, Dean 36

Scherr, Scott, 108-109

Security, 16, 48, 162

Self-change, 15

Self-esteem, 100

Self-inquiry, 64, 66, 89, 95, 97, 157-158

Self-realization, 24

Senge, Peter, 74

Service, 96

Shared vision, 66

Shepherd, Kim, 111, 133-141

Skill-building, 146, 171

Skills, 13

Social media, 84-87, 99-100

Social networking, 84-89

Socratic thought process, 66-67, 70, 72, 73-74, 78, 169-170, 172

Soft skills, 32, 49, 58, 117, 123, 137

Southwest Airlines, 43-44

Spiese, Mel, 41

Stability, 27, 129

Starbucks, 65

Success, 59, 99

Support systems, 43, 59-61, 91-102, 148, 159-160, 176-181

Surveys, employee, 13

Survival, 16, 20-21, 23, 35, 37

Sustainability, 80

Swift, Taylor, 86

Tact, 175

Talent acquisition, 124, 133-141, 161

Team-building, 117

Technology, 15, 38, 139, 149, 151

“Theory of the Firm,” 23

Thinking, critical, 72

360 processes, 39-40

Time management, 171-172

Time value, 158

Toastmasters, 83, 158

Toffler, Alvin, 15

Tomorrow, skills for, 125

Tone of voice, 82-83

Trader Joe’s, 105

Trance, the, 11, 15, 30, 51, 59, 63, 105, 167, 168

Transformation, individual, 14

Transparency, 33, 38-41, 42, 104, 161-162, 164

Tribes, 52-55, 122, 130-131, 163

Truth, 42, 72, 104

Turk, Gary, 33-34

U.S. Marine Corps, 41-42, 94, 105

Ultimate Software, 108

Value-driven cultures, 41-44

Values, human, 163

Vaynerchuk, Gary, 84

VCA, 77

Virtual reality, 31

Visibility, 79-89

Visibility, fear of, 56

Vision, 37-38, 50, 63-78, 91, 92, 104, 167-168

Vision, declaring, 51-55

Voice, tone of, 82-83

Volatility, 24

Wakefulness, 163

Wayne, John, 48

Weiner, Jeff, 109-110

Wellness, 180

Whitaker, Bill, 86

Wiesel, Elie, 79

Wilson, Timothy, 124

Winfrey, Oprah, 110

Word Café, the, 75

Work, relationship with, 13-14, 67-68

Work/life balance, 106, 109, 110-111

World War II, 22

Xerox Corporation, 73

Xerox Learning, 74

Yahoo, 107

Yudis, David, 134-141

Zuckerberg, Mark, 109

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