Chapter 5. Linked Lists

In Chapter 2, Arrays, we learned about the array data structure. An array (or we can also call it a list) is a very simple data structure that stores a sequence of data. In this chapter, you will learn how to implement and use a linked list, which is a dynamic data structure, meaning we can add or remove items from it at will and it will grow as needed.

Arrays (or lists) are probably the most common data structure used to store a collection of elements. As we mentioned before in this book, each language has its own implementation of arrays. This data structure is very convenient and provides a handy [] syntax to access its elements. However, this data structure has a disadvantage: the size of the array is fixed (in most languages) and inserting or removing items from the beginning or from the middle of the array is expensive because the elements need to be shifted over (even though we learned that JavaScript has methods from the array class that will do that for us, this is what happens behind the scenes as well).

Linked lists store a sequential collection of elements; but unlike arrays, in linked lists the elements are not placed contiguously in memory. Each element consists of a node that stores the element itself and also a reference (also known as a pointer or link) that points to the next element. The following diagram exemplifies the structure of a linked list:

Linked Lists

One of the benefits of a linked list over a conventional array is that we do not need to shift elements over when adding or removing elements. However, we need to use pointers when working with a linked list, and because of it, we need to pay some extra attention when implementing a linked list. Another detail in the array is that we can directly access any element at any position; with the linked list, if we want to access an element from the middle, we need to start from the beginning (head) and iterate the list until we find the desired element.

We have some real-world examples that can be exemplified as a linked list. The first example is a conga line. Each person is an element, and the hands would be the pointer that links to the next person in the conga line. You can add people to the line—you just need to find the spot where you want to add this person, decouple the connection, and then insert the new person and make the connection again.

Another example would be a scavenger hunt. You have a clue, and this clue is the pointer to the place where you can find the next clue. With this link, you go to the next place and get another clue that will lead to the next one. The only way to get a clue from the middle of the list is to follow the list from the beginning (from the first clue).

We have another example, which might be the most popular one used to exemplify linked lists, which is a train. A train consists of a series of vehicles (also known as wagons). Each vehicle or wagon is linked to each other. You can easily decouple a wagon, change its place, or add or remove it. The following figure demonstrates a train. Each wagon is the element of the list and the link between the wagons is the pointer:

Linked Lists

In this chapter, we will cover the linked list and also the doubly linked list. But let's start with the easiest data structure first.

Creating a linked list

Now that we understand what a linked list is, let's start implementing our data structure. This is the skeleton of our LinkedList class:

function LinkedList() {

    var Node = function(element){ // {1}
        this.element = element; = null;

    var length = 0; // {2}
    var head = null; // {3}

    this.append = function(element){};
    this.insert = function(position, element){};
    this.removeAt = function(position){};
    this.remove = function(element){};
    this.indexOf = function(element){};
    this.isEmpty = function() {};
    this.size = function() {};
    this.toString = function(){};
    this.print = function(){};

For the LinkedList data structure, we need a helper class called Node (line {1}). The Node class represents the item that we want to add to the list. It contains an element attribute, which is the value we want to add to the list, and a next attribute, which is the pointer that contains the link to the next node item of the list.

We also have the length property (line {2}) in the LinkedList class (internal/private variable) that will store how many items we have on the list.

Another important note is that we need to store a reference for the first node as well. To do this, we can store this reference inside a variable that we will call head (line {3}).

Then, we have the methods of the LinkedList class. Let's see what each method will be responsible for before we implement each one:

  • append(element): This adds a new item to the end of the list.
  • insert(position, element): This inserts a new item at a specified position in the list.
  • remove(element): This removes an item from the list.
  • indexOf(element): This returns the index of the element in the list. If the element is not in the list, it returns -1.
  • removeAt(position): This removes an item from a specified position in the list.
  • isEmpty(): This returns true if the linked list does not contain any elements and false if the size of the linked list is bigger than 0.
  • size(): This returns how many elements the linked list contains. It is similar to the length property of the array.
  • toString(): As the list uses a Node class as an item, we need to overwrite the default toString method inherited from the JavaScript object to output only the element values.

Appending elements to the end of the linked list

When adding an element to the end of a LinkedList object, there are two scenarios that can happen: the list is empty and we are adding its first element, or the list is not empty and we are appending elements to it.

Here, we have the implementation of the append method:

this.append = function(element){

    var node = new Node(element), //{1}
        current; //{2}

    if (head === null){ //first node on list //{3}
        head = node;

    } else { 

        current = head; //{4}

        //loop the list until find last item
            current =;

        //get last item and assign next to node to make the link = node; //{5}

    length++; //update size of list //{6}

The first thing we need to do is to create the Node item passing element as its value (line {1}).

