American Innovation and Production Ecosystems

It is hard to create a general analysis of American clusters due to the number, diversity and complexity of the structures involved. However, the level of differences observed also encourages researchers to take a more abstract approach, with the aim of highlighting a certain number of characteristics that are common to the most dynamic clusters. A study carried out by Alcimed for the French Direction Générale des Entreprises [ALC 08] involved the selection of 74 clusters, sorted into groups according to eight different themes: biological/healthcare technologies, chemistry and materials, transport, ICT, energy and the environment, food and agriculture, nanotechnologies, and advanced manufacturing processes. The study offers the following definition of a cluster:

“The concentration, in a given geographical area, of a group of innovative and interconnected actors (industrial businesses, research organizations, higher education establishments and valorization structures) operating in a common domain. These actors have a shared vision of the dynamics of growth and development and take a partnership-based approach to knowledge transfer in order to promote innovation, generating competitive advantages” [ALC 08, p. 16].

Nevertheless, the authors specify that while their report highlights certain shared characteristics, this does not imply the existence of a “typical” American cluster. The examples of Silicon Valley and of Route 128, in Boston, have participated in the creation of a myth of the American cluster; however, the creation and development of these ecosystems corresponded, first and foremost, to the needs of a clearly specified and highly defined local environment (organized around a local resource and a project leader and viewed independently of any globalized context).

Our discussion in this chapter will focus on two points. First, we shall note the main characteristics of the organization and operation of innovation and production ecosystems in the US, along the lines laid out in the Alcimed study. Second, we shall consider the case of a particularly illustrative set of clusters, those involved in biotechnologies.

3.1. Characteristics of American innovation and production ecosystems

We shall begin by analyzing two essential aspects: the mobilization of actors in the interests of innovation and the bases which underpin this process (spinoffs, human capital and funding).

3.1.1. An environment which fosters innovation

The first element highlighted by research in this subject is that clusters do not form part of a centralized industrial policy. They form and develop via the densification of a local industrial fabric, based on entrepreneurial initiatives, groupings of companies or industrial networks. The pivots of these forms of organization, as discussed in Chapter 1, are either large groups in close collaboration with a number of smaller companies or cells produced through the close interweaving of a network of neighboring small businesses. In some cases, they may be the product of a local environment (agricultural or industrial) and/or of public support, linked to the presence of a university, research centers or government agencies.

In this context, entrepreneurial actions, policies and strategies adopted by companies play a key role in the creation and development of clusters, more than public/private partnerships. American ecosystems represent an efficient mode of organization for industrial activity (in the broadest sense of the term) but the creation of an industrial cluster is a means to an end and not an end in its own right [FEL 14a]. Spotting an opportunity before others is, for the author, at the very heart of the notion of an entrepreneurial advantage. This creates a change in perspective which is particularly significant in American works on the subject: instead of considering pre-existing clusters and the benefits which companies may derive from their localization, writers have taken the way in which company initiatives transform their host territories as a starting point. This transformation has an effect on different institutions and organizations (see below) and on the composition of industrial networks. American clusters are often constructed on the basis of entrepreneurial behaviors.

Entrepreneurial initiatives can also be observed in the cluster extension phase. Companies joining the cluster benefit from both economic and non-financial benefits in the form of knowledge transmitted by the firms already present in the cluster. This “intangible” benefit is hard to evaluate but its existence is undeniable. In this context, Feldman notes that companies may choose to behave in one of two ways: opportunistically, aiming to draw maximum benefit from their localization as quickly as possible, or by investing in the creation of resources and the reinforcement of institutions in order to derive long-term advantages from their geographic location. American clusters “develop following an endogenous logic (local spillovers, spinoffs and the accumulation of human and social capital), triggering processes of self-reinforcement and self-development, but equally involve exogenous aspects, obtaining increased visibility via the development of partnerships and key contracts” [ALC 08]. The primary purpose of these ecosystems, according to the report’s authors, is to contribute to local economic development, the creation of value and of jobs.

The actors in these clusters profit from the action of public and private structures which, via their support and initiatives, contribute to the self-reinforcement process mentioned above. Building on the industrial fabric, they play a role as “growth catalysts, supporters and accelerators for high-tech companies, in concertation, and in interface management. They enable structuring and formalization of the network” [ALC 08, p. 39]. The most widely cited organizations include government agencies, economic development agencies at local or regional levels, innovation-support organizations and councils. These organizations are heavily involved in cluster development, providing a certain number of more or less specialized and essential services. Those which deal with innovation problems (cf the presentation of CONNECT at the end of this chapter) contribute to the creation and growth of high-tech companies and to the commercialization of new products and recent technologies. Note also that American clusters are not subject to any form of certification as their governance is not covered by any recognized entity at state or federal level.

