Using LibGDX's scene graph for the menu UI

We are now going to create the scene of the menu screen. The scene will feature a background image that fills the whole screen. There will be logos in the top-left and bottom-left corner of the screen and two clickable buttons anchored in the bottom-right corner that will trigger either a play or an options action. A gold coin and a huge image of the bunny head are also added to the scene.

The following is a screenshot of how the finished menu screen will look:

Using LibGDX's scene graph for the menu UI

However, before we start to create this scene, we have to do some preparations in advance. First of all, we need to add new images to our project and also make a small change to the automatic texture packing process so that we have a texture atlas for our UI.

Add a new subfolder in CanyonBunny-desktop/assets-raw/ called images-ui and copy all the new images into this directory. After this, make the following change to

if (rebuildAtlas) {
   Settings settings = new Settings();
   settings.maxWidth = 1024;
   settings.maxHeight = 1024;
   settings.debug = drawDebugOutline;
   TexturePacker.process(settings, "assets-raw/images",
          "../CanyonBunny-android/assets/images", "canyonbunny.pack");
   TexturePacker.process(settings, "assets-raw/images-ui",
          "../CanyonBunny-android/assets/images", "canyonbunny-ui.pack");


You will need to set rebuildAtlas to true at least once and run the game on the desktop to let TexturePacker create the required texture atlas.

Gradle users must remember that your project folder is named android inside the project root C:/libgdx. Hence, here you should put the destination path ../android/assets/images in both the TexturePacker.process() functions.

The texture atlas for our UI will then be created in CanyonBunny-android/assets/images/ called canyonbunny-ui.

The resulting texture atlas for our UI should look like the following screenshot:

Using LibGDX's scene graph for the menu UI

Next, we will create a suitable JSON file to define the skin of our menu widgets.

Create a new file in CanyonBunny-android/assets/images/ called canyonbunny-ui.json and add the following lines:

com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Button$ButtonStyle: {
  play: { down: play-dn, up: play-up },
  options: { down: options-dn, up: options-up }
com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Image: {
  background: { drawable: background },
  logo: { drawable: logo },
  info: { drawable: info },
  coins: { drawable: coins },
  bunny: { drawable: bunny },


On running the CanyonBunny-html project, it will show a json parsing error while parsing the CanyonBunny-ui.json file. This is because of GWT reflection. GWT does not provide reflection in the same way as Java. Hence, extra steps are required to make reflection available in the GWT project.

Open the GwtDefinition.gwt.xml file in your CanyonBunny-html project and update it with the following code:

<extend-configuration-property name="gdx.reflect.include"
            value="com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui" />
<extend-configuration-property name="gdx.reflect.include"
             value="com.badlogic.gdx.utils" />

The preceding code will enable the gwt reflection for the packages com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui and com.badlogic.gdx.utils, which is required to parse Scene2D UI elements. Make sure that you add extend-configuration-property below set-configuration-property. To find out more about LibGDX reflection, visit

This definition file describes the type of widget to be used by specifying its completely qualified name. Inside the block of a widget definition, you can freely choose a name. Here we use play, options, background, and so on for our names. These names are then followed by a colon, which is in turn followed by a comma-separated list of attributes enclosed in curly brackets that correspond exactly to the field names of the widget's class. For example, the Image widget has a field called drawable. Some widgets have an inner class, which is denoted in the JSON file by appending a dollar sign followed by the name of the style class. These style classes contain widget-specific fields. We are using such a definition type for the Play and Options buttons. Both these buttons have a down and up image assigned in their Button widget.

Lastly, add the following lines of code to Constants to finish our preparations:

  public static final String TEXTURE_ATLAS_UI =
  public static final String TEXTURE_ATLAS_LIBGDX_UI =
  // Location of description file for skins
  public static final String SKIN_LIBGDX_UI =
  public static final String SKIN_CANYONBUNNY_UI =

The uiskin.atlas and uiskin.json will be downloaded later in this chapter.

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