Let's implement the first scenario first: adding an element when the list is empty. When we create a LinkedList object, the head will be pointing to null:

Appending elements to the end of the linked list

If the head element is null (the list is empty—line {3}), it means we are adding the first element to the list. So, all we have to do is point the head element to the node element. The next node element will be null automatically (check the source code from the previous topic).


The last node from the list will always have null as the next element.

So, we have covered the first scenario. Let's go to the second one, which is adding an element to the end of the list when it is not empty.

To add an element to the end of the list, we first need to find the last element. Remember that we only have a reference to the first element (line {4}), so we need to iterate through the list until we find the last item. To do so, we will need a variable that will point to the current item of the list (line {2}). When looping through the list, we know we reached its end when the element is null. Then, all we have to do is link the current element's (which is the last one) next pointer to the node we want to add to the list (line {5}). The following diagram exemplifies this action:

Appending elements to the end of the linked list

And as and when we create a Node element, its next pointer will always be null. We are OK with this because we know that it is going to be the last item of the list.

And of course, we cannot forget to increment the size of the list so that we can control it and easily get the list size (line {6}).

We can use and test the data structure we've created so far with the following code:

var list = new LinkedList();

Removing elements from the linked list

Now, let's see how we can remove elements from the LinkedList object. There are also two scenarios when removing elements: the first one is removing the first element, and the second one is removing any element but the first one. We are going to implement two remove methods: the first one is removing an element from a specified position and the second one is based on the element value (we will present the second remove method later).

Here is the implementation of the method that will remove an element based on a given position:

this.removeAt = function(position){

    //check for out-of-bounds values
    if (position > -1 && position < length){ // {1}

        var current = head, // {2}
            previous, // {3}
            index = 0; // {4}

        //removing first item
        if (position === 0){ // {5}
            head =;
        } else {

            while (index++ < position){ // {6}

                previous = current;     // {7}
                current =; // {8}

            //link previous with current's next: skip it to remove
   =; // {9}

        length--; // {10}

        return current.element;

    } else {
        return null; // {11}

We will dive into this code step by step. As the method is going to receive the position of the element that needs to be removed, we need to verify that the position value is a valid one (line {1}). A valid position would be from 0 (included) to the size of the list (size - 1, as the index starts from zero). If it is not a valid position, we return null (meaning no element was removed from the list).

Let's write the code for the first scenario: we want to remove the first element from the list (position === 0—line {5}). The following diagram exemplifies this:

Removing elements from the linked list

So, if we want to remove the first element, all we have to do is point head to the second element of the list. We will make a reference to the first element of the list using the current variable (line {2}—we will also use this to iterate the list, but we will get there in a minute). So, the current variable is a reference to the first element of the list. If we assign head to, we will be removing the first element.

Now, let's say we want to remove the last item of the list or an item from the middle of the list. To do so, we need to iterate the list until the desired position (line {6}—we will use an index variable for internal control and increment) with one detail: the current variable will always make a reference to the current element of the list that we are looping through (line {8}). And we also need to make a reference to the element that comes before the current element (line {7}); we will name it previous (line {3}).

So, to remove the current element from the list, all we have to do is link with (line {9}). This way, the current element will be lost in the computer memory and will be available to be cleaned by the garbage collector.


To understand better how the JavaScript garbage collector works, please read

Let's try to understand this better with some diagrams. First, let's consider that we want to remove the last element:

Removing elements from the linked list

In the case of the last element, when we get off the loop in line {6}, the current variable will be a reference to the last element of the list (the one we want to remove). The value will be null (because it is the last element). As we also keep a reference of the previous element (one element before the current one), will be pointing to current. So to remove current, all we have to do is change the value of to

Now let's see whether the same logic applies to an element from the middle of the list:

Removing elements from the linked list

The current variable is a reference to the element we want to remove. The previous variable is a reference to the element that comes before the element we want to remove. So to remove the current element, all we need to do is link to So, our logic works for both cases.

Inserting an element at any position

Next, we are going to implement the insert method. This method provides you with the capability to insert an element at any position. Let's take a look at its implementation:

this.insert = function(position, element){

    //check for out-of-bounds values
    if (position >= 0 && position <= length){ //{1}

        var node = new Node(element),
            current = head,
            index = 0;

        if (position === 0){ //add on first position

   = current; //{2}
            head = node;

        } else {
            while (index++ < position){ //{3}
                previous = current;
                current =;
   = current; //{4}
   = node; //{5}

        length++; //update size of list

        return true;

    } else {
        return false; //{6}

As we are handling positions, we need to check the out-of-bound values (line {1}, just like we did in the remove method). If it is out of bounds, we return the value false to indicate no item was added to the list (line {6}).