3.1.2. Solid foundations

The Alcimed study for the DGE highlights certain key aspects of American clusters.

First, innovation is seen to justify the existence and exploitation of clusters. Innovation is not limited to the creation of new elements but also covers their commercial application. The network effect means that the various components involved must be articulated in an efficient manner and the established connections must allow knowledge exchanges. This knowledge often originates in universities and research centers and the image of the researcher-entrepreneur is a prestigious one. The creation of new companies as a result of this contributes to the development of clusters. The pattern is further strengthened by spinoff dynamics; from this perspective, many American clusters have evolved along similar lines. In creating new businesses, former employees of major established groups extend existing product chains relating to a specific technology or create new offshoots.

Why then is this process so intense and what is it that former employees have learned which allows them to create new spinoffs? In American culture, the creation of new products or services is at the very heart of entrepreneurial behavior. However, while innovation involves novelty, this novelty does not, in and of itself, constitute innovation. Novelty is important in relation to existing products and services and consequently in relation to certain usages. However, the means of improving existing objects and practices are increasingly dependent on the possibility of exploiting accumulating knowledge and of combining fragmented or dispersed knowledge. Learning refers principally to tacit knowledge which is hard to obtain without prior experience. Firms created as spinoffs draw on established companies which already possess a large part of the knowledge required to organize their production activities. This does not imply that firms entering a cluster through diversification within a similar technological domain or as spinoffs are ipso facto competent. Skills obtained from established companies are a necessary but not sufficient condition [KLE 11]. Studies carried out by this author simply indicate that the most skilled companies produce more successful spinoffs. The success rate (longer lifespan, larger size at the time of creation, etc.) is higher than that found in spinoffs outside of clusters or for startups in the same region. By densifying the fabric of businesses, the creation of spinoffs within the clusters studied by Klepper enabled these clusters to progressively appropriate an increasing portion of activity within an industry.

Clearly, this process does not necessarily apply to all activities. In sectors which already present high levels of geographical concentration (radio, TV, etc.) in large cities, a shift toward geographical de-concentration has been observed following the departure of most producers from these cities (due to reorganization problems, real estate prices, etc.). In this context, spinoffs have mostly attenuated the de-concentration movement. In contrast, they have amplified the movement toward concentration in the automobile and semiconductor industries. Finally, note that established companies only rarely sponsor spinoff operations, fearing competition from incoming firms. This justifies the action of public authorities and, more generally, of organizations which provide specialized services to facilitate the creation of new companies and the passage of growth thresholds.

The second axis at work in the polarization of American clusters relates to human capital. The skills required are of a technical or technological nature and also cover notions of implication (referred to as political citizenship), voluntary participation and managerial capacities. The cited study summarizes the essential factors as follows [ALC 08, p. 49]:

  • “– the identification of reservoirs of skills relating to technological developments and to future needs;
  • – the provision of education and the creation of awareness of technological change from an early age;
  • – broad-based actions for requalifying the labor force, initiated at federal or state level;
  • – a strong willingness to both attract the best personnel, but also to retain them within the territory in question”.

In addition to these vertical actions, the creation of social networks centering on scientific, technical and managerial knowledge should also be taken into account. In regions structured by clusters, social networks are the main source of new knowledge for companies. The diffusion of knowledge results from a high level of mobility in the labor force. For example, experienced managers may abandon prestigious careers in order to work in lucrative but high-risk startups; this requires the existence of a solid and efficiently organized web of social connections. Once a social network has been established, it reduces the risks taken by qualified personnel in joining these companies or in leaving them in case of difficulties. Social networks which create connections between qualified personnel should be considered as institutions in their own right and this institutional infrastructure forms the basis for the development of certain technological clusters in the USA.

