Why Hadoop plus Spark?

Apache Spark shines better when it is combined with Hadoop. To understand this, let's take a look at Hadoop and Spark features.

Hadoop features



Unlimited scalability

Stores unlimited data by scaling out HDFS

Effectively manages cluster resources with YARN

Runs multiple applications along with Spark

Thousands of simultaneous users

Enterprise grade

Provides security with Kerberos authentication and ACLs authorization

Data encryption

High reliability and integrity


Wide range of applications

Files: Structured, semi-structured, and unstructured

Streaming sources: Flume and Kafka

Databases: Any RDBMS and NoSQL database

Spark features



Easy development

No boilerplate coding

Multiple native APIs such as Java, Scala, Python, and R

REPL for Scala, Python, and R

Optimized performance


Optimized shuffle

Catalyst Optimizer


Batch, SQL, machine learning, streaming, and graph processing

High level APIs

DataFrames, Data sets and Data Sources APIs

When both frameworks are combined, we get the power of enterprise-grade applications with in-memory performance, as shown in Figure 2.11:

Spark features

Figure 2.11: Spark applications on the Hadoop platform

Frequently asked questions about Spark

The following are frequent questions that practitioners raise about Spark:

  • My dataset does not fit in-memory. How can I use Spark?

    Spark's operators spill the data to disk if it does not fit in-memory, allowing it to run on data of any size. Likewise, cached datasets that do not fit in-memory are either spilled to disk or recomputed on the fly when needed, as determined by the RDD's storage level. By default, Spark will recompute the partitions that don't fit in-memory. The storage level can be changed as MEMORY_AND_DISK to spill partitions to disk.

    Figure 2.12 shows you the performance difference between fully cached and on disk:

    Frequently asked questions about Spark

    Figure 2.12: Spark performance: Fully cached versus disk

  • How does fault recovery work in Spark?

    Spark's built-in fault tolerance based on the RDD lineage will automatically recover from failures. Figure 2.13 shows you the performance over failure in the 6th iteration in a k-means algorithm:

    Frequently asked questions about Spark

    Figure 2.13: Fault recovery performance

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