Now, we are going to handle the different scenarios. The first scenario is if in case we need to add an element at the beginning of the list, meaning the first position. The following diagram exemplifies this scenario:

Inserting an element at any position

We have the current variable doing a reference to the first element of the list. What we need to is set the value to current (the first element of the list). Now we have head and also pointing to current. Next, all we have to do is change the head reference to node (line {2}) and we have a new element in the list.

Now let's handle the second scenario: adding an element in the middle or at the end of the list. First, we need to loop through the list until we reach the desired position (line {3}). When we get out of the loop, the current variable will be a reference to an element present after the position we would like to insert the new item, and previous will be a reference to an element present before the position we would like to insert the new item. In this case, we want to add the new item between previous and current. So, first we need to make a link between the new item (node) and current item (line {4}), and then we need to change the link between previous and current. We need to point to node (line {5}).

Let's see the code in action using a diagram to exemplify it:

Inserting an element at any position

If we try to add a new element to the last position, previous will be a reference to the last item of the list and current will be null. In this case, will point to current and will point to node, and we have a new item in the list.

Now, let's see how to add a new element in the middle of the list:

Inserting an element at any position

In this case, we are trying to insert the new item (node) between the previous and current elements. First, we need to set the value of the pointer to current. Then, set the value of to node. And then we have a new item in the list!


It is very important to have variables referencing the nodes we need to control so that we do not lose the link between the nodes. We could work with only one variable (previous), but it would be harder to control the links between the nodes. For this reason, it is better to declare an extra variable to help us with these references.

Implementing other methods

In this section we will learn how to implement the other methods from the LinkedList class, such as toString, indexOf, isEmpty, and size.

The toString method

The toString method converts the LinkedList object into a string. The following is the implementation of the toString method:

this.toString = function(){

    var current = head, //{1}
        string = '';    //{2}

    while (current) {   //{3}
        string = current.element; //{4}
        current =;   //{5}
    return string;                //{6}

First, to iterate through all elements of the list, we need a starting point, which is head. We will use the current variable as our index (line {1}) and navigate through the list. We also need to initialize the variable that we will be using to concatenate the elements' values (line {2}).

Next, we iterate each element of the list (line {3}). We are going to use current to check whether there is an element (if the list is empty or we reach the next of last element of the list (null), the code inside the while loop will not be executed). Then, we get the element's content and concatenate it to our string (line {4}). And finally, we iterate the next element (line {5}).

And at last, we return the string with the list's content (list {6}).

The indexOf method

The next method we will implement is the indexOf method. The indexOf method receives the value of an element and returns the position of this element if it is found. Otherwise, it returns -1.

Let's take a look at its implementation:

this.indexOf = function(element){

    var current = head, //{1}
        index = -1;

    while (current) {   //{2}
        if (element === current.element) { 
            return index;       //{3}
        index++;                //{4}
        current =; //{5}

    return -1;

As always, we need a variable that will help us iterate through the list; this variable is current and its first value is the head (the first element of the list—we also need a variable to increment to count the position number, index (line {1})). Then, we iterate through the elements (line {2}) and check if the element we are looking for is the current one. If positive, we return its position (line {3}). If not, we continue counting (line {4}) and go to the next node of the list (line {5}).

The loop will not be executed if the list is empty or we reach the end of the list (current = will be null). If we do not find the value, we return -1.

With this method implemented, we can implement other methods, such as the remove method:

this.remove = function(element){
    var index = this.indexOf(element);
    return this.removeAt(index);

We already have a method that removes an element at a given position (removeAt). Now that we have the indexOf method, if we pass the element's value, we can find its position and call the removeAt method passing the position that we found. It is very simple and it is also easier if we need to change the code from the removeAt method—it will be changed for both methods (this is what is nice about reusing code). This way, we do not need to maintain two methods to remove an item from the list, we need only one! Also, the bounds constraints will be checked by the removeAt method.

The isEmpty, size, and getHead methods

The isEmpty and size methods are the same as the ones we implemented for the classes implemented in previous chapter. But let's take a look at them anyway:

this.isEmpty = function() {
    return length === 0;

The isEmpty method returns true if there is no element in the list and false otherwise:

this.size = function() {
    return length;

The size method returns the length of the list. As a difference from the classes we implemented in earlier chapters, the length of the list is controlled internally as LinkedList is a class built from scratch.

And finally, we have the getHead method:

this.getHead = function(){
    return head;

The head variable is a private variable from the LinkedList class (meaning it can be accessed and changed only by the LinkedList instance, not outside of the instance). But if we need to iterate the list outside the class implementation, we need to provide a way to get the first element of the class.

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