

accuracy, of location 135

Administrative Overview report 211

Aggregated Measures 24, 50–52

aggregation methods 48, 126–127

Aggregation section (Data tab) 25

All tab 234–235, 253

all-in-one application 256–259

Analysis tab 169–170

animating data 129–130

Anna Aero (website) 132

APPEND statement 217

area, compared with geo regional data objects 140–143

area of focus, collections based on 9

artwork, adding 67–68

asymmetric 219

audience, knowing your 90

auto-chart 256–258

Autoloader Facility 190–191, 205–206

Automatic Chart feature 149–150


balanced scorecard

See dashboards

The Balanced Scorecard (Kaplan and Norton) 38

bar charts

about 30, 98

choosing between line charts and 99–100

choosing grouped charts 100–101

choosing stacked charts 100–101

guidelines for 99–101

interpreting results from 99

tips and tricks for 101–103

Base SAS, data loading to LASR from 186–187

BIRT database (website) 127

box plots

about 150

adding data items 152–154

interpreting results from 150–152

when to use 154

bridge charts

See waterfall charts

British National Grid (OSGB36) 135

bubble plots

about 127

guidelines for 128–129

interpreting results from 127–128

showing trends with data objects 143–144

tips and tricks for 129–130

bullet gauge 119

butterfly chart 102–103

Button Bar 32


Cairo, Albert

The Functional Art 96

calculated items, creating 48–50

canvas (Designer) 17

CAS In-Memory Analytics Server

about 225, 226

flexibility 227–228

massively parallel analytics (MPP) 226–227

persistence 227

CAT() function 80


about 24

adding 170–171

color consistency with 106–107

creating custom 47

limiting 106

using custom sort for 116–117

using in heat maps 173

values in 164–166

character data items 79–80

charts, cluttered 95–96

See also specific types

Classification section (Data tab) 25

"clear" parameter 205

code, updating 84

Code tab 74, 84

collections, creating 9–10

colors, default 144

Column Profile tab (SAS Visual Data Builder) 236

columns, creating 237

COMPRESS() function 80

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (website) 91

consumers, as primary users of Report Viewer 11


adding 53–55

adding controls to 63–64

adding data objects to 61–63

using gauges in 56–57


accessing 3–13

managing 231

Content area (SAS Environment Manager) 229

content tiles, creating 9–10

controls, adding to containers 63–64

coordinate system 135

correlation matrix 156–158

correlation values, interpreting 158

correlations, calculating 156

"create" parameter 203

cross tabs

about 122

guidelines for 123

interpreting results from 122–123

tips and tricks for 124–127

Custom Chart Builder feature 102–103

custom sort, using for categories 116–117

customers, understanding your 38


damped-trend model 160

Dashboard area (SAS Environment Manager) 229


about 37–38

building process 38–66

enhancements for 66–69

pie charts as a gauge on 107–109

tips for 42


about 131

adding to objects 29–31

animating 129–130

changing 97–98

displaying geospatial objects 137–144

expanding location intelligence 144–145

exploring 253

filtering 80–82

functions preparing 80

geospatial 131–133

geospatial visualizations 133–137

getting for the dashboard 39

importing 234–235, 252–253

limiting 81

managing 139–140, 230–231

mapping technologies 145–146

planning 39–40

preparing for geospatial visualizations 133–137

Twitter 163–164

unstructured 167

view of 235

data analysis

features of 259

heat maps 171–172

scatter plot and 168–170

Data area (SAS Environment Manager) 229

Data Builder

See SAS Visual Data Builder

data distribution, load balancing by 215–216

data items

adding 152–154

changing format of 25–26

creating new 25–27, 45–48

properties of 25

working with 45

data loading

about 181

to distributed LASR Analytic Server 218–221

