Installing Odoo for production

Installing Odoo in the production phase is not very different from installing Odoo for development. While there are several possible approaches, this recipe proposes a set up that is close to the development installation explained in Chapter 1, Installing the Odoo Development Environment, in the recipe Easy installation from source, and in Chapter 2, Managing Odoo Server Instances, in the recipe Standardize your instance directory layout.

Getting ready

We expect that you have a development instance ready. In this recipe, we assume the following:

  • The project of your instance is managed in the same way as suggested in Chapter 2, Managing Odoo Server Instances, in the Standardize your instance directory layout recipe. We will use This repository should contain the configuration file of the instance used during development, the specific addons of the instance, and any helper script that you may have created in the context of the project.



    If the configuration files of your project include security information such as passwords, you should not push the project on a public service such as GitHub. Use an internal Git repository or a private GitHub project.

  • The deployment server is running Debian Jessie (but it should work with little change on derived distributions such as Ubuntu; see Chapter 1, Installing the Odoo Development Environment, for more on this).
  • You have root access to the final server using ssh or sudo. If you don't, you will have to find a system administrator to assist you in the configuration.
  • You know the final fully qualified domain name under which the server will be accessed.

How to do it…

To install Odoo for production, you need to carry out the following steps:

  1. As root, install the dependencies and build dependencies:
    # apt-get install git python2.7 postgresql nano python-virtualenv 
      gcc python2.7-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev 
      libevent-dev libsasl2-dev libldap2-dev libpq-dev 
      libpng12-dev libjpeg-dev node-less node-clean-css xfonts-75dpi xfonts-base
    # wget
    # dpkg -i wkhtmltox-
  2. As root, create a user called odoo:
    # adduser odoo
  3. Configure the PostgreSQL database:
    # sudo -u postgres createuser odoo
    # sudo -u postgres createdb -O odoo odoo_project
  4. As odoo, clone the project repository:
    # su odoo
    $ mkdir ~/odoo-prod
    $ cd ~/odoo-prod
    $ git clone project
    $ mkdir -p project/src
  5. As the odoo user, clone the Odoo source code:
    $ cd project/src
    $ git clone -b 9.0 --single-branch odoo
  6. Create virtualenv and install the dependencies:
    $ virtualenv ~/env-odoo-9.0
    $ source ~/env-odoo-9.0/bin/activate
    $ pip install -r odoo/requirements.txt
  7. Clone all third-party addon repositories in the project/src subdirectory:
    $ git clone -b 9.0
  8. Create the ~/odoo-prod/project/bin directory:
    $ mkdir ~/odoo-prod/project/bin
  9. Create a script to easily start Odoo in the production environment in ~/odoo-prod/project/bin/start-odoo:
    #! /bin/sh
    ${PYTHON} ${ODOO} -c ${CONF} "$*"
  10. Make the script executable:
    $ chmod +x ~/odoo-prod/project/bin/start-odoo
  11. As root, uninstall gcc:
    # apt-get remove gcc

How it works…

Most of the recipe is identical to what is described in Chapter 1, Installing the Odoo Development Environment, but there are a few key differences.

We are using a dedicated system user with login odoo. This enables us to control who has access to the account, for example, by configuring the sudo or ssh authorized keys. It also allows us to give this user as few permissions as possible, in case the instance is compromised.

The database user linked to this account does not have any privilege, not even database creation. We create the database externally, just once. In case the instance is compromised, an attacker won't be able to create additional databases on the server.

The Odoo script we are creating will be used in the recipe Set up Odoo as a system service later in this chapter. It uses the production.conf configuration file, which is explained in the next recipe, Adapting the configuration file for production.

We uninstall gcc at the end of the process so that if an attacker gains access, he will not be able to use this to recompile executables locally.

At the end of this recipe, your server is not ready yet. You will need to refer to the recipes Adapting the configuration file for production, Set up Odoo as a system service, and Configure a reverse proxy and SSL, which are described in this chapter.

There's more…

Here are a few more important points to consider when preparing the deployment of your instance.

Server dimensioning

What should you use for a server? Pretty much any physical server these days is more than enough to handle an average sized Odoo instance with about 10 simultaneous users. Since virtual machines typically have fewer resources provisioned, you will need to pay a little more attention to this if you are planning to run on a VM. Here are a few key figures to get you started. Obviously, they will need fine tuning to match your use of Odoo.

A small Odoo instance needs at least 1 GB of RAM. Don't be shy on this; the last thing you want to happen is your server swapping. 2 to 4 GB is a good starting point. Give your server, at the very least, two CPU/cores. If you are running the PostgreSQL server on the same host, provision at least four CPU/cores, and add 1 GB of RAM for the database. The additional CPU/cores will be used by the Odoo workers that are covered in the next recipe, Adapting the configuration file for production.

