Chapter 8. Backend Views

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Adding a menu item and window action
  • Having an action open a specific view
  • Adding content and widgets to a form view
  • Adding buttons to forms
  • Passing parameters to forms and actions: Context
  • Defining filters on record lists: Domain
  • List views
  • Search views
  • Changing existing views: View inheritance
  • Document-style forms
  • Dynamic form elements using attrs
  • Embedded views
  • Kanban views
  • Show kanban cards in columns according to their state
  • Calendar and gantt views
  • Graph and pivot views
  • QWeb reports

Throughout this chapter, we will assume that you have a database with the base addon installed and an empty Odoo addon module where you add XML code from the recipes to a data file referenced in the addon's manifest. Refer to Chapter 3, Creating Odoo Modules for how to activate changes in your addon.


This chapter covers all the UI elements that users are confronted with when they use anything other than the website part of Odoo. Historically, this basically was all of OpenERP, so also in an Odoo context, it is often just referred to as the web client. To be more specific, we will call this the backend as opposed to the website frontend.

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