Structure of a Logstash plugin

As already mentioned in Logstash plugin management, Logstash plugins are self-contained RubyGems.


This section requires a little bit knowledge of the Ruby programming language. If you are looking for a quick overview, you can look at the official Ruby tutorial here:

As extensive knowledge of Ruby is not expected from the readers, we will take a look at some simple illustrations of how a plugin works, and how we can design one simple plugin on our own. We will also cover some details of how the plugins are bundled to gems. More information is available at

Let's look at the structure of a drop filter plugin, which is used to drop certain events on certain conditions (

# encoding: utf-8
require "logstash/filters/base"
require "logstash/namespace"

# Drop filter.
# Drops everything that gets to this filter.
# This is best used in combination with conditionals, for example:
# [source,ruby]
#     filter {
#       if [loglevel] == "debug" {
#         drop { }
#       }
#     }
# The above will only pass events to the drop filter if the loglevel field is
# `debug`. This will cause all events matching to be dropped.
class LogStash::Filters::Drop < LogStash::Filters::Base
  config_name "drop"
  # Drop all the events within a pre-configured percentage.
  # This is useful if you just need a percentage but not the whole.
  # Example, to only drop around 40% of the events that have the field loglevel wiht value "debug".
  #     filter {
  #       if [loglevel] == "debug" {
  #         drop {
  #           percentage => 40
  #         }
  #       }
  #     }
  config :percentage, :validate => :number, :default => 100
  def register
    # nothing to do.

  def filter(event)
    event.cancel if (@percentage == 100 || rand < (@percentage / 100.0))
  end # def filter
end # class LogStash::Filters::Drop

Now, let's try to break it down and look at each component of a plugin.

Required dependencies

The first requirement actually loads the logstash/namespace.rb file, which defines the modules namespaces for the input, filter, output, and codec plugins.

require "logstash/namespace"

Then, since this is a filter plugin, we will add dependency for the filter:

require "logstash/filters/base"

Similarly, for input, we can add /logstash/inputs/base, and for output /logstash/outputs/base.

Class declaration

Next, for each plugin, we need to declare a class for it, and it should include the required Base class for the filter plugin as well:

class LogStash::Filters::Drop < LogStash::Filters::Base

So, as we have a drop filter, we will declare a class by its name.

Configuration name

Next, we need to specify the name of the plugin that will be used in the Logstash configuration. We do this by declaring config_name:

  config_name "drop"

So, it will be used like this:

filter {
drop {

Configuration options setting

We can define as many configuration options as we need for the plugin with this setting. It allows us to set the name of the option, its data type and default value, and specify if it is required:

config :percentage, :validate => :number, :default => 100

The following are the configurations:

  • : validate: It allows us to enforce the data type for the option. The possible values can be :string, :number, :array, :hash, :boolean, and so on.

    For the drop filter, we have a specified validation for the percentage option to be of type : number.

  • : default: It allows us to specify the default value for the option.

    For the drop filter, we have specified the value 100 as the default for the option named percentage.

  • : required: It takes a boolean value as either true or false and specifies whether the option is required or not.

Plugin methods

Every plugin type (input, filter, output, and codec) has certain methods that they need to implement to initialize instance variables and to execute actual operations inside the plugin.

Plugin type


Input plugin

register and run(queue)

Filter plugin

register and filter(event)

Output plugin

register and receive

Codec plugin

register, encode, decode

Input plugin

For the input plugin, the register and run(queue) methods need to be implemented.

The register method is used to initialize the instance variables if any.

The run method converts the stream of incoming messages to events that can be further transformed:

def run(queue)
  #Code which converts messages to event here.
end # def run

Filter plugin

For the filter plugin, the register and filter (event) methods need to be implemented:

  def register
    # nothing to do.

The register method is used to initialize instance variables if any. For drop filter, we don't need to use any instance variables, so we will keep it empty.

  def filter(event)
    event.cancel if (@percentage == 100 || rand < (@percentage / 100.0))
  end # def filter

The filter method does the actual work of filtering the events. Inside the filter method, we can use the config parameters set using an '@' prefix, and we have event properties available using event hashmap.

For example, we can get the message as event["message"].

Also, certain operations, such as event.cancel, are also available.

For example, in the drop filter, we will use event.cancel to cancel the event matching this filter.

Output plugin

For the output plugin, the register and receive methods need to be implemented.

The register method is used to initialize the instance variables, if any.

The receive method processes the events before sending them to the output destination, depending on the type of plugin.

  def receive(event)
  end # def event

Codec plugin

The codec plugin is used with input and output plugins to decode an input event or encoding an outgoing event.

For the codec plugin, register, encode or decode methods need to be implemented.

The register method is used to initialize instance variables, if any.

The encode method is used to encode an event to another format.