in-memory 181

into LASR automatically 190–192

to LASR from Base SAS 186–187

to LASR from different LASR Analytic Servers 189

to LASR from HDFS 183–185

to LASR with SAS in-database technology 188–189

from remote HDFS 220–221

speed for 181–183

data models 160

data objects

adding 44–52

adding to containers 61–63

changing appearance of 28–31

geo coordinate 138–140

planning 39–40

working with 31–33, 56–65

data queries

creating 72–73, 75–77

modifying 77–80

scheduling 84–86

data sets, profiling 235–237

data sources

adding to reports 22–23

summary 115–116

using section filtering for different 117–118

working with 23–25

Data tab

about 18, 22–25, 250

adding data sources 22–23

adding objects 254

changing data item properties 25

importing data 252–253

populating objects 27–28

working with data objects 31

working with data sources 23–24

data tables, viewing 230–231

data visualizations

about 89

bar charts 98–103

bubble plots 127–130

changing objects in 154–155

crosstabs 122–127

donut charts 103–109

elements of 89–90

gauges 118–122

line charts 91–98

moving to Designer 175–177

pie charts 103–109

tables 122–127

treemaps 109–113

waterfall charts 113–118

data wrangling

See SAS Visual Data Builder

databases, connecting to 73

date formats 46

date intervals 97–98

default colors 144

derived items 26

derived measures, checking 126–127

Design tab 74, 84


about 15

accessing 15–16

building reports 21–35

moving visualizations to 175–177

reviewing reports 36

saving reports 35

user interface layout 16–20

details, measuring 258–259

direction of patterns 170

display rules 120–121

Display Rules tab (Designer) 20

distributed deployment 182–183, 200

Distributed Mode LASR 203–204, 206, 215

donut charts

about 103

comparisons 105

guidelines for 104–105

interpreting results from 103–104

removing legends 105

tips and tricks for 106–109

Drop-down list 32

dual axis bar-line charts 62–63


Edit Prompts button 69

Effective Dashboard Design (Grouw) 37

Embedded Process (EP) 188–189

embedding stored processes 68–69

Envisioning Information (Tufte) 141

EP (Embedded Process) 188–189

ESRI ArcGIS Maps 146

exclude option 173–175

Explorer application

about 147–149

Automatic Chart feature 149–150

tips for using 173


factors, underlying 160–161

fast loading of data to distributed LASR Analytic Server 218–221

Few, Stephen

Information Dashboard Design 38, 119

Now you see it 170

Show Me the Numbers 127

files, collections based on 9

Filter tab 31–32, 250

filtering 80–82, 247–248

final values, adding 114

flying bricks chart

See waterfall charts


about 159

option for 159–160

scenario analysis 161–163

Format section (Data tab) 25


applying 46

of data items 25–26

date 46

The Functional Art (Cairo) 96

functions, for data prep 80

See also specific functions



about 118

adding 124–125

guidelines for 119–120

interpreting results from 118

tips and tricks for 120–122

using in containers 56–57

geo coordinate data objects 138–140

geo coordinates, finding 136

geo regional data objects, compared with area 140–143

geo regional map 141

GEOCODE procedure 134

geographic data items 133–136

Geographic Lookup Values (website) 134

geospatial data

creating custom 135–136

using effectively 131–133

geospatial objects, displaying 136–144

geospatial visualizations, preparing data for 133–137

Google API 136

gradient values 111–112

grouped charts, choosing 100–101

groups, managing 229–230

Grouw, G.

Effective Dashboard Design 37


Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)

about 73

data loading from LASR to 183–185

data loading from remote 220–221

LASR co-located with dedicated 220–221

LASR symmetrically co-located with 220

Hadoop utilities 198

HAVING clause 80–82


See Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)

