
In the Titanic data, the Cabin feature is represented by a letter, which indicates the deck, and a number, which indicates the room number. The room number increases towards the back of the boat, and this will provide some useful measure of the passenger's location. We can also get the status of the passenger from the different decks, and this will help to determine who gets on the lifeboats:

# repllacing the missing value in cabin variable "U0"
df_titanic_data['Cabin'][df_titanic_data.Cabin.isnull()] = 'U0'

# the cabin number is a sequence of of alphanumerical digits, so we are going to create some features
# from the alphabetical part of it
df_titanic_data['CabinLetter'] = df_titanic_data['Cabin'].map(lambda l: get_cabin_letter(l))
df_titanic_data['CabinLetter'] = pd.factorize(df_titanic_data['CabinLetter'])[0]

# binarizing the cabin letters features
if keep_binary:
cletters = pd.get_dummies(df_titanic_data['CabinLetter']).rename(columns=lambda x: 'CabinLetter_' + str(x))
df_titanic_data = pd.concat([df_titanic_data, cletters], axis=1)

# creating features from the numerical side of the cabin
df_titanic_data['CabinNumber'] = df_titanic_data['Cabin'].map(lambda x: get_cabin_num(x)).astype(int) + 1
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