Industrialist and Inventor: Alfred Nobel’s Dynamite Invention

4.1. Introduction

Economists became interested in innovation quite recently; yet for historians, it has been a constant in the history of humanity [CON 11, DAU 62, GIB 94, GIL 78]. No human society survives without innovation. Although Karl Marx wrote in the middle of the 19th Century that capitalism cannot exist without revolutionizing the forces of production, he did not identify an economic actor that favored a systemic process. Joseph Schumpeter, on the contrary, clearly identified the entrepreneur as an economic actor who introduces innovation. Later, the company replaced the entrepreneur [FOR 14], but the innovation process remains difficult to understand because of the plurality of actors (entrepreneur, scientist, worker, user, government). Recent research tends to favor, quite correctly, the idea that innovation is the result of a collective process in which these different actors participate to some degree, in which the distinction between science and technology is erased in favor of a hybridization of knowledge. This idea was notably developed with the work on “open innovation” [CHE 03], where a whole range of actors participated in the realization of inventions long before it was theorized [HIL 00, HIL 16]. What must be stressed is that companies, scientists, and engineers working in companies, universities and research centers are integral parts of an economic system based on planned continuous innovation. A great deal of research clearly shows that many innovations have been born, without being decided or planned. Contrary to this idea, many researchers have been interested in the role of chance and serendipity, such as the invention of dynamite by Alfred Nobel. It has been said that Alfred Nobel invented dynamite by chance. This explanation is, in our view, unfounded, given the financial efforts, and also with regard to the time Alfred Nobel devoted to research to achieve his goal. Moreover, what is chance in a socio-economic system, such as capitalism that is based on competition, where the institutional context has been constructed to meet this requirement?

Our goal is therefore to look back at the historical context surrounding Nobel’s invention of dynamite, and what role that context played. In the 19th Century, the Nobel Company was a hierarchical organization with a laboratory where Alfred Nobel worked regularly, with the support of a limited number of assistants. He was constantly confronted with empirical problems (repeated explosions of his factories, problems with nitroglycerin handling) for which he sought solutions through scientific experimentation.

When he invented dynamite in 1867, Alfred Nobel was already an important and well-known industrialist in the field of explosives. He developed a powerful explosive from nitroglycerin, which was invented in 1847 by the Italian chemist Ascanio Sobrero. His invention of the detonator controlled the nitroglycerin explosion. This was a considerable improvement over the “black powder” used until then, which was invented in the Middle Ages. However, nitroglycerin remained very unstable. To deal with this problem, Alfred Nobel performed multiple experiments to find the substance that allowed him to stabilize nitroglycerin. He was, however, faced with major funding problems, as nitroglycerin was quickly banned in many countries, due to many fatal accidents. Alfred Nobel therefore had no choice but to find a solution.

In the first part of this chapter, we explain how Alfred Nobel invented dynamite. What was the role of chance in this inventive process, which was all in all the result of the culmination of efforts and experiments conducted for several years? In addition to the fact that Alfred Nobel was an experienced chemist with several patent applications already to his credit, he had a strong desire to succeed. He was also under pressure to find the right formula at the risk of being completely ruined because several of his factories had exploded and the banks no longer trusted him. Yet, in many history books on science and technology, the quintessential invention is presented as the archetype of an innovation that would be the product of chance. This seems unjustified given the historical context into which dynamite was inserted. This will lead us in the second part of the chapter to analyze in a more analytical way the process that led Alfred Nobel to invent dynamite, and consequently to focus on the historical context, a period during which industrial capitalism developed in an unprecedented way thanks to the new power of the steam engine and the steel industry, giving rise to new demands and markets. It is also a period marked by strong geopolitical tensions, which are characterized by certain countries’ growing weapon needs, and inevitably explosives. Complex alliances were being built between governments and the industrialists who provided them with the might to support their power.

