Creating the client application

In the previous section, we implemented the streaming server. The server application allows other applications to send words that you can listen to from the statuses/sample endpoint from Twitter. When the server receives geotagged tweets containing the words tracked by a client, it will deliver the client a simplified version of the tweet. The server doesn't enforce what the client applications do with the tweets; the client application could just count the tweets, visualize the frequency of each term in time with a heat map, or create a network chart showing the co-occurrence of the terms.

In this section, we will implement a client application. The application will display a map showing the location of the tweets that match each term in a world map, and will display a bar chart that will display the count for each term. As we did in Chapter 6, Interaction between Charts, we will use Backbone and D3 to structure our application. A screenshot of the application is shown as follows:

Creating the client application

The code of the application is available in the chapter12/chirp-client folder. We will begin by describing the project structure, and then implement the project components.

The application structure

As mentioned earlier, we will use Backbone to structure the application's components. As we want to visualize the places where different topics are mentioned in the world at any given time, we will define a topic as the main component of our application. A topic will contain a word (the string that we want to track in Twitter), a color to visualize it, and a list of matching tweets. We will create a Topic model containing these attributes.

We will create a collection for the topics. The collection will be in charge of creating the topic instances when the user adds words in the input element and appending the tweets to the corresponding topic instance as they arrive. We will provide our collection with three views: the world map view, the barchart view, and the input element, where the user can add a new topic.

The code for the application components will be in the src/app directory in the project folder. We will have separate directories for the models, collections, and views of our application; we will have the app.js and setup.js files to define the application namespace and to set up and launch our application:


We will encapsulate the components of our application under the App variable, which is defined in the app/app.js file. We will add attributes for the collections, models, and views to the App object, as follows:

// Define the application namespace
var App = {
    Collections: {},  
    Models:      {},
    Views:       {}

To run the application, run the server application and go to the chirp-client directory and start a static server. The Gruntfile of the project contains a task to run a static server in the development mode. Install the Node modules with the following command:

$ npm install

After installing the project dependencies, run grunt serve. This will serve the files in the directory as static assets and open the browser in the correct port. We will review the application models and views.

Models and collections

The main component of our application will be the Topic model. A Topic instance will have a word, color, and an array of simplified tweets matching the topic's word. We will define our model in the app/models/topic.js file. The Topic model will be created by extending the Backbone.Model object:

// Topic Model
App.Models.Topic = Backbone.Model.extend({

    // The 'word' attribute will uniquely identify our topic
    idAttribute: 'word',

    // Default model values
    defaults: function() {
        return {
            word:   'topic',
            color:  '#555',
            tweets: []

    // addTweet method...

The word string will uniquely identify our models in a collection. The topics will be given a color to identify them in the bar chart and the map views. Each topic instance will contain an array of tweets that match the word of the topic. We will add a method to add tweets to the array; in this method, we will add the topic's color. Array attributes (such as the tweets property) are treated as pointers; mutating the array won't trigger the change event. Note that we could also create a model and collection for the tweets, but we will use an array for simplicity.

We will trigger this event explicitly to notify potential observers that the array has changed:

    // Adds a tweet to the 'tweets' array.
    addTweet: function(tweet) {

        // Adds the color of the topic
        tweet.color = this.get('color'),

        // Append the tweet to the tweets array

        // We trigger the event explicitly

Note that it is not necessary to define the default values for our model, but we will add them so that we remember the names of the attributes when describing the example.

We will also create a collection for our topics. The Topics collection will manage the creation of the Topic instances and add tweets to the corresponding collection as they arrive from the server. We will make the socket endpoint accessible to the Topics collection, passing it as an option when creating the Topic instance. We will bind the on socket event to a function that will add the tweet to the corresponding topic. We also set a callback for the add event to set the color for a topic when a new instance is created, as shown in the following code snippet:

// Topics Collection
App.Collections.Topics = Backbone.Collection.extend({

    // The collection model
    model: App.Models.Topic,

    // Collection Initialization
    initialize: function(models, options) {

        this.socket = options.socket;

        // Store the current 'this' context
        var self = this;

        this.socket.on('tweet', function(tweet) {

        this.on('add', function(topic) {
            topic.set('color', App.Colors[this.length - 1]);
            this.socket.emit('add', {word: topic.get('word')});

    // Add tweet method...