The third pathway for polarization relates to investor funding. This notion covers five aspects: providing continuity in funding for innovation, attracting venture capital funding cells and “business angels” to facilitate face-to-face contact between funders and investors, and promoting the implication of companies, notably in the earliest stages of technological development. It also relates to actions taken by public authorities to ensure the continuity of funding and to compensate for the insufficiencies of private funding sources, alongside the fact that clusters must be sufficiently attractive to attract new investors on a regular basis. Reference is also made to the possibility of breaks in the funding chain. According to the “valley of death” representation (see Chapter 1), when private investors do not maintain strong connections with public laboratories they may lack expertise, both in scientific and commercial terms, when deciding to fund projects at an intermediate stage of development; their expertise and R&D investment efforts also tend to be concentrated in the later stages of the innovation process.

The analysis of American clusters thus provides us with the following information:

Public policies relate, essentially, to the support of the development of clusters. A cluster cannot be created from nothing; it must be allowed to germinate from an entrepreneurial initiative. However, when firms choose to put down roots within an ecosystem, they do so in anticipation of economic – and not financial – gains which they aim to internalize while increasing these benefits for companies already established in the area. This final aspect is not taken into consideration in localization decisions. The social benefits thus outweigh private yields. This is the main benefit of clusters, one which “may justify proactive policies” [KLE 11, p. 141]. In certain clusters, this is manifested in the involvement of public authorities in connection with key themes. Government agencies intervene in the domain of life sciences and healthcare via the NIH, for example, or in the field of advanced manufacturing procedures through the NIST. The public/private articulation is thus essential in understanding the operation of the most innovative clusters. “Dynamic clusters demonstrate high levels of interaction between businesses, public authorities, local organizations and investors in collaboratively establishing different support policies and in ensuring rapid adaptation” [ALC 08, p. 67].

The second finding is that companies are not motivated by short-term profit maximization and that the relational aspect has a strong influence on ecosystem dynamics (see Chapter 1). In a similar vein, we see that company strategies have significant consequences on the performance dynamics of certain geographic locations. This does not mean that clusters can be classified by performance. The cluster effect is hard to measure, partly due to issues of endogeneity relating to the creation of resources and company growth (a classic chicken-and-egg problem) and partly due to the difficulty of establishing proven connections between location and performance (do companies which form part of a cluster not, by definition, perform better than others?).

Our third finding relates to the analysis proposed by Porter, in which a large part of company strategy boils down to actions in favor of competition. The “strategic desire” of companies is to activate localized competition in order to foster sustained innovation efforts [FEL 14a]. As the author suggests, this strategy might be defined as “…the pattern for decisions that … defines the kind of economic and human organization it is or intends to be and the nature of the economic and non-economic contributions it intends to make to its shareholders, employees, customers and communities” [AND 99, p. 52]. The spectrum of behaviors to take into account is thus extended, notably covering communities, in the form of innovation and production ecosystems or clusters.

Finally, the analysis of American clusters highlights both the essential role of entrepreneurial behaviors and the viability of these forms of organization, characterized by renewed creation of productive resources and products, efficient institutions, a climate of openness and risk tolerance, the acceptance of diversity, and confidence in the generation of mutual benefits for both public and private actors.

3.2. Biotechnology clusters

These clusters first emerged in the second half of the 1970s in the USA [CAS 03, FEL 06, CAS 08, CAS 09, etc.]. The central position of California in this development is illustrated by the numbers of bio-therapeutic firms located in two main locations: San Francisco and San Diego; a third set of companies emerged in Boston. The dynamism of these areas has continued to increase over time. In the late 2000s, the average company size in these three clusters was around 130 employees, compared with an average of 30 employees for similar companies in Germany and the UK during the same period. Further proof of this dynamism is found in the sheer number of companies devoted to this activity, with an average of 70 firms for each European company, compared with 200 for the American clusters in San Francisco and Boston.

Casper established a comparison of biotechnology clusters in Great Britain, Germany and San Diego based on six different variables (Table 3.1).

Table 3.1. Comparison of biotechnology clusters (Great Britain, Germany and San Diego)

(source: [CAS 08, p. 4])

Number of companies Venture capital Number of firms on stock market Number of commercialized products Number of products in phase III Number of employees
GB: 346 Germany: 275 San Diego: 86 GB: $390m Germany: $195m San Diego: $567m GB: 43 Germany: 48 San Diego: 48 GB: 27 Germany: 1 San Diego: 27 GB: 30 Germany: 9 San Diego: 27 GB: 22,000 Germany: 11,000 San Diego: 30,000

