Associated type protocols

So far we were able to make functions, methods, and types generic. Can we make protocols generic too? The answer is no, we cannot, but protocols support a similar feature named associated types. Associated types give placeholder names or aliases to types that are used as part of the protocol. The actual type to use for an associated type is not specified until the protocol is adopted. Associated types are specified with the associatedtype keyword. Let's examine an example:

protocol Container {
    associatedtype ItemType
    mutating func append(item: ItemType)

This protocol defines an append function that takes any item of the ItemType type. This protocol does not specify how the items in the container should be stored or what type they should be. The protocol only specifies an append function that any type must provide in order to be considered a Container.

Any type that conforms to the Container protocol should be able to specify the type of values that it stores. Specifically, it must ensure that only items of the right type are added to the container.

To define these requirements, the Container protocol requires a placeholder to refer to the type of elements that a container will contain, without knowing what that type is for a specific container. The Container protocol needs to specify that any value passed to the append method must have the same type as the container's element type.

To achieve this, the Container protocol declares an associated type called ItemType, written as associatedtype ItemType.

The protocol does not define what ItemType is an associatedtype for, and this information is left for any conforming type to provide. Nonetheless, ItemType associatedtype provides you with a way to refer to the type of the items in a Container and define a type to use with append.

The following example shows how we will conform to a protocol with an associated type:

struct IntContainer: Container {
    typealias ItemType = Int
    mutating func append(item: ItemType) {
        // append item to the container

Here, we define a new struct that conforms to the Container protocol and takes Int as ItemType.

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