
of managers, and knowledge resources, 159

of workers, and job mobility, 9495

Age of Discontinuity, The (Drucker), 27n, 30n, 34n, 38n

agricultural colleges, 174


impact of technology on, 78, 7980, 173174, 177

increased productivity in, 79, 160

revolution in, 167, 173174, 177

alternative courses of action, and entrepreneurial decisions, 128129

appraisals, performance, 1920

architects, and building of Gothic

cathedrals, 4748

Aristophanes, 46

Armee Deutsch, 1213, 18

Around the World in Eighty Days (Verne), 81

art, level of communication in, 1314


communication and, 11, 16, 1819, 20

management and, 28, 29, 32, 36, 37

aspirin synthesis, 57

assembly line, 44

assumptions in entrepreneurial decisions, 128

automation, 44, 66, 75

Bacon, Roger, 169

Baeyer, Adolf von, 57

Bank of England, 31


communication and, 11, 18

management and, 28, 29, 32, 36, 3839

Technological Revolution and, 177

Bell, Alexander Graham, 60

Bell Telephone System, 58, 144

Benedict, St., 41

Bergakademie, Freiberg, Saxony, 174175

Berliner, Emile, 55

Bernard, Claude, 176

Boehm-Bawerk’s Law, 123

Boerhaave, Herman, 169n, 175

Boulding, Kenneth 50n, 182n

Bradley, Albert, 157

Brandeis, Louis, 31

Brave New World (Huxley), 84

Broussais, François-Joseph-Victor, 170n

Bruner, Jerome, 6

budgeting process, and survival objectives of business enterprises, 152154

Burlingame, Roger, 179

Burnham, James, 31


as an institution of world economy, 3637

as a system, 182

job mobility in, 9495

multiple measures in, 9192

professional education for, 139

survival functions of, 145150

survival objectives of, 144145

business behavior, need for theory of, 140144

business management

as a prototype for nonbusiness institutions, 3132

role in society of, 2425, 30

social responsibilities of, 2526


concept of decision making in

long-range planning held by, 126

need for theory of business behaviour and, 143144

California Institute of Technology, 54

capital market, and conglomerates, 8990

capital resource, knowledge as, 75, 156157

Carothers, W. H., 58

cathedrals, building of, 4748

change, and business enterprises, 147148, 186

Chaplin, Charlie, 84


ancient, 81, 108, 109, 113, 114, 116, 117

modern, 29, 70

Chomsky, A. N., 1

Churchill, Winston, 2


irrigation civilizations and establishment of, 109112

technology and move to, 78, 8384

civil rights movement, 8182

clarity, in communications, 15

class structure, in irrigation cities, 110111, 117

class war, 28

Clausewitz, Karl von, 77

Code of Hammurabi, 110

coding of information, 1213

college training, and technological

work, 5355, 76

Commons, John R., 31


aspirations, values, and motivation of recipient and, 11, 16, 1819, 20

demands on recipient in, 11

expectations and, 4, 89

four fundamentals of, 4

increase in number of books on, 2

information different from and interdependent on, 4, 1113

information explosion and, 3

interest in early twentieth century in, 1, 2

involvement and, 4, 911

knowledge on theory and practice of, 3–4

meaning of, 1

in organizations, 4, 1422

perception and, 4, 58, 21

propaganda and, 1011

range of theories on, 23

World War I and failure of, 12

communications gap, 3, 1618


communications in organizations and, 1718

data handling by, 99100

future economic impact of, 156

impact on jobs of, 97100

information availability and, 163164

managers’ use of, 9899, 164166

managing processes involving, 163164