4.2. Alfred Nobel: the chaotic journey of an obstinate entrepreneur, somewhere between chance and necessity?

4.2.1. The invention of dynamite by Nobel or the archetype of serendipity?

Innovation economists are roughly divided into two groups, on the one hand those who, like Joseph Schumpeter [SCH 35, SCH 79], focus on a particular economic actor, the entrepreneur, who innovates in multiple ways to achieve a monopoly position, and those who follow Karl Marx’s example [MAR 76], who favor a systemic approach, emphasizing mechanisms that condition the behavior of individuals, practically independently of their own will. In the 20th Century, evolutionary economists [NEL 82, FRE 82] tended to favor a systemic analysis. It is not easy to understand what is in the black box of invention [ROS 82] and it is well recognized that technological progress is the result of a process endogenous to the economic system [ART 93]. On the other hand, since the 1970s, industrial economists [GAL 68] have favored the idea that innovation was planned thanks to the financial and human resources invested by firms precisely to innovate. Under these conditions, technological progress is basically programmed in the framework of a close relationship with research centers and universities, generally in close relationship with the governments concerned [CAR 12, ETZ 17]. Innovation also comes from practice [ARR 62] in an institutional context where everything has been anticipated so that it is possible [LAN 10]. Yet for some years now, researchers in the human and social sciences [CAT 14] have been led to emphasize chance to explain the ins and outs of scientific and technological evolution.

The role of chance in the process of scientific and technological discovery has thus been highlighted by “serendipity theory”. This term [ASC 08, GAU 12] was created from the word “Serendib”, the name of the island of Ceylon in 1754 by Horace Walpole, an English writer and contemporary of Voltaire, to designate the fact of finding something that one does not expect.

Until the 1930s [CHA 06], the term “serendipity” remained in the literary field, but the situation changed rapidly. Between 1958 and 2001, the term serendipity appeared in the titles of 57 books, was used 13,000 times in newspapers during the 1990s, and it was found in 636,000 Internet documents in 2001 [NAM 13]. The explanation would reside [MER 04] in the emergence, followed by the development, of the industrial society, marked by an unprecedented expansion of science and technology. This may seem a priori contradictory with the idea that innovation is programmed and whereby many institutions (schools, research centers, universities) have been developed to facilitate the emergence of new scientific and technical knowledge to meet business needs.

As early as the 1940s, one of the pioneers of this evolution for the humanities and social sciences, the American sociologist Robert Merton [MER 65] began to introduce the concept of the “serendipity pattern” that proposed to think beyond the dichotomy between empirical work and scientific work. The proposed idea was to reflect on this relationship between items. This “serendipity pattern” would consist of analyzing the influence of “unanticipated”, “anomalous” and “strategic” data for the development of a theory. Data is unanticipated when, oriented towards the verification of a hypothesis, it leads to an unsuspected observation, which comes from theories foreign to the research in progress. Data is anomalous when it questions or tests a consensus theory or established facts [NAM 13]. Serendipity accounts for “socio-cognitive environments” [MER 04] in the production of knowledge that leads to considering the researcher’s subjectivity and minimizing the impact of the historical context in which the researcher is inserted and which, in one way or another, directs his or her investigations. The emphasis is therefore placed on chance, which makes discovery possible; the most famous example being Archimedes’ famous “Eureka” [GAU 12]. But what lies behind “Eureka”? Scientific progress is achieved through a combination of slow and steady progress with sudden breaks. Researchers prepare their tests, perform them and interpret the results meticulously. Theorists develop their evidence and describe models. They can also have flashes of inspiration, those moments when an unusual measurement or equation of an unexpected kind suddenly acquires meaning. This illumination triggers a new series of long and laborious tasks and the cycle repeats itself. Sometimes these sudden flashes arise directly from the fertile ground prepared by routine, but sometimes a spark or chance occurrence creates an intense instant clarity that can bring about a radical change. Nevertheless, this process marked by errors and unexpected results is part of the work of the researcher who must constantly check their results.