Surprisingly, the San Diego cluster, which benefits from the greatest amount of venture capital, is on a par with the others in terms of the number of companies present on the stock market and the number of commercialized products, and has more employees. Note that the comparisons for all six criteria relate to a single US cluster but to all of the clusters present in Great Britain and Germany. The same author also established a comparison in the early 2000s between all British clusters and the cluster established in Boston. Spending on fundamental research was roughly equal in both areas, at around $1.5 billion. However, the Boston cluster displayed far higher rates of transformation of concepts into commercial applications. This is illustrated by the number of companies on the stock market (58 for Boston, 40 for Britain), the number of products in phase III of development (51 vs. 13), and the size of the cluster, measured in terms of workforce (32,000 vs. 20,000). These statistics highlight the dynamics of the American cluster in terms of growth and the attainment of a critical mass.

The growth trajectories of the San Francisco and San Diego clusters have been analyzed in some detail, despite the slower start displayed in the latter case, due to the more limited quantity of productive resources available, notably in terms of funding. Both trajectories are shown in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2. Companies in the San Francisco (SF) and San Diego (SD) clusters in 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2005

(source: [CAS 09, p.37])

Year Number of firms Incoming Leaving Floated (IPOs)
1980 7/2 2/0 0/0 1/0
1990 49/47 6/2 2/3 0/1
2000 142/142 11/26 9/3 13/10
2005 149/142 2/4 4/9 2/4
Total 149/142 208/207 63/73 68/68

For the author, these statistics indicate that, at the end of the study period, the two clusters had reached comparable size, both demonstrating vigorous growth trajectories. The two clusters produced almost the same number of companies (208 and 207 respectively), and the same number of listed firms (68). Over the same period, the Los Angeles cluster created merely 32 biotechnology companies, only one of which, Amgen, was floated on the stock market.

Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the growth of these three clusters in relation to other US clusters (Albuquerque, Dallas, etc.). The argument that earlier entry into the biotechnology market, presumed to promote agglomeration effects, does not withstand close consideration of dated trajectories for these ecosystems. In this context, the different growth trajectories are explained by the role of internal dynamics, showing that a single industry may develop rapidly in certain locations while remaining stable or diminishing at other sites, as in the case of Atlanta [FEL 06].

These remarks support the proposal we made at the start of Chapter 1. While the national innovation system has a role to play through institutions, universities, public funding policies and the regulation of scientific commercialization (via the Bayh-Dole Act) and through the infrastructures set in place to accelerate commercial development (such as technology parks), it is not, on its own, sufficient to explain the growth dynamics of different clusters. Knowledge production and the emergence of new activities within this sector are dependent on deregulated labor markets, high levels of mobility of skilled labor between companies, substantial compensation for investors and entrepreneurs, highly qualified resource networks and an open capital market offering easy access to venture capital.

Going further, the presence of certain actors is only one of the necessary conditions for cluster growth. As Casper notes [CAS 08], there are far more world-class universities than high-performance clusters in the US. The decisive aspect lies in the interactions between different actors, all motivated by a logic of market access, along the full length of the chain linking fundamental research to the creation of new companies (start-ups or spinoffs), by creating competition between universities, laboratories and research centers, products, processes and organizations, and by supplying the resources needed to fund innovation through the existence of sophisticated financial markets.

“Finally, the life sciences innovation system is characterized by intense competition on the basis of innovation. While price competition in the product market for biopharmaceuticals is relatively muted (at least until generic entry occurs after patent expiration), competition between researchers, institutions, and firms is focused on discovery, innovation, and the commercialization of new technologies. Individual scientific research teams compete with each other for scientific “kudos”; universities compete with each other to attract faculty, students, and resources; biotechnology firms compete with each other to attract scientists, venture capital, and commercialization partners; and product market competition is, by and large, oriented around quality and innovation rather than cost. In other words, despite FDA regulation and the presence of strong patents, competition within the life sciences innovation system is pervasive and operates at multiple levels and at different stages of the product development process” [COC 09, p. 119].

The intensity with which this logic is displayed and diffused, based on the development of social structures favorable to innovation, means that practices (managerial or in terms of organizing social networks) cannot be easily transferred from one cluster to another, even within the same activity. Furthermore, forms of specialization tend to become accentuated, hindering the diffusion of good practice. In other terms, the dominant trend is toward differentiation rather than homogenization.

In his 2008 work, Casper highlights three characteristic features which conditioned the success of the Californian clusters in question: the network effect, the heterogeneity of actors and market orientation.

