The docker-compose command

The docker-compose tool provides sophisticated orchestration functionality with a handful of commands. In this section, we will list out the docker-compose options and commands:

docker-compose [<options>] <command> [<args>...]  

The docker-compose tool supports the following options:

  • -f, --file <file>: This specifies an alternate file for docker-compose (default is the docker-compose.yml file)
  • -p, --project-name <name>: This specifies an alternate project name (default is the directory name)
  • --verbose: This shows more output
  • -v, --version: This prints the version and exits
  • -H, --host <host>: This is to specify the daemon socket to connect to
  • -tls, --tlscacert, --tlskey, and --skip-hostname-check: The docker-compose tool also supports these flags for Transport Layer Security (TLS)

The docker-compose tool supports the following commands:

  • build: This command builds or rebuilds services.
  • bundle: This is used to create a Docker bundle from the compose file, this is still an experimental feature on Docker 1.13.
  • config: This is a command to validate and display the compose file.
  • create: This creates the services defined in the compose file.
  • down: This command is used to stop and remove containers and networks.
  • events: This can be used to view the real-time container life cycle events.
  • exec: This enables you to run a command in a running container. It is used predominantly for debugging purposes.
  • kill: This command kills running containers.
  • logs: This displays the output from the containers.
  • pause: This command is used to pause services.
  • port: This prints the public port for a port binding.
  • ps: This lists the containers.
  • pull: This command pulls the images from the repository.
  • push: This command pushes the images to the repository.
  • restart: This is used to restart the services defined in the compose file.
  • rm: This removes the stopped containers.
  • run: This runs a one-off command.
  • scale: This sets a number of containers for a service.
  • start: This command starts services defined in the compose file.
  • stop: This stops services.
  • unpause: This command is used to unpause services.
  • up: This creates and starts containers.
  • version: This prints the version of Docker Compose.
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