An example is the json codec plugin, which transforms the events to json format:

  def encode(event), event.to_json)

The decode method decodes the incoming data to an event. This method needs a yield statement to return decoded events to a pipeline.

For example, in the spool codec plugin, to send the messages to some buffer:

  def decode(data)
    data.each do |event|
      yield event

Writing a Logstash filter plugin

Now, we have seen the structure of a plugin, which gives us a head start on developing one of our own.

In this section, we will demonstrate building a simple filter plugin using the knowledge of the structure of a plugin that we acquired in the previous section.

In this illustration, we will assume that we have a sequence of numbers coming in a stream, and we want to denote them with certain currencies based on a name, which we will pass as a parameter to the plugin. Let's see what our simple currency filter plugin looks like:

# Adds a Currency Symbol to price field
#filter {
#    currency{
#        name => "$"
#    }

require "logstash/filters/base"
require "logstash/namespace"

class LogStash::Filters::Currency < LogStash::Filters::Base

config_name "currency"

config :name, :validate => :string, :default => "$"

def register
#do nothing

def filter(event)
    if @name
        msg = @name + event["message"]
        event["message"] = msg


Let's take a look at how the preceding filter is structured.

First, we have added the dependency for the required classes:

require "logstash/filters/base"
require "logstash/namespace"

Then, we have defined a class for the filter:

class LogStash::Filters::Currency < LogStash::Filters::Base

Next, we named the filter using config_name:

config_name "currency"

Now, we will specify the configuration option needed for this filter as we need the name of the currency to be specified so we can add it to the message. We will define it as follows:

config :name, :validate => :string, :default => "$"

Then, as we don't need to set any instance variables, we have provided an empty register method for the filter:

def register
#do nothing

Next, we will implement the filter method for the filter plugin, which will take an event and apply the logic for currency:

def filter(event)
    if @name
        msg = @name + event["message"]
        event["message"] = msg

Here, we will first check the value of the name filter and if it is present, we will add the value in front of the message; otherwise, the filter will be ignored.

Now, filter can be used as follows:

filter {
        name => "$"

Let's say if your input is 200 after using this filter, each incoming event's output from the Logstash filter plugin will look like this:


"@timestamp" => "2015-06-21T14:21:54.123Z",
"message" => "$200",

Building the plugin

Now, when we have successfully created a plugin, save it as currency.rb in the following folder structure:

|    └───logstash
|        └───filters
|  └───currency.rb

Now, to create the RubyGem for the folder, we will require a gemfile and a gemspec file present in the logstash-filter-currency top folder.


gemfile: A gemfile describes the gem dependencies required to execute associated Ruby code.

gemspec file: A gemspec file defines the specification of the RubyGem that will be built.

Let's add some specifications to our gemspec file: do |s| = 'logstash-filter-currency'
  s.version         = '0.1.0'
  s.licenses = ['Apache License (2.0)']
  s.summary = "This plugin adds a currency name before message."
  s.description = "This plugin is used to add core logstash available plugin, to define a new functionality of adding currency symbols for certain messages"
  s.authors = ["Saurabh Chhajed"] = '[email protected]'
  s.homepage = ""
  s.require_paths = ["lib"]

  # Files
  s.files = ["lib/logstash/filters/currency.rb"]

  # Special flag to let us know this is actually a logstash plugin
  s.metadata = { "logstash_plugin" => "true", "logstash_group" => "filter" }

  # Gem dependencies
  s.add_runtime_dependency "logstash-core", '>= 1.4.0', '< 2.0.0'
  s.add_development_dependency 'logstash-devutils'

Save this logstash-filter-currency.gemspec file under the root plugin folder as shown in the folder structure.

It requires Ruby gem bundlers to build gems based on these files, which can be easily installed on the Ruby console using:

$ gem install bundler

More information on using bundler can be found at

Now, we can build the gem using:

$gem build logstash-filter-currency.gemspec

That's it! This should have created a gem named logstash-filter-currency-0.1.0.gem in the same folder.

It can be installed to the existing Logstash installation easily:

$ bin/plugin install /path/to/ logstash-filter-currency-0.1.0.gem

If successful, you should see the plugin listed in:

$bin/plugin list

We can quickly test the plugin using the logstash -e flag option:

bin/logstash -e 'input { stdin{} } filter { currency {  name => "$" } } output {stdout { codec => rubydebug }}'

For the filter plugin, any number that we write will be appended by the $ currency name:

      "message" => "$200"
      "@version" => "1",
      "@timestamp" => "2015-06-27T19:17:20.230Z",
      "host" => "saurzcode"

We can see $ being added to the number 200 that we entered as standard input.

Now, we have successfully created our first Logstash filter plugin and tested it successfully.

Similarly, plugins of input and output types can be created and deployed.

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