Chapter 7. Dictionaries and Hashes

In the previous chapter, we learned about sets. In this chapter, we will continue our discussion about data structures that store unique values (non-repeated values) using dictionaries and hashes.

Sets, dictionaries, and hashes store unique values. In a set, we are interested in the value itself as the primary element. In a dictionary (or map), we store values as pairs as [key, value]. The same goes for hashes (they store values as pairs as [key, value]); however, the way that we implement these data structures is a little bit different, as we will see in this chapter.


As you have learned, a set is a collection of distinct elements (non-repeated elements). A dictionary is used to store [key, value] pairs, where the key is used to find a particular element. The dictionary is very similar to a set; a set stores a [key, key] collection of elements, and a dictionary stores a [key, value] collection of elements. A dictionary is also known as a map.

In this chapter, we will cover some examples of the use of the dictionary data structure in the real world: a dictionary itself (the words and their definitions), and an address book.

Creating a dictionary

Similar to the Set class, ECMAScript 6 also contains an implementation of the Map class—also known as a dictionary.


You can check out the details of the ECMAScript 6 Map class implementation at (or

The class we are going to implement in this chapter is based on the Map implementation of ECMAScript 6. You will notice that it is very similar to the Set class (but instead of storing [key, key] pair, we will store [key, value] pair).

This is the skeleton of our Dictionary class:

function Dictionary(){
    var items = {};

Similar to the Set class, we will also store the elements in an Object instance instead of an array.

Next, we need to declare the methods available for a map/dictionary:

  • set(key,value): This adds a new item to the dictionary.
  • remove(key): This removes the value from the dictionary using the key.
  • has(key): This returns true if the key exists in the dictionary and false otherwise.
  • get(key): This returns a specific value searched by the key.
  • clear(): This removes all the items from the dictionary.
  • size(): This returns how many elements the dictionary contains. It is similar to the length property of the array.
  • keys(): This returns an array of all the keys the dictionary contains.
  • values(): This returns an array of all the values of the dictionary.

The has and set methods

The first method we will implement is the has(key) method. We will implement this method first because it will be used in other methods such as set and remove. We can see its implementation in the following code:

this.has = function(key){
    return key in items;

The implementation is exactly the same as what we did for the Set class. We are using the JavaScript in operator to verify that the key is a property of the items object.

The next method is the set method:

this.set = function(key, value){
    items[key] = value; //{1}

This receives a key and a value parameter. We simply set the value to the key property of the items object. This method can be used to add a new value or update an existing one.

The remove method

Next, we will implement the remove method. It is very similar to the remove method from the Set class; the only difference is that we first search for key (instead of value):

this.remove = function(key){
    if (this.has(key)){
        delete items[key];
        return true;
    return false;

Then we use the JavaScript remove operator to remove the key attribute from the items object.

The get and values methods

If we want to search for a particular item from the dictionary and retrieve its value, we can use the following method:

this.get = function(key) {
    return this.has(key) ? items[key] : undefined;

The get method will first verify that the value that we would like to retrieve exists (by searching for key), and if the result is positive, its value is returned, if not, an undefined value is returned (remember that undefined is different from null—we covered this concept in Chapter 1, Javascript – A Quick Overview).

The next method is the values method. This method will be used to retrieve an array of all values instances present in the dictionary:

this.values = function(){
    var values = [];
    for (var k in items) { //{1}
        if (this.has(k)) {
            values.push(items[k]); //{2}
    return values;

First, we will iterate through all attributes from the items object (line {1}). Just to make sure the value exists, we will use the has function to verify that key really exists, and then we add its value to the values array (line {2}). At the end, we simply return all the values found.


We cannot simply use the for-in statement and iterate through the properties of the items object. We also need to use the has method (to verify if the items object has that property) because the object's prototype contains additional properties of the object as well (properties are inherited from the base JavaScript Object class, but it still has properties of the object—which we are not interested in for this data structure).

The clear, size, keys, and getItems methods

The clear, size, and keys methods are exactly the same from the Set class. For this reason, we will not go through them again in this chapter.

Finally, just so that we can verify the output of the items property, let's implement a method called getItems that will return the items variable:

this.getItems = function(){
    return items;

Using the Dictionary class

First, we create an instance of the Dictionary class, and then we add three e-mails to it. We are going to use this dictionary instance to exemplify an e-mail address book.

Let's execute some code using the class we created:

var dictionary = new Dictionary();
dictionary.set('Gandalf', '[email protected]'),
dictionary.set('John', '[email protected]'),
dictionary.set('Tyrion', '[email protected]'),

If we execute the following code, we will get the output as true:


The following code will output 3 because we added three elements to our dictionary instance:


Now, let's execute the following lines of code:


The output will be as follows, in the respective order:

Finally, let's execute some more lines of code:


Let's also execute the following ones:


The output will be as follows:

["Gandalf", "Tyrion"]
["[email protected]", "[email protected]"]
Object {Gandalf: "[email protected]", Tyrion: "[email protected]"}

As we removed one element, the dictionary instance now contains only two elements. The highlighted line exemplifies how the items object is structured internally.

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