Understanding the mongostat and mongotop utilities

Most of you might find these names similar to two popular Unix commands, iostat and top. For MongoDB, mongostat and mongotop are two utilities that do pretty much the same job as the two Unix commands, and there is no prize for guessing that these are used to monitor the Mongo instance.

Getting ready

In this recipe, we will be simulating some operations on a standalone Mongo instance by running a script that will attempt to keep your server busy; then, in another terminal, we will be running these utilities to monitor the db instance.

You need to start a standalone server listening to any port for client connections; in this case, we will stick to the default 27017. In case you are not aware of how to start a standalone server, refer to the Single node installation of MongoDB recipe in Chapter 1, Installing and Starting the MongoDB Server. We also need to download the KeepServerBusy.js script from the book's website and keep it handy for execution on the local drive. Also, it is assumed that the bin directory of your Mongo installation is present in the path variable of your operating system. If not, then these commands need to be executed with the absolute path of the executable from the shell. The mongostat and mongotop utilities come as standard with the Mongo installation.

How to do it…

Let's take a look at the steps in detail:

  1. Start the MongoDB server. Let it listen to the default port for connections.
  2. In a separate terminal, execute the KeepServerBusy.js JavaScript as follows:
    $ mongo KeepServerBusy.js --quiet
  3. Open a new OS terminal and execute the following command:
    $ mongostat
  4. Capture the output content for some time and then hit Ctrl + C to stop the command from capturing more stats. Keep the terminal open or copy the stats to another file.
  5. Now execute the following command from the terminal:
    $ mongotop
  6. Capture the output content for some time and then hit Ctrl + C to stop the command from capturing more stats. Keep the terminal open or copy the stats to another file.
  7. Hit Ctrl + C in the shell, where the KeepServerBusy.js JavaScript was executed, to stop the operation that keeps the server busy.

How it works…

Let us see what we have captured from these two utilities. We start by analyzing mongostat. On my laptop, the output of the $ mongostat command is as follows:

$ mongostat
connected to:
insert  query update delete getmore command flushes mapped  vsize  res   faults   locked db
idx miss %     qr|qw   ar|aw  netIn netOut  	conn    time
1000     1     1000     1794       1       1|0         0     320m     808m    54m     37  test:85.7%          0           0|0       0|1     271k      94k       2     23:24:30
2000     1     1326     1206       1       1|0         0     320m     808m    54m    113  test:83.3%          0           0|0       0|1     339k      51k       2     23:24:31
1000     1      952     1000       1       1|0         0     320m   808m    54m     28  test:84.4%         0           0|0     0|1     219k      51k       2     23:24:32
77        1      722     1000       1       1|0         0     320m   808m    54m     87  test:73.0%          0           0|0     0|1     131k      51k       2     23:24:33
923        1     1000   792         1       1|0         0     320m   808m    54m     42	test:83.3%          0           0|0     0|0     206k      51k       2     23:24:34
1000      1     1000   934         1       1|0         0     320m   808m    54m    150  test:84.6%          0           0|0     0|1     220k      51k       2     23:24:35
1000      1     1000   920       1       1|0         0     320m   808m    54m     13  test:84.9%          0           0|0     0|1     219k      51k       2     23:24:36

You may choose to look at what the KeepServerBusy.js script is doing to keep the server busy. All it does is insert 1000 documents in the monitoringTest collection; update them one by one to set a new key in them; execute a find and iterate through all of them; and finally, delete them one by one. Basically, it is a write-intensive operation.

The output does look ugly with the content wrapping, but let us analyze the fields one by one and see what to look out for. The following table gives a description of each column:



insert, query, update, and delete

These are the first four columns indicating the number of insert, query, update, and delete operations per second. It is per second as the time frame in which these figures are captured is separated by 1 second, which is indicated by the last column.


This is used when the cursor runs out of data for the query; it executes a getmore operation on the server to get more results for the query executed earlier. This column shows the number of getmore operations executed in this given time frame of 1 second. In our case, not many getmore operations are executed.


This shows the number of commands executed on the server in the given time frame of 1 second. In our case, it wasn't much and was only 1. The number after a | is 0 in our case as this was in the standalone mode. Try executing mongostat connecting to a replica set primary and secondary. You should see slightly different figures there.


