The ELK Stack

The ELK platform is a complete log analytics solution, built on a combination of three open source tools—Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana. It tries to address all the problems and challenges that we saw in the previous section. ELK utilizes the open source stack of Elasticsearch for deep search and data analytics; Logstash for centralized logging management, which includes shipping and forwarding the logs from multiple servers, log enrichment, and parsing; and finally, Kibana for powerful and beautiful data visualizations. ELK stack is currently maintained and actively supported by the company called Elastic (formerly, Elasticsearch).

Let's look at a brief overview of each of these systems:

  • Elasticsearch
  • Logstash
  • Kibana


Elasticsearch is a distributed open source search engine based on Apache Lucene, and released under an Apache 2.0 license (which means that it can be downloaded, used, and modified free of charge). It provides horizontal scalability, reliability, and multitenant capability for real-time search. Elasticsearch features are available through JSON over a RESTful API. The searching capabilities are backed by a schema-less Apache Lucene Engine, which allows it to dynamically index data without knowing the structure beforehand. Elasticsearch is able to achieve fast search responses because it uses indexing to search over the texts.

Elasticsearch is used by many big companies, such as GitHub, SoundCloud, FourSquare, Netflix, and many others. Some of the use cases are as follows:

  • Wikipedia: This uses Elasticsearch to provide a full text search, and provide functionalities, such as search-as-you-type, and did-you-mean suggestions.
  • The Guardian: This uses Elasticsearch to process 40 million documents per day, provide real-time analytics of site-traffic across the organization, and help understand audience engagement better.
  • StumbleUpon: This uses Elasticsearch to power intelligent searches across its platform and provide great recommendations to millions of customers.
  • SoundCloud: This uses Elasticsearch to provide real-time search capabilities for millions of users across geographies.
  • GitHub: This uses Elasticsearch to index over 8 million code repositories, and index multiple events across the platform, hence providing real-time search capabilities across it.

Some of the key features of Elasticsearch are:

  • It is an open source distributed, scalable, and highly available real-time document store
  • It provides real-time search and analysis capabilities
  • It provides a sophisticated RESTful API to play around with lookup, and various features, such as multilingual search, geolocation, autocomplete, contextual did-you-mean suggestions, and result snippets
  • It can be scaled horizontally easily and provides easy integrations with cloud-based infrastructures, such as AWS and others


Logstash is a data pipeline that helps collect, parse, and analyze a large variety of structured and unstructured data and events generated across various systems. It provides plugins to connect to various types of input sources and platforms, and is designed to efficiently process logs, events, and unstructured data sources for distribution into a variety of outputs with the use of its output plugins, namely file, stdout (as output on console running Logstash), or Elasticsearch.

It has the following key features:

  • Centralized data processing: Logstash helps build a data pipeline that can centralize data processing. With the use of a variety of plugins for input and output, it can convert a lot of different input sources to a single common format.
  • Support for custom log formats: Logs written by different applications often have particular formats specific to the application. Logstash helps parse and process custom formats on a large scale. It provides support to write your own filters for tokenization and also provides ready-to-use filters.
  • Plugin development: Custom plugins can be developed and published, and there is a large variety of custom developed plugins already available.


Kibana is an open source Apache 2.0 licensed data visualization platform that helps in visualizing any kind of structured and unstructured data stored in Elasticsearch indexes. Kibana is entirely written in HTML and JavaScript. It uses the powerful search and indexing capabilities of Elasticsearch exposed through its RESTful API to display powerful graphics for the end users. From basic business intelligence to real-time debugging, Kibana plays its role through exposing data through beautiful histograms, geomaps, pie charts, graphs, tables, and so on.

Kibana makes it easy to understand large volumes of data. Its simple browser-based interface enables you to quickly create and share dynamic dashboards that display changes to Elasticsearch queries in real time.

Some of the key features of Kibana are as follows:

  • It provides flexible analytics and a visualization platform for business intelligence.
  • It provides real-time analysis, summarization, charting, and debugging capabilities.
  • It provides an intuitive and user friendly interface, which is highly customizable through some drag and drop features and alignments as and when needed.
  • It allows saving the dashboard, and managing more than one dashboard. Dashboards can be easily shared and embedded within different systems.
  • It allows sharing snapshots of logs that you have already searched through, and isolates multiple problem transactions.
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