The addTweet method of the collection will find the topic that matches the tweet's word attribute and append the tweet using the addTweet method of the corresponding topic instance:

    addTweet: function(tweet) {

        // Gets the corresponding model instance.
        var topic = this.get(tweet.word);

        // Push the tweet object to the tweets array.
        if (topic) {

Implementing the topics views

In our application, we only need views for the Topics collection and for the application itself. We will have a view associated with the bar chart, a view for the map of tweets, and a view for the input element, which will be used to create new topic instances. The code for each of these views is in the src/app/views directory in the topics-barchart.js, topics-map.js, and topics-input.js files, respectively.

The input view

The input element will allow the user to add a new topic. The user can write a new topic in the input box and click on the Send button to send it to the server and add it to the list of watched topics. The input element is shown in the following screenshot:

The input view

To render this view, we will create a template with the markup of the form. We will add the template under the body tag in the index.html document:

<!-- Input Element Template -->
<script type='text/template' id='topics-template'>
  <form role="form" class="form-horizontal form-inline" id="topic-form">
    <div class="form-group">
      <label for="msgToServer" class="sr-only">Message</label>
      <input type="text" class="form-control input-sm" id="new-topic" placeholder="Add a new topic">
      <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default btn-sm">Send</button>

We will implement this view by extending the Backbone.View object. The template attribute will contain the compiled template. In this case, the template doesn't have placeholder text to be replaced when rendering, but we will keep _.template() to allow the use of template variables in the future:

// Topic Input
App.Views.TopicsInput = Backbone.View.extend({

    // Compile the view template
    template: _.template($('#topics-template').html()),

    // DOM Events
    events: {
        'submit #topic-form': 'addOnSubmit',

    initialize: function (options) {
        // The input element will be disabled if the collection has five or more items
        this.listenTo(this.collection, 'add', this.disableInput);

    render: function () {
        // Renders the input element in the view element
        return this;

    disableInput: function() {
        // Disable the input element if the collection has five or more items

    addOnSubmit: function(e) { 
        // adds a topic when the user press the send button

We will allow up to five topics by a user to avoid having too many similar colors in the map. We have limited space for the bar chart as well, and having an unlimited number of topics per user could have an impact on the performance of the server. When a new topic instance is created in the collection, we will invoke the disableInput method, which will disable the input element if our collection contains five or more elements:

    disableInput: function() {
      // Disable the input element if the collection has five or more items
        if (this.collection.length >= 5) {
            this.$('input').attr('disabled', true);

To add a new topic, the user can type the terms in the input element as soon as the Send button is pressed. When the user clicks on the Send button, the submit event is triggered, and the event is passed as an argument to the addOnSubmit method. In this method, the default action of the form is prevented as this would cause the page to reload, the topic is added to the topics collection, and the input element is cleared:

    addOnSubmit: function(e) {

        // Prevents the page from reloading

        // Content of the input element
        var word = this.$('input').val().trim();

        // Adds the topic to the collection and cleans the input
        if (word) {
            this.collection.add({word: word});

The bar chart view

The bar chart view will encapsulate a reusable bar chart made in D3. We will describe the view and then comment on the implementation of the chart. For now, we will just need to know about the interface of the chart. The code for the bar chart view is available in the src/app/views/topics-barchart.js file. A bar chart showing the tweet count for a set of topics is shown in the following screenshot:

The bar chart view

We begin by extending and customizing the Backbone.View object. We add the chart attribute, which will contain a configured instance of the charts.barChart reusable chart. The bar chart will receive an array of objects that will be used to create the bars. The label attribute allows you to set a function to compute the label for each bar. The value attribute will allow you to configure the value that will be mapped to the bar's length, and the color attribute will allow you to configure the color of each bar. We set functions for each one of these attributes, assuming that our array will contain elements with the word, count, and color properties:

// Bar Chart View
App.Views.TopicsBarchart = Backbone.View.extend({

    // Create and configure the bar chart
    chart: charts.barChart()
        .label(function(d) { return d.word; })
        .value(function(d) { return d.count; })
        .color(function(d) { return d.color; }),

    initialize: function () {
        // Initialize the view

    render: function () {
        // Updates the chart

In the initialize method, we add a callback for the change:tweets event in the collection. Note that the change:tweets event is triggered by the topic instances; the collection just echoes the events. We will also render the view when a new topic is added to the collection:

    initialize: function () {
        // Render the view when a tweet arrives and when a new topic is added
        this.listenTo(this.collection, 'change:tweets', this.render);
        this.listenTo(this.collection, 'add', this.render);

The render method will construct the data array in the format required by the chart, computing the count attribute for each topic; this method will select the container element and update the chart. Note that the toJSON collection method returns a JavaScript object, not a string representation of an object in the JSON format:

    render: function () {

        // Transform the collection to a plain JSON object
        var data = this.collection.toJSON();

        // Compute the tweet count for each topic
        data.forEach(function(item) {
            item.count = item.tweets.length;

        // Compute the container div width and height
        var div =,
            width  = parseInt('width'), 10),
            height = parseInt('height'), 10);

        // Adjust the chart width and height

        // Select the container element and update the chart[data]).call(this.chart);
        return this;

The topics map view

In the topics map view, the tweets from all the topics will be drawn as points in a map, with each tweet colored as per the corresponding topic. The code of this view is in the src/app/topics-map.js file. Tweets for each topic in a world map is shown in the following screenshot:

The topics map view

To create this view, we will use the reusable chart, which will render an array of GeoJSON features and a GeoJSON object base. This chart uses the equirectangular projection; this is important to set the width and height in a ratio of 2:1. In the initialize method, we set the base GeoJSON object provided in the options object. In this case, the options.geojson object is a feature collection with countries from Natural Earth. We will render the view only when a tweet arrives:

// Topics Map View
App.Views.TopicsMap = Backbone.View.extend({

    // Create and configure the map chart
        .feature(function(d) { return d.coordinates; })
        .color(function(d) { return d.color; }),

    initialize: function (options) {
        // Sets the GeoJSON object with the world map

        // Render the view when a new tweet arrives
        this.listenTo(this.collection, 'change:tweets', this.render);

    render: function () {

        // Gather the tweets for all the topics in one array
        var tweets =  _.flatten(_.pluck(this.collection.toJSON(), 'tweets'));

        // Select the container element
        var div =,
            width  = parseInt('width'),  10);

        // Update the chart width, height and scale
            .height(width / 2)
            .scale(width / (2 * Math.PI));

        // Update the chart[tweets]).call(this.chart);
        return this;

In the render method, we gather the tweets for all the topics in one array, select the container element, and update the chart. The geotagged tweets will be drawn as small points on the world map.

Creating the application view

We will create a view for the application itself. This is not really necessary, but we will do it to keep things organized. We will need a template that contains the markup for the application components. In this case, we will have a row for the header, which will contain the page title, lead paragraph, input element, and bar chart. Under the header, we will reserve a space for the map with the tweets:

<!-- Application Template -->
<script type='text/template' id='application-template'>

  <div class="row header">
    <!-- Title and about -->
    <div class="col-md-6">
      <h1 class="title">chirp explorer</h1>
      <p class="lead">Exploring geotagged tweets in real-time.</p>

    <!-- Barchart -->
    <div class="col-md-6">
      <div id="topics-form"></div>
      <div id="topics-barchart" class="barchart-block"></div>

  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-12">
      <div id="topics-map"></div>

The application view implementation is in the src/app/views/application.js file. In this case, we don't need to compile a template for the view, but we will compile it if we add template variables as the application name or lead text:

// Application View
App.Views.Application = Backbone.View.extend({

    // Compile the applicaiton template
    template: _.template($('#application-template').html()),

    // Render the application template in the container
    render: function() {
        return this;

In the render method, we will just insert the contents of the template in the container element. This will put the markup of the template in the container defined when instantiating the view.

The application setup

With our models, collections, and views ready, we can proceed to create the instances and wire things up. The initialization of the application is in the src/app/setup.js file. We begin by creating the app variable to hold the instances of collections and views. When the DOM is ready, we will invoke the function that will create the instances of our views and collections:

// Container for the application instances
var app = {};

// Invoke the function when the document is ready
$(function() {
    // Create application instances...