Richard Gaughan [GAU 12] presented, in chronological form, the portrait of about 40 serendipity scientists from antiquity to present day, among whom we count a robot (NASA’s Spirit rover that discovered water on Mars in 2005), four entrepreneurs (including Alfred Nobel), two entrepreneurial researchers including Louis Pasteur (who was more a researcher than an entrepreneur, but he filed patents and founded the Pasteur Institute to develop vaccine production), as well as nine researchers working for large companies (notably DuPont de Nemours). The rest is composed of scientists (numerous Nobel Prize winners). Entrepreneurs, in the strict sense of the term, therefore represent only a tiny fraction of the individuals who invented by chance. The other entrepreneur who shares this prestige with Alfred Nobel is Charles Goodyear who invented the rubber vulcanization process. He too was faced with enormous financial difficulties and had many failures before the completion of his project. All these individuals, according to Richard Gaughan [GAU 12], thus benefited from a combination of circumstances that they had not planned. All were hard workers for whom reputation, even fortune, was at stake. They had to succeed and had mobilized their forces in this direction. For those who were researchers in large companies, the pressure was no less than that of the banker for the entrepreneur.

4.2.2. Alfred Nobel between the company and the laboratory1

Alfred Nobel was born in Stockholm, Sweden in 1833 and died in San Remo, Italy in 1896. The Nobel family is an old Swedish family, descended from Olof Rudbeck (1630–1702), one of the most important Swedish medical scientists of the 17th Century.

Born into a family of industrialists, Alfred Nobel, like many historical entrepreneurs, [BOU 06, BOU 17] was born into the corporate world where he learned the professions of both chemist and entrepreneur. His father Immanuel Nobel was an engineer, entrepreneur and inventor in the explosives industry, who experienced periods of prosperity and intense difficulties, partly due to the chaotic geopolitical context of 19th-Century Europe. His mother, Andriette Ahlsell, came from a large Swedish family. The Nobel family had four sons, Alfred was the third. All (except one who died prematurely in Alfred’s factory explosion) became entrepreneurs.

Weapons production depends largely on political context, such as conflict and war, as well as on the alliances that the industrialist is able to forge with governments to sell their military equipment. Immanuel Nobel did not benefit from a long technical education at the institutional level. He studied between 1822 and 1825 at the Royal Swedish Academy of Agricultural Engineering. During his schooling, he won several design awards and he knew how to combine theory and practice. At the age of 27, he filed patents for three inventions in the weapon industry. He acquired self-taught knowledge in armament, explosives and construction – the three activities on which he founded his businesses. He had many inventions to his credit. He developed torpedoes that were used for the first time during the Crimean War. He went bankrupt several times. When his son Alfred was born, he went bankrupt and the family was in a situation of great poverty. This led him to Russia to set up another company to develop explosives for war, although he first tried to interest the Swedish military authorities in his project – without success. On the contrary, he was well received in Russia by Nicholas I, but the Russian company went bankrupt following the Crimean War (which Russia lost to a coalition composed of the Ottoman Empire, France, the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of Sardinia). The Nobel family returned to Sweden, with a professional life to rebuild.

Immanuel Nobel was a man with a very assertive character; he was always ready to take risks and take up new challenges. It was certainly the difficulties of his father’s business that helped to forge Alfred Nobel’s obstinate and independent character, especially due to the fact that he was confronted on numerous occasions with financial, legal (in terms of intellectual property) and major technical difficulties. Immanuel Nobel was an industrialist who never gave up. Whatever the difficulties he faced, he sought solutions, either by moving from Sweden to Russia, for example, or by inventing new products (particularly in the field of armaments). To ensure stable and important markets, he sought public markets by turning to the governments to convince them of the reliability of its products.

