Cost function

Before defining our cost function, we need to define how long we are going to train and how we should define the learning rate:

#Number of training epochs
num_epochs = 700
# Defining our learning rate iterations (decay)
learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(learning_rate=0.0008,

# Defining our cost function - Squared Mean Error
model_cost = tf.nn.l2_loss(activation_output - output_values, name="squared_error_cost")
# Defining our Gradient Descent
model_train = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(model_cost)

Now, it's time to execute our computational graph through the session variable.

So first off, we need to initialize our weights and biases with zeros or random values using tf.initialize_all_variables(). This initialization step will become a node in our computational graph, and when we put the graph into a session, the operation will run and create the variables:

# tensorflow session
sess = tf.Session()

# Initialize our variables.
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

#We also want some additional operations to keep track of our model's efficiency over time. We can do this like so:
# argmax(activation_output, 1) returns the label with the most probability
# argmax(output_values, 1) is the correct label
correct_predictions = tf.equal(tf.argmax(activation_output,1),tf.argmax(output_values,1))

# If every false prediction is 0 and every true prediction is 1, the average returns us the accuracy
model_accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_predictions, "float"))

# Summary op for regression output
activation_summary = tf.summary.histogram("output", activation_output)

# Summary op for accuracy
accuracy_summary = tf.summary.scalar("accuracy", model_accuracy)

# Summary op for cost
cost_summary = tf.summary.scalar("cost", model_cost)

# Summary ops to check how variables weights and biases are updating after each iteration to be visualized in TensorBoard
weight_summary = tf.summary.histogram("weights", weights.eval(session=sess))
bias_summary = tf.summary.histogram("biases", biases.eval(session=sess))

merged = tf.summary.merge([activation_summary, accuracy_summary, cost_summary, weight_summary, bias_summary])
writer = tf.summary.FileWriter("summary_logs", sess.graph)

#Now we can define and run the actual training loop, like this:
# Initialize reporting variables

inital_cost = 0
diff = 1
epoch_vals = []
accuracy_vals = []
costs = []

# Training epochs
for i in range(num_epochs):
if i > 1 and diff < .0001:
print("change in cost %g; convergence."%diff)

# Run training step
step =, feed_dict={input_values: train_input_values, output_values: train_target_values})

# Report some stats evert 10 epochs
if i % 10 == 0:
# Add epoch to epoch_values

# Generate the accuracy stats of the model
train_accuracy, new_cost =[model_accuracy, model_cost], feed_dict={input_values: train_input_values, output_values: train_target_values})