technology of information and, 160161

time-sharing systems in, 161

concept formation, and communication, 67

Concept of the Corporation (Drucker), 31

configuration, in communication, 56

Confucius, 116

conglomerates, and role of managers, 8890

Corning Glass, 90

Corvisart, Jean-Nicolas, 175176

cost-effectiveness, 32

crafts and craftsmen

building of Gothic cathedrals and, 48

organization of work and, 46

Technological Revolution and, 168, 173, 178

technological work and, 53, 5455

cultural referents, in communication, 5


impact of technology on, 7172

study of technology and, 49

Dante, 1314

Darwin, Charles, 40

data. See information data bases, 3

data handling, and computers, 99100

data revolution, 3

decision making in long-range planning

alternative courses of action and, 128129

businessman’s concept of, 126

characteristics of risk and, 134135

decision structure in, 129, 132134

elements of, 128130

forecasting versus, 120122

impact stage of, 129130

information in, 126127

managerial knowledge in, 136137

measurements in, 135136

new-knowledge content needed in, 130

operating budgeting process and, 153154

requirements of, 127136

results of, 130

risk elimination attempts and, 123

speed and risk of innovation and, 125

time span in, 124125, 130132

decision structure, in long-range planning, 129, 132134

development, as a result of management, 3738

Diderot, Denis, 174

Divina Commedia (Dante), 1314

Doering, Otto, 65

downward communication, in organizations, 15, 18

DuPont laboratory, 58

Dynamic Administration (Follett), 78

École Polytechnique, Paris, 5354, 175

economic development

as a result of management, 3738

technological change and, 78, 83


management as an institution of, 3637

primary task of management and, 2627

survival objectives of business enterprises and, 146147

Edison, Thomas, 55, 60, 124125

electric light bulb research of, 6263, 64

Menlo Park laboratory of, 57


technological work and level of, 5355

technology’s impact on, 7677

efficiencies, measures of, 91

Egypt, ancient, 108, 116, 117

electric light bulb, invention of, 6263, 64, 71, 101

electronic engineering, 4, 60

emancipation of women, and technology, 73

Encyclopédie (Diderot), 174

energy, systems approach to, 67


forecasting and, 121122

risk and decision making in, 123124

role of management and, 2627, 3334

evolution, 40, 42


communication and, 4, 89

of entrepreneurial decisions and, 128

experience of recipient, and communication, 6

eyeglasses, invention of, 169

Faraday, Michael, 60, 175

fatigue studies, 44

Fayol, Henri, 28, 30

Follett, Mary Parker, 78

Forbes, R. J., 113

Ford, Henry, 54, 65, 66

forecasting, 120122

Franklin, Benjamin, 172

free-form organizations, structure of, 104105

Friedmann, Georges, 45n

Future of Industrial Man, The (Drucker), 31

Galen, 169

Gandhi, Mahatma, 70, 78

General Electric Company, 135, 181

General Electric Research Laboratory, 5758, 63

General Motors, 157

General Motors Research Corporation, 55

general semantics, 1

genetics, 4

Gestalt psychology, 66

gesture, in communication, 5

Gothic Cathedral, The (Simson), 47n

Gothic cathedrals, building of, 4748

government, in irrigation cities, 109110, 115116

Great Depression, 84

Greece, ancient, 109, 113, 116

Guest, Robert H., 45n

Hall, Edward T., 5

Hamilton, S. B., 41n

Hammurabi, Code of, 110

Harvey, William, 169170

Helmholtz, Hermann von, 60