The young Alfred received a rather peculiar education, not so much because he was initially mainly educated at home, but because he acquired a large part of his technical knowledge (particularly in chemistry) at the family’s company. His health was fragile and he could only go to school starting from the age of 8. Then, during his first stay in Saint Petersburg, Russia, he benefited from an education at home (because of the restrictions which Russia placed on foreigners): chemistry, languages, history and literature. He learned easily and showed a great thirst for learning. He also showed a keen interest in the literature (especially Shelley, Byron and the English Romantics), to the great despair of his father who did not encourage him in this direction. In his father’s factory, he was trained as a chemical engineer and proved himself to be a hard worker, like his two beloved brothers, Robert and Ludvig, who were ahead of him in this field. All Nobel children were thus bathed in a particular context where children were both encouraged to undertake and to be creative in the industrial field. In the middle of the 19th Century, when Europe was marked by a strong surge of industrialization, Immanuel Nobel trained his sons so that they could take advantage of the new opportunities that followed [DOC 17]. Rather than examining long theoretical studies, Immanuel Nobel emphasized learning by doing following the course of his own experience. Considering that nothing beats learning by doing and traveling, at 18, Alfred went to the United States to study chemistry for four years. He worked for a short period with the Swedish-born American engineer John Ericsson (locomotive, engine). In 1859, the management of his father’s company was left to his brother Ludvig Nobel (1831–1888), who later founded the Machine-Building Factory Ludvig Nobel and Branobel in Russia and became one of the richest and most powerful men in Russia.

Alfred Nobel, a Lutheran free thinker, also believed in the contributions of science. He studied the positivism of Auguste Comte. He read and commented on many scientists, such as Aristotle, Descartes and Newton. The laboratory was where he experimented with new ideas, and therefore held an important place in his life from a very young age. Alfred conducted chemical experiments in the laboratory of his father’s factory and showed real talent as an inventor ever since he filed his first patent at the age of 24 in 1857 (improvement made to gas meters). After the Crimean War, his father’s company went bankrupt and the family returned to Sweden in 1859. Nobel factories produced weapons and steam engines for the first propeller ships of the Russian army which was defeated. The end of the war was catastrophic for the Nobel family. A new government had taken control in Russia and it no longer needed so many mines, guns and rifles. The Nobel factory had been designed for massive production and had invested heavily to meet military requirements for the Crimean War. The workers were laid off. His father converted his factory by supplying about 20 machines and creating the first steamboat service on the Volga and the Caspian Sea, but he went bankrupt again. His father decided to return to Sweden while his three sons remained in St. Petersburg to run the factory. During this period, Alfred was still involved in mechanical and chemical experiments.

During his early years, Alfred Nobel traveled extensively, which he continued to do throughout his life to manage his subsidiary companies in many business locations around the world. His father did not want to enroll him at university [RUD 97], but instead sent him to the United States, England, France, Italy, Germany, to learn through practice, just like Jean-Baptiste Say’s entrepreneurial father sent him to work in England for two years to learn the English language and management methods of the first world economy of the time [TIR 14]. For three years, he traveled to Germany (where he stayed for two years), France, Italy and North America. Thus, Alfred learned to master many languages perfectly: in addition to his Swedish mother tongue, he spoke Russian, French, English and German.

In 1852, at the age of 19, Alfred Nobel was in Russia with his father’s company, the “Nobel & Son Foundries and Mechanical Workshops”. Still combining travel with technical and scientific training, Alfred was in France in 1850. He stayed in Paris with the French chemist Pelouze (1807–1867) who informed him of the existence of nitroglycerin discovered in 1847 by one of his students, the Italian Ascanio Sobrero (1812–1888). Ascanio Sobrero had the idea of mixing sulfuric acid, nitric acid and glycerin to obtain an “explosive oil”, the famous “piroglicerina”.

