Preprocessing – similarity measured as similar number of common words

As we have seen previously, the bag-of-word approach is both fast and robust. However, it is not without challenges. Let's dive directly into them.

Converting raw text into a bag-of-words

We do not have to write a custom code for counting words and representing those counts as a vector. Scikit's CountVectorizer does the job very efficiently. It also has a very convenient interface. Scikit's functions and classes are imported via the sklearn package as follows:

>>> from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
>>> vectorizer = CountVectorizer(min_df=1)

The parameter min_df determines how CountVectorizer treats words that are not used frequently (minimum document frequency). If it is set to an integer, all words occurring less than that value will be dropped. If it is a fraction, all words that occur less than that fraction of the overall dataset will be dropped. The parameter max_df works in a similar manner. If we print the instance, we see what other parameters Scikit provides together with their default values:

>>> print(vectorizer)
CountVectorizer(analyzer=word, binary=False, charset=utf-8,charset_error=strict, dtype=<type 'long'>, input=content,lowercase=True, max_df=1.0, max_features=None, max_n=None,min_df=1, min_n=None, ngram_range=(1, 1), preprocessor=None,stop_words=None, strip_accents=None, token_pattern=(?u)ww+,tokenizer=None, vocabulary=None)

We see that, as expected, the counting is done at word level (analyzer=word) and the words are determined by the regular expression pattern token_pattern. It would, for example, tokenize "cross-validated" into "cross" and "validated". Let us ignore the other parameters for now.

>>> content = ["How to format my hard disk", " Hard disk format problems "]
>>> X = vectorizer.fit_transform(content)
>>> vectorizer.get_feature_names()[u'disk', u'format', u'hard', u'how', u'my', u'problems', u'to']

The vectorizer has detected seven words for which we can fetch the counts individually:

>>> print(X.toarray().transpose())
array([[1, 1],
       [1, 1],
       [1, 1],
       [1, 0],
       [1, 0],
       [0, 1],
       [1, 0]], dtype=int64)

This means that the first sentence contains all the words except for "problems", while the second contains all except "how", "my", and "to". In fact, these are exactly the same columns as seen in the previous table. From X, we can extract a feature vector that we can use to compare the two documents with each other.

First we will start with a naive approach to point out some preprocessing peculiarities we have to account for. So let us pick a random post, for which we will then create the count vector. We will then compare its distance to all the count vectors and fetch the post with the smallest one.

Counting words

Let us play with the toy dataset consisting of the following posts:

Post filename

Post content


This is a toy post about machine learning. Actually, it contains not much interesting stuff.


Imaging databases can get huge.


Most imaging databases safe images permanently.


Imaging databases store images.


Imaging databases store images. Imaging databases store images. Imaging databases store images.

In this post dataset, we want to find the most similar post for the short post "imaging databases".

Assuming that the posts are located in the folder DIR, we can feed CountVectorizer with it as follows:

>>> posts = [open(os.path.join(DIR, f)).read() for f in os.listdir(DIR)]
>>> from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
>>> vectorizer = CountVectorizer(min_df=1)

We have to notify the vectorizer about the full dataset so that it knows upfront what words are to be expected, as shown in the following code:

>>> X_train = vectorizer.fit_transform(posts)
>>> num_samples, num_features = X_train.shape
>>> print("#samples: %d, #features: %d" % (num_samples, num_features)) #samples: 5, #features: 25

Unsurprisingly, we have five posts with a total of 25 different words. The following words that have been tokenized will be counted:

>>> print(vectorizer.get_feature_names())[u'about', u'actually', u'capabilities', u'contains', u'data', u'databases', u'images', u'imaging', u'interesting', u'is', u'it', u'learning', u'machine', u'most', u'much', u'not', u'permanently', u'post', u'provide', u'safe', u'storage', u'store', u'stuff', u'this', u'toy']

Now we can vectorize our new post as follows:

>>> new_post = "imaging databases"
>>> new_post_vec = vectorizer.transform([new_post])

Note that the count vectors returned by the transform method are sparse. That is, each vector does not store one count value for each word, as most of those counts would be zero (post does not contain the word). Instead, it uses the more memory efficient implementation coo_matrix (for "COOrdinate"). Our new post, for instance, actually contains only two elements:

>>> print(new_post_vec)
  (0, 7)1
  (0, 5)1

Via its member toarray(), we can again access full ndarray as follows:

>>> print(new_post_vec.toarray())[[0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]]

We need to use the full array if we want to use it as a vector for similarity calculations. For the similarity measurement (the naive one), we calculate the Euclidean distance between the count vectors of the new post and all the old posts as follows:

>>> import scipy as sp
>>> def dist_raw(v1, v2):
>>> delta = v1-v2
>>> return sp.linalg.norm(delta.toarray())

The norm() function calculates the Euclidean norm (shortest distance). With dist_raw, we just need to iterate over all the posts and remember the nearest one:

>>> import sys
>>> best_doc = None
>>> best_dist = sys.maxint
>>> best_i = None
>>> for i in range(0, num_samples):
...     post = posts[i]

...     if post==new_post:
...         continue
...     post_vec = X_train.getrow(i)
...     d = dist(post_vec, new_post_vec)
...     print "=== Post %i with dist=%.2f: %s"%(i, d, post)
...     if d<best_dist:
...         best_dist = d
...         best_i = i
>>> print("Best post is %i with dist=%.2f"%(best_i, best_dist))

=== Post 0 with dist=4.00: This is a toy post about machine learning. Actually, it contains not much interesting stuff.
=== Post 1 with dist=1.73: Imaging databases provide storage capabilities.
=== Post 2 with dist=2.00: Most imaging databases safe images permanently.
=== Post 3 with dist=1.41: Imaging databases store data.
=== Post 4 with dist=5.10: Imaging databases store data. Imaging databases store data. Imaging databases store data.
Best post is 3 with dist=1.41

Congratulations! We have our first similarity measurement. Post 0 is most dissimilar from our new post. Quite understandably, it does not have a single word in common with the new post. We can also understand that Post 1 is very similar to the new post, but not to the winner, as it contains one word more than Post 3 that is not contained in the new post.

Looking at posts 3 and 4, however, the picture is not so clear any more. Post 4 is the same as Post 3, duplicated three times. So, it should also be of the same similarity to the new post as Post 3.

Printing the corresponding feature vectors explains the reason:

>>> print(X_train.getrow(3).toarray())
[[0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0]]
>>> print(X_train.getrow(4).toarray())
[[0 0 0 0 3 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0]]

Obviously, using only the counts of the raw words is too simple. We will have to normalize them to get vectors of unit length.

Normalizing the word count vectors

We will have to extend dist_raw to calculate the vector distance, not on the raw vectors but on the normalized ones instead:

>>> def dist_norm(v1, v2):
...    v1_normalized = v1/sp.linalg.norm(v1.toarray())
...    v2_normalized = v2/sp.linalg.norm(v2.toarray())
...    delta = v1_normalized - v2_normalized
...    return sp.linalg.norm(delta.toarray())

This leads to the following similarity measurement:

=== Post 0 with dist=1.41: This is a toy post about machine learning. Actually, it contains not much interesting stuff.
=== Post 1 with dist=0.86: Imaging databases provide storage capabilities.
=== Post 2 with dist=0.92: Most imaging databases safe images permanently.
=== Post 3 with dist=0.77: Imaging databases store data.
=== Post 4 with dist=0.77: Imaging databases store data. Imaging databases store data. Imaging databases store data.
Best post is 3 with dist=0.77

This looks a bit better now. Post 3 and Post 4 are calculated as being equally similar. One could argue whether that much repetition would be a delight to the reader, but from the point of counting the words in the posts, this seems to be right.

Removing less important words

Let us have another look at Post 2. Of its words that are not in the new post, we have "most", "safe", "images", and "permanently". They are actually quite different in the overall importance to the post. Words such as "most" appear very often in all sorts of different contexts, and words such as this are called stop words. They do not carry as much information, and thus should not be weighed as much as words such as "images", that don't occur often in different contexts. The best option would be to remove all words that are so frequent that they do not help to distinguish between different texts. These words are called stop words.

