Dealing with Situations That Your Code Doesn’t Handle

You’ll often write a function that works only in some situations. For example, you might write a function that takes as a parameter a number of people who want to eat a pie and returns the percentage of the pie that each person gets to eat. If there are five people, each person gets 20% of the pie; if there are two people, each person gets 50%; if there is one person, that person gets 100%; but if there are zero people, what should the answer be?

Here is an implementation of this function:

 def​ pie_percent(n: int) -> int:
 """Assuming there are n people who want to eat a pie, return the
  percentage of the pie that each person gets to eat.
  >>> pie_percent(5)
  >>> pie_percent(2)
  >>> pie_percent(1)
 return​ int(100 / n)

Reading the code, if someone calls pie_percent(0), then you probably see that this will result in a ZeroDivisionError. There isn’t anything that anyone can do about this situation; there isn’t a sensible answer.

As a programmer, you warn other people about situations that your function isn’t set up to handle by describing your assumptions in a precondition. Here is the same function with a precondition:

 def​ pie_percent(n: int) -> int:
 """Precondition: n > 0
  Assuming there are n people who want to eat a pie, return the percentage
  of the pie that each person gets to eat.
  >>> pie_percent(5)
  >>> pie_percent(2)
  >>> pie_percent(1)
 return​ int(100 / n)

Whenever you write a function and you’ve assumed something about the parameter values, write a precondition that lets other programmers know your assumptions. If they ignore your warning and call it with invalid values, the fault does not lie with you!

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