Interprocess security in Mongo

In the previous recipe, we saw how authentication can be enforced for user to be logged in before allowing any operations on Mongo. In this recipe, we will look at interprocess security. By the term interprocess security, we don't mean to encrypt the communication but only to ensure that the node being added to a replica set is authenticated before being added to the replica set.

Getting ready

In this recipe, we will start multiple mongo instances as part of a replica set and thus you might have to refer to the recipe Starting multiple instances as part of a replica set from Chapter 1, Installing and Starting the Server if you are not aware of how to start a replica set. Apart from that, in this recipe, all we would be looking at how to generate key file to be used and the behavior when an unauthenticated node is added to the replica set.

How to do it…

To set the ground, we would be starting three instances, each listening to port 27000, 27001, and 27002, respectively. The first two would be started by providing it a path to the key file and the third wouldn't be. Later, we will try to add these three instances to the same replica set.

  1. Let's generate key the key file first. There is nothing spectacular about generating the key file. This is as simple as having a file with 6 to 1024 characters from the base64 character set. On Linux filesystem, you may choose to generate pseudo random bytes using openssl and encode them to base64. The following command will generate 500 random bytes and those bytes will then be base64 encoded and written to the file keyfile:
    $ openssl rand –base64 500 > keyfile
  2. On a Unix filesystem, the key file should not have permissions for world and group. Thus, we should do the following after it is created:
    $ chmod 400 keyfile
  3. Not giving write permission to the creator ensures that we don't overwrite the contents accidently. On Windows platform, however, openssl doesn't come out of the box and thus you have to download it, the archive extracted, and the bin folder added to the OS path variable. For Windows, we can download it from the following URL:
  4. You may even choose not to generate the key file using the approach mentioned here (using openssl) and can take an easy way out by just typing in plain text in the key file from any text editor or your choice. However, note that the characters , , and spaces are stripped off by mongo and the remainder text is considered as the key. For example, we may create a file with the following content added to the key file. Again, the file will be named keyfile with the following content:
  5. Using any approach mentioned here, we must not have a keyfile in place that would be used for next steps of the recipe.
  6. We will now secure the mongo processes by starting the mongo instance as follows. I will start the following on windows, and my key file ID is named keyfile and is placed on c:MongoDB. The data path is c:MongoDBdatac1, c:MongoDBdatac2, and c:MongoDBdatac3 for the three instances, respectively.
  7. Start the first instance listening to port 27000 as follows:
    C:>mongod --dbpath c:MongoDBdatac1 --port 27000 --auth --keyFile c:MongoDBkeyfile --replSet secureSet --smallfiles --oplogSize 100
  8. Similarly, start the second server listening to port 27001 as follows:
    C:>mongod --dbpath c:MongoDBdatac2 --port 27001 --auth --keyFile c:MongoDBkeyfile --replSet secureSet --smallfiles --oplogSize 100
  9. The third instance would be started but without the --auth and the --keyFile option listening to port 27002 as follows:
    C:>mongod --dbpath c:MongoDBdatac3 --port 27002 --replSet secureSet --smallfiles --oplogSize 100
  10. We then start a mongo shell and connect it to port 27000, which is the first instance started. From the mongo shell, we type:
    > rs.initiate()
  11. In few seconds, the replica set would be initiated with just one instance in it. We will now try to add two new instances to this replica set. First, add the one listening on port 27001 as follows (you will need to add the appropriate hostname, Amol-PC is the hostname in my case):
    > rs.add({_id:1, host:'Amol-PC:27001'})
  12. We will execute rs.status() command to see the status of our replica set. In the command's output, we should see our newly added instance.
  13. We will now finally try and add an instance that was started without the --auth and the --keyFile option as follows:
    > rs.add({_id:2, host:'Amol-PC:27002'})

    This should add the instance to the replica set, but using rs.status() will show the status of the instance as UNKNOWN. The server logs for the instance running on 27002 too should show some authentication errors.

  14. We would finally have to restart this instance; however, this time we provide the --auth and the --keyFile option as follows:
    C:>mongod --dbpath c:MongoDBdatac3 --port 27002 --replSet secureSet --smallfiles --oplogSize 100 --auth --keyFile c:MongoDBkeyfile
  15. Once the server is started, connect to it from the shell again and type in rs.status() in few moments, it should come up as a secondary instance.

There's more…

In this recipe, we saw interprocess security for preventing unauthenticated nodes from being added to the mongo replica set. We still haven't secured the transport by encrypting the data that is being sent over the wire. In the Appendix, we will show how to build the mongo server from the source and how to enable encryption of the contents over the wire.

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