Chapter 9: Working with Macro Programs

  1. Correct answer: b
    A macro definition must begin with a %MACRO statement and must end with a %MEND statement. The macro definition can include macro language statements as well as SAS language statements. When the macro is compiled, macro language statements are checked for syntax errors. The compiled macro is stored in a temporary SAS catalog by default.
  2. Correct answer: c
    To include positional parameters in a macro definition, you list the parameters in parentheses and separate them with commas. When the macro is executed, macro variables are created in the local symbol table, and they have the same names as the parameters. You can then use these macro variables within the macro.
  3. Correct answer: c
    To call a macro that includes positional parameters, you precede the macro name with a percent sign. You list the values for the macro variables that are defined by the parameters in parentheses. List values in the same order in which the parameters are listed, and separate them with commas. Remember that a macro call is not a SAS language statement and does not require a semicolon.
  4. Correct answer: d
    In a mixed parameter list, positional parameters must be listed before any keyword parameters. Both positional and keyword parameters create macro variables in the local symbol table. To assign a null value to a keyword parameter, you list the parameter without a value in the macro call.
  5. Correct answer: c
    When you submit a macro definition, the macro is compiled and is stored in a SAS catalog. Then when you call the macro, the macro is executed. The macro is available for execution anytime throughout the current SAS session.
  6. Correct answer: d
    You can use %IF-%THEN statements to conditionally process code. Within a %IF-%THEN statement, you must use %DO and %END statements to enclose multiple statements. %IF-%THEN statements are similar to IF THEN statements in the DATA step, but they are part of the macro language.
  7. Correct answer: d
    You can use MPRINT and MLOGIC options for debugging macros along with entering comments in macro programs. MPRINT displays the SAS statements that are generated by macro execution. MLOGIC causes the macro processor to trace its execution and to write the trace information to the SAS log.
  8. Correct answer: c
    There are several ways to create macro variables in the local symbol table. Macro variables that are created by parameters in a macro definition or by a %LOCAL statement are always created in the local table. Macro variables that are created by a %LET statement or by the SYMPUT routine inside a macro definition might be created in the local table as well.
Last updated: October 16, 2019
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