We begin by creating an instance of the application view and setting the container element to the div with the application-container ID. The application view doesn't have an associated model or collection; we can render the view immediately as shown in the following code:

    // Create the application view and renders it
    app.applicationView = new App.Views.Application({
        el: '#application-container'

We can create an instance of the Topics collection. At the beginning, the collection will be empty, waiting for the user to create new topics. We will create a connection to the streaming server and pass a reference to the server endpoint as well as to the collection of topics. Remember that in the initialization method of the Topics collection, we add a callback for the tweet event of the socket, which adds the tweet to the corresponding collection. Remember to change localhost to an accessible URL if you want to use the application on another device:

    // Creates the topics collection, passing the socket instance
    app.topicList = new App.Collections.Topics([], {
        socket: io.connect('http://localhost:9720')

As we have an instance of the Topics collection, we can proceed to create instances for the topic views. We create an instance of the TopicsInput view, the TopicsBarchart view, and the TopicsMap view:

    // Input View
    app.topicsInputView = new App.Views.TopicsInput({
        el: '#topics-form',
        collection: app.topicList

    // Bar Chart View
    app.topicsBarchartView = new App.Views.TopicsBarchart({
        el: '#topics-barchart',
        collection: app.topicList

    // Map View
    app.topicsMapView = new App.Views.TopicsMap({
        el: '#topics-map',
        collection: app.topicList

In the map chart of the TopicsMap view, we need a GeoJSON object with the feature or feature collection to show as the background. We use d3.json to load the TopoJSON file containing the world's countries and convert it to the equivalent GeoJSON object using the TopoJSON library. We use this GeoJSON object to update the map chart's geojson attribute and render the view. This will display the map that shows the world's countries:

    // Loads the TopoJSON countries file
    d3.json('dist/data/countries.json', function(error, geodata) {

        if (error) {
            // Handles errors getting or parsing the file
            console.error('Error getting or parsing the TopoJSON file'),
            throw error;

        // Transform from TopoJSON to GeoJSON
        var geojson = topojson.feature(geodata, geodata.objects.countries);

        // Update the map chart and render the map view

Finally, we render the views for the topicList collection:

    // Render the Topic Views

At this point, we will have the input element, an empty bar chart, and the world map without tweet points. As soon as the user adds a topic, the server will begin to deliver tweets, which will appear in the views. The application and rendered topic views can be seen in the following screenshot:

The application setup

Let's recapitulate how the client application works. Once the views are rendered, the user can add topics by typing words in the input box. When the Enter key is pressed, the contents of the input element will be added as the word attribute of a new topic instance. The collection will send the word to the streaming server, which will add the topic and a reference to the client in the topics list. The server will be connected to the Twitter-streaming API. Each time the server receives a geotagged tweet, it will compare the tweet text with the topics in the list; if a match is found, a simplified version of the tweet will be sent to the client. In the client, the tweet will be added to the tweets array of the topic that matches the tweet text. This will trigger the views to render, updating the bar chart and the map. Here, we can guess where people are having their breakfast and where they are having dinner, as shown in the following screenshot:

The application setup

The streaming server can be used with any application that can send the add event and receive the tweets when the server emits the tweet event. We chose to create a client to visualize the geographic distribution of tweets, but we could have implemented a different representation of the same data. If you want to experiment, use the streaming server as a base component to create your own client visualization. Here are some suggestions:

  • The time dimension was neglected in this application. It might be interesting to display a heat map that shows how the tweet count varies in time or makes the old tweets fade away.
  • Adding zoom and pan to the map chart could be useful to study the geographic distribution of tweets at a more local level.
  • The user can't remove topics once they are created; adding a way to remove topics can be useful if the user decides that a topic was not interesting.
  • Use brushing to allow the user to select tweets only from a particular region of the world. This would probably involve modifying the server such that it sends the tweets from that location to the client who selected it.
  • Use a library of sentiment analysis and add information on whether the topic was mentioned in a positive or negative way.
  • Add the ability to show and hide topics so that the overlapping doesn't hide information.
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