In 1846, Ascanio Sobrero therefore played a major role in discovering the explosive properties of nitroglycerin. The main disadvantage of “piroglicerina”, however, was that it was extremely explosive when exposed to thermal and mechanical shock. In 1847, Ascanio Sobrero described his experience to the Royal Academy of Sciences in Turin. He carried out several experiments to understand the value of his invention. He realized that it was both an explosive and a violent poison, but he did not see the use of it. In fact, Alfred Nobel’s biographers stressed that he was disappointed by Alfred Nobel’s use of his invention. Sobrero had the idea to look for therapeutic uses. He thus found a remedy against heart diseases, “trinitrine”. According to de Rudder (1997), Alfred Nobel stole Ascanio Sobrero’s invention by discovering its other applications, but according to Niedercorn [NIE 14], it was Alfred Nobel’s father who, having heard about the destructive power of this explosive, decided with his son (then aged 26) to make this new explosive usable. Finally, according to Fant [FAN 93], Alfred Nobel did not hide Ascanio Sobrero’s role in the invention of nitroglycerin. Whatever Alfred Nobel’s contribution to this invention, the outcome of his inventive process is indisputable. He developed an ignition system using a primer and a small powder charge to control the explosion.

Ascanio Sobrero’s discovery led Alfred Nobel to develop a process to produce nitroglycerin on an industrial scale, but the project involved serious dangers because of the extremely explosive nature of nitroglycerin. Initially, to control the nitroglycerin market, Alfred Nobel filed a patent in all countries to control the market. However, this did not prevent many industrial property disputes, particularly in the United States, where regulations were more flexible than in Europe.

Initially, Alfred Nobel produced nitroglycerin experimentally in his factories for use in explosive mines. For a long time, the results were inconclusive. Explosions were a continual danger and he had experienced significant financial difficulties and had trouble convincing financers to invest in him. In 1861, Alfred Nobel returned to Paris to find financing. There, he met the Pereire brothers, who were the Saint-Simonian bankers. With the support of Napoleon III, Alfred Nobel obtained an advance from the Pereire brothers, which enabled him to build an explosive factory [BEZ 08]. In 1862, Alfred Nobel developed a process for the large-scale manufacture of nitroglycerin [GAU 12]. On September 3, 1864, the Nobel factory in Heleneborg, Sweden (near Stockholm) exploded, killing his younger brother and four factory workers. Other accidents of the same type occurred, to such an extent that governments regulated or even prohibited the manufacture of nitroglycerin. In Sweden [CHA 12], the public authorities refused him permission to rebuild the workshop built 2 years earlier on his family’s property grounds. However, they tolerated the temporary facility that was set up on a barge anchored on a lake outside Stockholm. Due to the fact that nitroglycerin does not explode reliably with the detonators used for gunpowder, Alfred Nobel invented an appropriate method to detonate it; first called an “initiator”, and then known as a “primer” [GAU 12].

Despite (or because of) the explosion at Heleneborg’s factory and the death of his brother, Alfred Nobel continued his research. He discovered the possibility of starting the detonation of nitroglycerin with mercury fulminate. In 1864, he invented the “delay” detonator, which controlled the firing process and was a decisive step towards controlling the explosion. In 1865, he opened the world’s first nitroglycerin manufacturing company in Vinterviken, near Stockholm. However, the product remained very explosive; he still did not manage to control the explosion. After multiple efforts in research and experimentation, financial difficulties and industrial property trials (first in the United States), Alfred Nobel became a powerful and extremely rich industrialist. He was the head of a multinational company. The multiplication of production sites thus led to a kind of international trust that he controlled (he traveled constantly). In 1875, he opened a technical consulting office in Paris for all production units. Then, based in San Remo, he continued his research, particularly on military applications.

4.3. The invention of dynamite: a well-anticipated chance

4.3.1. A favorable economic and institutional context

The description of the various stages of the invention of dynamite by Alfred Nobel clearly shows the role of a combination of favorable technical, industrial (railway construction and major public works in general) and geopolitical (power relations between the major world governments) circumstances [HOB 94]. To invent dynamite, Alfred Nobel performed several experiments before finding the right substance. If the explanation aimed at putting the emphasis on chance is attractive and entirely relevant, it must, however, be extended to take into account other parameters: the historical context in which this invention fell, the history of explosives since the invention of black powder, the intellectual and professional career of Alfred Nobel, and the economic pressure which pushed him to impose himself on a world market where competition is fierce. Finally, it was Alfred Nobel’s own method of work that combined laboratory work and field expertise. The historical context or development of industrial capitalism

