Spark 2.0 architecture

The introduction of Apache Spark 2.0 is the recent major release of the Apache Spark project based on the key learnings from the last two years of development of the platform:

Spark 2.0 architecture

Source: Apache Spark 2.0: Faster, Easier, and Smarter

The three overriding themes of the Apache Spark 2.0 release surround performance enhancements (via Tungsten Phase 2), the introduction of structured streaming, and unifying Datasets and DataFrames. We will describe the Datasets as they are part of Spark 2.0 even though they are currently only available in Scala and Java.


Refer to the following presentations by key Spark committers for more information about Apache Spark 2.0:

Reynold Xin's Apache Spark 2.0: Faster, Easier, and Smarter webinar

Michael Armbrust's Structuring Spark: DataFrames, Datasets, and Streaming

Tathagata Das' A Deep Dive into Spark Streaming

Joseph Bradley's Apache Spark MLlib 2.0 Preview: Data Science and Production

Unifying Datasets and DataFrames

In the previous section, we stated out that Datasets (at the time of writing this book) are only available in Scala or Java. However, we are providing the following context to better understand the direction of Spark 2.0.

Datasets were introduced in 2015 as part of the Apache Spark 1.6 release. The goal for datasets was to provide a type-safe, programming interface. This allowed developers to work with semi-structured data (like JSON or key-value pairs) with compile time type safety (that is, production applications can be checked for errors before they run). Part of the reason why Python does not implement a Dataset API is because Python is not a type-safe language.

Just as important, the Datasets API contain high-level domain specific language operations such as sum(), avg(), join(), and group(). This latter trait means that you have the flexibility of traditional Spark RDDs but the code is also easier to express, read, and write. Similar to DataFrames, Datasets can take advantage of Spark's catalyst optimizer by exposing expressions and data fields to a query planner and making use of Tungsten's fast in-memory encoding.

The history of the Spark APIs is denoted in the following diagram noting the progression from RDD to DataFrame to Dataset:

Unifying Datasets and DataFrames

Source: From Webinar Apache Spark 1.5: What is the difference between a DataFrame and a RDD?

The unification of the DataFrame and Dataset APIs has the potential of creating breaking changes to backwards compatibility. This was one of the main reasons Apache Spark 2.0 was a major release (as opposed to a 1.x minor release which would have minimized any breaking changes). As you can see from the following diagram, DataFrame and Dataset both belong to the new Dataset API introduced as part of Apache Spark 2.0:

Unifying Datasets and DataFrames

Source: A Tale of Three Apache Spark APIs: RDDs, DataFrames, and Datasets

As noted previously, the Dataset API provides a type-safe, object-oriented programming interface. Datasets can take advantage of the Catalyst optimizer by exposing expressions and data fields to the query planner and Project Tungsten's Fast In-memory encoding. But with DataFrame and Dataset now unified as part of Apache Spark 2.0, DataFrame is now an alias for the Dataset Untyped API. More specifically:

DataFrame = Dataset[Row]

Introducing SparkSession

In the past, you would potentially work with SparkConf, SparkContext, SQLContext, and HiveContext to execute your various Spark queries for configuration, Spark context, SQL context, and Hive context respectively. The SparkSession is essentially the combination of these contexts including StreamingContext.

For example, instead of writing:

df = 

now you can write:

df ='json').load('py/test/sql/people.json')


df ='py/test/sql/people.json')

The SparkSession is now the entry point for reading data, working with metadata, configuring the session, and managing the cluster resources.

Tungsten phase 2

The fundamental observation of the computer hardware landscape when the project started was that, while there were improvements in price per performance in RAM memory, disk, and (to an extent) network interfaces, the price per performance advancements for CPUs were not the same. Though hardware manufacturers could put more cores in each socket (i.e. improve performance through parallelization), there were no significant improvements in the actual core speed.

Project Tungsten was introduced in 2015 to make significant changes to the Spark engine with the focus on improving performance. The first phase of these improvements focused on the following facets:

  • Memory Management and Binary Processing: Leveraging application semantics to manage memory explicitly and eliminate the overhead of the JVM object model and garbage collection
  • Cache-aware computation: Algorithms and data structures to exploit memory hierarchy
  • Code generation: Using code generation to exploit modern compilers and CPUs

The following diagram is the updated Catalyst engine to denote the inclusion of Datasets. As you see at the right of the diagram (right of the Cost Model), Code Generation is used against the selected physical plans to generate the underlying RDDs:

Tungsten phase 2

Source: Structuring Spark: DataFrames, Datasets, and Streaming

As part of Tungsten Phase 2, there is the push into whole-stage code generation. That is, the Spark engine will now generate the byte code at compile time for the entire Spark stage instead of just for specific jobs or tasks. The primary facets surrounding these improvements include:

  • No virtual function dispatches: This reduces multiple CPU calls that can have a profound impact on performance when dispatching billions of times
  • Intermediate data in memory vs CPU registers: Tungsten Phase 2 places intermediate data into CPU registers. This is an order of magnitude reduction in the number of cycles to obtain data from the CPU registers instead of from memory
  • Loop unrolling and SIMD: Optimize Apache Spark's execution engine to take advantage of modern compilers and CPUs' ability to efficiently compile and execute simple for loops (as opposed to complex function call graphs)

For a more in-depth review of Project Tungsten, please refer to:

Structured Streaming

As quoted by Reynold Xin during Spark Summit East 2016:

"The simplest way to perform streaming analytics is not having to reason about streaming."

This is the underlying foundation for building Structured Streaming. While streaming is powerful, one of the key issues is that streaming can be difficult to build and maintain. While companies such as Uber, Netflix, and Pinterest have Spark Streaming applications running in production, they also have dedicated teams to ensure the systems are highly available.


For a high-level overview of Spark Streaming, please review Spark Streaming: What Is It and Who's Using It?

As implied previously, there are many things that can go wrong when operating Spark Streaming (and any streaming system for that matter) including (but not limited to) late events, partial outputs to the final data source, state recovery on failure, and/or distributed reads/writes:

Structured Streaming

Source: A Deep Dive into Structured Streaming

Therefore, to simplify Spark Streaming, there is now a single API that addresses both batch and streaming within the Apache Spark 2.0 release. More succinctly, the high-level streaming API is now built on top of the Apache Spark SQL Engine. It runs the same queries as you would with Datasets/DataFrames providing you with all the performance and optimization benefits as well as benefits such as event time, windowing, sessions, sources, and sinks.

Continuous applications

Altogether, Apache Spark 2.0 not only unified DataFrames and Datasets but also unified streaming, interactive, and batch queries. This opens a whole new set of use cases including the ability to aggregate data into a stream and then serving it using traditional JDBC/ODBC, to change queries at run time, and/or to build and apply ML models in for many scenario in a variety of latency use cases:

Together, you can now build end-to-end continuous applications, in which you can issue the same queries to batch processing as to real-time data, perform ETL, generate reports, update or track specific data in the stream.


For more information on continuous applications, please refer to Matei Zaharia's blog post Continuous Applications: Evolving Streaming in Apache Spark 2.0 - A foundation for end-to-end real-time applications

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