Performing simple querying, projections, and pagination from Mongo shell

In this recipe, we will get our hands dirty with a bit of querying to select documents from the test data that we set up in our previous recipe, Creating test data. There is nothing extravagant in this recipe and someone who is well versed with the query language basics can skip this recipe. Others who aren't too comfortable with basic querying or those who want to get a small refresher can continue to read the next section of the recipe. Additionally, this recipe is intended to get a feel of the test data setup from the previous recipe.

Getting ready

To execute simple queries, we need to have a server up and running. A simple single node is what we need. Refer to the Installing single node MongoDB recipe from Chapter 1, Installing and Starting the Server for instructions on how to start the server. The data that we would be operating on needs to be imported in the database. The steps to import the data are given in the previous recipe, Creating test data. You also need to start the mongo shell and connect to the server running on the localhost. Once these prerequisites are complete, we are good to go.

How to do it…

  1. Let's first find a count of the documents in the collection:
    > db.postalCodes.count()
  2. Let's find just one document from the postalCodes collection as follows:
    > db.postalCodes.findOne()
  3. Now, we find multiple documents in the collection as follows:
    > db.postalCodes.find().pretty()
  4. The preceding query retrieves all the keys of the first 20 documents and displays them on the shell. At the end of the result, you will notice a line that says Type "it" for more. By typing "it", the mongo shell will iterate over the resulting cursor. Let's do a couple of things now; we will just display the city, state, and pincode fields. Additionally, we want to display the documents numbered 91 to 100 in the collection. Let's see how we do this:
    > db.postalCodes.find({}, {_id:0, city:1, state:1, pincode:1}).skip(90).limit(10)
  5. Let's move a step ahead and write a slightly complex query where we find the top 10 cities in the state of Gujarat sorted by the name of the city, and, similar to the last query, we just select city, state, and the pincode field:
    > db.postalCodes.find({state:'Gujarat'},{_id:0, city:1, state:1, pincode:1}).sort({city:1}).limit(10)

How it works…

This recipe is pretty simple and allows us to get a feel for the test data that we set up in the previous recipe. Nevertheless, as with other recipes, I do owe you all some explanation for what we did here.

We first found the count of the documents in the collection using db.postalCodes.count() and it should give us 39,732 documents. This should be in sync with the logs that we saw while importing the data in the postal codes collection. We next queried for one document from the collection using findOne. This method returns the first document in the result set of the query. In absence of a query or sort order, as in this case, it will be the first document in the collection sorted by its natural order.

Next, we perform find rather than findOne. The difference between both of them is that the find operation returns an iterator for the result set, which we can use to traverse through the results of the find operation, whereas findOne returns a document. Adding a pretty method call to the find operation will print the result in a pretty or formatted way.


Note that the pretty method makes sense and works only with find and not with findOne. This is because the return value of findOne is a document and there is no pretty operation on the returned document.

We will now execute the following query on the mongo shell:

> db.postalCodes.find({}, {_id:0, city:1, state:1, pincode:1}).skip(90).limit(10) 

Here, we pass two parameters to the find method:

  • The first one is {}, which is the query to select the documents, and, in this case, we ask mongo to select all the documents.
  • The second parameter is the set of fields that we want in the result documents also known as projection. Remember that the _id field is present by default unless we explicitly say _id:0. For all the other fields, we need to say <field_name>:1 or <field_name>:true. The find portion with projections is the same as saying select field1, field2 from table in a relational world, and not specifying the fields to be selected in the find is saying select * from table in a relational world.

Moving on, we just need to look at what skip and limit do:

  • The skip function skips the given number of documents from the result set all the way up to the end document
  • The limit function then limits the result to the given number of documents

Let's see what this all means with an example. By doing .skip(90).limit(10), we say that we want to skip the first 90 documents from the result set and start returning from the 91st document. The limit, however, says that we will be returning only 10 documents from the 91st document.

Now, there are some border conditions that we need to know here. What if skip is being provided with a value more than the total number of documents in the collection? Well, in this case, no documents will be returned. Additionally, if the number provided to the limit function is more than the actual number of documents remaining in the collection, then the number of documents returned will be the same as the remaining documents in the collection and no exception will be thrown in either cases.

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