Alfred Nobel is a contemporary of the 19th Century, a period marked by major technical and industrial progress in Europe (steam engines, iron and steel, metallurgy, chemistry, etc.), which were all opportunities for business creation [BOU 06, BOU 17]. The first industrial revolution was characterized by a new effervescence in the creation of enterprises and a new perception of what technical progress was likely to bring to the well-being of human societies, as illustrated by Saint-Simonism, which in the early 19th Century favored the idea that the future would be driven by technical and scientific progress and industry, as illustrated by its famous parable. The positivism carried by Auguste Comte also developed, during this period, a system of thought that Alfred Nobel had studied with interest. He also benefited from the financial contribution of the Saint-Simonian bankers, the Pereire brothers, who played a major role in the modernization of French industry during the Second Empire. The invention of dynamite or the long history of explosives

Sobrero’s discovery of the “piroglicerina” is part of a particular historical context, marked by research into explosives because since the “black powder” (or gunpowder), invented around the 9th Century by the Chinese (although it was not used for war or construction, but for shows and fireworks) and brought to Europe around the 12th–13th Centuries (the date is very uncertain and still subject to debate). However, since the Middle Ages, no significant progress had been made in the field of explosives. In Europe, this black powder was reinvented by the German monk Schwarz (1310–1384), during which the first firearms were invented in Europe. He settled in Venice and invented a new method to melt cannons. It was also mentioned that the English alchemist Bacon (1214–1294) may have been at the origin of this reinvention. The debate is therefore not closed.

In 1845, the German chemist Schönbein (1799–1868) invented a new explosive by mixing sulfuric acid and nitric acid on a kitchen stove. This invention seemed to be the result of a vulgar combination of circumstances. Indeed, the bottle in which the liquid was stored broke. Schönbein tried to absorb the liquid with a cotton apron, on contact with which the liquid ignited [RUD 97]. Since acids were not flammable, Schönbein had just discovered “fulmicoton”, also known as nitrocellulose, whose explosive power was four times greater than that of black powder. Industrial production was slow to develop because factories exploded in large numbers, a problem with which Nobel was also confronted many times. Alfred Nobel: a strict apprenticeship as a contractor and chemist

Alfred was the son of an entrepreneur, who himself had extensive experience in explosives and weapons. His father started several businesses and went bankrupt several times. Alfred Nobel benefited from rigorous education and on-the-job learning through practice. Very early, he worked in the family company. His father looked after his education by emphasizing the learning of languages, business techniques and technology (in this case chemistry, which was his father’s favorite field). Immanuel Nobel was disappointed by his son’s penchant for literature and poetry; he sent him to different industrial countries to learn the professions of entrepreneur and chemist. The economic pressure of global competition and technical progress

This second half of the 19th Century was marked by the unprecedented growth of industry, with an increase in the number of industrial enterprises on the one hand, and by the growth in the size of enterprises on the other. It was “monopoly capitalism and big industry during 1870–1914” [DOC 17]. Global competition was dominated by a few large companies that competed, often in concert with governments. This was the case in particular between the French Schneider and the German Krupp, who then shared a large part of the metallurgy and armaments market in Europe [BOU 05]. This globalization mostly benefited the United States, Japan and Europe, mainly Germany [DOC 17].

However, explosives production had not changed much since the Middle Ages. It was still the famous black powder that was used, despite some timid progress made. There was therefore essentially a demand from countries for new weapons, in addition to demand from industry and public works for the construction of railways and canals (Suez, Panama), which formed another market. Countries (Russia, then France, Sweden) and private actors (like Sobrero) constitute autonomous actors who would play to varying degrees an active role in the development of this new technology [LAT 84]. Nobel’s working method: from laboratory to factory and from factory to laboratory

Alfred Nobel was trained in the business world by his father and was introduced to the use of test tubes in his father’s laboratory at a very early age. He performed experiments and thus consolidated the theoretical knowledge which he acquired essentially by learning at home. He filed his first patent at 24 and would go on to file more than 350 during his lifetime [REN 11].