Henry, Joseph, 60, 175

Herodotus, 178

Hertz, Heinrich, 60

Hesiod, 46

high-technology companies, organization of, 104

Hippocrates, 168

history, and study of technology, 4750, 112113

History of Technology (Singer), 41, 47, 48

Hitler, Adolf, 70

Hobbes, Thomas, 102

Homer, 46

Human Dialogue, The (Matson and Montagu), 2

human engineering, 4445

Human Problems of an Industrial

Civilization, The (Mayo), 15, 45n

Human Relations School, 6, 1516, 2829

human resources administration, and managers, 8687

Huxley, Aldous, 84

imperialism, and spread of technology, 70

India, 70, 78

individual, appearance of, in irrigation civilizations, 111112, 116

industrial relations, and managers, 105107

industrial research laboratories. See research laboratories

Industrial Revolution, 70, 173, 174

Industrial Society (Friedmann), 45n

industrialization, and impact of technology, 70, 78


coding of, 1213

communication different from and interdependent on, 4, 1113

communication gap and amount of, 1618

computers and availability of, 163164

decision making in long-range planning and, 126127

energy for mental tasks and, 160161

explosion in amount of, 3, 18

impact of new age of, 162163

interest in early twentieth century in, 1

knowledge about, 34

specificity of, 12

information revolution, 24

information theory, 3


decision making in long-range planning and, 125

invention and, 6465

irrigation civilizations and, 109

managers’ changing job and, 101102

research laboratory and, 53, 58, 59

role of management and, 2627, 3334

survival objectives of business

enterprises and, 150

systems approach to technological work and, 66, 68

technological work and, 6365


irrigation civilizations and establishment of, 109112, 114115, 117

technology and remaking of, 7279

inventors and invention

innovation and, 6465

technological work and, 5556, 57, 59, 62, 68

involvement, and communication, 4, 911, 16

irrigation civilizations, 108119

lessons about technology learned from, 114118

need for history of, 112113

social and political innovation in, 109112

technology and first revolution in, 108109

Iwasaki, Mineko, 29

Japan, 20, 28, 29, 36, 37, 70, 94, 176177

Jay, Anthony, 31n

Jenner, Edward, 169, 170

job mobility, 9495

job performance appraisals, 1920

job performance measures, 9294

jobs, impact of computers on, 97100

Josephson, Matthew, 62

Journey to the Center of the Earth (Verne), 71

Kaiser Wilhelm Society, 57

Kennedy, John F., 78

Kettering, Charles Franklin, 55


decision making in long-range planning and, 130, 136137

irrigation cities and use of, 111

managerial experience and use of new

resources of, 158160, 166

as productive resource, 75, 156157, 168

technological revolution and change in meaning and nature of, 176177

work and impact of, 157158

knowledge workers, 3435, 7576, 105106, 168

Koch, Robert, 176

Korzybski, Alfred, 1

laboratories. See research laboratories

Labour party, 31

Land, Edwin H., 56

Landmarks of Tomorrow, The (Drucker), 125n, 126n

learning theory, 4

Liebig, Justus von, 55, 5960, 174, 175

listening, in communication, 1516, 18

Lister, Joseph, 176

Locke, John, 102

Lockwood, William, 177n

long-range planning, 120138

alternative courses of action and, 128129

businessman’s concept of the basis of decisions and, 126

characteristics of risk and, 134135

complexity both of the business enterprise and of the economy and society and, 125126

