Chapter 1. Getting Started with Elasticsearch Cluster

Welcome to the wonderful world of Elasticsearch—a great full text search and analytics engine. It doesn't matter if you are new to Elasticsearch and full text searches in general, or if you already have some experience in this. We hope that, by reading this book, you'll be able to learn and extend your knowledge of Elasticsearch. As this book is also dedicated to beginners, we decided to start with a short introduction to full text searches in general, and after that, a brief overview of Elasticsearch.

Please remember that Elasticsearch is a rapidly changing of software. Not only are features added, but the Elasticsearch core functionality is also constantly evolving and changing. We try to keep up with these changes, and because of this we are giving you the third edition of the book dedicated to Elasticsearch 2.x.

The first thing we need to do with Elasticsearch is install and configure it. With many applications, you start with the installation and configuration and usually forget the importance of these steps. We will try to guide you through these steps so that it becomes easier to remember. In addition to this, we will show you the simplest way to index and retrieve data without going into too much detail. The first chapter will take you on a quick ride through Elasticsearch and the full text search world. By the end of this chapter, you will have learned the following topics:

  • Full text searching
  • The basics of Apache Lucene
  • Performing text analysis
  • The basic concepts of Elasticsearch
  • Installing and configuring Elasticsearch
  • Using the Elasticsearch REST API to manipulate data
  • Searching using basic URI requests

Full text searching

Back in the days when full text searching was a term known to a small percentage of engineers, most of us used SQL databases to perform search operations. Using SQL databases to search for the data stored in them was okay to some extent. Such a search wasn't fast, especially on large amounts of data. Even now, small applications are usually good with a standard LIKE %phrase% search in a SQL database. However, as we go deeper and deeper, we start to see the limits of such an approach—a lack of scalability, not enough flexibility, and a lack of language analysis. Of course, there are additional modules that extend SQL databases with full text search capabilities, but they are still limited compared to dedicated full text search libraries and search engines such as Elasticsearch. Some of those reasons led to the creation of Apache Lucene (, a library written completely in Java (, which is very fast, light, and provides language analysis for a large number of languages spoken throughout the world.

The Lucene glossary and architecture

Before going into the details of the analysis process, we would like to introduce you to the glossary and overall architecture of Apache Lucene. We decided that this information is crucial for understanding how Elasticsearch works, and even though the book is not about Apache Lucene, knowing the foundation of the Elasticsearch analytics and indexing engine is vital to fully understand how this great search engine works.

The basic concepts of the mentioned library are as follows:

  • Document: This is the main data carrier used during indexing and searching, comprising one or more fields that contain the data we put in and get from Lucene.
  • Field: This a section of the document, which is built of two parts: the name and the value.
  • Term: This is a unit of search representing a word from the text.
  • Token: This is an occurrence of a term in the text of the field. It consists of the term text, start and end offsets, and a type.

Apache Lucene writes all the information to a structure called the inverted index. It is a data structure that maps the terms in the index to the documents and not the other way around as a relational database does in its tables. You can think of an inverted index as a data structure where data is term-oriented rather than document-oriented. Let's see how a simple inverted index will look. For example, let's assume that we have documents with only a single field called title to be indexed, and the values of that field are as follows:

  • Elasticsearch Server (document 1)
  • Mastering Elasticsearch Second Edition (document 2)
  • Apache Solr Cookbook Third Edition (document 3)

A very simplified visualization of the Lucene inverted index could look as follows:

The Lucene glossary and architecture

Each term points to the number of documents it is present in. For example, the term edition is present twice in the second and third documents. Such a structure allows for very efficient and fast search operations in term-based queries (but not exclusively). Because the occurrences of the term are connected to the terms themselves, Lucene can use information about the term occurrences to perform fast and precise scoring information by giving each document a value that represents how well each of the returned documents matched the query.

Of course, the actual index created by Lucene is much more complicated and advanced because of additional files that include information such as term vectors (per document inverted index), doc values (column oriented field information), stored fields ( the original and not the analyzed value of the field), and so on. However, all you need to know for now is how the data is organized and not what exactly is stored.

Each index is divided into multiple write-once and read-many-time structures called segments. Each segment is a miniature Apache Lucene index on its own. When indexing, after a single segment is written to the disk it can't be updated, or we should rather say it can't be fully updated; documents can't be removed from it, they can only be marked as deleted in a separate file. The reason that Lucene doesn't allow segments to be updated is the nature of the inverted index. After the fields are analyzed and put into the inverted index, there is no easy way of building the original document structure. When deleting, Lucene would have to delete the information from the segment, which translates to updating all the information within the inverted index itself.