As this is such a common step in text processing, there is a simple parameter in CountVectorizer to achieve this, as follows:

>>> vectorizer = CountVectorizer(min_df=1, stop_words='english')

If you have a clear picture of what kind of stop words you would want to remove, you can also pass a list of them. Setting stop_words to "english" will use a set of 318 English stop words. To find out which ones they are, you can use get_stop_words():

>>> sorted(vectorizer.get_stop_words())[0:20]
['a', 'about', 'above', 'across', 'after', 'afterwards', 'again', 'against', 'all', 'almost', 'alone', 'along', 'already', 'also', 'although', 'always', 'am', 'among', 'amongst', 'amoungst']

The new word list is seven words lighter:

[u'actually', u'capabilities', u'contains', u'data', u'databases', u'images', u'imaging', u'interesting', u'learning', u'machine', u'permanently', u'post', u'provide', u'safe', u'storage', u'store', u'stuff', u'toy']

Without stop words, we arrive at the following similarity measurement:

=== Post 0 with dist=1.41: This is a toy post about machine learning. Actually, it contains not much interesting stuff.
=== Post 1 with dist=0.86: Imaging databases provide storage capabilities.
=== Post 2 with dist=0.86: Most imaging databases safe images permanently.
=== Post 3 with dist=0.77: Imaging databases store data.
=== Post 4 with dist=0.77: Imaging databases store data. Imaging databases store data. Imaging databases store data.
Best post is 3 with dist=0.77

Post 2 is now on par with Post 1. Overall, it has, however, not changed much as our posts are kept short for demonstration purposes. It will become vital when we look at real-world data.


One thing is still missing. We count similar words in different variants as different words. Post 2, for instance, contains "imaging" and "images". It would make sense to count them together. After all, it is the same concept they are referring to.

We need a function that reduces words to their specific word stem. Scikit does not contain a stemmer by default. With the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK), we can download a free software toolkit, which provides a stemmer that we can easily plug into CountVectorizer.

Installing and using NLTK

How to install NLTK on your operating system is described in detail at Basically, you will need to install the two packages NLTK and PyYAML.

To check whether your installation was successful, open a Python interpreter and type the following:

>>> import nltk


You will find a very nice tutorial for NLTK in the book Python Text Processing with NLTK 2.0 Cookbook. To play a little bit with a stemmer, you can visit the accompanied web page

NLTK comes with different stemmers. This is necessary, because every language has a different set of rules for stemming. For English, we can take SnowballStemmer.

>>> import nltk.stem>>> s= nltk.stem.SnowballStemmer('english')
>>> s.stem("graphics")
>>> s.stem("imaging")
>>> s.stem("image")
>>> s.stem("imagination")u'imagin'
>>> s.stem("imagine")


Note that stemming does not necessarily have to result into valid English words.

It also works with verbs as follows:

>>> s.stem("buys")
>>> s.stem("buying")
>>> s.stem("bought")

Extending the vectorizer with NLTK's stemmer

We need to stem the posts before we feed them into CountVectorizer. The class provides several hooks with which we could customize the preprocessing and tokenization stages. The preprocessor and tokenizer can be set in the constructor as parameters. We do not want to place the stemmer into any of them, because we would then have to do the tokenization and normalization by ourselves. Instead, we overwrite the method build_analyzer as follows:

>>> import nltk.stem
>>> english_stemmer = nltk.stem.SnowballStemmer('english')
>>> class StemmedCountVectorizer(CountVectorizer):
...     def build_analyzer(self):
...         analyzer = super(StemmedCountVectorizer, self).build_analyzer()
...         return lambda doc: (english_stemmer.stem(w) for w in analyzer(doc))
>>> vectorizer = StemmedCountVectorizer(min_df=1, stop_words='english')

This will perform the following steps for each post:

  1. Lower casing the raw post in the preprocessing step (done in the parent class).
  2. Extracting all individual words in the tokenization step (done in the parent class).
  3. Converting each word into its stemmed version.

As a result, we now have one feature less, because "images" and "imaging" collapsed to one. The set of feature names looks like the following:

[u'actual', u'capabl', u'contain', u'data', u'databas', u'imag', u'interest', u'learn', u'machin', u'perman', u'post', u'provid', u'safe', u'storag', u'store', u'stuff', u'toy']

Running our new stemmed vectorizer over our posts, we see that collapsing "imaging" and "images" reveals that Post 2 is actually the most similar post to our new post, as it contains the concept "imag" twice:

=== Post 0 with dist=1.41: This is a toy post about machine learning. Actually, it contains not much interesting stuff.
=== Post 1 with dist=0.86: Imaging databases provide storage capabilities.
=== Post 2 with dist=0.63: Most imaging databases safe images permanently.
=== Post 3 with dist=0.77: Imaging databases store data.
=== Post 4 with dist=0.77: Imaging databases store data. Imaging databases store data. Imaging databases store data.
Best post is 2 with dist=0.63

Stop words on steroids

Now that we have a reasonable way to extract a compact vector from a noisy textual post, let us step back for a while to think about what the feature values actually mean.