# Add accuracy to live graphing variable

# Add cost to live graphing variable
# Re-assign values for variables
diff = abs(new_cost - inital_cost)
cost = new_cost

print("Training step %d, accuracy %g, cost %g, cost change %g"%(i, train_accuracy, new_cost, diff))
Training step 0, accuracy 0.343434, cost 34.6022, cost change 34.6022
Training step 10, accuracy 0.434343, cost 30.3272, cost change 30.3272
Training step 20, accuracy 0.646465, cost 28.3478, cost change 28.3478
Training step 30, accuracy 0.646465, cost 26.6752, cost change 26.6752
Training step 40, accuracy 0.646465, cost 25.2844, cost change 25.2844
Training step 50, accuracy 0.646465, cost 24.1349, cost change 24.1349
Training step 60, accuracy 0.646465, cost 23.1835, cost change 23.1835
Training step 70, accuracy 0.646465, cost 22.3911, cost change 22.3911
Training step 80, accuracy 0.646465, cost 21.7254, cost change 21.7254
Training step 90, accuracy 0.646465, cost 21.1607, cost change 21.1607
Training step 100, accuracy 0.666667, cost 20.677, cost change 20.677
Training step 110, accuracy 0.666667, cost 20.2583, cost change 20.2583
Training step 120, accuracy 0.666667, cost 19.8927, cost change 19.8927
Training step 130, accuracy 0.666667, cost 19.5705, cost change 19.5705
Training step 140, accuracy 0.666667, cost 19.2842, cost change 19.2842
Training step 150, accuracy 0.666667, cost 19.0278, cost change 19.0278
Training step 160, accuracy 0.676768, cost 18.7966, cost change 18.7966
Training step 170, accuracy 0.69697, cost 18.5867, cost change 18.5867
Training step 180, accuracy 0.69697, cost 18.3951, cost change 18.3951
Training step 190, accuracy 0.717172, cost 18.2191, cost change 18.2191
Training step 200, accuracy 0.717172, cost 18.0567, cost change 18.0567
Training step 210, accuracy 0.737374, cost 17.906, cost change 17.906
Training step 220, accuracy 0.747475, cost 17.7657, cost change 17.7657
Training step 230, accuracy 0.747475, cost 17.6345, cost change 17.6345
Training step 240, accuracy 0.757576, cost 17.5113, cost change 17.5113
Training step 250, accuracy 0.787879, cost 17.3954, cost change 17.3954
Training step 260, accuracy 0.787879, cost 17.2858, cost change 17.2858
Training step 270, accuracy 0.787879, cost 17.182, cost change 17.182
Training step 280, accuracy 0.787879, cost 17.0834, cost change 17.0834
Training step 290, accuracy 0.787879, cost 16.9895, cost change 16.9895
Training step 300, accuracy 0.79798, cost 16.8999, cost change 16.8999
Training step 310, accuracy 0.79798, cost 16.8141, cost change 16.8141
Training step 320, accuracy 0.79798, cost 16.732, cost change 16.732
Training step 330, accuracy 0.79798, cost 16.6531, cost change 16.6531
Training step 340, accuracy 0.808081, cost 16.5772, cost change 16.5772
Training step 350, accuracy 0.818182, cost 16.5041, cost change 16.5041
Training step 360, accuracy 0.838384, cost 16.4336, cost change 16.4336
Training step 370, accuracy 0.838384, cost 16.3655, cost change 16.3655
Training step 380, accuracy 0.838384, cost 16.2997, cost change 16.2997
Training step 390, accuracy 0.838384, cost 16.2359, cost change 16.2359
Training step 400, accuracy 0.848485, cost 16.1741, cost change 16.1741
Training step 410, accuracy 0.848485, cost 16.1141, cost change 16.1141
Training step 420, accuracy 0.848485, cost 16.0558, cost change 16.0558
Training step 430, accuracy 0.858586, cost 15.9991, cost change 15.9991
Training step 440, accuracy 0.858586, cost 15.944, cost change 15.944
Training step 450, accuracy 0.858586, cost 15.8903, cost change 15.8903
Training step 460, accuracy 0.868687, cost 15.8379, cost change 15.8379
Training step 470, accuracy 0.878788, cost 15.7869, cost change 15.7869
Training step 480, accuracy 0.878788, cost 15.7371, cost change 15.7371
Training step 490, accuracy 0.878788, cost 15.6884, cost change 15.6884
Training step 500, accuracy 0.878788, cost 15.6409, cost change 15.6409
Training step 510, accuracy 0.878788, cost 15.5944, cost change 15.5944
Training step 520, accuracy 0.878788, cost 15.549, cost change 15.549
Training step 530, accuracy 0.888889, cost 15.5045, cost change 15.5045
Training step 540, accuracy 0.888889, cost 15.4609, cost change 15.4609
Training step 550, accuracy 0.89899, cost 15.4182, cost change 15.4182
Training step 560, accuracy 0.89899, cost 15.3764, cost change 15.3764
Training step 570, accuracy 0.89899, cost 15.3354, cost change 15.3354
Training step 580, accuracy 0.89899, cost 15.2952, cost change 15.2952
Training step 590, accuracy 0.909091, cost 15.2558, cost change 15.2558
Training step 600, accuracy 0.909091, cost 15.217, cost change 15.217
Training step 610, accuracy 0.909091, cost 15.179, cost change 15.179
Training step 620, accuracy 0.909091, cost 15.1417, cost change 15.1417
Training step 630, accuracy 0.909091, cost 15.105, cost change 15.105
Training step 640, accuracy 0.909091, cost 15.0689, cost change 15.0689
Training step 650, accuracy 0.909091, cost 15.0335, cost change 15.0335
Training step 660, accuracy 0.909091, cost 14.9987, cost change 14.9987
Training step 670, accuracy 0.909091, cost 14.9644, cost change 14.9644
Training step 680, accuracy 0.909091, cost 14.9307, cost change 14.9307
Training step 690, accuracy 0.909091, cost 14.8975, cost change 14.8975

Now, it's time to see how our trained model performs on the iris dataset, so let's test our trained model against the test set:

# test the model against the test set
print("final accuracy on test set: %s" %str(,
feed_dict={input_values: test_input_values,
output_values: test_target_values}))
final accuracy on test set: 0.9

Getting 0.9 accuracy on the test set is really good and you can try to get better results by changing the number of epochs.

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