Limitations of the MATCH clause

Some very useful and important graph-specific functions and methods are not supported in SQL Server 2017's SQL Graph:

  • Transitive closure
  • Shortest path between two nodes
  • Polymorphism
  • PageRank

A feature called transitive closure, usually present in graph databases, is not available in the SQL Graph feature of SQL Server 2017, an extension or superset of a binary relation so that whenever (a,b) and (b,c) are in the extension, (a,c) is also in the extension. This is a very useful feature that gives you all paths between two nodes or answers questions such as May I fly from Linz (Austria) to Stavanger (Norway)? or How can I reach Liverpool from Belgrade? Unfortunately, SQL Graph's MATCH clause does not support transitive closure and you need to use Transact-SQL solutions that include loops, cursors, or (inefficient) recursive common table expressions.

In Cypher (Neo4j's graph language), you can use the filter expression MATCH path = Belgrade -[*]-> Liverpool to get all paths from Belgrade to Liverpool.

A special case of transitive closure is the shortest path functionality, which is used to find the shortest path between two nodes. This is a common requirement in most of the graph database solutions, but is missing in the SQL Graph.

In Cypher, you can use the following query to get the shortest paths from Belgrade to Liverpool:
MATCH (c1:City {name: "Belgrade"}), (c2:City {name: "Liverpool"}), path = shortestpath((c1)-[:FLIGHT*]->(c2))

Polymorphism is the ability to find all nodes connected to a given node. Since SQL Graph does not support polymorphism, Microsoft recommends writing recursive queries with the UNION clause over a known set of node and edge types. However, this solution does not scale and can only be used for a small set of nodes.

PageRank gives us a measure of the importance of a node within a graph structure. It analyzes nodes that are in relation to a single node and calculates their importance or popularity. This is a complex algorithm, but answers simple questions such a What is the most searched page? or Who are the most influential Twitter users?

There are huge limitations in graph capabilities in SQL Server 2017, and without them, I cannot imagine a significant use of the SQL Graph feature in serious projects.

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