Because of the fact that segments are write-once structures Lucene is able to merge segments together in a process called segment merging. During indexing, if Lucene thinks that there are too many segments falling into the same criterion, a new and bigger segment will be created—one that will have data from the other segments. During that process, Lucene will try to remove deleted data and get back the space needed to hold information about those documents. Segment merging is a demanding operation both in terms of the I/O and CPU. What we have to remember for now is that searching with one large segment is faster than searching with multiple smaller ones holding the same data. That's because, in general, searching translates to just matching the query terms to the ones that are indexed. You can imagine how searching through multiple small segments and merging those results will be slower than having a single segment preparing the results.

Input data analysis

The transformation of a document that comes to Lucene and is processed and put into the inverted index format is called indexation. One of the things Lucene has to do during this is data analysis. You may want some of your fields to be processed by a language analyzer so that words such as car and cars are treated as the same be your index. On the other hand, you may want other fields to be divided only on the white space character or be only lowercased.

Analysis is done by the analyzer, which is built of a tokenizer and zero or more token filters, and it can also have zero or more character mappers.

A tokenizer in Lucene is used to split the text into tokens, which are basically the terms with additional information such as its position in the original text and its length. The results of the tokenizer's work is called a token stream, where the tokens are put one by one and are ready to be processed by the filters.

Apart from the tokenizer, the Lucene analyzer is built of zero or more token filters that are used to process tokens in the token stream. Some examples of filters are as follows:

  • Lowercase filter: Makes all the tokens lowercased
  • Synonyms filter: Changes one token to another on the basis of synonym rules
  • Language stemming filters: Responsible for reducing tokens (actually, the text part that they provide) into their root or base forms called the stem (

Filters are processed one after another, so we have almost unlimited analytical possibilities with the addition of multiple filters, one after another.

Finally, the character mappers operate on non-analyzed text—they are used before the tokenizer. Therefore, we can easily remove HTML tags from whole parts of text without worrying about tokenization.

Indexing and querying

You may wonder how all the information we've described so far affects indexing and querying when using Lucene and all the software that is built on top of it. During indexing, Lucene will use an analyzer of your choice to process the contents of your document; of course, different analyzers can be used for different fields, so the name field of your document can be analyzed differently compared to the summary field. For example, the name field may only be tokenized on whitespaces and lowercased, so that exact matches are done and the summary field is stemmed in addition to that. We can also decide to not analyze the fields at all—we have full control over the analysis process.

During a query, your query text can be analyzed as well. However, you can also choose not to analyze your queries. This is crucial to remember because some Elasticsearch queries are analyzed and some are not. For example, prefix and term queries are not analyzed, and match queries are analyzed (we will get to that in Chapter 3, Searching Your Data). Having queries that are analyzed and not analyzed is very useful; sometimes, you may want to query a field that is not analyzed, while sometimes you may want to have a full text search analysis. For example, if we search for the LightRed term and the query is being analyzed by the standard analyzer, then the terms that would be searched are light and red. If we use a query type that has not been analyzed, then we will explicitly search for the LightRed term. We may not want to analyze the content of the query if we are only interested in exact matches.

What you should remember about indexing and querying analysis is that the index should match the query term. If they don't match, Lucene won't return the desired documents. For example, if you use stemming and lowercasing during indexing, you need to ensure that the terms in the query are also lowercased and stemmed, or your queries won't return any results at all. For example, let's get back to our LightRed term that we analyzed during indexing; we have it as two terms in the index: light and red. If we run a LightRed query against that data and don't analyze it, we won't get the document in the results—the query term does not match the indexed terms. It is important to keep the token filters in the same order during indexing and query time analysis so that the terms resulting from such an analysis are the same.

Scoring and query relevance

There is one additional thing that we only mentioned once till now—scoring. What is the score of a document? The score is a result of a scoring formula that describes how well the document matches the query. By default, Apache Lucene uses the TF/IDF (term frequency/inverse document frequency) scoring mechanism, which is an algorithm that calculates how relevant the document is in the context of our query. Of course, it is not the only algorithm available, and we will mention other algorithms in the Mappings configuration section of Chapter 2, Indexing Your Data.


If you want to read more about the Apache Lucene TF/IDF scoring formula, please visit Apache Lucene Javadocs for the TFIDF. The similarity class is available at

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