Test your knowledge

Let's see whether you can answer the following questions correctly:

  1. After we activate a virtual environment, all the packages we install with pip are available:
    1. For all the virtual environments available in the computer or device that is running Python
    2. Only for the activated virtual environment
    3. For all the virtual environments created by the current user
  2. HTTPie is a:
    1. Command-line HTTP server written in Python that makes it easy to create a RESTful Web Server

    2. Command-line utility that allows us to run queries against an SQLite database
    3. Command-line HTTP client written in Python that makes it easy to compose and send HTTP requests
  3. Which of the following commands creates a new app named books in Django?
    1. django startapp books
    2. python django.py startapp books
    3. python manage.py startapp books
  4. In Django, a subclass of which of the following classes represents a Django application and its configuration?
    1.  django.apps.AppConfig
    2. django.application.configuration
    3. django.config.App
  5. Which of the following strings must be added to the INSTALLED_APPS string list in the settings.py file to enable Django REST framework?
    1. 'rest_framework'
    2. 'django_rest_framework'
    3. 'Django_REST_framework'

The rights answers are included in the Appendix, Solutions.

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