The Background subtraction technique

The Background subtraction technique consists of obtaining the important objects over a background.

Now, let's see the methods available in OpenCV for the Background subtraction technique. Currently, the following four important techniques are required for this task:

  • MOG (Mixture-of-Gaussian)
  • MOG2
  • GMG (Geometric MultiGrip)
  • KNN (K-Nearest Neighbors)

Next, we are going to see an example (backgroundSubKNN) using the KNN technique:


using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

int backGroundSubKNN()
    //1-Set the parameters and initializations
    Mat frame;
    Mat background;
    Mat foreground;
    bool finish = false;
    int history = 500;
    double dist2Threshold = 400.0;
    bool detectShadows = false;
    vector< vector<Point>> contours;
    VideoCapture capture(0);

    //Check if the video camera is opened
    if(!capture.isOpened()) return 1;

    //2-Create the background subtractor KNN
    Ptr <BackgroundSubtractorKNN> bgKNN = createBackgroundSubtractorKNN (history, dist2Threshold, detectShadows);

        //3-Read every frame if possible
        if(! return 1;

        //4-Using apply and getBackgroundImage method to get
        //foreground and background from this frame
        bgKNN->apply(frame, foreground);

        //5-Reduce the foreground noise
        erode(foreground, foreground, Mat());
        dilate(foreground, foreground, Mat());

        //6-Find the foreground contours

        //7-Show the results
        imshow("Frame", frame);
        imshow("Background", background);
        moveWindow("Frame", 0, 100);
        moveWindow("Background",800, 100);

        //Press Esc to finish
        if(waitKey(1) == 27) finish = true;
    return 0;

int main()


The createBackgroundSubtractorKNN method has only been included in Version 3.0 of OpenCV.

The Background subtracted frame and screen capture are shown in the following screenshot in which a person is walking in front of the camera:

The Background subtraction technique

Output of the backgroundSubKNN example

The preceding example shows you two windows with the subtracted background images and draws contours of the person found. First, parameters are set as the distance threshold between background and each frame to detect objects (dist2Threshol) and the disabling of the shadow detection (detectShadows). In the second step, using the createBackgroundSubtractorKNN() function, a background subtractor is created and a smart pointer construct is used (Ptr<>) so that we will not have to release it. The third step is to read each frame, if possible. Using the apply() and getBackgroundImage() methods, the foreground and background images are obtained. The fifth step is to reduce the foreground noise by applying a morphological closing operation (in the erosion—erode()—and dilation—dilate()—order). Then, contours are detected on the foreground image and then they're drawn. Finally, the background and current frame image are shown.

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