Obstacles when developing

As we saw previously, a microservice architecture has many advantages, such as splitting code into smaller isolated projects, where it becomes easier to develop or even delegate responsibility.

These advantages come at a cost, which is the build of a more complex system or application. Because of how microservices are supposed to work, an information barrier is intrinsic. A microservice responsible for a type of information should be the only one manipulating it, forcing any other service to communicate with it to have access to information.

This gives you a finer control over the information because you know the service responsible for it, and you can force service or user authentication, with authorization or even rate-access limits. But, this means that a complex application will tend to penalize the network as there will be significant inter-service messaging.

Inter-service messaging means network traffic and latency. If the services are not on the same local network, this will eventually create noticeable latency. Adding some kind of cache service to accelerate access will also add more complexity.

Although testing and development for each microservice should be easier than a monolith application, looking at the microservice test frameworks all together, and having two or more services test together, is more complicated.

Finally, avoid something called a nanoservice. This is considered an anti-pattern, and it's when you exaggerate on fine-graining your architecture and create overly  small services, complexifying your development to the extreme.

Find a good balance between the number of microservices and what each will do. Think of them as a person that will handle a specific task. Is the task too simple to have one person allocated to do just that? Shouldn't the person have a broader set of tasks from the same context?

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