When confronted with a problem (e.g. multiple uncontrollable explosions), he went into the field, studied, observed and analyzed. He continued his investigative work in his laboratory. His job as an entrepreneur-chemist shaped his life (he led a very solitary existence, despite a few exceptions). His mind was constantly occupied with chemistry problems. He woke up in the middle of the night to conduct an experiment. He tested a multitude of substances to find the one that would enable him to manufacture the explosive according to outcome he sought. When the mixture of nitroglycerin and sawdust did not explode, he analyzed it to try to understand what prevented the explosive reaction from happening.

4.3.2. The invention of dynamite: chance and necessity

The invention of dynamite in 1867 and that of gelignite (blasting gelatin) in 1875 by Alfred Nobel are two examples of invention that would be due to chance. In both cases, it was through a combination of circumstances that he found the solution, his objective being to facilitate the use of nitroglycerin by finding a substance to control the explosion. We will analyze Alfred Nobel’s journey through the major stages of his intellectual and professional life. One important fact must be emphasized, namely the important role that practice and experimentation had played during his existence. Alfred Nobel was on the ground when problems arose (explosions in particular). Like Pasteur, whose process that led him to extraordinary scientific results was very finely analyzed by Bruno Latour [LAT 84], he did not hesitate to go into the field when technical problems arose. In his laboratory, Alfred Nobel constantly experimented and verified his experiments, tests, ideas and intuitions. “The laboratory is the scientist’s weapon in battle” [LAT 84, p. 122]. However, according to Louis Pasteur, “Chance favors only the prepared mind”2. Indeed, if a problem arises a priori by chance, it is necessary to be able to face it with all the knowledge necessary to be able to identify what precisely poses a problem, and also to know the chemical or biological process which led to its realization.

In 1866, Alfred Nobel was in the United States to demonstrate the safety of nitroglycerin when properly handled. He learned that an explosion occurred in Germany in his Krümmel factory demonstrating at the same time the great danger of handling nitroglycerin, even when handled by his own trained employees. The highly explosive character of nitroglycerin increased Alfred Nobel’s financial problems, which led him to take on a lot of debt [CHA 12]. He had taken out a loan to finance the exclusive operating license for nitroglycerin, which was very expensive. His then very old father was unable to help him, despite his considerable knowledge in the field of explosives. The risk of bankruptcy was high. However, with the support of a Swedish railway company which was interested in his product, Alfred was granted the right to resume operations, while his process was also utilized in Germany and Norway. On the strength of this success, he continued his research [BEZ 08].

However, new accidents occurred: a ship loaded with dynamite bound for Peru exploded, as well as warehouses in the United States and Australia. Paradoxically, these disasters ensured Alfred Nobel’s notoriety by demonstrating the “effectiveness” of his explosive, indispensable for the development of the railways and the major works linked to them. After a period of resistance from the authorities, dynamite manufacturing companies were created in the United States, Germany, England, France, South Africa, Japan and Canada. Alfred Nobel [CHA 12] conducted several experiments over a period of months to find the right substance. His first idea was to dissolve nitroglycerin in methyl alcohol, but this method was abandoned because if stabilization was well obtained, reuse of the product would prove to be complicated.