This is the number of times data was flushed to the disk in an interval of 1 second.

mapped, vsize, and res

Mapped memory is the amount of memory mapped by the Mongo process to the database. This typically will be same as the size of the database. Virtual memory on the other hand is the memory allocated to the entire mongod process. This typically will be more than twice the size of mapped memory, especially when journaling is enabled. The resident memory is the physical memory used by Mongo. All these figures are given in MB. The total amount of physical memory might be a lot more than what is being used by Mongo, but that is not a concern unless a lot of page faults occur, (we saw this in the preceding point).


These are the number of page faults occurring per second. These numbers should be as low as possible. It indicates the number of times Mongo had to go to disk to obtain the document/index that was missing in the main memory. This problem is not as big a problem when using SSD for persistent storage as it is when using spinning disk drives.


From version 2.2, all write operations to a collection lock the database in which the collection is and do not acquire a global-level lock. This field shows the database that was locked for the majority of time in a given time interval. In our case, the test database is locked.

idx miss %

This field gives the number of times a particular index was needed and was not present in memory. This causes a page fault, and the disk needs to be accessed to get the index. Another disk access might be needed to get the document as well. This figure too should be low. A high percentage of index misses is something that will need attention.


These are the queued-up reads and writes that are waiting for the chance to be executed. If this number goes up, it shows that the database is getting overwhelmed by the volume of reads and writes, which are more than it can handle. The page faults with memory stats and a database lock percentage are some of the stats that need to be examined as well if this figure is high. If the dataset is too large, sharding the collection can improve the performance significantly.


This is the number of active readers and writers (clients). Not something to worry about even for a large number, as long as other stats we saw earlier are under control.

netIn and netOut

This is the network traffic in and out of the MongoDB server in the given time frame. The figure is in bits. For example, 271 kbit means 271 kilobits.


This indicates the number of open connections. Something to keep a watch on to see this doesn't keep getting higher.


This is the time interval when this sample was captured.

There are some more fields seen if mongostat is connected to a replica set primary or secondary. As an assignment, once the stats or a standalone instance are collected, start a replica set server and execute the same script to keep the server busy. Use mongostat to connect to primary and secondary instances and see if different stats are captured.

Apart from mongostat, we also used the mongotop utility to capture the stats. Let us see its output and make some sense out of it:

$ mongotop
connected to:
                              ns           total          read         write
test.monitoringTest           899ms        1ms            898ms
test.system.users             0ms          0ms            0ms
test.system.namespaces        0ms          0ms            0ms
test.system.js                0ms          0ms            0ms
test.system.indexes           0ms          0ms            0ms

                              ns           total          read         write
test.monitoringTest           959ms        0ms            959ms
test.system.users             0ms          0ms            0ms
test.system.namespaces        0ms          0ms            0ms
test.system.js                0ms          0ms            0ms
test.system.indexes           0ms          0ms            0ms

                              ns           total          read         write
test.monitoringTest           954ms        1ms            953ms
test.system.users             0ms          0ms            0ms
test.system.namespaces        0ms          0ms            0ms
test.system.js                0ms          0ms            0ms
test.system.indexes           0ms          0ms            0ms

There is not much to look at in this stat. We see the total time for which the database was busy reading or writing in the given slice of 1 second. The value given in the total will be the sum of the read and the write time. If we actually compare the mongotop and mongostat utilities for the same time slice, the percentage of time duration for which the write was taking place will be very close to the figure given in the percentage time the database was locked in the mongostat's output.

The mongotop command accepts a parameter on the command line as follows:

$ mongotop 5

In this case, the interval after which the stats will be printed out will be 5 seconds, as against the default value of 1 second.

See also

  • The Estimating the working set recipe, to learn how to estimate the working set using the working set estimator command introduced in Mongo 2.4
  • The Viewing and killing the currently executing operations recipe, to learn how to get the current executing operations from the shell and kill them if needed
  • The Using profiler to profile operations recipe to learn how to use the in-built profiling feature of Mongo to log operation's execution time
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