3.2.1. The network effect

This effect can be analyzed on the basis of an observation. The three high-performance clusters all display robust social connections between scientists, funders and managers. The idea that cluster growth is related to the density and quality of social connections has been put forward by a number of authors, notably Saxenian [SAX 94]. For this author, the success of Silicon Valley is due to the development of a decentered social structure, fostering the creation of informal connections between scientists, engineers and managers in the region. Furthermore, high levels of mobility in the labor force contribute to the creation of high-density social networks, creating links between employees in different firms in the area. The study carried out in 2009 [CAS 09] analyzed social networks, mapping the career trajectories of senior managers and highlighting the intensity of these relationships in the San Francisco and San Diego structures; it established a connection between looser social connections among managers and scientists and the limited growth of the Los Angeles cluster1. A partial consideration of social connections (excluding relationships formed through professional associations or informal networking) provides a solid explanation for the growth of clusters in California and for their different trajectories. In contrast, biotechnology clusters in Europe, notably in Cambridge (UK) and at certain sites in Germany, are “smaller and less dense” in terms of the extent and density of connections, with more limited mobility of qualified labor over the course of individual careers. In this context, the effects of geography are less important than the implantation of qualified personnel within a community of social relationships (see Chapter 1). Individuals possess an intellectual capital made up of scientific, technological and managerial knowledge, and make use of professional networks to increase their mobility between companies at a single location. The extent and density of social networks for the San Francisco and San Diego clusters are shown in Table 3.3.

Both clusters can be seen to have employed a significant number of senior managers: at the end of the study period, 2096 senior managers (1,229 + 867) were in activity across the two locations. The density of the network is measured in terms of the size of the largest group of individuals connected by affiliation networks. The level of connectivity observed was 80% in the 1990s and in excess of 90% between 2000 and 2005 (over 1,000 in San Francisco and more than 800 in San Diego). Based on a calculation of the mean pathway length between these individuals, Casper considered that, in 2005, a senior manager in San Francisco would be able to contact any of the 1,120 other individuals in the network thanks to the density of these connections.

Table 3.3. Extent and density of social networks in San Francisco (SF) and San Diego (SD) in 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2005

(source: [CAS 09, p.38])

Year Number of individuals in senior manager networks Largest group of connected individuals Percentage represented by this group
Clusters SF SD SF SD SF SD
1980 41 7 12 4 29.3% 57.1%
1990 312 165 248 135 79.5% 81.8%
2000 1,004 624 944 559 94% 89.6%
2005 1,229 867 1,121 824 91.2% 95%

Two mechanisms may be seen to explain the development of a “self-organizing” social structure and the growth of companies within a cluster. First, the social connections developed between scientists, engineers and managers enable the diffusion of knowledge between companies. “In particular, embeddedness within a decentralized social structure may provide a competitive advantage for technology-intensive firms in market segments in which technological volatility is high” [CAS 09, p. 5]. In the case of the biotechnology industry, informal connections between companies may provide technological intelligence and increased understanding of markets, assisting informed decision-making with regard to technological choices. Along the same lines, companies are able to react to market changes more rapidly than their competitors.

Second, social structures of this type may assist companies in recruiting highly qualified personnel. The success of startups in this area is partially dependent on their capacity to persuade experienced managers and qualified employees to quit existing, well-paid and often secure positions in established companies or universities, in order to join the new organization. The decision to work for a startup in a cluster, within which social networks exist and promote mobility, becomes a rational option; in a way, the mobility of the labor force creates guarantees of employment.

One form of social organization which has been particularly well analyzed is that of the networks of social founders who form the “backbone” of biotechnology clusters. Authors have highlighted the role of “serial founders” in the ecosystems in question, as shown in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4. The importance of founders in the San Diego and San Francisco clusters

(source: [CAS 08, p. 21])

San Diego San Francisco
Serial founders 45 123
Total founders 179 269

From this table, we see that 46% (123/269) of founders in San Francisco are serial founders, compared with 25% in San Diego. The total number of founders is highest in San Francisco, with some creating multiple businesses; 69, that is, 26%, created at least 2 companies, with 11 individuals creating 5 or more firms. The significant percentage of founders with prior experience in the industry in question may thus be seen to have a strong impact on cluster growth. During a first wave of movement, accumulated experience in the bio-pharmaceutical sector played an important role in the history of the San Diego cluster, when a number of employees left Hybritech after its sale to Eli Lilly in 1986. This seminal case led to the definition of a “general model” of behavior, diffused throughout the industry as a whole.