The source code of your instance will eat up 1 to 2 GB of hard disk if you are keeping the Git history, which we recommend in this recipe. The file store (data_dir in the configuration file) will grow as the instance is used, and the growth heavily depends on what you are doing in the instance. Start with 5 GB, which should give you plenty of time before getting full, and monitor the disk usage. If you are running the database on the same host, give plenty of disk space to the partition that will contain the database working files, starting at 50 GB.

You will also need space for the on-site backups, both of the database and the file store. A lot can depend on your backup plan; 200 GB is a good starting point.

PostgreSQL tuning

Discussing PostgreSQL tuning is beyond the scope of this book. You may want to check out the books PostgreSQL 9 Admin Cookbook or PostgreSQL 9.0 High Performance, both from Packt Publishing, for an in-depth coverage of these topics.

The default configuration of PostgreSQL is generally very conservative and meant to prevent the database server from hogging all the system resources. On production servers, you can safely increase some parameters in the postgresql.conf file to get better performance. Here are some settings you can use to get started:

max_connections = 100
shared_buffers = 256MB
effective_cache_size = 768MB
work_mem = 10MB
maintenance_work_mem = 64MB
checkpoint_segments = 16
wal_buffers = 8MB
checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9

You will need to restart PostgreSQL after modifying these settings.

The pgtune utility can help in finding a suitable configuration. You can install it by running the following:

sudo apt-get install pgtune

To get a suitable configuration, you can run the following:

$ pgtune -T OLTP -i /etc/postgresql/9.4/main/postgresql.conf 
-M 1073741824 -c 100

The options we use are as follows:

  • -T OLTP to get a configuration for an on line translation processing database
  • -i to get the original configuration file
  • -M to specify the amount of memory for PostgreSQL (in kB); our example uses 1 GB
  • -c to specify the maximum number of connections

If your instance is heavily loaded, you will benefit from separating the database server and the Odoo server onto two different hosts. Don't use two virtual machines running on the same physical server if you are getting down to this; use two physical servers with a high speed network connection between both. In that case, you will need to ensure that the pg_hba.conf file on the database server host allows password authenticated connections on the database from the Odoo server, and that the postgresql.conf file lets the PostgreSQL server listen in on the network interface connecting both servers.

Source code version

When cloning Odoo and the third-party dependencies, you may want to ensure that you are using the exact same revision as the one you had in developments. There are several ways to do this:

  • You can manually mark down the version SHA1 of the local revision in a file, record this in the project repository, and make sure you are using the same revision on the production server
  • You can use tags or branches on forks of these repositories in your GitHub account
  • You can use git submodule to tie these revisions to the repository of your project
  • You can use buildout to manage the various dependencies and freeze the revisions (see the following recipe Use buildout for repeatable builds for more information on this)


Why not use the Linux distribution packages provided by Odoo?

You can do that and you will get started much faster because a lot of things are handled for you by the packages. However, there are a few issues with using the packaged source; most importantly, you cannot easily patch the source code of Odoo, which is easier if you run from the source. Granted, this is not something you have to do every day, but being able to use the standard development tools to achieve this, rather than manually applying and tracking patches on production servers, is a precious help and a gain of time. You may also be using the Odoo Community Association branch of Odoo, ( for which no packages are provided.


The recipe does not cover backups. At the very least, you should have the cron task on the server running a daily backup. A simple and basic solution is to edit the crontab file as root by running crontab -e and to add the following lines:

@daily su postgres -c pg_dumpall | gzip > /backups/postgresql-$(date +%u).dump.gz
@daily tar czf /backups/odoo-data-$(date +%u).tgz /home/odoo/odoo-prod/project/data

Don't forget to create the /backups directory. The backup files should not be stored on the same hard disk, and ideally, they would be mirrored on a server in a different physical location. Check these backups on a regular basis; having backups that you can't restore when you need them is useless.

The proposed solution is to keeps daily backups of the last 7 days, which means you will lose one day of work in case of a problem. There are more advanced solutions available for PostgreSQL that allow point-in-time recovery. You will find more information about this in the book PostgreSQL 9 Admin Cookbook, Packt Publishing. Similarly, there are many Linux tools, such as duplicity (, which you can use for file backups allowing easy management.

See also

For more information on the Odoo Community Association branch of Odoo, see the recipe Easy installation from source in Chapter 1, Installing the Odoo Development Environment.

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