Spark resource managers – Standalone, YARN, and Mesos

We have already executed spark applications in the Spark standalone resource manager in other sections of this chapter (within the PySpark shell and applications). Let's try to understand how these cluster resource managers are different from each other and when they should be used.

Local versus cluster mode

Before moving on to cluster resource managers, let's understand how cluster mode is different from local mode.

It is important to understand the scope and life cycle of variables and methods when executing code across a cluster. Let's look at an example with the foreach action:

counter = 0
rdd = sc.parallelize(data)
rdd.foreach(lambda x: counter += x)
print("Counter value: " + counter)

In local mode, the preceding code works fine because the counter variable and RDD are in the same memory space (single JVM).

In cluster mode, the counter value will never change and always remains at 0. In cluster mode, spark computes the closure with variables and methods and ships them to executors. When executors perform the foreach function it refers to the new copy of the counter on the executor. The counter on the driver is not accessible to the executor. Hence, every time you execute this, a local counter is incremented and never returned to the driver. To address this challenge in cluster mode, create a separate copy of the variable for every closure or use an accumulator.

Cluster resource managers

You can run a Spark application in four different modes:

  • Local mode: In local mode, all the processes run in a single JVM and with no data shuffle, as in cluster mode.

If the spark.master (or --master) configuration property is specified, the application will run on one of the cluster resource managers in client or cluster mode depending on the --deploy-mode specified.

  • Standalone mode: Submit Spark application to Spark's in-built cluster manager
  • YARN mode: Submit the Spark application to the YARN resource manager.
  • Mesos mode: Submit the spark application to the Mesos cluster manager


By default, an application submitted in standalone mode will acquire all cores (in the spark.deploy.defaultCores property) of the cluster with 1G memory for every executor. In multiple application environments, it is important to cap the resource usage for every application. Cap the usage with the --total-executor-cores argument to spark-submit or use spark.cores.max in the spark configuration file. Use the --executor-memory argument to spark-submit or use spark.executor.memory in the spark configuration file to cap the amount of memory needed.

In this example, we use a 20-node cluster with four CPU cores in every node:

  • With no parameters specified, an application will launch 20 executors with four cores and 1 GB memory
  • --executor-memory 1G and --total-executor-cores 8: Spark will launch eight executors, each with 1 GB of RAM
  • spark.deploy.spreadOut to false in spark conf: Spark will launch two executors, each with 1 GB RAM and four cores


Applications are submitted with --master yarn-client for client mode and --master yarn-cluster for cluster mode. In Yarn mode, you can specify the number of executors needed with the number of cores, as opposed to -total-executor-cores in spark standalone master.

  • --num-executors controls how many executors will be allocated (the default is 2). This property is set within the configuration using spark.executor.instances.
  • --executor-memory is the RAM for each executor.
  • --executor-cores is the number of CPU cores for each executor.

In this example, we use a 20-node cluster with four CPU cores in every node:

  • With no parameters specified, an application will launch two executors with 1 core and 1 GB memory
  • --num-executors 8 --executor-memory 2G --executor-cores 4 : Spark will launch eight executors, each with 2 GB of memory and four cores


Downloading the example code

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Dynamic resource allocation

The dynamic resource allocation feature was introduced in Spark 1.2. An application may give resources back to the cluster if they are no longer used and request them again later when there is demand. Dynamic resource allocation of resources will efficiently control the resource usage on the cluster. As shown in Figure 3.12, there is a big variation in allocated and used resources in all spark applications due to stragglers, scheduling, waiting, idling, and so on.

Dynamic resource allocation

Figure 3.12: Resource allocation versus resources used

To enable this feature, the following configuration properties are to be set in an application:

  • spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled
  • spark.dynamicAllocation.minExecutors
  • spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors
  • spark.dynamicAllocation.initialExecutors
  • spark.shuffle.service.enabled


    Note that spark.executor.instances (or --num-executors) should not be used when dynamic allocation is enabled. If both are used, dynamic allocation will be disabled and --num-executors will be used.

Client mode versus cluster mode

When running Spark in YARN client mode, the driver runs on the client machine and application master and executors run on the cluster. Each Spark executor runs as a YARN container in client or cluster mode.

In yarn-cluster mode, the driver runs within the application master. So, the application master is responsible for both running drivers and requesting resources from the YARN resource manager. The client that starts the application doesn't need to stick around for its entire lifetime.

Yarn-cluster is to be used for production jobs, while yarn-client mode is to be used in interactive mode where you want to see your application's output immediately.

Yarn client mode and cluster modes are illustrated in Figure 3.13:

Client mode versus cluster mode

Figure 3.13: YARN client vs. YARN cluster mode.


More YARN settings are available at:


Apache Mesos is a general-purpose cluster manager that can run both analytic workloads and long-running services (for example, Web applications or key-value stores) on a cluster. See the following example usage:

spark-submit --master mesos://masternode:5050

Two types of scheduling modes are available in Mesos:

  • Fine-grained: Fine-grained mode behavior is similar to Yarn. Executors scale the number of CPUs they claim from Mesos up and down as they execute tasks, and so a machine running multiple executors can dynamically share CPU resources between them. This is the default mode.
  • Coarse-grained: Coarse-grained mode behavior is similar to standalone. Spark allocates a fixed number of CPUs to each executor in advance and never releases them until the application ends, even if the executor is not currently running tasks. You can enable coarse-grained mode by passing the following:
    --conf spark.mesos.coarse=true

Which resource manager to use?

When using Spark along with other applications on Hadoop clusters, it is better to use YARN for better sharing of resources. Where better performance and sharing resources are not a constraint, the standalone manager can be used. Mesos and Yarn offer similar resource sharing capabilities. On Hadoop clusters, it makes sense to use YARN because all other frameworks of Hadoop are integrated with Yarn. For clusters other than Hadoop, it makes sense to use Mesos.

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