Putting data to Elasticsearch

Now that we have set up the data to be consumed by a CSV file into Logstash, followed by parsing and processing based on the data type needed, we now need to put the data in Elasticsearch so that we can index the different fields and consume them later via the Kibana interface.

We will use the output plugin of Logstash for an elasticsearch output.

A typical elasticsearch plugin configuration looks like this:

output {

  elasticsearch {

    action =>  # string (optional), default: "index"

    cluster =>  # string (optional)

    host =>  # string (optional)
    document_id =>  # string (optional), default: nil

    index =>  # string (optional), default: "logstash-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
    index_type =>  # string (optional)
    port =>  # string (optional)
    protocol =>  # string, one of ["node", "transport", "http"] (optional)
  • action: This specifies what action to perform on incoming documents. The default is "index" and possible values are "index" or "delete". The "index" value will index a document and "delete" will delete a document based on document ID.
  • cluster: This is the name of the cluster set in elasticsearch.
  • host: This is the hostname or IP address of the elasticsearch.
  • document_id: This is the document ID of the index; it is useful to delete or overwrite the existing entries.
  • index: This is the index name to which the incoming events have to be written. By default, it is indexed based on each day, and named as "logstash-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}".
  • index_type: This specifies the index type to write events to. This is to ensure that you write similar types of events to the same index type.
  • port: This specifies the port to be used for the elasticsearch service.
  • protocol: This specifies the protocol to be used to connect with Elasticsearch. The values are "http", "node", and "transport".

Now, let's take a look at our elasticsearch output configuration:

elasticsearch {
host => "localhost"

We used the default value for index and most of the other settings.

Now, when we have seen how individual plugins are configured, let's take a look at what the overall Logstash configuration looks like:


path =>"/opt/logstash/input/GOOG.csv"
start_position =>"beginning"




columns => 

separator => ","

date {

match => ["date_of_record","yyyy-MM-dd"]


mutate {

convert => ["open","float"]

convert => ["high","float"]

convert => ["low","float"]

convert => ["close","float"]

convert => ["volume","integer"]

convert => ["adj_close","float"]


elasticsearch {

host => "localhost"



We will save this configuration in the Logstash installation folder with the name logstash.conf, and as we saw earlier, we can run Logstash with this configuration using the following command:


Before running Logstash with this configuration, make sure the Elasticsearch is running as per the instructions in the previous chapter.

$ bin/logstash –f logstash.conf

Logstash will start to run with the defined configuration and keep on indexing all incoming events to the elasticsearch indexes. You may see an output similar to this on the console:

May 31, 2015 4:04:54 PM org.elasticsearch.node.internal.InternalNode
INFO: [logstash-4004-9716] started
Logstash startup completed

At this point, we can open the elasticsearch Kopf plugin console to verify whether we have some documents indexed already, and we can also query the documents.

Putting data to Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch Kopf interface

As we can see that there are 129 documents indexed already, we verified that our Logstash configuration worked well.

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