The invention of dynamite followed three major stages. First, in his laboratory, Alfred Nobel dropped a bottle of nitroglycerin, which did not explode. The bottle fell into the sawdust that covered the laboratory floor. He picked up the mixture from the ground and tested its explosive power. The detonation was weak, but achievable. He thought he was on the right track. From this event, he worked on this mixture and tried out multiple components: coal, chalk, paper and brick dust. None of these substances were satisfactory because the resulting substances had too little explosive power. But luck again manifested itself in the shipping room where he copied the safety instructions to avoid another tragedy. Important precautions were taken when handling nitroglycerin during transport. No one was now allowed to enter the shipping room without permission. Tin cans containing nitroglycerin were tied in packages, and then carefully stored in large wooden crates lined with “infusorial earth” on the inside [CHA 12, p. 12]. The nitroglycerin vials were transported in crates placed on sawdust. If a vial leaked, the liquid could be absorbed by the sawdust. Alfred Nobel noted that the nitroglycerin mixed with the sawdust remained stable and that it was possible to make it explode using a primer. He then launched a program to identify a neutral absorbent material which, mixed with nitroglycerin, would offer the conditions of control and safety.

This fine, very porous white powder is of fossil origin. It absorbs shocks. However, tin cans are not always waterproof. That was what he noted when he was preparing the expedition. Inside the box, he discovered a kind of porridge made of nitroglycerin escaped from the boxes and a paste called kieselguhr. This paste was easy to mix. Its explosive strength was weaker than that of pure nitroglycerin. This new mixture was an ideal explosive because it could be controlled with a detonator. Alfred Nobel discovered that the land around the Krümmel factory was perfectly suitable. He analyzed it and found that it consisted of diatoms (a form of phytoplankton, tiny algae whose skeletons are made of silica, like beach sand). These algae form a sedimentary rock, kieselguhr. However, this soil was very absorbent, and mixed with nitroglycerin, it produced a thick and manipulable putty without risk and which retained its explosive power. He obtained a much more malleable and much less dangerous explosive mixture which he called “dynamite powder” and which he patented in Sweden, Great Britain and the United States in 1867.

Continuing his experimental work, Alfred Nobel discovered that with only 25% kieselguhr, nitroglycerin became safe to use, needing a detonator to detonate it. In 1875, Alfred Nobel worked to replace the kieselguhr with an inert product offering the same stability but brought more power. He carried out a large number of experiments to find the product in question, and it is still by chance that he discovered the substance he was looking for [NIE, 14]: after injuring his finger, he healed the wound with medicinal collodion. He awoke during the night because of the pain. He realized that he may have found the solution to his problem by incorporating a little of this product with nitroglycerin. At four in the morning, he rushed into his laboratory. When his assistant arrived a few hours later, he presented the formula of the gelignite (blasting gelatin), which would later be called “plastic” because it comes in the form of a soft and malleable paste and can be packaged in the form of a cardboard tube. It is therefore a variety of dynamite whose consistency is close to that of rubber. It is a very powerful explosive, which is much less sensitive to shocks than nitroglycerin and which retains its explosive properties in water. In 1887, he invented “ballistite”, an almost smoke-free powder, which consists of a mixture of nitroglycerin and nitrocellulose with a little camphor.

4.4. Conclusion

If innovation gradually progressed during the first Industrial Revolution, the result of a process planned and organized by firms, the example of the invention of dynamite by Alfred Nobel makes it possible on the one hand to break with Schumpeter’s linear and hierarchical model and on the other hand to clarify the links between serendipity and innovation.

Indeed, if Alfred Nobel did benefit from a combination of circumstances, the story of his innovative momentum reveals that he nevertheless possessed an acute sense of observation, was open to the unexpected, and able to combine observation and experimentation in his laboratory. It follows from the above that innovation cannot be the product of chance alone, but of a “prepared mind”, to use the words of Louis Pasteur. As we have pointed out, Alfred Nobel succeeded in developing dynamite because he possessed and implemented his technical culture. He had industrial experience linked to his family of origin, which means that he knew what explosives are made of. He was also fully aware of the problems associated with its use and, in particular, its explosive nature during handling. With a rational mind and a rich technical culture, nourished by years of industrial practice, he knew that he could find the solution by conducting experiments. It was precisely by seeking the solution to a problem that he was facing that allowed him to find the solution.

4.5. References

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Chapter written by Sophie BOUTILLIER.

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