Chapter 1. Setting the Scene

You have data, you know it has hidden value, and you want to mine it. The problem is you're a bit stuck.

The data you have could be anything and you have a lot of it. It is probably from where you work, and you are probably very knowledgeable about how it is gathered, how to interpret it, and what it means. You may also know a domain expert to whom you can turn for additional expertise.

You also have more than a passing knowledge of data mining and you have spent a short time becoming familiar with RapidMiner to perform data mining activities, such as clustering, classification, and regression. You know well that mining data is not just a case of using a spreadsheet to draw a few graphs and pie charts; there is much more.

Given all of this, what is the problem, why are you stuck, and what is this book for?

Simply put, real data is huge, stored in a multitude of formats, contains errors and missing values, and does not yield its secrets willingly. If, like me, your first steps in data mining involved using simple test datasets with a few hundred rows (all with clean data), you will quickly find that 10 million rows of data of dubious quality stored in a database combined with some spreadsheets and sundry files presents a whole new set of problems. In fact, estimates put the proportion of time spent cleaning, understanding, interpreting, and exploring data at something like 80 percent. The remaining 20 percent is the time spent on mining.

The problem restated is that if you don't spend time cleaning, reformatting, restructuring, and generally getting to know your data as part of an exploration, you will remain stuck and will get poor results. If we agree that this is the activity to be done, we come to a basic question: how will we do this?

The answer to this problem for this book is to use RapidMiner, a very powerful and ultimately easy-to-use product. These features, coupled with its open source availability, means it is very widely used. It does have a learning curve that can seem daunting. Be assured, once you have ascended this, the product truly becomes easy to use and lives up to its name.

This book is therefore an intermediate-level practical guide to using RapidMiner to explore data and includes techniques to import, visualize, clean, format, and restructure data. This overall objective gives a context in which the various techniques can be considered together. This is helpful because it shows what is possible and makes it easier to modify the techniques for whatever real data is encountered. Hints and tips are provided along the way; in fact, some readers may prefer to use these hints as a starting point.

Having set the scene, let us consider some of the aspects of data exploration raised in this introduction. The following sections explain some of the aspects of data exploration and give references to chapters where these aspects are considered in detail.

A process framework

It is important to think carefully about the framework within which any data mining investigation is done. A systematic yet simple approach will help results happen and will ensure everyone involved knows what to do and what to expect.

The following diagram shows a simple process framework, derived in part from CRISP-DM (

A process framework

There are six main phases. The process starts with Business understanding and the whole process proceeds in a clockwise direction, but it is quite normal to return, at any stage, to the previous phases in an iterative way. Not all the stages are mandatory. It is possible that the business has an objective that is not related to data mining and modeling at all. It might be enough to summarize large volumes of data in some sort of dashboard, so the Modeling step would be ignored in this case.

The Business understanding phase is the most important phase to get correct. Without clear organizational objectives set by what we might loosely call the business, as well as its continuing involvement, the whole activity is doomed. The output from this phase is considered the criteria for determining success. For the purpose of this book, it is assumed that this critical phase has been started and this clear view exists.

Data understanding and Data preparation follow Business understanding, and these phases involve activities such as importing, extracting, transforming, cleaning, and loading data into new databases and visualizing and generally getting a thorough understanding of what the data is. This book will be concerned with these two phases.

The Modeling, Evaluation, and Deployment phases concern building models to make predictions, testing these with real data, and deploying them in live use. This is the part that most people regard as data mining but it represents 20 percent of the effort. This book does not concern itself with these phases in any detail.

Having said that, it is important to have a view of the Modeling phase that will eventually be undertaken because this will impact the data exploration and understanding activity. For example, a predictive analytics project may try to predict the likelihood of a mobile phone customer switching to a competitor based on usage data. This has implications for how the data should be structured. Another example is using online shopping behavior to predict customer purchases, where a market basket analysis would be undertaken. This might require a different structure for the data. Yet another example would be an unsupervised clustering exercise to try and summarize different types of customers, where the aim is to find groups of similar customers. This can sometimes change the focus of the exploration to find relationships between all the attributes of the data.

Evaluation is also important because this is where success is estimated. An unbalanced dataset, where there are few examples of the target to be predicted, will have an effect on the validation to be performed. A regression modeling problem, which estimates a numerical result, will also require a different approach to a classification in which nominal values are being predicted.

Having set the scene for what is to be covered, the following sections will give some more detail about what the Data understanding and Data preparation phases contain, to give a taste of the chapters to come.

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