A second wave of movement has resulted in revised views of the “organizational legacy” [FEL 06]2. Founders with prior experience in the pharmaceutical industry contributed to the spinoff process, leaving their companies to found biotechnology firms. More generally, within clusters, anchor companies can be seen to play a crucial role in promoting the creation of new companies. For example, 25 experienced managers (16% of the total) left Genentech to create 22 different biotechnology firms and four senior managers left Amgen to create three other companies.

3.2.2. High growth rates in clusters with heterogeneous populations

The three clusters in question involve individuals and organizations with a wide range of skills and experiences. In the first chapter, we stressed the importance of social capital in the cluster institutionalization process. When the process reaches a stable state, the cluster becomes sustainable and the location benefits from increased vitality. This means that both the intensity of interactions between actors and the legitimacy of the site increase, leading to higher levels of intensity in innovation. Social capital is a form of knowledge which takes a relational form, rather than being a personal attribute. It is created through human interactions and is shared by several individuals, forming a basis for action. Its properties make it comparable to a public good, insofar as it cannot be appropriated by a private entity.

However, the results of social capital are hard to evaluate; they cannot be strictly quantitative, as “capital suggests the existence of an asset while the qualifier social suggests that benefits accrue to being connected to a network or community” [FEL 14, p. 15]. The social interactions which this asset enables create confidence, limit moral risk in contractual activities, and reduce transaction costs.

Compared with individuals, incidences of social capital mean that those who form part of social networks benefit from higher yield on their ideas and investments. Their mobility between companies is based on, and reinforces, a network of belonging. This same movement fosters knowledge transfer. More generally, social capital forms the basis for the formation of communities which are essential for the appropriation of emerging technologies. These communities strengthen the learning process and contribute to assessments of the potential of technologies, creating forms of consensus. Technology development pathways evolve progressively, shared languages emerge and meanings are created, strengthening interactions and information exchanges which favor the commercialization of new products.

Non-commercial actors (universities, hospitals, research centers, etc.) play an active role alongside their commercial counterparts in this process of legitimizing localizations and recognizing innovative products.

3.2.3. Clusters and the development of market effects

The existence of a dynamic labor market, notably for scientists and managers with prior industrial experience, conditions both the creation and growth of new companies. Grass-roots investments earlier in the process, intended to increase the skill level of the labor force, do not imply that priority will be given to local actors. Labor markets, corresponding to different levels of qualification, are activated by significant levels of arrivals and departures (Casper also notes that the labor market for experienced managers in Germany is more sluggish). Companies implement policies which are designed to attract, and where possible to retain, human resources from further afield. These resources then circulate within ecosystems. In the San Francisco cluster, for example, 58% of movements observed between 1976 and 2005 by individuals leaving a biotechnology company were toward a different field of activity. These movements may benefit biotechnology companies in another region, or companies within the same cluster with a different focus. Of the reported movements, 42% were lateral, toward other biotechnology companies within the cluster.

In contrast, the incoming and outgoing movement of labor in the Los Angeles cluster is much more limited. Taking the example of Amgen, a major player in the biotechnology field, we see that the company has developed a “house culture”, which fosters long-term employment and favors internal promotion policies when vacancies become available. This self-sustaining policy does not contribute to the development of social networks within the cluster.

There are active labor markets for different skill profiles, but the consequences are specific to the three US clusters in the study. Notably, high-profile scientists working in the San Diego cluster in 2005 had backgrounds in biotechnology companies (65%) or the pharmaceutical industry (18%). Academic qualifications do not allow scientists to reach the upper echelons of management. The market effect, as a guiding principle, therefore has a strong influence on company direction.

In the study of biotechnology clusters, Casper noted that 40% of scientists working in their clusters had prior industrial experience, compared with a bare 10% in Germany. Casper and Murray concluded that “German biotechnology firms appear unable to systematically recruit senior scientists from the several large pharmaceutical companies active in the country. While we have not addressed the performance of companies within clusters, our analysis strongly implies that the lack of industry expertise within Munich firms should result in weak performance” [CAS 05, p. 70].

3.3. Conclusion

This analysis of American clusters raises a number of important points.