heading 28

heat maps

about 171

data analysis 171–172

using categories 173

hierarchies 112–113

high-volume access, to smaller tables 216–218


about 154

changing objects in visualizations 154–155

options for 155–156


about 7

transformation of 5–6


Import tab 18, 176–177, 234–235, 253

IMXFER procedure 189

include option 173–175

info window, adding to maps 142–143

Information Dashboard Design (Few) 38, 119

Information Visualization (Ware) 29

initial values, adding 114

in-memory data loading 181

in-memory joins 237–239

INPUT() function 80

Inputs tab 82

"install" parameter 203

Interactions tab

adding object interactions 33–34

working with data objects 31

Interactions View button 34–35

ISO code 134


Johnson, Kelly 90


Kaplan, Robert

The Balanced Scorecard 38

Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS) principle 90, 92–93

key performance indicators (KPIs) 38–39, 118


labels, long 101–102


co-located with dedicated HDFS 220–221

defining new libraries 202

remote data provider and 219

symmetrically co-located with HDFS 220

LASR administration

about 193

Hadoop utilities 198

memory usage 208–209

operating system utilities 198

SAS Environment Manager 195–196

SAS High-Performance Computing Management Console 197

SAS Management Console 194

SAS program code 196–197

SAS Visual Analytics Administrator 194–195

server status 207–208

tasks 198–212

tools for 193–198

LASR Analytic Server

See also data loading

See also LASR administration

about 73

data loading automatically into 190–192

data loading from Base SAS to 186–187

data loading from different 189

data loading to HDFS from 183–185

data loading with SAS in-database technology to 188–189

defining new 198–202

distributed deployment 182–183

fast loading of data to 218–221

managing with code 202–205

non-distributed deployment 182

Reload-on-Start feature 191–192

LASR performance

about 213–214

Distributed LASR (MPP) 215

load balancing by data distribution 215–216

Non-Distributed LASR (SMP) 214

LASR procedure 187, 203, 217

LASR Root Node 215–216, 218–219

LASR Servers tab 208–209

LASR Tables tab 208


about 249

considerations for 41

creating 40–42, 52–56

Data Builder 74

manipulating 26

panels 249–250

starting 27

toolbar 250–251

left pane (Designer) 17–18


adding 111

importance of 129

visibility of 144

Let My Dataset Change Your Mindset (Rosling) 127

libraries, viewing 231

line charts

about 30, 91

choosing between bar charts and 99–100

guidelines for 91–94

interpreting results from 91

KISS principle 92–93

stacking area plots 93–94

tips and tricks for 95–98

using 0 as y-axis value 92

linear model 160

lines of best fit, interpreting 170

linking sections 65–66

list tables, adding 64–65

load balancing, by data distribution 215–216

loading data

See data loading

location accuracy 135

location intelligence, expanding 144–145

locations, odd 139

Looking Good in Print (Parker) 89


mapping technologies 145–146

MapR Distribution of Hadoop 185

maps, adding info windows to 142–143

MAPSGFK library 134, 136

massively parallel analytics (MPP) 226–227


about 24

adding 110

creating 49

memory usage 208–209

Menu Bar 7

microservices 225

Miller, George 92

Mobile Bi app, accessing content through 4

mock layouts, creating 40

MPP (Distributed LASR) 206, 215

MPP (massively parallel analytics) 226–227


non-distributed deployment 182, 200

Non-Distributed Mode LASR 204–206, 214

Norton, David

The Balanced Scorecard 38

Now you see it (Few) 170

numeric calculations, adding 78–79


objectives, establishing 38–42


about 259

adding 254–256

adding data to 29–31

adding interactions 33–35

changing 154–155, 256–258

populating 27–28

visual statistics 260

Objects tab

about 18

adding objects 254

adding slider objects 32–33

layout in 26

populating objects 27–28

starting layouts 27

Office Analytics, accessing content from 4

open-source databases 136

OpenStreetMap 146

operating system utilities 198

Options tab 262

OSGB36 (British National Grid) 135


about 170

excluding 152

Outline tab 250


padding 262


adding 52–53

hiding 261

panels 249–250


about 58

creating 58–60

using for targets 57–60

Parker, Roger

Looking Good in Print 89

percentages, showing 102


about 213

fast loading data to distributed LASR Analytic Server 218–221

LASR 213–218

performance dashboards

See dashboards

pie charts

about 30, 103, 261–262

comparisons 105

guidelines for 104–105

interpreting results from 103–104

removing legends 105

tips and tricks for 106–109

plans 239–240

"port" attribute 203

progressive bar chart

See waterfall charts

projects, collections for 9

properties data item 25

Properties tab

about 19, 20

adding text boxes 67

changing data object appearance 28–29

heat maps and 172

histogram options 155–156

scatter plots and 168–169

showing outliers 151–152

Text Analytics Settings section 166–167

word clouds in 165–166

public portal, accessing content through 3–4

PUT() function 80


Quick Split option (SAS Visual Data Builder) 241–242


ranks pane 101–102

Ranks tab 20, 250

Real-Time View 210

Recent tab 234–235, 253

reference lines, adding 29

Reload-on-Start feature 191–192

remote data provider, LASR and 219

report prompts, filtering with 32

Report Viewer

creating shortcuts to 8

using 11–13


adding data sources to 22–23

building 21–35