The feature values simply count occurrences of terms in a post. We silently assumed that higher values for a term also mean that the term is of greater importance to the given post. But what about, for instance, the word "subject", which naturally occurs in each and every single post? Alright, we could tell CountVectorizer to remove it as well by means of its max_df parameter. We could, for instance, set it to 0.9 so that all words that occur in more than 90 percent of all posts would be always ignored. But what about words that appear in 89 percent of all posts? How low would we be willing to set max_df? The problem is that however we set it, there will always be the problem that some terms are just more discriminative than others.

This can only be solved by counting term frequencies for every post, and in addition, discounting those that appear in many posts. In other words, we want a high value for a given term in a given value if that term occurs often in that particular post and very rarely anywhere else.

This is exactly what term frequency – inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) does; TF stands for the counting part, while IDF factors in the discounting. A naive implementation would look like the following:

>>> import scipy as sp
>>> def tfidf(term, doc, docset):
...     tf = float(doc.count(term))/sum(doc.count(w) for w in docset)
...     idf = math.log(float(len(docset))/(len([doc for doc in docsetif term in doc])))
...     return tf * idf

For the following document set, docset, consisting of three documents that are already tokenized, we can see how the terms are treated differently, although all appear equally often per document:

>>> a, abb, abc = ["a"], ["a", "b", "b"], ["a", "b", "c"]
>>> D = [a, abb, abc]
>>> print(tfidf("a", a, D))
>>> print(tfidf("b", abb, D))
>>> print(tfidf("a", abc, D))
>>> print(tfidf("b", abc, D))
>>> print(tfidf("c", abc, D))

We see that a carries no meaning for any document since it is contained everywhere. b is more important for the document abb than for abc as it occurs there twice.

In reality, there are more corner cases to handle than the above example does. Thanks to Scikit, we don't have to think of them, as they are already nicely packaged in TfidfVectorizer, which is inherited from CountVectorizer. Sure enough, we don't want to miss our stemmer:

>>> from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
>>> class StemmedTfidfVectorizer(TfidfVectorizer):
...     def build_analyzer(self):
...         analyzer = super(TfidfVectorizer,
...         return lambda doc: (
                english_stemmer.stem(w) for w in analyzer(doc))
>>> vectorizer = StemmedTfidfVectorizer(min_df=1,
                    stop_words='english', charset_error='ignore')

The resulting document vectors will not contain counts any more. Instead, they will contain the individual TF-IDF values per term.

Our achievements and goals

Our current text preprocessing phase includes the following steps:

  1. Tokenizing the text.
  2. Throwing away words that occur way too often to be of any help in detecting relevant posts.
  3. Throwing away words that occur so seldom that there is only a small chance that they occur in future posts.
  4. Counting the remaining words.
  5. Calculating TF-IDF values from the counts, considering the whole text corpus.

Again we can congratulate ourselves. With this process, we are able to convert a bunch of noisy text into a concise representation of feature values.

But, as simple and as powerful as the bag-of-words approach with its extensions is, it has some drawbacks that we should be aware of. They are as follows:

  • It does not cover word relations. With the previous vectorization approach, the text "Car hits wall" and "Wall hits car" will both have the same feature vector.
  • It does not capture negations correctly. For instance, the text "I will eat ice cream" and "I will not eat ice cream" will look very similar by means of their feature vectors, although they contain quite the opposite meaning. This problem, however, can be easily changed by not only counting individual words, also called unigrams, but also considering bigrams (pairs of words) or trigrams (three words in a row).
  • It totally fails with misspelled words. Although it is clear to the readers that "database" and "databas" convey the same meaning, our approach will treat them as totally different words.

For brevity's sake, let us nevertheless stick with the current approach, which we can now use to efficiently build clusters from.

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