decision structure in, 129, 132134

elements of entrepreneurial decisions in, 128130

forecasting versus, 120122

impact stage of decisions in, 129130

information in decision making and, 126127

Management Science and, 138

managerial knowledge in, 136137

measurements in, 135136

new-knowledge content needed in, 130

requirements of, 127136

results of decisions in, 130

risk elimination attempts and, 123

speed and risk of innovation and, 125

time span of decisions in, 124125, 130132

use of term, 124n, 130131

Machiavelli, Niccolò, 31

Malthus, Thomas, 176


as a generic and central social function, 3031, 103

as an institution of world economy, 3637

as a science or a discipline, 2829

business within society and, 2425

computers and, 163164

economic and social development as a result of, 3738

entrepreneurial innovation as focus of, 3334

entrepreneurship and innovation outside of, 2627

knowledge productivity and, 3435

new realities and, 24, 3038

new role of manager and, 3839

nonbusiness institutions and, 3132

old assumptions underlying, 23, 2430

primary task of, 2627

productivity and management of manual work as focus of, 2728

quality of life and, 3233, 39

Scientific Management principles and, 2728

social responsibilities of, 2526

Management and Machiavelli (Jay), 31n

management communications, 4

management science, 180188

art of management and, 180181

basic assumptions and postulates to be established in, 185186

business enterprise as a system and, 182

emphasis on techniques rather than principles in, 182184

existing tools of specific technical functions in, 181

first need of, 187

focus on managing an enterprise in, 181182

risk elimination and, 186187

scientific method and, 184185

seriousness of subject matter of, 187188

Managerial Revolution (Burnham), 31


changing nature of job of, 100103

changing structure of organizations and, 103105

clarity in communications from, 15

computer usage by, 9899, 164166

conglomerates and, 8890

downward communication by, 15, 18

human resources administration and, 8687

industrial relations and, 105107

innovation and, 101102

knowledge resources and, 158160, 166

listening in communication by, 1516, 18

long-term planning and decisions by, 126, 136137

multiple measures used by, 9192

productivity and, 86

public function of, 87

range of jobs performed by, 8687

small business success and, 9697

Man on the Assembly Line, The (Walker and Guest), 45n

manual work

as focus of management, 2728, 30

technology and changes in, 7376

Marconi, Guglielmo, 60

Marx, Karl, 31

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 181

mass production, 28, 6566, 74

materials-handling equipment, 47, 48

mathematical linguistics, 1

Matson, Floyd W., 2

Max Planck Society, 57

Maxwell, James Clerk, 60, 175

Mayo, Elton, 15, 45n

McKinsey & Company, 31

McNamara, Robert, 32

meaning of communication, 1


long-range planning with, 135136

management science and, 185

survival objectives of business enterprises with, 150151

mechanical arts, and technology, 41, 167, 173, 174175, 176, 177

Medawar, P. B., 42n


scientific knowledge and practice of, 169170

teaching of, 168169

technological revolution and, 175176, 177

Meiji Japan, 37

memory, and word retention, 910

Menlo Park laboratory, New Jersey, 57

Mesopotamia, 108, 114, 116


impact of technology on warfare and, 77

in irrigation civilizations, 116

Mitsui Takatoshi, 29

mobility, job, 9495

Modern Times (film), 84

Mond, Ludwig, 53

Montagu, Ashley, 2

Morgagni, Giovanni Battista, 175

Morse, Samuel, 53


communication and, 11, 1819, 22

productivity of knowledge and, 158

multinational corporations, 37

Mumford, Lewis, 113, 179

Napoleon, 77

nationalism, 83

Near East, ancient civilizations in, 115116, 117

Needham, Joseph, 113

Nehru, Jawaharlal, 78

New Society, The (Drucker), 31, 33

Newton, Isaac, 129, 169n, 171172

objectives of business enterprises

background and description of, 144145

budgeting process and, 152154

clear concepts and usable measurements developed in, 150151

selection and balance between objectives in, 151152

survival functions and, 145150

work to be done to develop, 150152

objectives of entrepreneurial decisions, 128

ocean exploration, 6667

operating budget, and survival objectives of business enterprises, 152154

operational research, 180, 181, 183184

organizational communication, 4, 1421

aspirations, values, and motivation of recipient and, 16, 1819

computers and, 1718

conclusions of subordinate presented to superior in, 1819

downward and upward direction in, 15, 18

encouraging communication by recipients in, 2022

information explosion and communication gap in, 1618

listening in, 1516, 18

paternalism in, 22

perception and, 21

performance appraisals and, 1920

organizational structure, and survival objectives of business enterprises, 145146


changing structure of, 103105

multiple measures used in, 9192

need for theory of business behaviour in, 142

performance measures in, 9294

Oriental Despotism: A Comparative Study of Total Power (Wittvogel), 110n

Osborn, Fairfield, 113

Pasteur, Louis, 176

paternalism, in organizational communication, 22

Pathological Anatomy (Morgagni), 175

perception and communications, 4, 58

capability of perceiving in, 6, 78

concept formation and, 67

configuration of gestures, tone of voice, and cultural and social referents in, 56