First, a cluster is an assemblage of skills, organized in a way that prioritizes market action. While academic knowledge produced by world-class universities is essential to cluster emergence and growth, the importance of social networks between commercial actors should not be underestimated. The influence of strong, structured public policies, intended to orchestrate the growth of companies within clusters, is thus attenuated. Cluster vitality may seem to be highly dependent on the spinoff process from the existing companies, fostered by high mobility in the qualified workforce.

Second, three key resources are essential for the appearance and development of new firms:

  • – access to scientific capital, that is, the presence of inventors and high-quality scientific institutions;
  • – access to human capital in the form of a highly qualified labor force, with a high degree of mobility anchored in well-structured social networks;
  • – access to financial capital, which depends on the presence of both venture capitalists and specialized funding bodies.

However, the data concerning the clusters in question clearly show that only a few of these groups have succeeded in attaining the critical mass necessary to become sustainable in the biotech field. The same might be said of the semiconductor industry (Silicon Valley or Route 128 in Boston). Several research projects, using submitted and registered patent data from around twelve clusters linked to the industry, have shown that only Silicon Valley demonstrates both a high level of labor mobility and high innovative capacity, as illustrated by patent filing.

Third, in line with the cited works, we have highlighted the importance of social networks in the operation of biotech clusters. We have not, however, considered the way in which these networks develop: must they emerge slowly and progressively or can appropriate policies be put in place in order to accelerate growth? The “slow and progressive” model is essentially rooted in the spinoff process, with the associated creation of startups, resulting in the creation of social connections. As social connections are extended and become denser, the cluster becomes sustainable and gains in innovative capacity. This movement can only be progressive, as it depends on the number of qualified individuals occupying strategic positions in established companies and on the opportunities which may arise. Furthermore, the movement is only beneficial when the social networks in question are well organized. These considerations led Casper to state that “nascent technology clusters might never reach the critical mass to become sustainable” [CAS 09, p. 10].

The accelerated growth hypothesis relies on the capacity of public policies to trigger social network formation. We know that where these networks exist, they may be exploited by companies to increase their innovative capacity. Public action might contribute to cluster development by assisting in the creation of these connections; for this to be possible, however, the mechanisms involved in producing given results need to be identified. First, there is a need to identify who possesses the intangible actives (know-who) and where they are located (know-where). The development of the San Diego cluster, for example, can be seen to have been strongly affected by Eli Lilly’s failed acquisition of Hybritech, which resulted in a significant movement of highly qualified labor. We thus face problems linked to both endogeneity, as discussed above, and the role of chance in the development of innovation ecosystems.

Finally, the biotech clusters discussed in this work are involved in intense competition, focused on innovation. Competition feeds into the whole value chain, from initial ideas to the commercialization of new products. This leads to the emergence and development of flexible innovation and production ecosystems with a high capacity for adaptation.

This observation sets the American clusters in question apart from other groups with higher levels of specialization and a focus on a single stage of production, such as those encountered in Finland and Israel. This leads us to wonder whether the production fragmentation strategy might have damaging effects on cluster sustainability [BRE 11]. The Helsinki biotech cluster, for example, is highly specialized in the field of diagnoses. Authors have cited the absence of social networks, the lack of managerial experience, low mobility of human capital and the geographic dispersion of companies as factors contributing to the limited development of this cluster. Development is also hindered by the absence of national pharmaceutical companies and the associated market opportunities. Technological specialization would not be a problem in and of itself, if additional human and social factors did not hinder the operation of the cluster by impeding the function of information and knowledge transfer mechanisms.

Meanwhile, in 2007, biotechnology represented 21% of the life sciences sector in Israel, involving 129 companies. The Rehovot cluster is highly specialized in R&D, notably focusing on providing services to start-ups; 90% of the companies involved have premises within a science park. However, this cluster suffers from the lack of sufficient industrial experience in the labor force, notably in development, manufacturing and management. Its focus on R&D is the result of two factors: first, the limited number of companies with the capacity to transmit productive knowledge to new businesses and second, the absence of mature firms, which would contribute to the development of expertise at all stages of the value chain (only four companies – including Teva – have the capacity to manage the whole of the value chain, from R&D to commercialization). In response, biotech companies have developed international relationships, or outsourced certain stages to other countries. Furthermore, social networks in the area are sparse, with a very low level of connectivity. The focus on designing, producing and selling molecules at the proof-of-concept stage is not enough to ensure cluster development, and small companies backed by venture capital generally aim to achieve international recognition with stock market flotation on the Nasdaq. The Rehovot cluster displays clear signs of stagnation.

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