navigating 12–13

opening 7–8

reviewing 36

saving 35

starting new 251–256

working with data sources 23–25

resources, monitoring 206–212

Resources area (SAS Environment Manager) 229

response sign, adding 114–115

Results tab (Data Builder) 74

reviewing reports 36

right pane (Designer) 18–20

RMSE (Root-Mean-Squared-Error) 160

roles 4–5

Roles tab

about 20, 250

adding animation 130

adding categories 170–171

adding data items 152–154

adding objects 254–255

adding slider objects 32–33

Automatic Chart feature 150

changing objects in visualizations 155

correlation matrix 157

populating objects 27–28

scatter plots and 168

Scenario Analysis button 161

text analytics 166–167

Underlying factors section 161

word clouds and 164–166

Root-Mean-Squared-Error (RMSE) 160

Rosling, Hans

Let My Dataset Change Your Mindset 127

Rules tab 250


SAS dates 26

SAS Environment Manager 195–196, 228–230

SAS High-Performance Computing Management Console 197

SAS in-database technology, data loading to LASR with 188–189

SAS LASR Analytic Server software

See LASR Analytic Server

SAS Management Console 194

SAS Metadata 198

SAS program code 196–197

SAS Visual Analytics

accessing 5

combined with SAS Viya platform 228

Data Builder for 73–86

SAS Visual Analytics Administrator 194–195

SAS Visual Data Builder

about 71, 233

creating columns 237

creating data queries 72–73

data view 235

filtering 247–248

importing data 234–235

in-memory joins 237–239

layout 74

opening 73–80

plans 239–240

profiling data set 235–237

for SAS Visual Analytics 7.3 73–86

tables 239–240

transformations 241–243

transposing tables 243–247

user interface 233–234

using 71–73

SAS Viya platform

about 225–226

CAS In-Memory Analytics Server 226–228

managing environment 228–231

SAS Visual Analytics 9.4 combined with 228

SAS/ACCESS Interface 185

SASHDAT files, enabling support for 184–185


SASHDAT tables 220

SASIOLA LIBNAME engine 187, 204

saving reports 35

scatter plots

about 167

adding categories 170–171

data analysis 168–170

scenario analysis 161–163

scheduling data queries 84–86

seasonal model 160

section filters

adding 55–56

using 117–118

section prompts, filtering with 32


adding 52–53

linking 65–66

opening in reports 12

Security area (SAS Environment Manager) 229

"serverinfo" parameter 204

"serverteam" parameter 204

"serverwait" parameter 204

shape, of patterns 170

shared rules, adding 121–122

Shared Rules tab 18

shortcuts, creating 8

Show Me the Numbers (Few) 127

simple model 160

Slider 32

slider gauge 119

slider objects, adding 32–33

SMP (Non-Distributed LASR) 206, 214

Sort Options section (Data tab) 25

sparklines, adding 124–125

speed, for data loading 181–183

Split option (SAS Visual Data Builder) 241–242

stacked charts, choosing 100–101

stacking area plots 93–94

stateful services 225

"stop" attribute 203

stored processes, embedding 68–69

strength, of patterns 170

STRIP() function 80

style 29

Styles tab 20, 28–29

SUBSTR() function 80

summary data query, creating 82–83

summary data sources 115–116

support, enabling for SASHDAT files 184–185

supporting information, determining 39


Table Profile tab (SAS Visual Data Builder) 236


about 122

guidelines for 123

high-volume access to smaller 216–218

interpreting results for 122–123

SAS Visual Data Builder 239–240

tips and tricks for 124–127

transposing 243–247

targeted bar charts 61–62

targets, using parameters for 57–60

tasks, LASR administration 198–212

text analytics 166–167

text boxes, adding 67

Text Input 32

Theme Designer 20

thermometer gauge 119

time frames, collections based on 9

time series charts 98

timelines, long 95

toolbar 250–251

tools, for LASR administration 193–198

Topics tab 167

transformations 241–243

transparency 96–97, 129

transposing tables 243–247

TRANWRD() function 80


about 109

guidelines for 110–111

interpreting results from 109–110

tips and tricks for 111–113

trends, showing with bubble plots data objects 143–144

Tufte, Edward 95–96

Envisioning Information 141

The Visual Display of Quantitative Information 28

Twitter, loading data 163–164


unstructured data 167

UPCASE() function 80

UPDATE statement 217

usage reports 210–212

user interface (Designer)

about 16

canvas 17

left pane 17–18

right pane 18–20

user interface (SAS Visual Data Builder) 233

users, managing 229–230

Users area (SAS Environment Manager) 229

Utilization History 210



final 114

gradient 111–112

initial 114

remaining 47

using small tables for single 125–126

VASMP procedure 204, 205

View Reports shortcut 7

Viewer 7

visual statistics objects 260

The Visual Display of Quantitative Information (Tufte) 28


The Wall Street Guide to Information Graphics (Wong) 131

Ware, Colin

Information Visualization 29

waterfall charts

about 113

guidelines for 114–115

interpreting results from 113–114

tips and tricks for 115–118

web browsers, accessing content with 3

web fonts 263

Web Mercator 135

WGS84 (World Geodetic System) 135

WHERE clause 80–81

Winters method 160

Wong, Dona

The Wall Street Guide to Information Graphics 131

word clouds

about 163

loading Twitter data 163–164

setting up 164–167

unstructured data 167

World Geodetic System (WGS84) 135


y-axis value, of zero (0) 92


zero (0), y-axis value of 92

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