experience of recipient and, 6

information in communication and, 13

organizational communication and, 21

range of perception in, 7

recipient as necessary to communication, 5

silent language in, 56

performance, and survival objectives of business enterprises, 145, 151

performance appraisals, 1920

performance measures, 9294

Perkin, William H., 53, 60

Phaedrus (Plato), 6

Piaget, Jean, 6

Plato, 6

political innovation, in irrigation civilizations, 109112, 114115, 117

pretechnological civilization of 1900, 6985

Principia Mathematica (Russell and Whitehead), 1


innovation and, 6566

knowledge and, 75


as focus of management, 2728

knowledge application and, 75, 156–157, 168

managers and, 86

multiple measures for, 91

technological change and, 7476, 78, 83

professional education for business, 139

professionalization of technological work, 5355


business management and, 32

multiple measures of, 91

need for education about business behaviour and, 140141

survival objectives of business enterprises and, 148150

profit maximization, 141, 149

propaganda, and communications, 1011

psychology, and T-group theory, 3

psychotherapy, T-groups in, 3

purpose of business, and survival objectives of business enterprises, 147

purposes of recipient, and communication, 11

quality of life, and role of management, 3233, 39

Rathenau, Walther, 28, 30, 31


as focus of industrial laboratories, 5759

innovation and, 53, 58, 59

research laboratories

both specialist and generalist research done at, 58

Edison and, 56

institutionalization of technological work in, 53, 5660

in nineteenth century, 56

origin of, 5657

research focus of, 5759

Steinmetz at General Electric as model for, 5758

team effort of specialists in, 56

research method, in technological work, 6263

resource, knowledge as, 75, 156157

retention rate, in memory, 910


enterprise and, 185186

long-range planning and, 123, 134135

management science on, 186187

Romantic movement, 172

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 102

Russell, Bertrand, 1, 12

Schnabel, Franz, 178179

School of Alexandria, 168


in ancient civilizations, 117

impact of technology on, 168

management as, 2829

medical practice and knowledge gained in, 169170

technological revolution and, 167168, 170171, 177

technological work and, 5961

Scientific Management, 2728, 31, 35, 4344, 7475

scientific method, and management science, 184185

Sears, Roebuck, 65, 90

semantics, 1

Semmelweis, Ignaz, 176

sensitivity training, 3

Shibusawa Eiichi, 29

short-range planning, 130131

Siemens, Werner von, 53, 55, 60, 64

Sigrist, Henry E., 170n

Silent Language, The (Hall), 5

silent language, in communication, 56

Simson, O. G. von, 47n Singer, Charles, 41, 48

skilled workers

as focus of management, 2728, 30

building of Gothic cathedrals and, 48

Skinner, B. F., 6

small business, success of, 9697

Smith, Cyril Stanley, 113

social classes, in irrigation cities, 110111, 117

social development, as a result of management, 3738

social organization of work, 46

Social Problems of an Industrial

Civilization, The (Mayo), 15, 45n

social institutions

irrigation civilizations and establishment of, 109112, 114–115, 117

science and, 168

technology and remaking of, 7279

social referents, in communication, 5

social responsibilities of management, 2526

social theory, 25


access to education and changes in, 77

impact of technology on, 7172

management’s role in, 36, 103

survival objectives of business enterprises and, 146147

South Sea Bubble of 1720, 171, 173

Soviet Union, 7980

space exploration, 61, 68, 72, 82


long-range planning and, 125

technological work and, 53, 5556

spinning wheel, 46

Sprague, Frank J., 57

Stalin, Joseph, 29

Steinmetz, C. P., 5758

survival objectives of business enterprises

background and description of, 144145

budgeting process and, 152154

survival functions and, 145150

work to be done to develop, 150152

