A view on the Web

Our Web view model follows our design and fleshes it out with some implementation details:

// app/view/web/WebModel.js
Ext.define('Instrumatics.view.web.WebModel', {
    extend: 'Ext.app.ViewModel',
    alias: 'viewmodel.web-web',
    stores: {
        logData: {
            type: 'logentries',
            filters: [
                { property: 'startDate', value: '{currentStartDate}' },
                { property: 'endDate', value: '{currentEndDate}' }

        logStatistics: {
            type: 'statistics',
            filters: [
                { property: 'category', value: '{currentCategory}' },
                { property: 'startDate', value: '{currentStartDate}' },
                { property: 'endDate', value: '{currentEndDate}' }

        categories: {
            fields: ['text', 'value'],
            data: [{
                text: 'Browser', value: 'browser'
                text: 'Location', value: 'location'
                text: 'Device Type', value: 'device'

    data: {
        currentCategory: '',
        currentStartDate: null,
        currentEndDate: null

Note the bindings on the filters. This enables us to link the filters with a value on the view model, which in turn links through to values on the form controls in the view. This means that as soon as the user updates a form control, it'll update the filter on the store automatically, reloading the store, and redrawing the chart and grid.

We've also got a categories store, which is simply a way of holding data for the categories combo, nothing more.

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