
JavaScript's classes are syntactic sugar over the inheritance model. They introduced a new way of defining object-oriented inheritance that existed in JavaScript but that new developers were not used to. They also introduced a simpler way of extending and defining an object prototype:

class Rectangle {
constructor (w, h) {
this.w = w;
this.h = h;
get area () {
return this.w * this.h;
static clone(r) {
return new Rectangle(r.w, r.h);

We just created a Rectangle class, with a constructor to specify dimensions and an area method, too. We also added a static method to clone a Rectangle instance.

Unlike the previous, and still possible, prototype definition, using this syntax will force a stricter development. More specifically:

  • There's no hoisting, which means the class must be defined before usage
  • There's no prototype redefinition


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