Swieten, Gerhard van, 175

Swift, Jonathan, 171

symbolic logic, 12


business enterprise as, 182

technology as, 50

systems approach

innovation and, 66, 68

technological work and, 50, 52, 6567

Tagore, Rabindranath, 70

Taylor, Frederick Winslow, 2728, 31, 35, 4344, 7475

technical universities, 5354, 174

technological revolution, 167179

agriculture and, 173174, 177

knowledge and, 176177

medicine and, 175176, 177

scientific progress and, 167168, 177

technological work

as a craft, 53

changes in methods and, 52, 5965

education and training for, 5355, 76

innovation and, 6365

institutionalization of work in the research laboratory and, 53, 5660

inventors and invention and, 5556, 57, 62, 6465, 68

relationship between science and, 5961

research method and, 6263

specialization of, 53, 5556

structural changes in, 52, 5359

systems approach to, 50, 52, 6567


at beginning of twentieth century, 7071

at center of human perception and experience, 69

change in views of, 72, 172173

critics of, 8485

education and, 7677

emancipation of women and, 73

historical study of, 4750, 112113

human engineering and changes to, 4445

human impact of, 8285

human work as realm of, 4243

impact on society and culture of, 7172

irrigation civilizations and, 109

man-made environment and, 7980

meaning of, 4142

medical practice and knowledge gained in, 170

organization of work and, 4547, 73–76

purpose of, 42

science and impact of, 168, 170171

Scientific Management and changes to, 4344

social institutions remade by, 7279

tool-making and, 4041

travel and impact of, 8182

twentieth-century trends in, 5268

warfare and, 77

worldwide changes from, 7779, 8182

telephone, invention of, 55, 60, 71, 73, 101

T-groups, 3

Thaer, Albrecht, 174

Thomson, H. G., 47

Time Machine, The (Wells), 71

time scale, of operating budgeting decisions, 154

time-sharing computer systems, 161

time span of decisions, in long-range planning, 124125, 130132

tone of voice, in communication, 5


historical study of, 4748

human engineering and, 4445

human impact of technology and, 85

organization of work and, 4547

Scientific Management and changes to, 4344

technology defined as the making of, 4041

work and, 4051

training, and technological work, 5355, 76

travel, impact of technology on, 8182

Tull, Jethro, 174

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Verne), 71

typewriter, and emancipation of women, 73

underdeveloped countries, management and development of, 3738

university training, and technological work, 5355, 76

unskilled workers

as focus of management, 2728, 30

building of Gothic cathedrals and, 48

technological change and status of, 7475

upward communication, in organizations, 15, 18

urbanization, impact of technology on, 7980, 8384

Vail, Theodore, 144


communication and, 11, 16, 1819, 20

management and, 28, 29, 32, 36, 3839

van Swieten, Gerhard, 175

variable expenses, and budgeting process, 153

Verne, Jules, 71, 81

Virgil, 46

Walker, Charles R., 45n

Wallace, Alfred Russell, 40, 4142

warfare, impact of technology on, 77

Watt, James, 59, 168, 173, 174

Wells, H. G., 71

Westinghouse, George, 55

White, Lynn T., Jr., 41, 113

Whitehead, Alfred North, 1, 12

Whitney, Eli, 53, 65, 174

Wiener, Norbert, 1

Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 1

Wittvogel, Karl A., 110n Woehler, Friedrich, 175

women’s emancipation, and

technology, 73


as focus of management, 2728, 30

human engineering and, 4445

knowledge application in, 157158

organization of, 4547, 7376

Scientific Management and, 4344, 74

technology’s impact on, 72, 7376

tools and techniques and influence on, 4051

urbanization related to changes in, 80

world economy, management as an institution of, 3637

World War I, 12, 54, 60, 73

World War II, 28, 54, 73, 77

Wright, Wilbur and Orville, 54

Young, Arthur, 174

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