Containers for telecom applications

Csaba Rotter and the team have explored and published a survey article with the title, Using Linux Containers in Telecom Applications. Telecom applications exhibit strong performance and high availability requirements; therefore, running them in containers requires additional investigations. A telecom application is a single or multiple node application responsible for a well-defined task. Telecom applications use standardized interfaces to connect to other network elements and implement standardized functions. On top of the standardized functions, a telecom application can have vendor-specific functionality. There is a set of QoS and Quality of Experience (QoE) attributes such as high availability, capacity, and performance/throughput. The paper has clearly laid out the reasons for the unique contributions of containers in having next-generation telecom applications.

Efficient Prototyping of Fault Tolerant Map-Reduce Applications with Docker-Hadoop by Javier Rey and the team advocated that distributed computing is the way forward for compute and data-intensive workloads. There are two major trends. Data becomes big and there are realizations that big data leads to big insights through the leverage of pioneering algorithms, scripts, and parallel languages such as Scala, integrated platforms, new-generation databases, and dynamic IT infrastructures. MapReduce is a parallel programming paradigm currently used to perform computations on massive amounts of data. Docker-Hadoop1 is a virtualization testbed conceived to allow the rapid deployment of a Hadoop cluster. With Docker-Hadoop, it is possible to control the characteristics of the node and run scalability and performance tests that otherwise would require a large computing environment. Docker-Hadoop facilitates simulation and reproduction of different failure scenarios for the validation of an application.

Regarding interactive social media applications, Alin Calinciuc and the team have come out with a research publication titled as OpenStack and Docker: Building a high-performance IaaS platform for interactive social media applications. It is a well-known truth that interactive social media applications face the challenge of efficiently provisioning new resources in order to meet the demands of the growing number of application users. The authors have given the necessary description on how Docker can run as a hypervisor, and how the authors can manage to enable the fast provisioning of computing resources inside of an OpenStack IaaS using the nova-docker plugin that they had developed.

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